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1、考研英语(一)模拟试卷 22 及答案与解析一、Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 0 Regardless of their political affiliation, in all countries women must overcome a host of stumbling blocks that limit their politic

2、al careers. “Most obstacles to progress consist of 1 of various kinds, “ says the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) , a Geneva-based organization 2 139 parliaments, “including the lack of time, training, information, self-confidence, money, support, motivation, women s networks and solidarity between

3、women. “In every culture, prejudice and stereotypes 3 hard. The belief still holds 4 that women belong in the kitchen and 5 the children, not at election 6 or in the Speakers chair. The media often reinforce traditional images of women, who, upon entering politics, also bear the brunt (正 面冲击) of ver

4、bal and physical 7In impoverished (贫穷的) countries 8 by civil conflicts and deteriorating economic and social conditions, women are 9 by the tasks of managing everyday life and looking after their families.The IPU stresses the general lack of child-care facilitiesoften 10 a privileged fewthe 11 of po

5、litical parties to change the times and running of meetings and the weak backing women receive from their families. That support, which is 12 as well as financial, is 13 vital because women have internalized 14 images of themselves since the 15 of time and often suffer from low self-confidence.Anoth

6、er obstacle is the lack of financial resources, especially as election campaigns become increasingly expensive. 16 , women encounter more or less open machismo (男子汉的高傲) in the 17 of closed political circles 18 entry to the “second sex“. Lastly, they 19 the lack of solidarity between women, 20 by the

7、 fact that the number of available positions is limited.(A)deficiencies(B) deficits(C) defects(D)flaws(A)consisting(B) composing(C) comprising(D)constituting(A)persist(B) vanish(C) revive(D)die(A)sway(B) water(C) truth(D)proof(A)with(B) to(C) among(D)into(A)assemblies(B) conventions(C) associations(

8、D)rallies(A)penalties(B) attacks(C) tortures(D)abuses(A)penetrated(B) compressed(C) intensified(D)racked(A)strapped(B) bandaged(C) restrained(D)inhibited(A)allowed for(B) put in for(C) reserved for(D)compensated for(A)endeavor(B) persistence(C) stubbornness(D)reluctance(A)moral(B) mortal(C) orthodox

9、(D)sensible(A)all the same(B) at most(C) all the more(D)above all(A)negative(B) obsolete(C) undesirable(D)vice(A)commencement(B) threshold(C) dawn(D)outbreak(A)To make matters worse(B) In contrast(C) By the same token(D)To sum up(A)form(B) fashion(C) pattern(D)format(A)inspiring(B) barring(C) disapp

10、roving(D)banning(A)convict(B) justify(C) highlight(D)regret(A)deteriorated(B) solidified(C) aggravated(D)occurredPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)20 On Wednesday, incoming Financial Secretary Donald Tsang said

11、he is “committed to the principle and philosophies enshrined by his predecessor, Sir Hamish Macleod. “ Such commitments are unsurprising given that the government has in recent months consistently reiterated its policy of nonintervention.The twin policies of low taxation and free market have been bo

12、th boon and bane for the economy of the island territory. While the government is correct in crediting its policies for the recent economic surge, it has also left officials wary of being seen as meddling with the private sector. Such interference , say government critics, might well kill the goose

13、that laid the golden egg and slow economic development and trade.Since 1945, government spending in monetary terms has never exceeded 20% of Gross Domestic Product (CDP). Yet even as the specter of unemployment looms over the heads of many island residents , the government has done nothing to avert

14、the growing crisis, this is in part clue to government reluctance to upset the apple cart and interfere with the islands “market miracle“. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate continues to rocket skyward and the government seems unable or unwilling to act in the midst of a growing crisis.“Those measures

15、 currently in place are inadequate and unnecessarily complicated,“ says activist P. T. Chang,“ the unemployed in this society are already under a great deal of stress and those who do seek help from the Social Welfare Department (SWD) have to endure the complicated application procedure and the inhu

16、mane and harsh means test .As a result, activists like Chang, are calling on the government to make the invisible hand of the market just a little more visible by creating more opportunities for the unemployed, legislating against discrimination based on age or gender, and making it more difficult f

17、or employers to unjustly fire or lay off employees.Such measures face strong opposition from the islands business community who reject any government interference in the private sector. They say companies will bear the brunt of paying for these new-policies. Such policies argue business leaders, wil

18、l drive up the cost of labor and force companies to cut back on staff.“ They want to lower unemployment,“ says one executive who declined to be named, “ but these policies will have the opposite effect of driving up the unemployment. “The business community argues that higher labor costs mean compan

19、ies can afford fewer workers. However this newspaper (Washington Post) considers this argument, as well as darker suggestions that these policies will mean the inevitable slow down of economic growth, as specious. Without action soon, the government risks social instability which will have a far mor

20、e detrimental effect on the economy than enacting the new policies.21 The phrase “both boon and bane“ (Para. 2) most probably means_.(A)benefit and harm(B) expansion and extension(C) increase and decrease(D)bloom and prosperity22 The government made almost no efforts to fight unemployment because _.

21、(A)they were busy dealing with more important political issues(B) they wanted the present hard-earned economic growth to stay(C) they were making budget in which expenditure would go up(D)they were afraid to interfere in the high profit apple production23 What can be inferred from the text?(A)The go

22、vernments twin policies turn out to be a big failure.(B) The private sector looks forward to government interference.(C) It is a painful experience to apply for unemployment benefit.(D)The unemployment rate is likely to drop quite recently.24 Which of the following is NOT proposed by Chang as a way

23、of government interference?(A)Providing more positions to be filled in companies.(B) Passing a law to ban prejudice in hiring workers.(C) Making laws against firing workers.(D)Banning the practice of underpaying some aged employees.25 This newspapers attitude towards immediate government interferenc

24、e is obviously _.(A)supportive(B) indifferent(C) opposing(D)suspicious25 Every dream is a message from your unconscious self, expressed in a code which only you can understand and interpret. The images, colors, moods and terms of your dreams largely depend upon your culture, upbringing, slang and yo

25、ur own understanding of things and values. Dreaming is like looking into a mirror and seeing yourself with your own eyes.The first dreams which we have after falling asleep often revolve around the days events. We go through them, sorting out and discarding things we dont need to remember and gainin

26、g insight into those we do. Often, we are inspired with suggestions that we can use to remedy the situations that plague us by day. As we progress through the nights dreams, they may take up more fantastic qualities, offering fanciful experiences. These often pleasant images can relieve the stress o

27、f the day. But the dream we have just before the awakening often contains information the subconscious mind wants to make known to the conscious. And this information, if remembered, interpreted, and understood, can-serve as an important tool in our lives.Depending upon the content, dreams can strik

28、e us with their peculiarity, or sometimes even their alarming nature. Some dreams haunt us for years, not only because of their persistence, but also primarily because we cannot explain or understand them. Other dreams stand out with the weird mixture of images, emotions and context, which make us r

29、emember them for life. Recurring dream are quite common , and we usually have them when a certain life situation repeats, or we are facing the same problem over and over again. A recurring dream is often a sign of some emotional weakness in our nature, which causes us problems over the years.Lucid d

30、reams are rare, but they are all about peoples ability to control their dreams. In such a dream, the dreamer becomes consciously aware that she/he is dreaming and is able to use the memory and participate in dream actions and emotions. Lucid dreams are usually enhanced in a sensory and i-maginary wa

31、y, and sometimes can be accompanied by pleasant music. People can learn the techniques of controlling their dreams. Some historic manuscripts and records say that the ability to control dreams helps a person to reach a higher degree of mind development. This is what some Tibetan Buddhists and Islam

32、followers practiced for the purpose of elevation in consciousness.26 Dreams can only be understood by the dreamer because _.(A)they are always based on the dreamers deep feelings(B) they are expressed in a code only the dreamer can understand(C) they are always something related to the dreamers upbr

33、inging(D)they are always related to the dreamers personal culture27 According to the author, dreams _.(A)are always about the days events, sorting them out one by one(B) are primarily meant to relieve the stress of the day(C) are only important at the stage just before you wake up(D)move from differ

34、ent stages, each with different functions28 Why do recurring dreams occur according to the text?(A)Because of a repetition of event, problem or emotional weakness.(B) Because of a certain life situation that causes stress.(C) Because we are emotionally weak.(D)Because we can not explain them.29 The

35、word “lucid“ (Para. 4) probably refers to_.(A)highly conscious(B) understandable(C) easy to remember(D)clearly presented30 It can be concluded from the text that dreams offer us the potential to_.(A)predict the future(B) improve our conscience(C) increase our imagination(D)understand ourselves30 Peo

36、ple are no longer so naive as to believe whatever vested interests say. It is only necessary to look at smoking to learn much about the current campaign of disinformation when it comes to fossil fuels and greenhouse gases. The opposition will then occupy the same place in public perception as that r

37、eserved for the early anti-smoking lobbies.Remember that those who warned of the health dangers of smoking have been proven prescient. Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer or emphysema, not every exposure to second-hand smoke proves lethal. But the early warnings have been proven correct enough

38、that smart people no longer smoke and smoking in public now no longer has all the social acceptability.My point is simple. The analogy between the early warnings of the dangers of smoking and the early warning of the danger of global warming is apt. Both are following the same path of anger and deni

39、al from the people who benefit from lax regulations and cooperative governments.No, I dont believe everyone has to bike to work, or turn down the thermostat to 15. But I do believe it would be sheer stupidity to ignore the warnings of global warming and the dangers inherent in u-sing fossil fuel jus

40、t because a coalition of automakers and vested interests characterize worries as needless and pathetic. It only makes sense to encourage the development of fuel-efficient transportation and alternative fuels toil and gas. We can move ourselves in the direction of survival, instead of acting like the

41、 dinosaurs.Consider a few generations ago, the suggestion that the use of coal was polluting the air and presenting a health danger was greeted with hoots of derision from the coal companies, somewhat like the sounds coming out of governments dependent on oil and gas revenues and royalties. Rather t

42、han work toward replacement fuels, the coal mines and miners were just left to wither away and die. Government has a choice be part of the problem, or part of the solution. In the end, only those who are part of the solution will survive, as the coal miners discovered. 31 The author believes that th

43、ose warning about the dangers of global warming_.(A)should be paid more attention to(B) are over-hyping the situation(C) should not cooperate with the government(D)are like those warning about the dangers of smoking32 The word “prescient“ (Para. 2) most probably means_.(A)prophetic(B) relevant(C) an

44、tiquated(D)conscious33 The early warnings about smoking and those of global warming were similar because _.(A)both were successful in the end(B) both ignored the underlying problem(C) both failed to receive public support(D)both were dismissed by those with vested interests34 The author implies that

45、 the government should _.(A)be a part of the problem(B) encourage the development of alternative fuels(C) investigate the existence of dinosaur fossils(D)learn a lesson from the coal miners and react with derision35 Which of the following title is most appropriate to the text?(A)Remembering Lessons

46、Learned(B) How to Save Energy(C) In Search of Alternative Fuels(D)A Discussion of Global Warming35 Europeans and Americans alike have certain romantic notions about Sweden. We imagine it as a land of liberal-minded people living in a bastion of equalitywhich, in many ways, it is. Sweden has the seco

47、nd highest number of female parliamentarians in the world. Half its government ministers are women. Its wage gap is narrow, and females are well represented in the labor force. Both the United Nations and the World Economic Forum have rated it tops in the world for equality.But no paradise is withou

48、t its paradoxes. In Sweden, the biggest one is this: while the government has done much to improve the lives of women, it has also created a glass ceiling for them that is thicker than that in many other European countries, as well as in the United States. While state-funded child care and extremely

49、 long and cushy maternity benefits make it easy to be a working mother in Sweden, such benefits also have the effect of dampening female employment in the most lucrative and powerful jobs. In Sweden, more than 50 percent of women who work do so in the public sectormost as teachers , nurses, civil servants, home health aides or child minders, according to the OECD. Compare this to about 30 percent in the U.K. and 19.5 percent in America. “Private-sector employers are less willing to deal with the disruption


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