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1、考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 31 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Idol Worship Study the photos carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the photos briefly, 2) interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and 3) give yo

2、ur point of view. You should write 160-200 words. 2 On Supporting Parents Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) interpret its intending meaning, and 3) give your comments. 3 Greenhouse Flowers Cant Stand the Wind and Rain

3、Study the drawings carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words. You should 1) describe the drawings, interpret its meaning, and 2) point out its implications in our life. 4 Is It a Promise or a Duty? Study the cartoon carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words. You should 1) describe the messag

4、es conveyed by the cartoon, and 2) give your comments. 5 Excessive Care Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. 考研英语(写作)模拟试卷 31 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay o

5、f 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 In the pictures we could see two football fans making efforts to show their love in their own way for Beckham, a world-known football player. One of them wrote Beckhams name on the face, while the other is ready to spend 300 yua

6、n asking a hairdresser to cut his hair in Beckhams style. Needless to say, they must be crazy about Beckham for his handsome appearance and extraordinary football skills.The two pictures indicate to us that nowadays young people seem very creative in showing their support for those who they like and

7、 love. With great changes taking place in China, people have become richer and their living standard has been greatly enhanced. Therefore, many fans of football players, singers and actors will not stay home, watching TV but go to the stadium or theatre to attend a live show no matter how much they

8、would have to pay.Some people might feel that these fans have gone too far, but I would argue for them by saying that everyone has the right to choose the way to show his admiration for his heroes. We are now in a colorful and multi-cultural world, and we are all endowed with the right and freedom t

9、o express our love and hatred in our own way. How cute and lovely the two fans in the pictures look! I like them very much.【试题解析】 图中刻画了两位球迷以不同方式表达对足球明星贝克汉姆的热爱。一位是“把崇拜写在脸上”,另一位则“花 300 元做小贝头”。该图旨在反映年轻人崇拜明星的现象。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可安排如下:第一段简要描述图片内容,说明两位球迷的不同表达方式。第二段揭示图片所反映的社会现象:随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,年轻人表达对明星

10、喜爱的方式也日益多样化,争奇斗艳。第三段表明作者对此社会现象的观点:每个人都可以选择自己喜欢的表达方式,尽情释放自己对明星的喜好激情。【知识模块】 大作文写作2 【正确答案】 This picture vividly depicts the sad relationship between the father and his four children: the eldest son kicks out “the ball“ the father who is old and huddles up into a ball, and the others guard against their

11、 goals attentively.The picture illustrates in a sarcastic way the serious social problem of the youngsters ill-treating the aging and aged people. After bringing up their children, many parents grow weak physically and poor economically. However, as the society becomes more and more money-oriented,

12、instead of taking good care of their parents, many young people turn to be so self-centered that they eagerly try to avoid their responsibility of supporting their parents, regarding them as a heavy load.It is high time that people in society made efforts to put an end to the disheartening phenomeno

13、n. By kicking the ball, the young set a bad example to the next generation, which will finally prevent our valuable traditional customs of respecting the elders from passing from one generation on to the next. Therefore, once the horrible “football game“ is played, it is the grief not only of a fami

14、ly but also of the society. We should spare no efforts to ensure the well-being of the old. Only in this way can we keep our society stable and harmonious.【试题解析】 这幅图刻画了一位老父亲蜷成球的形状位于球场中间,四个儿女分守四方球门,一个个横眉怒目、严阵以待。标题中“足球赛”极具讽刺意味,揭露了儿女相互推卸责任、不尽养老义务的社会现象。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可安排如下:第一段简要描述图片内容。第二段解释图片内涵,揭示社会

15、上有些年轻人不赡养老人的不正之风,指出这和拜金主义及自私自利的思想有关。第三段指出这种社会风气危及中华传统的传承与发扬,应制止此类行为,确保老年人安度晚年【知识模块】 大作文写作3 【正确答案】 The set of pictures above vividly describes the destiny of a flower in two different conditions. When it is put in a greenhouse, which shelters it from the heavy rain, the flower has an excellent blosso

16、m. However, once it is removed out of the greenhouse, it withers with its petals falling around. It is obvious that a flower grown and kept in a greenhouse can hardly withstand the test of harsh conditions.These pictures symbolically point out that children under the full protection of their parents

17、 may have difficulty living on themselves. Spoiled by their parents, children can never have a chance to learn what hardship means, not to say to face the challenge of life on their own. No wonder when they begin to seek independence in the real world, they will soon be disappointed and disoriented.

18、Therefore, I believe the parents should change their view on family education. The role of parents should never act as a lifelong protector of their children. They should do whatever they can to help their children build up a sense of duty and independence before it is too late. For example, they ca

19、n teach them how to make decisions and how to make efforts to gain what they want. Then, the children can face up to the possible difficulty or challenge and reach achievements when they grow up.【试题解析】 这两幅图片对比鲜明。画意一目了然:温室花朵经不起风雨的考验。我们可将文章的主题定为孩子不应总在父母的庇护下,成为经不起生活磨难的温室花朵,而应及早自立。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可安排

20、如下:第一段客观描述图片,尤其注意两幅图片的不同之处。第二段揭示图片寓意,说明在父母的宠爱下,孩子往往不能独立面对挫折,无法接受残酷的社会现实,面对困难束手无策。第三段指出家长必须转变教育观念,不能永远做孩子的保护伞。只有尽早培养孩子的独立能力,才能让孩子长大成人、走向成功。【知识模块】 大作文写作4 【正确答案】 As we can see in the cartoon, a hen is promising to lay eggs which will be round in shape and contain everything an egg must have. Actually,

21、the hen symbolizes those who ridiculously promise to do what they are sup-posed to and have to do.Nowadays, we may find many businessmen tend to make some promises of their responsibilities which sound very flattering and nice to the consumers. They do so in order to win some extra favors from their

22、 consumers so as to make more profits in the business. We will, of course, be grateful if they could provide us with goods of good quality and offer us their timely service, but it should go without doubt that thats actually the obligations a businessman should be committed to. The point is many bus

23、inessmen, if not all of them, sometimes fail to keep their promises and fail to carry out their duties.“Acts speak louder than words.“ I do believe those businesses may as well pay more attention to the quality of their goods and service. After all, it is not what they seem to promise but what they

24、offer us that enables them to survive the fierce competition in the market.【试题解析】 漫画中母鸡的承诺实在是多此一举,鸡蛋本应如此,又何须承诺。右边的打油诗更具讽刺意味,揭露了一些商家对自己的产品和服务质量做出种种承诺,看似态度诚恳,实则都是其应尽的责任,根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可安排如下:第一段描述图片内容,指出母鸡的象征意义。第二段揭露有些商家擅于虚假承诺,妄图博取消费者好感。实际上他们对自己的许诺常常不予履行,纯粹是作秀。第三段以“事实胜于雄辩”奉劝这种商家脚踏实地,以质取胜为好。【知识模块】 大

25、作文写作5 【正确答案】 In the picture, two birds are flying in the sky. In the meantime, they are together carrying a cage with their claws. Inside the cage, a little bird is also flying. This picture is trying to draw our attention to the problem of parents overprotection of their children. The two birds can

26、 be exactly described as “helicopter parents“ who are always hovering over their children trying to keep them from danger.In my opinion, “helicopter parents“ would only do more harm than good to their kids. To begin with, kids would fail to grow independent under their parents strict control. Given

27、parents presence everywhere, they are robbed of the chance to take care of their matters independently, and gradually they become incapable of handling normal events themselves. Moreover, kids with excessive protection would not be able to form a realistic view about the world. Just like the bird in

28、 the cage, overprotected kids would see the world as a forever safe place in which they do not need to worry about anything at all. Sadly, this fantasy is not true and even dangerous, for they have to face the real world and rely on themselves one day.In short, in order to help children become indep

29、endent and see the real world, parents should smash the protective cage open and let their kids soar into the wild world.【试题解析】 这幅图片描绘了两只鸟抬着一个鸟笼在飞翔,鸟笼里面有一只小鸟。从标题“关 爱”可看出,该图对鸟爸和鸟妈过分保护小鸟的行为提出质疑,认为父母应放手让孩子接受锻炼。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出图片的内在含义:父母不应该过度保护孩子。第二段提出个人看法:过分关爱孩子弊大于利。其一,孩子在父母严格监管下无法学会独立处事。其二,过度保护下的孩子无法对现实世界进行正确判断,失去了应对现实世界风雨的能力。第三段提出建议:父母应该打破过度保护的牢笼。【知识模块】 大作文写作

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