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1、考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 130 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly, 2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by it, and

2、 3)give your point of view. 2 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly, 2)explain its intended meaning, and then 3)give your comments. 3 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you

3、should 1)describe the picture briefly, 2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by it, and then 3)give your point of view. 4 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of 160-200 words in which you should 1)describe the picture briefly, 2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by

4、 it, and then 3)give your comments. 考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 130 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 Out of some punitive reason, the boy in the picture is writing the sentence “In no case will I waste chalk“ repeatedly on the blackboa

5、rd. However, he is not aware that what he is doing is none other than wasting chalk.Setting aside whether such a punitive way is effective or not, we cannot avoid paying attention to the social phenomenon that ones words are not always matched by his deedspromises are becoming something cheap, for c

6、orresponding behaviors are unprepared to be born.A good intention is far away from making things true. Substantial action is needed to fulfill it. Like the boy in the picture, we are quite sure that we are not supposed to waste water, electricity and other resources. Nevertheless, are we really read

7、y to do these a-piece-of-cake things such as turning off the dripping faucet left by others or switching off the lights as we go out? Perhaps few of us may give positive answers. As a popular song goes, “Promises dont come easy“, once we have pledged to do something, please always be true in word an

8、d resolute in deed. In that way, we ourselves are to grow promising.【试题解析】 图中显示,一个男孩在黑板上用粉笔不停地写同一个句子“我再也不浪费粉笔了”。漫画通过对比反映出一些人嘴上说一套,行动上另一套的做法。根据题目要求,文章结构可以分为:首先简单交代图画内容,描述画面的基本意思;接着点明漫画的寓意,一个人可能在处理事务时心口不一,嘴上承诺的和实际行动相悖,而需加以鼓励的是实质性的行动而不是纯粹的口号;最后表明自己的观点。【知识模块】 大作文2 【正确答案】 What is in the picture? Differen

9、t people may see different things. Some people may answer that there is a vase in the picture. Others may say that there are two heads in it. Both answers are correct, and their difference comes from different view points.Many things in our life are just like the picture. When a new policy, for inst

10、ance, is introduced, there are always many people who are against it and many who are in favor of it Both opinions may have been based on facts and are thus reasonable. People take different attitudes to the same policy because their standpoints are different.Then what should we learn from this pict

11、ure? When we are assuming an opinion and making a decision, we should remember that our opinion or decision only reflects part of the story. We may be just concentrating on the vase of the picture, thus ignoring the two heads that are so apparent to other people. Therefore, when we are making decisi

12、ons, we should try to find out whether there are different viewpoints, and listen to what others may say.【试题解析】 这是一篇看图作文。图片上,白色部分是花瓶的图案,而阴影部分则是两个面对面的人头。根据写作要求,作文可以分为三个部分:首先描述图片;其次揭示相关意义,即站在不同的立场看同一件事物,就会看到不同的东西,得出不同的结论;最后提出相应的看法。【知识模块】 大作文3 【正确答案】 The picture depicts four people involved in the medi

13、cal drug industry. In the picture, the manufacturer, the distributor and the hospital(who is also the retailer)are only concerned about earning money. Therefore the patient, the one who really consumes the drugs, has to pay much to get the drugs.Many factors have contributed to the high prices of dr

14、ugs. It is true that it takes huge sums of money to develop new drugs and therefore some new drugs are costly. However, for most ordinary drugs, their high prices stem to a large extent from the greediness of the manufacturer, the distributor and the hospital(and its relevant personnel). Their pursu

15、it for high profit is the chief reason for the patient being unable to afford the drugs they need.Measures must be taken to deal with the situation. Manufacturers of new drugs should be supported by the government so that prices of new drugs can drop down. Moreover, greater efforts are needed to sup

16、ervise the different stages of the drug industry to control the prices of ordinary drugs.【试题解析】 该图片显示了四个人物形象,其中,患者面对高额的药费苦不堪言;而药厂、药商和医院因从药品销售环节当中获得了高额利润而眉开眼笑。根据题目要求,文章首先应简要介绍图片的内容,第二部分应阐明当前药品销售体系当中的严重问题,最后表达自己的看法,提出建议。【知识模块】 大作文4 【正确答案】 On an early morning, an aged couple is carrying a set of cleani

17、ng equipment, led by their grandson, heading for his school. The boy is striding cheerfully, not because he is on duty for his class that day, but because his work will be done by his grandparents, who are following their beloved grandchild wearily, exhausted with deepening frowns.This cartoon has r

18、eflected a serious social phenomenon that children nowadays tend to be increasingly dependent that they hand over their own responsibilities to their parents or much senior generation like their grandparents.The major reason for this phenomenon is that most children in China nowadays are the only ch

19、ild in the family. They have been soaked in parental love from birth, and may easily become spoiled or even over-protected. As a result, some of them are even at a loss how to make the bed after entering universities. Should they go on like this, they would find it most difficult to get themselves i

20、nvolved in an adult society later. Therefore, parents or grandparents, instead of taking things over, had better encourage the children to stand more on their own feet, that is, to grow up mentally as well as physically.【试题解析】 在本幅图片中,一个背着书包的孩子正昂首阔步走在去学校的路上,后面紧跟着背着清洁用品、弯腰驼背、一脸疲惫的两个老人。根据图片及文字标注可知,孩子要到学校值日打扫卫生,但真正将要做清洁工作的是他身后的祖父祖母。漫画通过对比,反映出一种普遍的社会现象,即“一人上学,全家受累”。根据题目要求,文章可分为三部分:首先简单交代图画内容;接着点明漫画的寓意:现在的孩子不能完全独立,很依赖家人;最后表明自己对此社会现象的看法。【知识模块】 大作文


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