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1、考研英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 1 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 科学研究不应寻求绝对的普遍真理2012 年英译汉及详解Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. In some ways, thi

2、s quest for commonalities defines science. Newtons laws of motion and Darwinian evolution each bind a host of different phenomena into a single explicatory framework.【F1】In physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everythinga single generative eq

3、uation for all we see. It is becoming less clear, however, that such a theory would be a simplification, given the dimensions and universes that it might entail. Nonetheless, unification of sorts remains a major goal.This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences

4、too.【F2】Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. Just as the bewildering variety of human courtship rituals might all be considered to be forms of

5、sexual selection, perhaps the worlds languages, music, social and religious customs and even history are governed by universal features.【F3 】To filter out what is unique from what is shared might enable us to understand how complex cultural behaviour arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cogni

6、tive terms.That, at least, is the hope. But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today supplies a reality check. Russell Gray at the University of Auckland and his colleagues consider the evolution of grammars in the light of two previous attempts to find universality in languag

7、e.The most famous of these efforts was initiated by Noam Chomsky, who suggested that humans are born with an innate language-acquisition capacity that dictates a universal grammar. A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why child

8、ren can learn it so quickly.【F4】The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality, identifying traits(particularly in word order)shared by many languages, which are considered torepresent biases that result from cognitive constraints.Gray and his colleagues have put th

9、em to the test by examining four family trees that between them represent more than 2, 000 languages.【F5】Chomskys grammar should show patterns of language change that are independent of the family tree or the pathway tracked through it, whereas Greenbergian universality predicts strong co-dependenci

10、es between particular types of word-order relations. Neither of these patterns is borne out by the analysis, suggesting that the structures of the languages are lineage-specific and not governed by universals.1 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 行为科学的建立2002 年英译汉及详解Almost all our major problems involve hu

11、man behavior, and they cannot be solved by physical and biological technology alone. What is needed is a technology of behavior, but we have been slow to develop the science from which such a technology might be drawn.【F1】One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continu

12、es to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on. Physics and biology once followed similar practices and advanced only when they discarded them.【F2】The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be di

13、rectly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. The environment is obviously important, but its role has remained obscure. It does not push or pull, it selects, and this function is difficult to discover and analyze.【F3】The role of natural selection in evolutio

14、n was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. As the interaction between organism and environment has come to be understood, however, ef

15、fects once assigned to states of mind, feelings, and traits are beginning to be traced to accessible conditions, and a technology of behavior may therefore become available. It will not solve our problems, however, until it replaces traditional prescientific views, and these are strongly entrenched.

16、 Freedom and dignity illustrate the difficulty.【F4 】They are the possessions of the autonomous(self-governing)man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. A scientific analysis shifts both

17、the responsibility and the achievement to the environment. It also raises questions concerning “values“. Who will use a technology and to what ends?【F5 】Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.6 【

18、F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 科学技术影响人类的未来生活2001 年英译汉及详解In less than 30 years time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality. Direct links between the brain s nervous system and a computer will also create full sensory virtual environments, allowing virtual vacations like those in the film Total Reca

19、ll.【F1】There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.【F2】Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation w

20、ill be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived.According to BTs futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1, 000 years), when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all ar

21、eas of life.【F3】Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in

22、medicine, including an extended life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs coming into use between now and 2040.Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer human links. “By linking directly to our nervous system, computers could pick up what we feel and, hopefully, simulate feeling too so

23、that we can start to develop full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck,“ he says.【F4】But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration: “It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead

24、to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.“Through his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no forecasts for when faster-than-light travel will be available, or when human cloning will be perfected, o

25、r when time travel will be possible. But he does expect social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example, cause problems in 2010, while the arrival of synthetic lifelike robots will mean people may not be able to distinguish between

26、 their human friends and the droids.【F5】And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder kitchen rage.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 关于宇宙起源的科学发现1998 年英译汉及详解They were, by far, the largest and most dist

27、ant objects that scientists had ever detected: a strip of enormous cosmic clouds some 15 billion light years from earth.【F1】But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 bil

28、lion years ago. That was just about the moment that the universe was born. What the researchers found was at once both amazing and expected; the US National Aeronautics and Space Administrations Cosmic Background Explorer satelliteCobehad discovered landmark evidence that the universe did in fact be

29、gin with the primeval explosion that has become known as the Big Bang(the theory that the universe originated in an explosion from a single mass of energy).【F2】The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the domi

30、nant explanation of the cosmos. According to the theory, the universe burst into being as a submicroscopic, unimaginable dense knot of pure energy that flew outward in all directions, emitting radiation as it went, condensing into particles and then into atoms of gas. Over billions of years, the gas

31、 was compressed by gravity into galaxies, stars, plants and eventually, even humans.Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies. They shouldnt have long t

32、o wait.【F3】Astrophysicists working with ground based detectors at the South Pole and balloon borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.【F4】If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of th

33、e Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory. Inflation says that very early on, the universe expanded in size by more than a trillion trillion trillion trillion fold in much less than a second, propelled by a sort of antigravity.【F5 】Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically

34、plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】20 探究科研领域的发展趋势1996 年英译汉及详解The differences in relative growth of various areas of scientific re

35、search have several causes.【F1】 Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating. Some, however, are less reasonable processes of different growth in which preconception

36、 of the form scientific theory ought to take, by persons in authority, act to alter the growth pattern of different areas. This is a new problem probably not yet unavoidable; but it is a frightening trend.【F2 】This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclus

37、ion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail. It can be predicted, however, that from time to time questions will arise which will require specific scientific answers. It is therefore generally valuable to treat

38、the scientific establishment as a resource or machine to be kept in functional order.【F3】This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.This kind of support, like all government support, requires

39、decisions about the appropriate recipients of funds. Decisions based on utility as opposed to lack of utility are straightforward. But decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult. The goal of the supporting agencies is the praisable one of supporting “good“ as oppos

40、ed to “bad“ science, but a valid determination is difficult to make. Generally, the idea of good science tends to become confused with the capacity of the field in question to generate an elegant theory.【F4】However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some

41、of the world s more fascinating and delightful aspects.【F5】New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.21 【F1】22 【F2】23 【F3】24 【F4】25 【F5】考研英语(翻译)历年真题试卷汇编 1 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the follow

42、ing text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 1 【正确答案】 物理学中,有一种方法将这种追求万物归一的冲动发挥到了极致,并且它探求一种万有理论一个包括我们能看到的一切的生成性等式。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:并列简单句和同位语。 句子主干结构是 one approach takesand seeks。破折号后面的部分进一步解释了前面说到的理论,作 theory of everything 的同位语。taketo extreme把发挥到极致,把推至极限。theo

43、ryof everything 万有理论,或者也翻译成 “适用于任何事物的理论”。generative equation 生成等式、生成方程。 2 【正确答案】 在这里,达尔文学说似乎做出了合理的解释,因为如果人类有着共同的起源,那么认为文化多样性也能追溯到更有限的起源似乎也是合理的了。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:it 作形式主语和宾语从句。 本句的主干是Darwinism seems to offer justification。在主句中,to offer justification 意为“为提供证据,为进行辩护”。在原因状语分句中,it 为形式主语,可以不被译出。to suppose

44、thatconstrained beginning 是真正的主语,that 引导的从句是宾语从句,作 suppose 的宾语。其中,be traced 为被动语态。根据汉语表达中多使用主动语态的原则,翻译时需将被动语态转换为主动语态,并增译出“人们,大家”等泛指性主语。 3 【正确答案】 从共性中滤出个性,这或许能让我们理解复杂的文化行为是如何产生的,并理解是什么从进化或认知的角度引导着它的走向。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:宾语从句和不定式作主语。 这句话的翻译关键在于对三个“what”从句和一个“how”从句的理解。本题第一个是 what 引导的宾语从句,是 filter out 的宾语

45、。第二个“what”从句是介词 from 的宾语,from 是固定搭配中的介词短语 filter out A from B。第三个“what”从句是 understand 的宾语,和 how 并列。句子主干整理出来就是:filter out A from B enables us to understand C and D。A 指的是“what is contingent and unique”:B 指的是“what is shared”;C 指的是“how complex cultural behaviour arose”:D 指的是“what guides it inevolutionar

46、y or cognitive terms”。 4 【正确答案】 由约书亚格林伯格做出的第二次努力,采用更加实证的方法研究语言的普遍性,确定了多种语言共有的特征(尤其是语序方面),这些特征被认为是代表了由认知局限导致的偏见。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:现在分词作伴随状语和非限制性定语从句。 句子主干是 the secondtakes a more empirical approach。现在分词短语identifying traitscognitive constraints 整个作 takes 的伴随状语。其中 shared by many languages 是 traits 的后置定语,

47、修饰 traits 的还有一个 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,在该定语从句中又嵌套了一个由 that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词biases。 5 【正确答案】 乔姆斯基的语法应该体现语言变化的模式,这些模式并不受语言谱系或贯穿谱系路径的影响,而格林伯格式的普遍性则预言了某些特别种类的词序关系类型之间存在极强的相互依赖关系。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:术语词汇的翻译以及并列结构。 这句话的结构比较简单,难度在于其中大量的术语和陌生的词汇。这些词汇直译即可。本句结构为:Chomskys grammar should show,whereas Greenbergianthat 引导的定语

48、从句修饰 patterns。这里的“grammar” 是指上文的“生成语法”,所以这里可以把“生成语法”直接翻译出来。codependencies 这个词需要根据上下词义加词根词缀来猜测出词义,co 是表示“共、同”的词缀,因为下文指出是两者关系,所以可以翻译为“共存性”。 6 【正确答案】 难题之一在于几乎所有的所谓行为科学都依然是从心态、情感、性格特征、人性等方面去探寻行为的根源。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:表语从句。 句子的结构是:主干结构是表语从句 one difficulty is that。almost all of what is called behav 一 ioral s

49、cience是表语从句中的主语部分,后面是简单的谓语和宾语结构。to trace behavior to 译为“继续针对研究行为”。 7 【正确答案】 行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分原因是用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他的解释方式一直难以找到。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:原因状语从句。 句子的主干结构是:主句+两个并列关系的原因状语从句。the explanatory items 译为“用以解释的要素(内容,项目)” ;other kinds of explanations 译为“其他解释方式”。 8 【正确答案】 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。【试题解析】 本句考查的重点是:介词短语结构。 句子的主干结构是两个表示时间对比的并列句:The role ofwas formulated only,and theselective role ofis only beginning to。每一个句子的主语都比较长,都是名词+介词短语结构。 9 【正确答案】 自由和尊严是传统理论定义的自主人所拥有的,是要求一个人对自己的行为负责并因其业绩而给予肯定的必不可少的前提。【试题解


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