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1、考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷 19 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 Every immigrant leads a double life. Every immigrant has a double identity and a double vision, being suspended between an old and a new home, an old and a

2、 new self.【F1】The very notion of a new home, of course, is in a sense as impossible as the notion of new parents: parents are who they are; home is what it is.Yet home, like parentage, must be legitimized through love; otherwise, it is only a fact of geography or biology.【F2】Most immigrants to Ameri

3、ca found their love of their old homes betrayed: They did not really abandon their countries; their countries abandoned them, and in America, they found the possibility of a new love, the chance to nurture new selves.Not uniformly, not without exceptions. Every generation has its Know-Nothing moveme

4、nt.【F3】Its understandable fear and hatred of alien invasion is as true today as it always was, but in spite of all this, the American attitude remains unique. Throughout history, exile has been a calamity; America turned it into a triumph and placed its immigrants in the center of a national epic.Th

5、e epic is possible because America is an idea as much as it is a country.【F4】America has nothing to do with loyalty to a dynasty and very little to do with loyalty to a particular place, but everything to do with loyalty to a set of principles. To immigrants, those principles are especially real bec

6、ause so often they were absent or violated in their native lands. It was no accident in the 60s and 70s, when alienation was in flower, that it often seemed to be “native“ Americans who felt alienated, while aliens or the children of aliens upheld the native values.“Home is where you are happy.“ Sen

7、timental, perhaps, and certainly not conventionally patriotic, but is appropriate for a country that wrote the pursuit of happiness into its founding document. That pursuit continues for the immigrant in America, and it never stops, but it comes to rest at a certain moment.【F5】The moment occurs perh

8、aps when the immigrants double life and double vision converge toward a single state of mind, when the old life, the old home fade into a certain unreality: places one merely visits, practicing the tourism of memory. It occurs when the immigrant learns his ultimate lesson: above all countries, Ameri

9、ca, if loved, returns love.1 【F1】2 【F2】3 【F3】4 【F4】5 【F5】5 At this time of year especially, weather is on everyones mindand on everyones tongue.【F1】It is the material for the conversation of board chairman and bored cleaning woman, of young and old, of the bright, the dull, the rich and the poor. As

10、 if this basic coin of conversation needed to be gilded, the average American constantly reads about the weather in his newspapers and magazines, listens to regular forecasts of it on the radio and watches while some TV prophet milks it for cuteness on the evening news.【F2】Since the weather is to ma

11、n what the waters are to fish, his preoccupation with it serves a unique purpose, constituting a social phenomenon all its own. Far from arising merely to pass the time or bridge a silence, “weathertalk,“ as it might be called, is a sort of code by which people confirm and salute the sense of commun

12、ity they discover in the face of the weathers implacable influence. Inspired by exceptional weather, otherwise immutable strangers suddenly find themselves in communion.【F3】As victims, people hate to cancel a picnic on account of rain, and yet they often cheer when the weather brings human activity

13、to an abrupt stop. Most feel that the weather indeed affects their moods. If man sees the weather differently according to his circumstance, healthy fear works at the hub of his obsession with it. Through human history, weather has altered the march of events and caused some mighty cataclysms. Every

14、 year brings fresh reminders of the weathers power over human life and events in the form of horrifying tornadoes, hurricanes and floods.No wonder, then, that mans great dream has been some day to control the weather.【F4】With computers on tap and electronic eyes in the sky, modern man has thus come

15、far in dealing with the weather, alternately his enemy and benefactor, yet mans difficulty today is not too far removed from that of his remote ancestors.For all the advances of scientific forecasting, in spite of the thousands of daily bulletins and advisories that get flashed about, the weather is

16、 still ultimately unstable and unpredictable. Mans dream of controlling it is still just thata dream. The very idea of control, in fact, raises enormous and troublesome questions.【F5】The vision of scheduled weather also raises ambiguous feelings among the worlds billions of weather fans and poses at

17、 least one irresistible question: If weather were as predictable as holidays and eclipses, what in the world would everyone talk about?6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 What is making the world so much older? There are two long-term causes and a temporary blip that will continue to show up in the fi

18、gures for the next few decades.【F1】The first of the big causes is that people everywhere are living far longer than they used to, and this trend started with the industrial revolution and has been slowly gathering pace. In 1900 average life expectancy at birth for the world as a whole was only aroun

19、d 30 years, and in rich countries under 50. The figures now are 67 and 78 respectively, and still rising. For all the talk about the coming old-age crisis, that is surely something to be grateful for-especially since older people these days also seem to remain healthy, fit and active for much longer

20、.【F2】A second, and bigger, cause of the ageing of societies is that people everywhere are having far fewer children, so the younger age groups are much too small to counterbalance the growing number of older people. This trend emerged later than the one for longer lives, first in developed countries

21、 and now in poor countries too. In the early 1970s women across the world were still, on average, having 4.3 children each. The current global average is 2.6, and in rich countries only 1.6.【F3】The UN predicts that by 2050 the global figure will have dropped to just two, so by mid-century the worlds

22、 population will begin to level out. The numbers in some developed countries have already started shrinking. Depending on your point of view, that may or may not be a good thing, but it will certainly turn the world into a different place.The temporary blip that has magnified the effects of lower fe

23、rtility and greater longevity is the baby-boom that arrived in most rich countries after the Second World War.【 F4】The timing varied slightly from place to place, but in Americawhere the effect was strongestit covered roughly the 20 years from 1945, a period when nearly 80 million Americans were bor

24、n. The first of them are now coming up to retirement. For the next 20 years those baby-boomers will be swelling the ranks of pensioners, which will lead to a rapid drop in the working population all over the rich world.As always, the averages mask considerable diversity.【F5 】Most developing countrie

25、s do not have to worry about ageingyet, in the longer term, however, the same factors as in the rich worldfewer births, longer liveswill cause poorer countries to age too.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 On the all-important question of powerthe efficacy of power, the morality of power, the des

26、irability of powerAmerican and European perspectives are diverging.【F1】Europe is turning away from power, or to put it a little differently, it is moving beyond power into a self-contained world of laws and rules and transnational negotiation and cooperation. It is entering a post-historical paradis

27、e of peace and relative prosperity, the realization of Kants “Perpetual Peace.“The United States, meanwhile, remains indulged in history, exercising power in the anarchic(无政府的)Hobbesian world where international laws and rules are unreliable and where true security and the defense and promotion of a

28、 liberal order still depend on the possession and use of military might.【F2】That is why on major strategic and international questions today, Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus: They agree on little and understand one another less and less. And this state of affairs is not transito

29、rythe product of one American election or one catastrophic event. The reasons for the transatlantic divide are deep, long in development, and likely to endure.【F3】When it comes to setting national priorities, deteirmining threats, defining challenges, and fashioning and implementing foreign and defe

30、nse policies, the United States and Europe have parted ways.Europeans are more conscious of the growing differences, perhaps because they fear them more. European intellectuals are nearly unanimous in the conviction that Americans and Europeans no longer share a common “strategic culture.“ The Europ

31、ean caricature at its most extreme depicts Americas warlike temperament the natural product of a violent society.【F4】But even those who do not make this crude link agree there are profound differences in the way the United States and Europe conduct foreign policy.The United States, they argue, resor

32、ts to force more quickly and, compared with Europe, is less patient with diplomacy. Americans generally see the world divided between good and evil, between friends and enemies, while Europeans see a more complex picture.【F5】When confronting real or potential adversaries, Americans generally favor p

33、olicies of coercion rather than persuasion, emphasizing sanctions over inducements to better behavior, the stick over the carrot. Americans tend to seek finality in international affairs: They want problems solved, threats eliminated. And, of course, Americans increasingly tend toward unilateralism

34、in international affairs. They are less inclined to act through international institutions such as the United Nations, less inclined to work cooperatively with other nations to pursue common goals, more skeptical about international law, and more willing to operate outside its strictures.16 【F1】17 【

35、F2】18 【F3】19 【F4】20 【F5】20 It was an admission of cultural defeat; but then Hong Kong is nothing if not pragmatic about such things.【F1 】On June 6th its education minister lifted restrictions that forced four-fifths of the territorys more than 500 secondary schools to teach in the “mother tongue“, i

36、.e. Cantonese, the main language of its residents. Schools may switch to English, the language of the former colonial oppressor, from next year.This reverses a decade-old policy adopted after Hong Kongs reversion to China in 1997, in an assertion of independence from both former and present sovereig

37、n powers. Emotion may have played a large role in the decision. But it made some sense. Students speak Cantonese at home, and so using it is the easiest way to impart information and promote discussion.【F2】It is also the first language of most teachers: a study done at the time concluded that school

38、s labeled “English-medium“ were actually teaching in Cantonese but using English-language textbooks.【F3】After much bureaucratic rearrangement, 20% of schools were permitted to continue teaching in English, which may have made sense to teachers and administrators, but not to ambitious parents. They k

39、now that their offspring will need English to get ahead. Those who could flee the public system for costly private schools, or for the eight semi-private schools run on the British system, did so. The rest made extraordinary efforts to enter the minority of English-language schools. They have huge w

40、aiting lists; Cantonese ones gaping holes.That helps explain the ministers change of heart, for which no reason was given.【F4】So does a survey published last year, which concluded that students from the Cantonese schools did far worse than their peers in getting into universitiesa result that would

41、horrify Hong Kongs achievement-obsessed parents. And whatever the educators think, employers from coffee bars to banks either require people to be bilingual or pay more to those who are. Private schools offering supplementary English tuition have mushroomed.【F5】Hong Kongs educational bureaucracy has

42、 devoted much thought to how English could be offered without harming other studies, and without sacrificing a generation of teachers with strong interest in a system based on their first language. The minister has skirted these difficult issues. A much debated but still undisclosed formula will all

43、ow an increasing number of subjects to be taught in English. Every step is controversial. Pragmatists want Hong Kong to drop Cantonese entirely in favor of English and Mandarin. But that may demand a level of cultural indifference which even Hong Kong cannot muster.21 【F1】22 【F2】23 【F3】24 【F4】25 【F5

44、】考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷 19 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 翻译1 【正确答案】 当然,从某种意义上来说,“新家” 和“新父母”一样,这一说法本身就是不成立的。父母就是父母,家乡就是家乡。【知识模块】 翻译2 【正确答案】 来到美国的大多数移民虽然曾热爱家乡,但家乡却背叛了他们的爱:并不是他们抛弃了家乡,而是家乡抛弃了他们;而在美国,他们却发现,对新家园也能

45、产生热爱,塑造一个全新的自我不是没有可能。【知识模块】 翻译3 【正确答案】 这种对外族入境的担心和厌恶任何时候都存在,这是可以理解的,但尽管如此,美国人的态度却是独一无二的。【知识模块】 翻译4 【正确答案】 王朝拥戴、圣地朝拜和美国都没有一丁点关系,美国人所尊崇的是一套原则。【知识模块】 翻译5 【正确答案】 也许,这一刻就是移民的双重身份和双重视野开始趋于专一心智之时,此时,他们对家乡以及家乡生活的怀念逐渐淡化,家乡已经成为某种幻影仅仅是一个旅游目的地,借此追忆往事而已。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译6 【正确答案】 天气是董事会主席和无聊的清洁女佣之间闲聊的话题,也是年轻人和老人

46、、聪明人和笨蛋、穷人和富人的谈资。【知识模块】 翻译7 【正确答案】 由于天气对于人来说就像水对鱼儿一样重要,人们对天气的痴迷产生了独特的影响,造就了一种独有的社会现象。【知识模块】 翻译8 【正确答案】 作为天气的受害者,人们讨厌因为下雨而取消一次野餐活动,然而,他们还是常常会在天气使日常活动突然停止时欢呼雀跃。【知识模块】 翻译9 【正确答案】 现代人手边有电脑,天上有电子眼,在应对天气方面已取得了长足的进步天气一会儿是人类的敌人,一会儿是恩人;但人类目前面临的困难与遥远的祖先相比却没有少到哪里去。【知识模块】 翻译10 【正确答案】 全世界几十亿天气迷对按日程排定天气的预想拿捏不定,同时

47、这一设想至少提出了一个无法回避的问题:如果天气像节日假期和日蚀、月蚀一样可以预知,那么我们还能聊点什么呢?【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译11 【正确答案】 第一个主要原因是,与以前相比,现在人们的寿命长得多,这一趋势在工业革命时期就初现端倪,之后逐渐变得越来越明显。【知识模块】 翻译12 【正确答案】 第二个原因就是世界各地新生人口数量越来越少,结果导致年轻人群数量过少,无法和不断增长的老龄人数持平。这也是造成社会老龄化更主要的原因。【知识模块】 翻译13 【正确答案】 联合国预计,到 2050 年,全球妇女的人均生育率将降至 2,因此,到本世纪中叶,世界人口总数将开始呈现平稳状态。【知

48、识模块】 翻译14 【正确答案】 婴儿潮出现的时间因地点的不同而略有差别,但在美国,始于1945 年的婴儿潮大约持续了 20 年。这一时期出生的人口数量接近 8000 万。对美国社会造成极大影响。【知识模块】 翻译15 【正确答案】 目前,大多数发展中国家还不用担心老龄化的问题然而,从更长远来看,和富国一样,日益下降的出生率和人类寿命的延长等因素同样也将使发展中国家面临老龄化问题。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译16 【正确答案】 欧洲正逐渐放弃使用权力,换言之,它正迈入一个超越权力、自成体系的世界,这一世界由法律法规治理,重视国家间的磋商及合作。【知识模块】 翻译17 【正确答案】 这就

49、是在重大国际战略问题上,美国人和欧洲人来自两个不同星球的原因。前者来自火星,后者来自金星:美欧之间几乎没有共识相互间的了解也越来越少。【知识模块】 翻译18 【正确答案】 当涉及到确定国家战略重点、判断威胁因素、判定挑战、形成并实施外交和防御政策这些问题时,美国和欧洲各行其道。【知识模块】 翻译19 【正确答案】 但即使是那些没有把这两者简单联系起来的人也认同,美欧在执行外交政策方面存在着巨大的差别。【知识模块】 翻译20 【正确答案】 面对真正或潜在的对手时,美国人通常倾向于使用高压政策而非使用外交手段进行劝说,强调制裁甚于循循善诱,采用“大棒” 政策多于“胡萝卜”政策。【知识模块】 翻译【知识模块】 翻译21 【正确答案】 6 月 6 日,香港教育部长取消了对特区内 500 多所中学中 4,5 的学校用“母语 ”进行教学的限制。 “母语”即广东话,是其居民使用的主要语言。【知识模块】 翻译22 【正确答案】 而且,广东话也是大多数教师的第一语言:当时所做的一项调查表明,很多打着“ 英语教学 ”旗号的学校其实只是使用英文课本。而在实际教学中使用的仍是广东话。【知识模块】 翻译23 【正确答案】 经过官方多次调整,20的学校被允许继续使用英语教学。尽管教师和行政官员可能会觉得这一决定合情合


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