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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 162 及答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 0 One of the most startling things about the post-crisis landscape is how tone-deaf the wealthiest Americans remain to outrage over their Croesus-like pay p

2、ackages.【F1】Silver medals should certainly be handed out to the many executives and corporate lawyers who were complaining last week about the new Dodd-Frank bill, which includes a rule requiring companies to disclose the difference in pay between their chief executive and their lowest-level workers

3、. It would be a “logistical nightmare,“ these titans of industry cried, for firms to compile this information.Well, maybe, but if you issue pay stubs, surely you can tally them up.【F2】The real nightmare will be when the public sees the numbers, which will illuminate just how huge the U. S. pay gap h

4、as become. According to the Institute for Policy Studies, a liberal think tank based in Washington, the average S all 31 studies in children showed a strong association between short sleep duration and current and future obesity. For example, a study by Susan Redline and colleagues at Case Western R

5、eserve University School of Medicine showed an inverse correlation between sleep duration and obesity in high-school-age students.【F5 】The shorter the sleep, the higher the likelihood of being overweight, with those getting six to seven hours of sleep more than two and a half times as likely to be o

6、verweight as those getting more than eight hours.We have many opportunities to avoid sleeplights, electronic devices, and other entertainment offer round-the-clock temptations. But we must recognize the importance of sleep and make it a priority to get enough. It is a lot easier to prevent weight ga

7、in, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease by getting enough sleep than it is to treat these problems once they develop.6 【F1】7 【F2】8 【F3】9 【F4】10 【F5】10 Even in the current economic gloom, bankers have been reluctant to part with one massive allowance of their jobsthe lavish bonus. Not su

8、rprisingly, this rankles everyday people greatly as they struggle to rebound from the turmoil of the past year.Given the political climate, European Union leaders on Sept. 17 vowed to take actions on what French President Nicolas Sarkozy calls “the scandal“ of bank bonuses.【F1】They agreed in Brussel

9、s to seek binding rules on the allocation of bonuses, sending a strong message to US President Barack Obama and the G-20 leaders who are meeting in Pittsburgh, Pa. , on Sept. 24 and 25 that they are serious about punishing on wasteful spending by financial institutions.At the summit, the leaders dec

10、lared that bonuses should be tied to a banks performance and that guaranteed annual payouts should be avoided.【F2】The group also demanded that the G-20 “commit to agreeing to binding rules for financial institutions on variable allowances, backed up by the threat of sanctions at the national level.

11、“The attendees themselves were even noisier. “The bonus bubble burst tonight,“ said Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, whose country holds the EU presidency. He said inaction on bonuses would be a “ provocation in Europe, especially when set against a steep rise in unemployment. “ And British

12、 Prime Minister Gordon Brown said there would be no return to the bonus structure of the past. “ I am personally appalled by some of the practices that have been going on at some institutions,“ he said. The move could put Europe in contradiction with the US.【F3 】Last week, Obama said Wall Street cou

13、ld not go back to the days of “reckless behavior and unchecked excess,“ but he has repeatedly said he is against creating strict rules on pay. Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker said on Sept. 17 that Europe should act on bonuses “whether the Americans are with us or not. “But despite all

14、the condemnations and harsh language, there was little actual bite behind the rhetoric at the EU summit. Officials failed to agree on concrete measures to limit bonuses, admitting that many of their recommendations were virtually unenforceable.【F4】Sarkozy, who has threatened to walk out of the G-20

15、meeting if there is no agreement on regulating bonuses, was also forced to abandon his initial call for a precise salary cap. By the end of the summit, he suggested that the best solution would be stricter rules on capital levelsa proposal that has already been made by the Financial Stability Board,

16、 a group of central bankers and regulators that has been tasked by the G-20 with formulating a plan to target bonuses.Nonetheless, the issue is popular with voters.【F5】And whether bonuses are the cause of the worlds economic miseries or not, the battle against them is giving EU leaders a rare common

17、 cause.11 【F1】12 【F2】13 【F3】14 【F4】15 【F5】15 Be careful what you say around a pregnant woman. As a fetus grows inside a mothers belly, it can hear sounds from the outside worldand can understand them well enough to retain memories of them after birth, according to a new research.【F1】It may seem incr

18、edible that fetuses(胎儿 )can listen to speech within the womb(子宫), but the sound-processing parts of their brain become active in the last three months of pregnancy, and sound carries fairly well through the mothers abdomen. “ If you put your hand over your mouth and speak, thats very similar to the

19、situation the fetus is in,“ says cognitive neuroscientist Eino Partanen of the University of Helsinki. “You can hear the rhythm of speech, rhythm of music, and so on. “A 1988 study suggested that newborns recognize the theme song from their mothers favorite soap opera. More recent studies have expan

20、ded on the idea of fetal learning, indicating that newborns already familiarized themselves with sounds of their parents native language;【F2】one showed that American newborns seem to perceive Swedish vowel sounds as unfamiliar, sucking on a high-tech pacifier to hear more of the new sounds. Swedish

21、infants showed the same response to English vowels.But those studies were based on babies behaviors, which can be tricky to test. Partanen and his team decided instead to outfit babies with EEG sensors to look for neural traces of memories from the womb. “Once we learn a sound, if its repeated to us

22、 often enough, we form a memory of it, which is activated when we hear the sound again,“ he explains.【F3】This memory speeds up recognition of sounds in the learners native language and can be detected as a pattern of brain waves, even in a sleeping baby.【F4】The team gave expectant women(孕妇)a recordi

23、ng to play several times a week during their last few months of pregnancy, which included a made-up word, “tatata,“ repeated many times with music. Sometimes the middle syllable was varied, with a different pitch or vowel sound. By the time the babies were born, they had heard the made-up word, on a

24、verage, more than 25,000 times. And when they were tested after birth, these infants brains recognized the word and its variations, while infants in a control group did not.【F5】Babies who had heard the recordings showed the neural signal for recognizing vowel and pitch changes in the made-up word, a

25、nd the signal was strongest for the infants whose mothers played the recording most often. “This leads us to believe that the fetus can learn much more detailed information than we previously thought,“ Partanen says, “and that the memory traces are detectable after birth. “16 【F1】17 【F2】18 【F3】19 【F

26、4】20 【F5】20 When Martin Brasier discovered what looked like fossil cells in between the cemented sand grains of an ancient beach in Western Australia, he knew he had his work cut out for him. One of the biggest challenges for geologists is deciding when a fossil is really a fossil, particularly when

27、 it comes to early life.【F1 】There are no bones to go by, and the mineralized spheres representing simple cells and sometimes fibers could easily be crystals or other irregularities in the sediment(沉淀物)itself. Whats more, Brasier, a geologist at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, has be

28、en one of the most vocal critics of many of the most ancient fossils other researchers have found.But now Brasier and David Wacey, a geologist at the University of Western Australia in Crawley, say they have discovered 3. 4-billion-year-old cells, possibly the oldest fossils ever found.【F2 】Other mi

29、croorganisms as old or older have been reported, including an extensive set of photosynthesizing(进行光合作用的)bacteria 20 kilometers away from Brasier and Waceys find, but Brasier and others have questioned the validity of those fossils. The two scientists say their chemical analyses of the minerals near

30、 the cells suggest the microorganisms depended on sulfur for fuel. Such a beach might have been lifes first breeding ground, Brasier says.The work represents “some of the best evidence for the nature of Earths earliest life,“ says Bruce Runnegar, a geologist at the University of California, Los Ange

31、les, who was not involved in the study.【F3】Brasier first suspected the ancient rock formation would be a good place to look because it so closely resembled a modern beach, indicating that the sediments had not been badly heated or distorted since they were laid down.【F4】Wacey and colleagues analyzed

32、 the rock formation that included this ancient shoreline to verify the beach was about 3.4 billion years old.The fossil cells they discovered looked promising: They were hollow, and some were clustered together in groups surrounded by what looked like a membrane. “The morphology is very cell-like,“

33、Brasier says. The cells were also patchily distributed in the sediment, just as modern bacteria tend to congregate near sources of food, the researchers report today in Nature Geo-science.【F5】Turning to chemistry, Wacey and Brasier found that the apparent cell walls contained a different element, or

34、 version of carbon from the surrounding rock. They also found tiny mineral crystals containing a different version of sulfur in and around the cellsevidence that the microorganisms were processing sulfur from the environment to extract energy.Earth at that time was nothing like it is today. Oceans w

35、ere likely a steamy 45; oxygen was lacking. So it makes sense that early life depended on sulfur-containing compounds, Brasier says. Sulfur bacteria are common today in hydrothermal vents, hot springs, and low-oxygen environments. Other researchers have argued that early bacteria were photosynthetic

36、 or used hydrogen for energy. “ In the end, it will probably turn out there were a wide variety of organisms using a wide range of metabolisms,“ says Stanford University geologist Donald Lowe.21 【F1】22 【F2】23 【F3】24 【F4】25 【F5】考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 162 答案与解析Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully

37、 and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points) 【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 人们当然应该给那些公司的总裁和律师们颁发奖章,上周他们一直在抱怨新的多德一弗兰克法案,因为这个法案中有一项规定,要求各个公司公开首席执行官和最底层工人的薪水差距。【试题解析】 本句是一个复合句,句中包含一个由 who 引导的定语从句,修饰executives and lawyers,而这个定语从句中又包含一个由 which 引导的定语从句,修饰前面的多德一弗兰克法案。本句的主句是被动语态,由于汉语多主动,翻译时应尽量转化

38、成主动形式译出。因此本句中的 Silver medals should certainly be handed out 应译为:人们当然应该给 颁发奖章。 requiring 分词结构在句中作a rule 的补语。注意 disclose 不能直译为“揭露,曝露 ”,而应该根据上下文意译为“公开”。【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 真正的噩梦则是让公众看到他们的工资数额,因为这个数额完全可以说明美国人的工资差距有多大。【试题解析】 本句是一个复合句。句中 when 引导的时间状语从句作句子的表语,而时间状语从句中又包含着一个 which 引导的定语从句,在翻译这个定语从句时要注意它与前面句子隐

39、含的关系,后面的从句是对前面为什么会成为“真正的噩梦”的解释,因此这里要加上连接词“因为”。when 也不能直译成“当的时候”,要按汉语的习惯省译。【知识模块】 阅读3 【正确答案】 尽管在过去的 50 年里,商界已经变得越来越复杂,但是很难说明企业的首席执行官们变得更加聪明了,也很难说明投资者们在评估首席执行官的工作方面更加准确了。【试题解析】 本句是一个复合句。句中 while 引导让步状语从句,译为 “尽管但是”。而 corporate 最常见的意思是“公司,企业”,在这里和 world搭配要意译成“商界”。后面的 make thecase 是一个惯用短语,意思是“提出理由,事实证明”,

40、在这里和 hard 一起译为“很难说明”。最后 judging a CEOs success,关键在于对 success 的处理,如果直译成“评估首席执行官的成功”,就不符合汉语的表达习惯,因此应意译为“评估首席执行官的工作”。【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 有很多原因可以说明这一点,首先,采用裁员模式的公司通常会把最好的工人输给竞争对手;其次,研发费用方面会受影响,而研发费用是未来企业收入以及增长潜力的保证。【试题解析】 本句是复合句,句子主体为 there be 结构。最难处理的是 ranging from the factto结构,因为 from 后面有一个同位语从句,修饰 fact

41、,如果直译成“从到”,句子太过臃肿,因此译成:“首先,其次,”。同位语从句中的 going into layoff mode 修饰前面的 companies,因此翻译时要放在companies 的前面。最后的 which is what是定语从句,修饰前面的R&Dspending,在这个定语从句中又包含一个由 what 引导的表语从句。因此在翻译时要注意处理好句子的层次关系,what 则根据句意译成“的保证”。【知识模块】 阅读5 【正确答案】 最后,美国的商业领袖们可以以此作为对话的出发点,向股东们和广大群众明确解释为什么他们需要这么多工资才能把工作做好。【试题解析】 本句属于复合句,whi

42、ch 引导的定语从句修饰前面的conversation,而在这个定语从句中又包含一个由 why 引导的宾语从句。本句的翻译难点之一在于对英语惯用语 If nothing else 的理解,这个短语的意思相当于 Last but not least,因此在翻译时直接译成“最后”。另一个难点是 itcould be the starting point 与 which 从句的顺序,如果直接译成 “这是一个对话的出发点,在这个出发点上”显得比较哆嗦,因此翻译时用“美国的商业领袖们”作主语,用一个动词把“对话的出发点”连接起来,这样就比较符合汉语的表达习惯,也比较简洁。句中的 money 如果直译成“

43、金钱”可能让人容易误会,因此直接译为“工资”。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读6 【正确答案】 全国睡眠基金会在 2005 年的一次调查中发现,美国人的平均睡眠时间为每晚 69 个小时,与 19 世纪相比,每晚减少了约两个小时;与 50 年前相比,每晚减少了一个小时;甚至与 2001 年相比,也减少了约 15 至 25 分钟。【试题解析】 本句属于复合句,包含一个由 that 引导的宾语从句。宾语从句中包含一个由 which 引导的定语从句,修饰 69 hours,而这个定语从句中的宾语是 a drop of,后面有三个并列结构:twohours,one hour 和 about 15 t

44、o 25 minutes。句中的 a drop of属于名词结构,翻译时要进行词性转换,因此译成:减少约两个小时;而英文也往往会把相同的词省略,在汉语中却必须体现出来,句子最后的one hour per night over the past 50 years,and about 15 to 25 minutes per night just since2001 都省略了动词 represents a drop of,因此在翻译时一定要补全。【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 然而,测试表明,在两周的时间里,他们的认知能力和反应时间都逐渐下降了。【试题解析】 本句是主从复合句,that 引导的

45、宾语从句作 showed 的宾语。翻译时要注意省略译法,因此本句中的 formal testing 可直接译为“测试”;而progressively 一词有很多意思,其常用的意思是“前进地,发展中地”,在这里用这个意思明显不符合上下文的意思,因此译成“逐渐地,渐次地”。【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】 这些变化会促进食欲,削弱饭后对饱食的感觉,并改变身体对糖类摄人量的反应,因此这些变化会导致体重增加,从而增加患糖尿病的风险。【试题解析】 本句比较长,但只包含一个由 that 引导的定语从句,修饰changes,而破折号后面的这个 changes 是前面 the changes的同位语,对其进

46、行补充说明。但是根据句意可以看出前后有些因果关系,因此在翻译时要把这层关系译出来,所以要在两个部分之间加上“因此”。而句中的 developing 常见的意思是“发展,开发”,而在本句中则是“患上(病)”的意思。【知识模块】 阅读9 【正确答案】 这种联系在儿童身上表现得尤其明显:所有关于儿童的 31 项研究表明,儿童的睡眠时间不足与现在或将来的肥胖症有密切联系。【试题解析】 本句结构并不复杂,冒号前的句子是简单句,冒号后的句子是对前面分句的补充说明。本句翻译的重点在于对 strong 的翻译。strong 最常见的意思是“强壮的,强健的”,在本句中第一个 strong 应根据上下文译成 “明

47、显的”,而第二个 strong 则应该根据句意译成“紧密的”。【知识模块】 阅读10 【正确答案】 睡眠时间越短,超重的可能性就越大,睡眠时间为 6 到 7 个小时的学生身体超重的可能性是那些睡眠时间超过 8 个小时的学生的 25 倍以上。【试题解析】 本句属于 the morethe more句型,因此翻译时应译为“越越”。后面的 with 结构则是伴随成分,这个结构是一个比较结构 as likelyas,逻辑主语是 those,而 those 后面的 getting six to seven hours of sleep和 getting more than eight hours 都是修

48、饰 those 的定语。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读11 【正确答案】 他们在布鲁塞尔对寻求红利分配的束缚条例达成了一致,这传递给 9 月 24、25 号在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡参加会议的美国总统巴拉克奥巴马和 20国集团的领导们一条强有力的信息,也即欧盟领导者对金融机构的挥霍性支出进行制裁的严肃态度。【试题解析】 本句为主从复合句。句子主干为 They agreed in Brussels to seek binding rulessending 现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示在进行一个动作的同时所进行的另一动作,它对上文谓语动词 agreed 起修饰作用。注意其中 who 和 that

49、引导的从句,英语中后置定语在翻译成汉语时一般要前置。句中出现的人名、地名等专有名词属于较常见的,故在平时应该掌握,不熟悉的可以采用音译。be serious about 含有“对严肃”之意,指的是态度方面,故翻译时可适当增词,转译为名词短语“对的严肃态度”。【知识模块】 阅读12 【正确答案】 该小组同时要求 20 国集团“承诺同意在多变的酬金方面对金融机构设置以国际性制裁威胁为依托的束缚条例”。【试题解析】 本句为主从复合句。句子主干为 The group also demanded that句中方式状语很长,在汉语中,通常将状语放在句子前面,因此这里需要调整语序。backed up by 字面意思为“受支持”,这里根据句意可译为 “以为依托”。【知识模块】 阅读13 【正确答案】 上周,奥巴马说到华尔街不可能回归到“鲁莽的行为和不受管束的无节制”时代,但是他重申他反对在开支上设立严格的规定。【试题解析】 本句为 but 连接的并列句,两个分句的主语都是 Obama,翻译时要注意句式上保持一致。unchecked 含有“未经调查的”之意,这里引申为“不受管束的”;excess 含有“超越”之意,这里指代“无节制”。【知识


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