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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 336 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 People with hearing impairments dont want to be treated as though they are somehow less valuable in the community. Is it normal to be a little nervous c

2、ommunicating with a deaf person for the first time? Sure. Whats important though is realizing that while these people cant hear, they definitely can communicate effectively with you if you give them a chance. Any form of communication between people is a two way street. It is very important then to

3、determine how a deaf person prefers to communicate. There are a number of options available to them such as sign language, lip reading or using text. There will be a way of making a connection. It may sometimes he difficult or awkward but the effort is well worth it.If you need to communicate regula

4、rly with a deaf person there is no doubt that significant effort is required on your part to make the connection. It is almost like needing to learn a second language. Unfortunately for the majority of people it is not something that they encounter on a regular basis, so novices to sign language and

5、 lip reading can make unintentional errors. Mostly these errors are the result of speed. For lip reading it may be a case of talking too fast so that the deaf person doesnt have the capacity to catch all of the conversation. Alternatively it is not unusual for people to talk too slowly, as though th

6、e deaf person has a comprehension disorder rather than hearing. In terms of sign language it can be just as frustrating for the deaf person who is fluent in signing to try to decipher an untrained persons attempts at sign language. Novices who learn the signs but only use them occasionally never rea

7、lly learn how to “speak“ in sign language the way someone closely tied to deaf people can. The dilemma can be compared to visiting a foreign country in which the inhabitants speak a different language. You may have spent years studying that language but when you find yourself thrust into a different

8、 culture you realize that you have learned the rules and vocabulary of the language but you have not learned how to speak it.Dealing with deaf people does not necessarily have to significantly alter the way that you get your message across. Even with hearing people verbal communication only makes up

9、 a small component of the way a message is delivered. You may need to think a little more about the best way of making a connection but it can be done. These are ordinary people you are dealing with and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, the same as anyone else.1 A deaf person_.(A)

10、is somehow less valuable in the community(B) can communicate effectively with normal people(C) should be treated as a normal person in the society(D)feels a little nervous when communicating with other people2 It may sometimes be difficult_.(A)to determine how a deaf person communicates(B) to choose

11、 the appropriate option to communicate(C) for a deaf person to communicate in sign language(D)for us to attempt to communicate with a deaf person3 The typical error made by someone who has no experience in lip reading is_.(A)talking too fast(B) talking too slowly(C) talking at a wrong speed(D)talkin

12、g at a normal speed4 Learning to “speak“ in sign language_.(A)is similar to learning to speak a foreign language(B) is easier for a deaf person than for a normal person(C) is just as frustrating for a deaf person as for a normal person(D)is effortless and pleasant for someone closely tied to deaf pe

13、ople5 The author primarily asserts in the text that_.(A)the way of communication varies with hearing people(B) deaf people should he treated with dignity and respect(C) its difficult to communicate regularly with a deaf person(D)a message is delivered mainly through verhal communication5 Never has a

14、 generation of young people spent so much money yet understood so little about how to manage it. Over the past decade, the average credit-card debt of Americans ages 18 to 24 doubled, to nearly $3,000. Among high school seniors, 4 out of 5 have never taken a personal-finance class, but nearly half h

15、ave an ATM debit card, and more than a quarter have bounced a check, according to a survey of 5,775 teens, released in April by the nonprofit JumpStart Coalition for Financial Literacy. If those trends continue, declaring bankruptcy could become as common as earning a bachelors degree.The scourge of

16、 financial illiteracy is worrisome not only for young debtors but also for their parents, many of whom are facing retirement and cant keep bailing out their kids forever. But at least one financial institution has found a way to capitalize on the problem. San Francisco-based Wells Fargo Bank has lau

17、nched an online role-playing video game aimed at teaching teens and young adults the basics of financial managementwith no strings attached, although Wells Fargo wouldnt object if users ended up opening accounts at the bank. The game can be found at stagecoachisland. com and works only on Windows ma

18、chines.The biggest challenge, says Erik Hauser of Swivel Media, who developed the game, was to find a way to engage kids attention. “Theyre used to instant messaging, instant gratification and instant pudding. We had to find an approach that wasnt dry or static. “ Players travel around a fantasy wor

19、ld, plunking down virtual cash at the mall or a car-rental agency, and earn spending money at any of the islands seven virtual ATMs by taking quizzes(after a brief tutorial)on such real-world fundamentals as credit, auto loans and online banking. Sample question: What does APR stand for? a)account p

20、ercentage rate, b)average parcel rate, c)American paper route or d)annual percentage rate. For choosing d, you net $ 15 plus a shockingly generous 10% interest each day on your virtual savings account.But no computer game alone can cure adolescent financial ignorance. Some curriculum experts wonder

21、why high schools are still teaching algebra, trigonometry and calculus but not the financial skills their students will need to survive in the real world, such as how to fill out tax forms, compare interest rates or calculate the return on an investment. “ More schools need to offer money-management

22、 classes,“ says Lewis Mandell, a finance professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo who oversaw the JumpStart research. “The curriculum has to be made relevant to their lives.6 The first paragraph is primarily intended to illustrate_.(A)the life style of young generation(B) the financi

23、al state of high school seniors(C) the survey released by a nonprofit agency(D)the serious financial illiteracy among adolescents7 Financial illiteracy of the youth is likely to lead to_.(A)the increase of young debtors(B) the declaration of bankruptcy(C) the worry of most retiring parents(D)the pro

24、sperity of a financial institution8 According to the text, Wells Fargo Bank_.(A)has heavily invested in financial education(B) is extremely interested in fostering financial literacy(C) makes the best use of young peoples financial illiteracy(D)tries to win more clients by launching an online video

25、game9 The video game developed by Erik Hauser_.(A)contributes to the elimination of financial illiteracy(B) offers a brief tutorial to those who are willing to play(C) engages kids attention by providing instant message(D)gratifies its players instantly by offering cash to them10 According to some f

26、inancial experts, adolescents_.(A)should spend less time playing computer games(B) should attend less mathematics classes at school(C) should cure their financial ignorance as soon as possible(D)should be given more opportunity to study financial skills10 One of the most important steps in developin

27、g creative abilities is recognizing and owning up to the obstacles to devising creative ideas. The foremost barrier, curiously, is experience. Although experience is often valuable, it can be a liability if in a search for creative ideas. Herman Kahn called experience “educated incapacity,“ which he

28、lps explain why many breakthrough ideas come from outsiders who arent encumbered by their experience. Kenneth Olson, founder of Digital Equipment Corp. , relied on his experience in computers when he told the World Future Societys convention in 1977: “There is no reason for any individual to have a

29、computer in their home. “ That s exactly when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were starting Apple Computer in their garage!Assumptions can be another barrier to creativity. For years the greeting card companies labored under the assumption that their competition was other greeting card companies. No do

30、ubt this affected-and constrained their creative efforts. However, the unexpected popularity of sending flowers and plants with just a telephone call(e. g. Florists Telegraph Delivery FTD)became significant competition.Judgments are another barrier. When was the last time you quickly responded to an

31、 idea with “It will never work,“ or “We tried that before,“ or “Theyll never buy it“? Think about judgments youve laughed at: “Hell fall off the end of the earth“(about Christopher Columbus), or “Theyll never replace horses“(said about automobiles), or “Birds were made to fly, not man“(said about ai

32、rplanes).What about the judgments that are now accepted as valid? What about Einsteins Theory of Relativity? Might it be superseded in the future, and could todays acceptance inhibit creativity?Unfortunately, a common barrier to creativity, the “right answer“ syndrome, is locked into peoples brains

33、shortly after they start school, with the get-the-rightanswer focus typical of our educational system. Most school systems are better at turning out automatons who can memorize and parrot the right answers they are not so expert at turning out people who can think and invent new answers. The last ma

34、jor barrier to creativity is fear of failure. Failure is actually a great contributor to creativity; its a tremendous learning tool. Although too many graduates of the right-answer school are oblivious to the value of failure, Thomas Edison was not. When a friend suggested that his attempts to devel

35、op an electric storage battery were a failure since he had tried thousands of materials without success, Edison replied: “Why, man, Ive got a lot of results! I know several thousand things that wont work. “11 The author believes that experiences_.(A)lay the foundation for productive thinking(B) impe

36、de the development of your creativity(C) greatly affect how you devise creative ideas(D)are valuable for creating breakthrough ideas12 The author cites what Kenneth Olson said in 1977 to show that_.(A)experience is adverse to innovation(B) he had rich experience in computers(C) his early experience

37、was misleading(D)unique experience is extremely valuable13 By citing the example of the greeting card companies, the author shows that _.(A)an infant industry is more competitive(B) greeting card industry steadily declined(C) wrong assumption hinders inventiveness(D)the competition was fierce in any

38、 industry14 It is implied in the text that Einsteins Theory of Relativity is_.(A)as valid as the earlier judgment about airplanes(B) as important as the discovery of the New World(C) a barrier to scientific investigation and progress(D)valid at present and may not be so in the future15 By citing wha

39、t Edison said, the author intends to show that failure_.(A)is an unavoidable barrier to creativity(B) is the surest stepping stone to success(C) derives from the “right answer“ syndrome(D)inevitably leads to discovery and progress15 People who are depressed are literally siek at heart: they have a s

40、ignificantly increased risk for cardiovascular disease, and no one knows exactly why. Now three new studies have tried to explain this, and they arrive at subtly different conclusions.The first, led hy Dr. Mary A. Whooley, studied 1,017 patients with coronary artery disease for an average of more th

41、an four years. Although the study found an association of depression with heart disease, when researchers statistically corrected for other medical conditions, disease severity and physical inactivity, the association disappeared. They concluded with a relatively straightforward explanation: depress

42、ion leads to physical inactivity, and lack of exercise increases the risk for heart disease.A second study provides a different perspective. It included more than 6,500 healthy men and women with an average age of 51. Researchers tested them for depressive symptoms and followed them for an average o

43、f more than seven years.This study, too, found that hehavioral issues like smoking and inactivity were the strongest factors in the increased risk for heart disease among people who are depressed or anxious, accounting for 65 percent of the difference in risk. But they also found that depressed peop

44、le had higher rates of hypertension and higher levels of C-reactive protein, and that these two physiological factors together accounted for ahout 19 percent of the increased risk. Mark Harrier was the lead author.While these two studies suggest that the mechanism by which depression exerts its effe

45、ct is mostly or entirely through poor health behaviors, a third study found that something else might be even more important.This paper, whose senior author was Dr. Brenda Penninx, studied 2,088 well-functioning adults ages 70 to 79. It found no difference in physical activity between those who were

46、 depressed and those who were not.But it did find that depressive symptoms were associated with an increase in visceral fat accumulationthe pot belly that is a known risk factor for cardiovascular illness. This suggests that there is a biological mechanism that links depression with physiological ch

47、anges independent of how much a person exercises. To further complicate matters, Dr. Penninx suggested that her physically healthy subjects might have a different kind of depression. “There is now quite a lot of evidence that among heart attack patients, the physical symptoms of depression are more

48、prevalent,“ she said, “which suggests that their depression is different from that seen in an otherwise healthy sample. “For now, Dr. Hamer offered what might be the last word on the complicated relationship between depression and heart disease.“Its really quite difficult to understand,“ he said.16

49、The author asserts that(A)the risk for heart disease is definitely increasing(B) there are links between depression and heart disease(C) the high risk for heart disease can hardly be explained(D)the reasons for higher risk of heart disease are obscure17 According to the first study, depression(A)is indirectly associated with heart disease(B) is especially caused by physical inactivity(C) is inevitably affected by medical conditions(D)is surely responsible for severe heart disea

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