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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 98 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 More than 200 organizations are preparing to bring their teams of robots to RoboCup 2003 next month in Padua, Italy, an event where researchers test out

2、the latest artificial intelligence techniques in games of football or rescue simulations.Event organizers said last week that 183 teams from around the world, mostly from universities, have registered for rescue simulation competitions and various leagues of football, while another 80 groups are to

3、show off robots aimed at children. The event is expecting more than 50,000 visitors. While RoboCup has its lighter side, it is one of the most prominent events in the world for both artificial-intelligence researchers and for companies such as Honda and Sony wishing to show off their latest robotics

4、 technology.In recent years, advances in robotics and computer technology have led to renewed interest in robots. Several companies have produced humanoid robots capable of walking on two legs, even up stairs or across uneven surfaces, while Sony has virtually single-handedly created a consumer-robo

5、t market with its Aibo dog, released in 1999.Robot technologies such as vision and mobility systems have also made their way into the broader world of IT. Hewlett-Packard is even testing robots that could attend meetings in place of a human, in order to cut down on business travel.Ahead of RoboCup,

6、another European university has signed up to integrate its Aibo robots into their research curriculum. RoboCups “four-legged league“ uses Aibo robots, while the “humanoid league“ pits two-legged robots such as Hondas Asimo against one another. The event says its ultimate goal is to develop a team of

7、 fully autonomous robots by the year 2050 that can win against the human world soccer champion team.1 According to the text, the purpose of RoboCup is to_.(A)create a world ruled by robots(B) eliminate the need for human athletes(C) test out artificial intelligence technology(D)for scientists to get

8、 together and have a good time2 According to the text, interest in robots has increased in recent years because of_.(A)RoboCup(B) Sonys Aibo dog(C) a rise in public awareness(D)technological advances3 Sony created a consumer-robot market by_.(A)lowering prices(B) marketing a robot dog(C) attending R

9、oboCup(D)virtue of its reputation4 One company is testing robots that could_.(A)take the place of humans at meetings(B) eliminate the need for business travel(C) win against the human world soccer champion team(D)become mans best friends5 Which of the following statements is true according to the te

10、xt?(A)Sony is the undisputed leader in the robotics industry.(B) Some universities are using Sony robots in their research programs.(C) Some people have criticized RoboCups agenda.(D)By 2050, robots will be able to beat humans at soccer.5 Humans are unique among primates for our near-total bodily ha

11、irlessness. In fact, only a handful of the 5,000 or so mammalsmostly semi-aquatic species such as whales, walruses, and hippopotamusesare not covered in dense fur.Now, a controversial new theory suggests that human hairlessness evolved as a strategy to shed lice, fleas, and other parasites that nest

12、le deep in fur. The scientists propose that pressure imposed by parasites, in combination with mans unique intelligence, allowed humans to shed fur along with its resident fleas, and lice. Though parasites also infect clothing, clothes can more easily be cleaned, or changed, to remove the problem.Th

13、e new theory might also explain the trait in the only other virtually hairless terrestrial mammal, says the study. Buck-toothed, pink, naked mole rats live in underground colonies. This not only means that the chance of parasite transmission is very high, but also means that the temperature remains

14、relatively constant. This sheltered environment may have also allowed them to lose their fur.“One of the most unusual things about humans is that we dont have fur,“ said study co-author Mark Pagel, evolutionary biologist at Reading University in England. Though humans are not literally hairless, muc

15、h of our hair has become so small and fine as to render it virtually invisible.The new theory may also explain the difference in hairiness between men and women. If having less hair leads to a reduction in parasites, then it would offer a big advantage in the race of life and might become a sexually

16、 attractive feature, said Pagel. Hair might have been retained on the head, and on the face in men, as a feature of sexual display, he said, like peacocks tails or stags antlers.Though the researchers have not yet produced data to back up their idea, they suggest it can be tested. Research should fo

17、cus on comparing amount of body hair in people living in regions of the world with low and high levels of external parasites, said Pagel, and confirming existing anecdotal evidence that parasite loads are higher on hairy parts of the body.6 According to the text, most hairless mammals_.(A)are walrus

18、es(B) are semi-aquatic(C) are covered in dense fur(D)have but a handful of fur7 The new theory discussed in the text suggests that_.(A)all mammals were originally hairless(B) human hairlessness is partially dependant on mans unique intelligence(C) humans lack the ability to shed parasites(D)humans e

19、volved from apes8 Mole rats are similar to humans in that they_.(A)are virtually hairless(B) live in underground colonies(C) have opposable thumbs(D)are able to kill parasites9 Why does the article suggest that men have facial hair?(A)In order to attract parasites.(B) In order to attract women.(C) I

20、n order to frighten predators.(D)In order to concentrate the parasite population.10 According to the text, researchers_.(A)have failed in their efforts to produce supporting data(B) lack experience in the field(C) believe that the new theory can be tested(D)have facial hair10 The first map known to

21、have named the great landmass of the Western Hemisphere “America“ has been acquired by the Library of Congress for ten million U.S. dollars. Described as “one of the greatest finds of the modern age“ after it was lost for more than two centuries, the 1507 map of the entire world included data gather

22、ed by explorer Amerigo Vespucci.The map was keptfor more than 350 yearsin the castle of Prince Johannes in Germany. Considered lost for over 250 years, it was discovered in the castle in 1901. Shortly after it was found, the map was described by Philip Phillips, the chief of the geography and map di

23、vision at the Library of Congress in the early 20th century, as “one of the great finds of the modern age.“In 1992 it was offered for sale, and the Library of Congress acquired it after making an initial down payment in June of 2001. The German state of Baden-Wuerttemburg gave permission to export t

24、he map. It was relocated to the Library of Congress in 2001, pending completion of the sale. The map will be handed over officially in the presence of representatives of the governments of the U.S. and Germany in 2004, when a gallery devoted to its display is expected to be completed. The map was pa

25、id for by the U.S. Congress and private donations.The map was designed and drawn by Martin Waldseemueller, who included data gathered by explorer Amerigo Vespucci. Vespuccis voyage of 1501 reinforced the theory of the spherical shape of the earth, and confirmed Vespuccis revolutionary concept of the

26、 New World as a separate continent, which, until then, was unknown to the Europeans. In recognition of Vespuccis discovery, Waldseemuller named the new continent “America“, after Vespuccis first name. Waldseemuller said of the great new continent in his Cosmographic Introduction that, “it is indeed

27、a fourth part of the world,“ Europe, Asia, and Africa being the other three.Of the original thousand prints, the Library of Congress now possesses the only known surviving copyseparated into 12 pages, which are arranged like a puzzle to depict the Earth in its entirety.11 The primary significance of

28、 the map is that_.(A)it is very old(B) it was lost for a very long time(C) it was the first map to have named the continent “America“(D)it was drawn by renowned mapmaker Martin Waldseeuller12 The Library of Congress acquired the map in_.(A)the early part of the 20th century(B) the middle part of the

29、 20th century(C) the latter part of the 20th century(D)the early part of the 21 st century13 An important result of Vespuccis voyage was_.(A)confirmation of a new continent(B) Vespucci s naming of “America“(C) improved relations between the U.S. and Germany(D)the discovery that the earth is round14

30、According to the article, the Library of Congress possesses_.(A)twelve prints of the map(B) an original print of the map(C) a puzzle of the entire earth(D)the original map15 What can we learn from the text?(A)Many people still deny the fact that the earth is of a spherical shape.(B) Dont doubt that

31、which you are sure about.(C) Mapmaking techniques have hardly advanced in the last few centuries.(D)Things that are thought to have been lost might someday be found.15 Video games will be forced to carry cigarette-style health warnings under proposals to protect children from unsuitable digital mate

32、rial.The report, commissioned by the Prime Minister in response to a growing moral panic about video games, will conclude that they can harm the development of childrens beliefs and value systems and desensitise them to violence. The report, written by Tanya Byron, the clinical psychologist and tele

33、vision parenting guru, is also expected to address the dangers of childrens use of the internet. She will call for a massive campaign to educate parents, teachers and childcarers about how to ensure that children get maximum benefit from the digital world without being exposed to its dangers.This wi

34、ll include a drive for greater awareness of inappropriate content such as pornography. Parents will be encouraged to monitor childrens online use and keep computers in living rooms rather than bedrooms. Dr. Byron, a Times columnist who has two children aged 9 and 12, said that video and online games

35、 could have enormous benefits “in terms of learning and development“, but that there was too little awareness among parents about the associated risks they posed and how to manage those risks. “You would not send your child to the pool without teaching them to swim, so why would you let them online

36、without teaching them to manage the risks?“ she said.Dr. Byron said that the current classification system for video games was confusing and not tough enough. At present only games showing sex or gross violence require an age rating from the British Board of Film Classification and fewer than 2 per

37、cent of titles carry an 18-certificate.The alternative Pan-European Game Information system is considered to be ineffective because it uses symbols that are confusing and distributors effectively chose their own ratings by filling in a form about their product. Dr. Byron wants a single statutory cla

38、ssification system. Ratings would have to be displayed prominently on all packaging materials, like health warnings on cigarettes, as well as on shop display cases.“We have to make child digital safety a priority. If you are under 18, you should not be able to buy an 18 game and if you are under 12,

39、 you should not be able to buy a 12 game,“ she said. She also wants all games consoles to contain blocking mechanisms that would enable parents to prevent children playing unsuitable games on them.16 The report on video games is_.(A)a response to the increasing concern(B) written by government offic

40、ials(C) an arousal of peoples sensation towards violence(D)a prelude of a massive campaign17 According to the passage, which of the following is not true about Dr. Byron?(A)Shes the mother of two children.(B) She writes for a newspaper.(C) She was commissioned to release the report.(D)She is an expe

41、rt in childcare.18 Dr. Byron mentions swimming in order to_.(A)state the importance of teaching children how to swim(B) prove children should be taught before using the Internet(C) advocate using Internet is as important a skill as swimming(D)demonstrate using Internet has potential risks as well19

42、Which of the following is not the problem of the current video game classification system?(A)It doesnt have a thorough classification method.(B) Its symbols may confuse some users.(C) Video game producer may decide its own ratings.(D)The ratings are like the health warnings on cigarettes.20 Which of

43、 the following would Dr. Byron LEAST agree on?(A)A legal classification system for video games.(B) A barrier mechanism in video games.(C) Putting computers in public areas at home.(D)Less supervision on childrens use of Internet.考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 98 答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. A

44、nswer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)【知识模块】 阅读1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 属逻辑关系题。第一段指出:“在本次活动的足球赛或救援仿真赛中,研究人员将充分检验最新的人工智能技术。”可见,这是 RoboCup 的目的。【知识模块】 阅读2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 属事实细节题。第三段开头告诉我们:“近年来,机器人技术和计算机技术的发展使人们对机器人重新发生兴趣。”【知识模块】 阅读3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属事实细节题。第三段末写道,索尼公司通过销售一种机器狗开创

45、了一个机器人消费市场。【知识模块】 阅读4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 属事实细节题。在第四段最后一句作者提到,惠普公司正在测试能代替人参加会议的机器人。【知识模块】 阅读5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属信息推断题。最后一段第一句指出:“另一所欧洲大学签约把索尼的机器狗 Aibo 纳入他们的研究课程。 ”这说明,这样做的大学已不止一所。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属事实细节题。第一段告诉我们,没有体毛的哺乳动物中大部分是半水栖动物。【知识模块】 阅读7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属事实细节题。根据第二段所说,人类脱去体毛的部分原因是因为人类独

46、有的智慧。【知识模块】 阅读8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 属逻辑关系题。文中提到,人类不长体毛,鼹鼠也全身无毛,这是二者的相似之处。【知识模块】 阅读9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属信息推断题。文章第五段指出,男人脸上保留毛发是性别展示的一个特征。据此推断,男人脸上有胡子是为了吸引异性。【知识模块】 阅读10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 属事实细节题。最后一段开头讲到,研究人员认为这项新理论可以得到验证。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读11 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 属信息推断题。根据第一段的信息,这张地图意义重大,显然是由于这是最早命名美洲大陆的地图。【知识模块】 阅读12

47、 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 属事实细节题。第三段告诉我们,2001 年国会图书馆将这张地图买下。【知识模块】 阅读13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 属事实细节题。第四段指出,韦斯普奇的航行证实了新大陆的概念。【知识模块】 阅读14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属事实细节题。最后一段讲:“最初印制了 1000 张,国会图书馆现在拥有已知唯一存世的一张。”【知识模块】 阅读15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 属信息归纳题。文章讲到这张地图失而复得,从而可以得出结论:认为失踪的事物有可能重新被发现。【知识模块】 阅读【知识模块】 阅读16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 属事实细节题。选项 B

48、 犯了偷梁换柱的错误,第二段第一句讲到这份报告是总理委托专人发布的,但并非政府官员所撰写,故错误。选项 C 犯了无中生有的错误,这份报告是为了让人们关注儿童使用网络的问题,而非选项所讲的内容,故错误。选项 D 属于无关干扰,文章并未提及报告与运动之间的关系,故错误。第二段第一句就讲到这份报告的发布是对人们对于电脑游戏日益增长的恐慌情绪的回应,故选项 A 符合题意。【知识模块】 阅读17 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 属事实细节题。选项 A 和选项 B 可在第三段第三句中找到答案,她是泰晤士报的专栏作家(选项 B),而且有两个孩子(选项 A)。选项 D 可在第二段第二句中找到,她是电视育儿专家。

49、文章提到这份报告确实是 Byron 医生所撰写,且第二段首句提到首相授权专人发布了这份报告,但是并未提及是 Byron 医生发布了这份报告,故选项 C 不合题意。【知识模块】 阅读18 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 属逻辑关系题。第三段最后一句 Byron 医生说,父母都会在孩子们下水游泳前教会他们如何游泳,这里采用的对比方式,目的就是为了说明孩子们在使用网络之前也应该得到大人的教授,故选项 B 符合题意。其他三个选项均非其真正的意图,故错误。【知识模块】 阅读19 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 属事实细节题。第四段中讲到,只有涉及性或严重暴力内容的游戏有年龄评级,而没有一个完整的评级体系,故选项 A 不符合题意。第五段中提到另一种评级方式使用了让人迷惑的标志,而且发行商可以通过填表就给自己的游戏定级,故选项 B 和 C 均不符合题意。选项 D 的内容是希望得到的结果,而非现行的状况,故符合题意。【知识模块】 阅读20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 属态度推断题。文章第四、五段都在强调一个完善的法定的游戏分级标准的重要性,故选项 A 不符合题意。文章最后一段讲到


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