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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 89 及答案与解析英译汉1 As 56 million children return to the nation s 133, 000 elementary and secondary schools, the promise of “reform“ is again in the air. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has announced $ 4 billion in Race to the Top grants to states whose proposals demonstrated, according to

2、Duncan, “ a bold commitment to education reform“ and “ creativity and innovation that is breathtaking. “ What they really show is that few subjects inspire more intellectual dishonesty and political puffery than “school reform.To be sure, some improvements have occurred in elementary schools. But wh

3、at good are they if theyre erased by high school? There s also been a modest narrowing in the high-school achievement gaps between whites, blacks, and Hispanics, although the narrowing generally stopped in the late 1980s. (Average scores have remained stable because, although blacks and Hispanics sc

4、ores have risen slightly, the size of these minority groups has also expanded. This means that their still-low scores exert a bigger drag on the average. The two effects offset each other. )2 An equally exciting area for research is to genetically alter crops to get higher yields from soils that are

5、 infertile or too acidic, toxic, or saline for varieties now in use. Vast land areas of the earth are either not utilized, or are underutilized for economically important crop production. Marketable yields have been obtained in California with a salt-tolerant research line of barly irrigated with wa

6、ter from Pacific Ocean. This genetic approach to saline crop production has been proven with barley, and is applicable to other crops. Barley grown with seawater was found satisfactory as a feed, and yields were appreciable. This development could be the shape of things to come in genetically openin

7、g a vast new, heretofore inaccessible, water resource for crop production. Few regulatory constraints would likely be leveled on this new technology. Genetically controlled plant nutrition will surely play a key role in the future of crop production.Genetic resources will continue to be utilized for

8、 improvement of the nutritional ( biological) value of food crops. Cereals still dominate the diets of most people. Progress in genetically raising the levels of protein and critically deficient amino acids in cereal grains has been singular.3 Even discussions of architectural esthetics have taken a

9、 strange turn. The Bloomberg Tower is now finished, dominating the skyline in one area of midtown Manhattan; love it or hate it, it s quite a building. “I just wish it wasn t so tall“ , someone lamented at dinner.The citizens of New York, who live in the spiritual home of the skyscraper, now fear th

10、e office tower and the high-rise. In San Francisco they build structures that are earth-quakeproof. But there s no structural steel, no reinforced foundation, that can ward off fear.It s been nearly five years since all area in the southernmost part of Manhattan was renamed Ground Zero. On September

11、 11, 2001, New York became a city of survivors; That s on a sliding scale, of course: it would be all insult to claim otherwise.4 Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in which dealers in bills, notes, and other forms of short term credit can buy and sell. T

12、he “ money market“ , is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short term credit. The need for such facilities arises in much the same way that a similar need does in connection with the distribution of any of the products of a div

13、ersified economy to their final users at the retail level. If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers , he must have active contacts with others who specialize in making or handing bulk quantities of whatever is his stock in trade. The money market is made up of speci

14、alized facilities of exactly this kind. It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial servicescommercial banks, savings institutions, investment houses, lending agencies, and even governmentsto do their job. It has little if any contact with the individuals or firm

15、s who maintain accounts with these various retailers or purchase their securities or borrow from them.5 When You Move, I Move: Increasing Synchronization among Asias EconomiesIn recent decades, trade integration within Asia has increased more than in other regions. In valued-added terms, intraregion

16、al trade grew on average by over 10 percent a year from 1990 to 2012, twice the pace seen outside of Asia. Likewise, financial integration within the region has started to catch up, although it still lags behind trade integration. Concomitantly, business cycles in A-sia have become steadily more syn

17、chronized over the past two decades, with the correlation between ASEAN economies growth rates almost reaching the very high levels seen within the Euro Area.As outlined in the IMF Asia and Pacific Departments latest Regional Economic Outlook, these facts are related. Namely, increases in trade and

18、financial integration have strengthened the propagation of growth shocks between regional partners, leading Asian economies to move more in lock-step. One driver of this synchronization of business cycles has been the increase in size and connectedness of Chinas economy. Looking ahead, we expect reg

19、ional integration agenda and a bigger China to further increase spillovers and growth co-movement across the region. Greater international cooperation, particularly regional and global financial safety nets, can help countries respond to the associated risk of more synchronized, sharper downturns, a

20、nd thereby help Asia make the most of greater regional integration.On the trade side, our study brings a novel finding: what makes two economies co-move-by propagating shocks across bordersis the intensity of their bilateral trade in value-added terms, not in gross terms. The iPhone supply chain exa

21、mple illustrates why this makes sense: although China exports the product to the US, its domestic firms add only a small fraction of the overall value added , so that gross exports vastly over-estimate the dependence of the Chinese economy on final demand from American consumers. The reverse holds f

22、or Korea or Taiwan POC, which reap sizeable value added through exports of components to China even though they dont export any iPhones to the US. Overall, the trend increase in the value-added traded between Asian economies over the past two decades has accounted for around one-quarter of the conco

23、mitant increase in business cycle synchronization across the region.Financial integration has been a more ambivalent force. Across the world, it has magnified the impact on business cycle synchronization of large global shocks like the global financial crisis, as global banks pulled funds back acros

24、s the board. But in normal times, it has lowered synchronization somewhat, possibly by facilitating international reallocation of capital when a shock hits one country. However, this has been less of a factor in Asia, where cross-border financial claims and flows have so far been comparatively small

25、.英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 89 答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 随着 5600 万儿童重返全国的 13 万 3 千所中小学,“改革” 的承诺再次引发人们的关注。美国教育部长阿内?邓肯公布了总金额达 40 亿美元的“ 力争上游(Race to the Top)”计划奖金,以鼓励那些在申请方案中展示出,用邓肯的话说,“勇敢地致力于教育改革” 并“拥有令人振奋的创造力和创新力”的各州。然而,实际上它们表明的是,比起“学校改革” 而言,更少的项目将引发更多的学术腐败和政治吹嘘。当然,小学现在已有了一些进步。但是,如果取得的进步将被高中抹杀,那么它的意义又何在呢? 白人、黑人和西班牙裔学生在高中

26、学业上的差距正缓慢缩小,尽管这种趋势在 80 年代末曾出现基本停滞。(他们的平均分基本保持稳定,原因是,虽然黑人和“ 西班牙裔” 学生的分数在缓慢上升,这些少数民族学生的数量也在扩张。这意味着,他们依旧落后的分数极大地拖了平均分的后腿。两种效应相互抵消了。)2 【正确答案】 另一个令人同样兴奋的研究领域是改变作物的基因,从而能在贫瘠、强酸、强碱或有毒性土壤中获得更高产量以满足各种需求。地球上还有广袤的土地未被开采,或是未被用来生产有重要经济价值的作物。在加利福尼亚,一项耐盐性研究基本上完全采用太平洋的海水灌溉作物,却仍取得了可观的市场效益。人们曾使用这种基因方法在盐湖附近种植大麦,同样获得了产

27、量,因此它也适用于其他作物。作为一种粮食作物,使用海水灌溉的大麦并没有什么异样,而且产量可观。这种进步是未来的趋势,通过基因改造从而利用那些巨大的、迄今为止无法使用的水资源获得产量。这项新技术几乎不会受到什么监管约束。在未来的农作物生产中,凭基因控制植物所需养分必将起到关键作用。基因资源将继续用来提高粮食作物的营养(生理)价值。谷类食品依旧占据着多数人的饮食结构。人们已经在通过基因提高谷粒中的蛋白质和人体必需氨基酸含量上取得显著成效。3 【正确答案】 甚至关于建筑美学的讨论都发生了奇怪的转变。布隆伯格塔现在已经竣工,遮住了曼哈顿中心城区一个地区的天际线。不管人们喜不喜欢,这都是一个很棒的建筑。

28、“ 我只是希望它不这么高 ”,有人在餐桌上遗憾地表示。生活在满是摩天大楼的精神家园里的纽约公民们,现在很害怕这种办公塔楼和高层建筑。在旧金山,人们建造了防震的建筑。不过,没有哪种建筑钢材和加固的地基能够让人们不再恐惧。自从曼哈顿的最南端被重新命名为“归零地带” 以来,差不多五年时光已经过去了。在 2001 年 9 月 11 日,纽约成为了幸存者的城市,当然,这是按照比例计算的。其他的说法都只会是一种侮辱。4 【正确答案】 每一个拥有独立金融系统的国家都应该有这样的市场:在这里,汇票、期票和其他形式的短期信贷可以进行买卖。“金融市场” 就是一组用钱和短期信贷进行批发交易的机构或协议。将多样化经济

29、中的产品在零售层面分配给最终用户需要许多便利设施,同样在批发层面对这类设施的需求也在快速增长。如果零售商要为他的客户提供充足的服务,他必须主动同大量制造及买卖他所要存货物品的其他商人接触。金融市场就是由这种专门的设施、组织组成的。其存在的目的是为了帮助金融服务行业金融银行、储蓄机构、投资公司、信贷中介、甚至政府的零售商们提高能力,以做好他们的工作。它与那些在不同零售商那里开立账户或购买它们的有价证券或借贷的个人或公司几乎没有什么联系。5 【正确答案】 亦步亦趋:亚洲经济体的同步性不断增强近几十年来,亚洲贸易一体化的步伐大于其他地区。以增加值计算,1990 年至2012 年,亚洲区域内贸易平均每

30、年增长 10以上,增速是亚洲之外地区的两倍。同样,该地区的金融一体化也开始赶超,但仍落后于贸易一体化。伴随而来的是,过去二十年里,亚洲地区的商业周期的同步性稳步上升,东盟各经济体增长率的关联度几乎达到了欧元区内的极高水平。正如基金组织亚太部最新一期地区经济展望所述,上述情况是相互关联的,即贸易与金融一体化的发展推动了区域伙伴之间增长冲击的传播,导致亚洲经济体的步伐愈发一致。中国经济的规模扩大和对外关联度增强是商业周期同步化的一个驱动因素。展望未来,我们预计区域一体化行动和中国的发展将进一步加强该地区的溢出效应和增长联动性。加强国际合作,尤其是区域和全球金融安全网方面的合作,有助于各国应对更同步



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