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1、英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 94 及答案与解析英译汉1 The fortunate people in the worldthe only really fortunate people in the world, in my mind, are those whose work is also their pleasure. The class is not a large one, not nearly so large as it is often represented to be; and authors are perhaps one of the most important

2、elements in its composition. They enjoy in this respect at least a real harmony of life. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their l

3、ivelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labor is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose however necessaryis a tiresome interlude, and even a holiday is almost deprivation. Whether a man writes well or ill, has much to say or little, if he cares about writing at all, he wil

4、l appreciate the pleasures of composition. To sit at ones table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a Squeezer penthat is true happiness. The complete absorption of the mind upon an agreeable occupationwhat more is there than that to

5、 desire? What does it matter what happens outside? The House of Commons may do what it likes, and so may the House of Lords. The heathen may rage furiously in every part of the globe. The bottom may be knocked clean out of the American market. Consols may fall and suffragettes may rise. Never mind,

6、for four hours, at any rate, we will withdraw ourselves from a common, ill-governed, and disorderly world, and with the key of fancy unlock that cupboard where all the good things of the infinite are put away.2 Every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected, gassed, burned

7、 and blinded in hidden laboratories on college campus and research facilities throughout the U. S. Still more animals are used to test the safety of cosmetics, household cleansers and other consumer products. These innocent primates, dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals are used against their will

8、as research subjects in experiments and procedures that would be considered sadistically cruel were they not conducted in the name of science. Researchers claim that they must be allowed unfettered access to animals for experiments in order to finds cures for human diseases, yet they refuse to addre

9、ss the serious ethical problems of torturing sentient creatures for research purposes. On top of that, over-reliance on animal experimentation has historically hindered scientific advancement and endangered human safety because results from animal research typically cannot be applied to humans. In f

10、act, scientist could save more human lives by using humane non- animal research and testing methods that are more accurate and efficient.3 Many philosophers, both Western and Eastern, agree that there are two major problems of induction. The first is the lack of certainty of conclusions drawn by mea

11、ns of induction that is inherent in inductive methods. The second is the extent to which we humans ignore the important issue of whether we are justified in believing something that is based only on inductively derived conclusions. This is art important issue both scientifically and socially. Any ju

12、ry decision, for example, is arrived at by inductive means from evidence presented by prosecutors relying on police who arrested suspects based on their own use of inductive techniques. We sometimes make irrevocable decisions, for example, putting someone to death, based on inductive reasoning( and

13、in at least 70 cases in the past decade, evidence not presented at the trial cleared people so sentenced: in some cases after they had been executed). Thus, in using induction as a method, many philosophers warn us to proceed with extreme caution.4 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of exce

14、llence. Persons then were assumed to be what we now have to calllamely, enviouslywhole persons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person s “inside“ and “outside,“ they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians wh

15、o gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive and so ugly. One of Socrates main pedagogical acts was to be ugly-and to teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really w

16、as. They may have resisted Socrates lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty. We not only split offwith the greatest facilitythe “ inside“ ( character, intellect) from the “outside“ (looks) ; but we are actually surprised when someone who is bea

17、utiful is also intelligent, talented, good.5 Frankly speaking, Adam, I created Eve to tame you. Indeed she is wiser than you because she knows less but understands more. Charm is her strength just as your strength is charm. Doubtless you are active, eager, passionate, variable, progressive and origi

18、nal but she is passive, stable, sympathetic and faithful. In other words you are like animals which use up energy, whereas she is like the plants which store up energy. Henceforth you have got to get along with her willy-nilly in sun and rain, joys and sorrows, peace and turbulence. For you the Rubi

19、con has been crossed. It is up to you now to make the situation a blessing or a curse. I would refuse to entertain any more request from you to take her back.英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编 94 答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 在我看来,世上幸运的人世上唯一真正幸运的人,是那些以工作为乐的人。这一类的人数并不多,还没有人们常说的那样多。也许,作家就是其中最重要的组成部分之一。就幸运而言,他们至少享受着生活中真正的和谐。对我而言,能使工作成

20、为乐趣,是世人值得为之奋斗的一种崇高的荣誉;而且,我毫不疑惑别人会羡慕这些幸福的人,因为他们在幻想快乐的喷涌中找到了生活,对他们来说,每小时的工作都是享受,而休息无论多么有必要是令人讨厌的插曲,甚至度假对他们而言也几乎成了一种对工作的剥夺。无论写得好坏,说得多少,只要在意,他们都可享受写作的乐趣。在一个阳光明媚的早晨,临桌而坐,整整四个小时不受任何干扰,有足够数量的雪白稿纸,还有一支“挤压式” 妙笔那才叫真正的幸福。全心全意地投入一份惬意的职业夫复何求!外面发生什么事又有何妨?下议院想干什么就干什么吧,上议院也可如此。哪怕异教徒的嚣张气焰席卷了全球每一个角落。美国市场可以彻底崩溃。证券可以下跌

21、;女权运动可以兴起。没有关系,无论如何,我们有四个小时可以躲开这世俗的、管理不善的、杂乱无章的世界,并且用想象这把钥匙,去开启藏有大干世界所有美好事物的橱柜。2 【正确答案】 在美国每年都有成千上万的动物在大学校园和研究机构秘密实验室里遭遇解剖,感染,注射,毒气,烧伤和失明。还有更多的动物被用来测试化妆品,家用清洁剂和其他消费产品的安全性。这些无辜的灵长类动物,狗啊,猫啊,老鼠啊等,有违他们的意愿被用作实验和项目的研究对象,而这些实验和项目,假如不是借用科学的名义,又是多么的扭曲和残忍。研究人员声称,为了发现治疗人类疾病的方法,他们必须被允许自由地利用动物进行实验,他们拒绝讨论为了研究目的而折

22、磨有感觉的动物这一严重的道德问题。最重要的是,过度依靠动物实验从历史上来说已经阻碍了科学的进步,威胁了人类的安全,因为从专门通过动物研究而得到的成果并不能适应人类。事实上,科学家通过使用人道的非动物研究和更准确有效的测试方法能挽救更多人的性命。3 【正确答案】 许多中西方的哲学家都认为归纳主要存在两个问题。第一,通过归纳法得出的结论具有不确定性,这是归纳法内在的问题。第二,对于基于归纳导出的结论我们是否能公正地去相信是很重要的,但我们对这一事情忽视的程度有多少?在科学和社会中,这是一个艺术的问题。例如,陪审团的任何决定都是归纳检察官提供的证据得出的,而这些证据又依靠根据自己的归纳法抓获嫌犯的警

23、察。例如,有时我们基于归纳论证做出无法挽回的决定,如判某人死刑(过去 10 年中,没能在审判中呈现的证据证明了至少有 70 个案子中犯人是清白的:这些案子中,有的人已被处决。)因此,许多哲学家警告,在使用归纳法时,我们一定要极度谨慎。4 【正确答案】 对于古希腊人来说,美丽是一种美德:一种出色表现。这样的人在今天会理所当然而又无不受嫉妒地被人们称为“完整” 的人。即使古希腊人真的曾经将一个个体的“ 内在”与“外在”区分开来,他们依然会期望这个个体的内在美能够与他其他方面的美相匹配。当那些出身良好的年轻雅典人聚集在苏格拉底周围时,他们发现了一个非常矛盾的事实:他们的英雄是如此睿智,如此英勇,如此

24、高贵,如此有诱惑力而且,如此其貌不扬。苏格拉底用自己的丑陋给他的那些天真无邪的,无疑也是非常俊美的信徒们上的最重要的一节课就是:生活中充满了矛盾。他们也许听不进去导师的教诲。但是我们不会。几千年以后的今天,我们变得更加小心翼翼地对待美丽之销魂。我们不但轻而易举地把二者“内在”( 品质,智慧)与“外在”(外表 )分割开,实际上,当我们看到一个人既漂亮同时又聪明、有才干、善良的时候,我们会感到很惊讶。5 【正确答案】 老实讲,亚当,我创造夏娃的目的就是要驯服你。她确实比你更有智慧,因为她知道的少,但明白的多。同你一样,魅力是她的力量之所在。毫无疑问,你是主动的,充满渴望和热情,变化不定,勇往直前,有创造性,而她却是被动的,稳定的,具有同情心,忠贞不二。换句话说,你就像是动物,消耗你的能量,而她则像植物,储存能量。因此,不管你是否愿意,不论晴雨,不分悲欢,不管和平还是动荡,你都应与她一起生活。对你来讲,事已定局。这究竟会是福还是祸,决定权在你。如果你请求我将她收回,我肯定不会答应。


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