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1、2003 年在职申硕(同等学力)英语真题试卷(无答案)Section ADirections: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square

2、brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1 The very sight of the imposing buildings assured these tourists of the significant changes in this city.(A)instinctive(B) impressive(C) institutional(D)imaginary2 The accepted criteria of adequate diet have been challenged by new discoveries in nutriti

3、on.(A)formations(B) components(C) standards(D)ingredients3 Senior citizens are advised to go in for some creative activities to keep themselves mentally young.(A)search for(B) invest in(C) engage in(D)work out4 Presumably, excessive consumption of fried foods has serious consequences as has been pro

4、ved.(A)Theoretically(B) Practically(C) Incredibly(D)Probably5 The sitting-room feels comfortable with the fireplace shedding warm and faint light.(A)giving off(B) calling off(C) shaking off(D)putting off6 The nasty language of local officials makes them seem very ignorant and rude.(A)artificial(B) i

5、ndecent(C) humorous(D)lively7 We shouldnt treat children as peers or friends, but guide them in making their choices, even if it means with some discipline.(A)persuasion(B) punishment(C) rewards(D)criticism8 Silk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adverse

6、ly affected by sunlight.(A)soft(B) sheer(C) fragile(D)refined9 It is anticipated that this contract will substantially increase sales over the next three years.(A)apparently(B) slightly(C) considerably(D)steadily10 The new government embarked upon a program of radical economic reform.(A)initiated(B)

7、 produced(C) adopted(D)implemented11 In the accident three men were trapped in a submerged vehicle, and their only hope was another man whose legs were broken.(A)wrecked(B) burnt(C) overturned(D)sunk12 Nearly eleven thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.(A)criticiz

8、ing(B) neglecting(C) blaming(D)disclosing13 There are some things in the class the teachers will not put up with.(A)tolerate(B) contribute(C) resist(D)prohibit14 Despite the dangers and difficulties in fighting with the terrorists, the soldiers were resolute.(A)defensive(B) aggressive(C) stubborn(D)

9、firm15 Born in 1932, he retired as a foreign correspondent for the Polish Press Agency in 1981, by which time his three books had started to come out.(A)be subscribed(B) be published(C) be popular(D)be writtenSection BDirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence

10、there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your rnachine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.16 Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutely no purpose _ to pass time.(A)rather than(B)

11、other than(C) as well(D)except for17 Those who _ womens liberation movement continue to hope, and work, for a change.(A)consist in(B) believe in(C) indulge in(D)result in18 Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet _(A)entrance(B) admission(C) access(D)entry19 How

12、 strange it is that the habit he developed in his childhood still _ him.(A)takes to(B) clings to(C) attends to(D)adds to20 The three disrespectful sons began to feel worried about the ultimate _ of the familys property.(A)proposal(B) disposal(C) removal(D)salvation21 Chemists, physicists and mathema

13、ticians are _ known as scientists.(A)collectively(B) alternatively(C) cognitively(D)exclusively22 The national government is to make every effort to _ the will of the people.(A)execute(B) exceed(C) excite(D)exhaust23 There are often discouraging predictions that have not been _ by actual events.(A)v

14、erified(B) utilized(C) mobilized(D)modified24 Tom was _ of a crime he didnt commit. He fought for many years to clear his name.(A)convicted(B) convinced(C) conceived(D)condemned25 Actor Pierce Brosnan may play the deadly super spy in the movies, but in real life he is a _ father and a loving husband

15、.(A)devastated(B) deserved(C) desperate(D)devoted26 The years of practice, of developing my special technique, are just about to _(A)turn up(B) figure out(C) pay off(D)clear away27 Like most foreigners, I ask a lot of questions, some of which are insultingly silly. But everyone I _ has answered thos

16、e questions with patience and honesty.(A)come across(B) come by(C) come over(D)come into28 Now when talking about economic reform I am very _ aware of the shadow hanging over most African countries debt.(A)well(B) far(C) much(D)greatly29 This procedure describes how suggestions for improvements to t

17、he systems are(A)celebrated(B) proceeded(C) generated(D)established30 “Since we are exchanging _, I too have a secret to reveal,“ said Mary.(A)transferences(B) transactions(C) confidences(D)promises一、Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 qu

18、estions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.31 Andrea had never seen an old lady hitchhiking (搭车) before. However,

19、the weather and the coming darkness made her feel sorry for the lady. The old lady had some difficulty climbing in through the ear door, and pushed her big brown canvas shopping bag down onto the floor under her feet. She said to Andrea, in a voice that was almost a whisper, “Thank you dearie -Im ju

20、st going to Brkcdburne.“Something in the way the lady spoke, and the way she never turned her head, made Andrea uneasy about this strange hitchhiker. She didnt know why, but she felt instinctively that there was something wrong, something odd, and something dangerous. But how could an old lady be da

21、ngerous? It was absurd.Careful not to turn her head, Andrea looked sideways at her passenger. She studied the hat, the dirty collar of the dress, the shapeless body, the arms with their thick black hairs.Thick black hairs?Hairy arms? Andreas blood froze.This wasnt a woman. It was a man.At first, she

22、 didnt know what to do. Then suddenly, an idea came into her racing, terrified brain. Swinging the wheel suddenly, she threw the car into a skid (刹车), and brought it to a halt.“My God!“ she shouted. “A child! Did you see the child? I think I hit her!“The “old lady“ was clearly shaken by the sudden s

23、kid, “I didnt see anything dearie,“ she said. “I dont think you hit anything.“Im sure it was a child!“ insisted Andrea. “Could you just get out and have a look? Just see if theres anything on the road?“ She held her breath. Would her plan work?It did. The passenger slowly climbed out to investigate.

24、 As soon as she was out of the vehicle, Andrea gunned the engine and accelerated madly away, and soon she had put a good three miles between herself and the awful hitchhiker.It was only then that she thought about the bag lying on the floor in front of her. Maybe the bag would provide some informati

25、on about the real identity about the man. Pulling into the side of the road, Andrea opened the heavy bag curiously.It contained only one item-a small hand axe, with a razor-sharp blade. The axe and the inside of the bag were covered with the dark red stains of dried blood.Andrea began to scream.31 A

26、ndrea allowed the hitchhiker to take a ride in her car, mainly because _(A)the hitchhiker was an old woman(B) she was curious about the old lady(C) the lady had a heavy bag(D)she knew the old lady32 What made Andrea afraid when she looked at the old lady?(A)She had a shapeless body.(B) She had a har

27、sh voice.(C) She wore a dirty dress.(D)She had hairy arms.33 Andrea suddenly stopped the car because _(A)she thought she had hit a child on the road(B) she skidded on some ice on the road(C) she wanted to trick the passenger into getting out(D)she couldnt concentrate and nearly had a crash34 Andrea

28、looked in the passengers bag to _(A)examine what was in it(B) find out where the passenger lived(C) use the passengers tools(D)find out who the passenger was35 Andrea screamed because(A)she saw the hitchhiker come back(B) she realized she could have been killed(C) she was scared at seeing blood(D)sh

29、e cut herself by the blade36 Desperately short of living space and dangerously prone to flooding, the Netherlands plans to start building homes, businesses and even roads on water.With nearly a third of the country already covered by water and half of its land mass below sea level and constantly und

30、er threat from rising waters, the authorities believe that floating communities may well be the future.Six prototype wooden and aluminum floating houses are already attached to something off Amsterdam, and at least a further 100 are planned on the same estate, called Ijburg“Everybody asks why didnt

31、we do this kind of thing before,“ said Gijsbert Van der Woerdt, director of the firm responsible for promoting the concept. “After Bangladesh were the most densely populated country in the world. Building space is scarce and government studies show that well need to double the space available to us

32、in the coming years to meet all our needs.“Before being placed on the water and moved into position by tugboats (拖船), the houses are built on land atop concrete flat-bottomed boats, which encase giant lumps of polystyrene (聚苯乙烯 ) reinforced with steel. The flat-bottomed boats are said to be unsinkab

33、le and are anchored by underwater cables. The floating roads apply the same technology.The concept is proving popular with the Dutch. “The waiting list for such homes, which will cost between euros 200,000-500,000 to buy, runs to 5,000 names,“ claims Van der Woerdt.With much of the country given ove

34、r to market gardening and the intensive cultivation of flowers, planners have also come up with designs for floating greenhouses designed so that the water beneath them irrigates the plants and controls the temperature inside.A pilot project, covering 50 hectares of flooded land near Amsterdams Schi

35、phol airport, is planned for 2005.The opportunities for innovative developers look promising. “We have 10 projects in the pipeline- floating villages and cities complete with offices, shops and restaurants,“ Van der Woerdt said.36 The Netherlands plans to start building floating communities on water

36、 because _(A)most parts of the country are covered by water(B) the country is constantly threatened by floods(C) it will promote the cultivation of flowers(D)people think it better to live on water37 By citing “Everyone asks why didnt we do this kind of thing before“, the author wants to tell us tha

37、t(A)building floating communities is a very good idea(B) the director of the firm didnt want to answer the question(C) the Netherlands should follow the example of Bangladesh(D)people are not satisfied with the governments work38 The floating houses will be(A)reinforced with steel(B) made of concret

38、e(C) constructed in water(D)built on boats39 According to the author, the floating communities on water(A)can promote market gardening(B) are beyond the reach of most Dutch people(C) will increase the cost of gardening(D)will be very popular by the year of 200540 “10 projects in the pipeline“ in the

39、 last paragraph means _(A)10 pipelines to provide gas(B) 10 companies to lay the pipelines(C) 10 floating houses to be built on water(D)10 building projects planned and started41 My new home was a long way from the centre of London but it was becoming essential to find a job, so finally I spent a wh

40、ole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the tube. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldnt drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations.

41、The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T. S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I would be a tube guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis. Obviously I would be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in retu

42、rn for a steady income and travel privileges those being particularly welcome to someone living a long way from the city centre.The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test, I must have done all right because after half an hours wait I was sent into anot

43、her room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The examiner sat at a desk. You were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more succe

44、ssful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?“ “Why did you leave your job before that?“ “And the one before that?“ I cant recall my answers, except that they

45、 were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You have failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.

46、“Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that work was easy. Actually, such jobs-being a postman is another one I still desire-demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short

47、of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.41 The writer applied for the job because _(A)he could no longer afford to live without one(B) he wanted to work in the centre of London(C) he had received suitable training(D)he was not interested in any other available job42 The writer thought h

48、e was overqualified for the job because(A)he had written many poems(B) he often traveled underground(C) he had worked in an insurance company(D)he could deal with difficult situations43 The length of his interview meant that _(A)he had not done well in the intelligence test(B) he was not going to be

49、 offered the job(C) he had little work experience to talk about(D)he did not like the examiner44 What was the writers opinion of the psychologist?(A)He was inefficient at his job.(B) He was unsympathetic.(C) He was unhappy with his job.(D)He was very aggressive.45 What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?(A)How difficult it can be to get a job.(B) How unpleasant ordinary jobs can be.(C) How badly he did in the interview.(D)How unsu

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