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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 295(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What had the woman been trying to do earlier?(A)Prepare a test.(B) Sell her car.(C) Find the cabin.(D)Contact the man.3 Who are at the cabin when the man calls?(A)The mans parents.(B) The man and the woman.(C) The

4、man and his parents.(D)The woman and the mans parents.4 Why does the woman tell the man not to worry?(A)She can drive herself.(B) She likes the mans parents.(C) The man can take her back on Monday.(D)The man neednt tell her everything.5 Which topping is NOT mentioned?(A)Bacon.(B) Onions.(C) Tomatoes

5、.(D)Green peppers.6 What does the woman prefer to drink?(A)Cola.(B) Grape soda.(C) Apple juice.(D)Orange soda.7 At what time does this conversation take place?(A)4: 45.(B) 5: 15.(C) 0.229167(D)0.2395838 What can be learned about Miss Browns first book?(A)It was about a little animal.(B) It took her

6、8 years to write.(C) It was adapted from a fairy tale.(D)It was about a little girl and her pet.9 Why does Miss Brown consider her so lucky?(A)She knows how to write best-selling novels.(B) She can make a living by doing what she likes.(C) She can earn a lot of money by writing for. adults.(D)She is

7、 able to win enough support from publishers.10 What dictates Miss Browns writing?(A)Her boss.(B) Her ideas.(C) The publishers.(D)Her life experiences.11 Where did Miss Brown get the character names for her new book?(A)From nowhere.(B) From her dreams.(C) From others books.(D)From herself and others.

8、SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 What is told about India?(A)Indians like hot weather.(B) Indians did not like planting trees.(C) Extreme heat killed many people.(D)There are

9、frequent floods and, storms.13 What will heat wave lead to?(A)Great stress on the body.(B) Extreme pain to the old.(C) Forest fire.(D)Strange diseases.14 Which of the following is NOT the measure to tackle extreme heat?(A)Staying out of sun.(B) Drinking lots of cool water.(C) Wearing light colored l

10、oose clothing.(D)Paying attention to the dangerous signs in public.15 How old was the shoe?(A)400 years old.(B) 600-700 years old.(C) 1000 years old.(D)5500 years old.16 Why did the shoe remain in good condition?(A)The cave was cool and dry.(B) The speaker did not mention this.(C) The ancient people

11、 sealed the shoe.(D)The ancient people used a certain material.17 What was the shoe made of?(A)Buffalo hide.(B) Cowhide.(C) Pigskin.(D)Sheepskin.18 What is the main purpose of Browns remarks?(A)Introducing the lecturer.(B) Giving a lecture on music.(C) Welcoming the audience.(D)Addressing on culture

12、 events.19 Why does Brown feel pleased?(A)There is a concert soon.(B) The city art presentation starts.(C) The school invites a famous pianist.(D)There are large crowds of audience.20 When did the pianist begin to play his own composition?(A)At the age of 5.(B) At the age of 10.(C) At the age of 15.

13、(D)At the age of 25.21 What will the pianist mainly do?(A)Give a talk.(B) Play the piano.(C) Tour the world.(D)Hold a concert.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 What is the news

14、 mainly about?(A)The palestine militia were killed.(B) Lebanese airspace was violated.(C) Israeli Army increased patrols along the border.(D)Spanish government increased troops in Israel.23 What is the cause of the extreme weather in the country?(A)the strong wind.(B) Global warming.(C) Industrial p

15、ollution.(D)Environmental damage.24 What is the cause of the present disaster in Pakistan?(A)Floods.(B) Tsunami.(C) Landslides.(D)Torrential monsoon rains.25 How many people were said to be injured at least?(A)342.(B) 900.(C) 1242(D)1 million.26 What is the fopic of the bill in the US Senate?(A)Prot

16、ection of Environment.(B) Policies to European countries.(C) Agenda on helping poor countries.(D)Reduction of greenhouse gas emission.27 How many meetings are mentioned in the news?(A)1.(B) 2.(C) 3(D)428 What is the topic of the news?(A)Research of Philip James.(B) Social problems in China.(C) Obesi

17、ty in China.(D)World economy.29 According to Philip James, which statement is INCORRECT?(A)China should build more railways.(B) Western food worsens obesity in China.(C) Economy has correlation with peoples living standard.(D)The main cause of obesity is the increasing use of vehicles.二、PART III CLO

18、ZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 29 A new study of the brain is helping scientists better understand how humans process language. One of the patients i

19、s a woman with epilepsy(羊癫风). Doctors are【 C1】_Denise Harris to see if she is a good【C2 】_for an operation that could stop her seizures. They are monitoring her through wire electrodes【C3】_in her brain.But【 C4】 _she is in the hospital, she is also helping scientists understand【C5】_the brain works wi

20、th language. The study【C6 】_a part of the frontal lobe called Brocas area. The electrode implants have shown that the area very quickly【C7】_three different language functions. Eric Halgren, one of the main investigators, says they found different【C8】_doing, at different times, different processes al

21、l【C9】_a centimeter. The first function deals with【C10 】_a word. The second deals with understanding the words meaning within a sentence.【C11】_the third lets us speak the word.Ned Sahin, a researcher, says scientists【C12】_for some time that traditional explanations for how parts of the brain work nee

22、d to be【C13】_. One such belief is that there is a【C14 】_of language tasks between two very different parts of the brain. One is Brocas area【C15 】_the front. The other is Wernickes area【C16】_back in the brain. The belief is that Brocas area is【C17】_speaking and that Wernickes area is responsible for

23、comprehending.【C18 】_the new study shows that Brocas area is【C19】_both speaking and comprehension. He says this shows how parts of the brain【C20 】_more than one task.30 【C1 】(A)detaching(B) dictating(C) modeling(D)monitoring31 【C2 】(A)candidate(B) opponent(C) person(D)representative32 【C3 】(A)embodi

24、ed(B) enriched(C) implanted(D)included33 【C4 】(A)as soon as(B) then(C) whereas(D)while34 【C5 】(A)/(B) and(C) how(D)when35 【C6 】(A)centers on(B) deals with(C) searches for(D)stems from36 【C7 】(A)processes(B) provides(C) proclaims(D)probes37 【C8 】(A)districts(B) neighborhoods(C) places(D)regions38 【C9

25、 】(A)about(B) on(C) underneath(D)within39 【C10 】(A)recognizing(B) marking(C) acknowledging(D)discriminating40 【C11 】(A)And(B) By contrast(C) However(D)Then41 【C12 】(A)have known(B) knew(C) know(D)will know42 【C13 】(A)changed(B) challenged(C) revised(D)rewritten43 【C14 】(A)difference(B) postpone(C) s

26、eparation(D)temptation44 【C15 】(A)at(B) in(C) on(D)within45 【C16 】(A)far(B) further(C) more(D)much46 【C17 】(A)capable of(B) composed of(C) inclined to(D)responsible for47 【C18 】(A)After all(B) But(C) On the other hand(D)Therefore48 【C19 】(A)carrying out(B) confronted with(C) good at(D)involved in49

27、【C20 】(A)fail(B) find(C) perform(D)provide三、PART IV GRAMMAR she_19 next year.(A)will be(B) is to be(C) is going to be(D)should be61 A woman has to be_a man to go half as far.(A)twice as good as(B) as twice good as(C) twice good as(D)twice so good as62 They have produced_.(A)10 more pianos this month

28、 than last month(B) 10 pianos more this month than last month(C) 10 pianos this month as many as last month(D)10 as many pianos this month as last month63 I _ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.(A)ought to have sent(B) couldnt have sent(C) must have sen

29、t(D)neednt have sent64 The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, _had been mentioned in the previous chapters.(A)a few of which(B) a few of them(C) a few of those(D)a few of that65 The girl chose some very pretty_paper for the present.(A)covering(B) wrapping(C) packing(D)collecti

30、ng66 The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours _last night.(A)at length(B) in full(C) on end(D)in time67 We hadnt expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was _ into darkness.(A)dived(B) plunged(C) drowned(D)dropped68 Despit

31、e the wide range of reading material specially written or_for language learning purposes,there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills.(A)appointed(B) assembled(C) acknowledged(D)adapted69 They have considered their high standard of living a(n) _ for practising their basic

32、beliefs.(A)award(B) reward(C) result(D)consequence70 Adictionary of the English language, _ by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic written survey of English usage.(A)compiled(B) composed(C) concocted(D)collected71 The volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to put out the_f

33、orest fire.(A)raging(B) rippling(C) rolling(D)roaring72 I cant read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They are too_.(A)faint(B) foggy(C) transparent(D)misty73 Ahighly organized system of irrigation is_Chinese agriculture.(A)typical of(B) consistent with(C) famous for(D)subject to74 The Bro

34、wnings have not_yet and I doubt whether they will come.(A)turned in(B) turned out(C) turned up(D)turned to75 We went on a(n)_to the mountain yesterday.(A)excursion(B) trip(C) tour(D)travel76 To what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the_of the human life span?(A)increase(B) exp

35、ansion(C) growth(D)prolongation77 She was at the_of her career when she was badly injured in the car accident.(A)bloom(B) peak(C) excess(D)extreme78 The audience waited in_silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.(A)respective(B) respect(C) respe

36、ctful(D)respectable79 The disappearance of her paper has never been_.(A)counted for(B) looked up(C) accounted for(D)checked up79 The day was endedquite successfully, so far as she knew. The Trustees and the visiting committee had made their rounds, and read their reports, and drunk their tea, and no

37、w were hurrying home to their own cheerful firesides, to forget their bothersome little charges for another month. Jerusha leaned forward watching with curiosityand a touch of wistfulnessthe stream of carriages and automobiles that rolled out of the asylum gates.In imagination she followed first one

38、 equipage, then another, to the big houses dotted along the hillside. She pictured herself in a fur coat and a velvet hat trimmed with feathers leaning back in the seat and nonchalantly murmuring “Home“ to the driver. But on the door-sill of her home the picture grew blurred.Jerusha had an imaginati

39、onan imagination, Mrs. Lippett told her, that would get her into trouble if she didnt take carebut keen as it was, it could not carry her beyond the front porch of the houses she would enter. Poor, eager, adventurous little Jerusha, in all her seventeen years, had never stepped inside an ordinary ho

40、use; she could not picture the daily routine of those other human beings who carried on their lives undiscommoded by orphans.Je-ru-sha Ab-bottYou are wan-tedIn the of-fice,And I think youdBetter hurry up!Tommy Dillon, who had joined the choir, came singing up the stairs and down the corridor, his ch

41、ant growing louder as he approached room F. Jerusha wrenched herself from the window and refaced the troubles of life.“Who wants me?“ she cut into Tommys chant with a note of sharp anxiety.Mrs. Lippett in the office,And I think shes mad.Ah-a-men!Tommy piously intoned, but his accent was not entirely

42、 malicious. Even the most hardened little orphan felt sympathy for an erring sister who was summoned to the office to face an annoyed matron; and Tommy liked Jerusha even if she did sometimes jerk him by the arm and nearly scrub his nose off.Jerusha went without comment, but with two parallel lines

43、on her brow. What could have gone wrong, she wondered. Were the sandwiches not thin enough? Were there shells in the nut cakes? Had a lady visitor seen the hole in Susie Hawthorns stocking? HadO horrors!one of the cherubic little babes in her own room F “sauced“ a Trustee?The long lower hall had not

44、 been lighted, and as she came downstairs, a last Trustee stood, on the point of departure, in the open door that led to the porte-cochere. Jerusha caught only a fleeting impression of the manand the impression consisted entirely of tallness. He was waving his arm towards an automobile waiting in th

45、e curved drive. As it sprang into motion and approached, head on for an instant, the glaring headlights threw his shadow sharply against the wall inside. The shadow pictured grotesquely elongated legs and arms that ran along the floor and up the wall of the corridor. It looked, for all the world, li

46、ke a huge, wavering daddy-long-legs.Jerushas anxious frown gave place to quick laughter. She was by nature a sunny soul, and had always snatched the tiniest excuse to be amused. If one could derive any sort of entertainment out of the oppressive fact of a Trustee, it was something unexpected to the

47、good. She advanced to the office quite cheered by the tiny episode, and presented a smiling face to Mrs. Lippett. To her surprise the matron was also, if not exactly smiling, at least appreciably affable; she wore ah expression almost as pleasant as the one she donned for visitors.“Sit down, Jerusha

48、, I have something to say to you. “ Jerusha dropped into the nearest chair and waited with a touch of breathlessness.80 At the beginning of the story Jerusha seemed to be all EXCEPT_.(A)peaceful(B) imaginative(C) contented(D)sensitive81 In Paragraph 5, the word “wrenched“ ( .Jerusha wrenched herself

49、 from the window. ) means_.(A)leaned(B) leaved(C) clutched(D)pulled82 We can infer from “Even the most hardened little orphan felt sympathy for an erring sister who was summoned to the office to face an annoyed matron“ (in Paragraph 8) that_.(A)Tommy was always malicious(B) children in the asylum were mostly hard(C) girls made more mistak

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