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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 450(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What does the womans company specialize in?(A)Mobile phone.(B) Camera.(C) Coffee.(D)Telephone.3 Why does the woman visit the man?(A)Invite the man to have the morning coffee together.(B) Increase the demand for pho

4、ne cameras.(C) Order the eight megapixel cameras for the new product.(D)Promote the new Mephone.4 What will they most probably do next?(A)Talk with the vendor.(B) Negotiate a better deal.(C) Put an end to their talk.(D)Search for the provider.5 What is the cars registration number?(A)432-DCW.(B) 624

5、AF765GH5.(C) 1996 BMW M3.(D)624AE365GH4.6 Where and when did the woman park her car?(A)In a garage; 2:30 am.(B) On north side of 42nd Street; 2:30 am.(C) On north side of 42nd Street; 2:30 pm.(D)Near the subway on 42nd Street; 2:30 pm.7 What happened to the womans car?(A)It was towed away by the pol

6、ice.(B) It was stolen although it was properly parked.(C) It was stolen because it was parked in the open.(D)It was towed away for repair.8 What is the most possible reason for the English Channel to emerge?(A)Because of a flood millions of years ago.(B) Because of an earthquake millions of years ag

7、o.(C) Because of a flood thousands of years ago.(D)Because of a volcano eruption millions of years ago.9 What is NOT true about the construction of the Channel?(A)A British team started to drill southeast from Dover.(B) A French team started to drill northwest from Sangatte.(C) The two teams started

8、 drilling in 1990.(D)The two teams met under the Channel in December, 1990.10 How long is the shaft?(A)12.5 miles.(B) 23 miles.(C) less than 32 miles.(D)37 miles.11 When was the tunnel opened to the public?(A)In 1990.(B) In 1992.(C) In the year of 1993.(D)In the late of 1994.SECTION B PASSAGESDirect

9、ions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 The best title for this selection is _.(A)Food from Coal and Gas(B) Non-Spoiling and New Foods(C) Spacecraft Food(D)The Shortage of Food13 Freeze-dried foods _.(A)alw

10、ays contain meat(B) need refrigeration(C) are dried and then frozen(D)last for a long time unspoiled14 One solution to the worlds food shortage problem could be found in _.(A)foods from non-food materials(B) foods in plastic tubes(C) freeze-dried foods(D)eatable food packages15 What is this passage

11、talking about?(A)Air pollution.(B) Noise damage.(C) Environment on campus.(D)Solutions for pollution.16 What kind of sounds is harmful for your hearing?(A)Traffic on a busy street.(B) Jet plane taking off.(C) Sound that the average person can hear.(D)Sounds up to 80 decibels.17 According to the pass

12、age, what is the main cause of preventable hearing loss?(A)Bad health.(B) Excessive noise.(C) Horns taken to football games.(D)The busy traffic.18 Who benefits most from inflation?(A)Persons who have salaries agreed to in long-term contracts.(B) Persons who own businesses.(C) Persons with pensions.(

13、D)Persons with slow-rising incomes.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 19 Where are the peace talks being held?(A)Darfur.(B) Sudan.(C) Nigeria.(D)Lagos.20 How many settlements were

14、handed over to the Palestinians?(A)More than 40 settlements.(B) More than 14 settlements.(C) More than 20 settlements.(D)More than 12 settlements.21 What is the purpose of the research on Dead Sea?(A)To uncover layers of ecological history.(B) To help find more resources under the sea.(C) To determi

15、ne where the lowest point of the earth is.(D)To settle the problem of global climate change.22 According to the news item, which of the following is INCORRECT?(A)An international team of scientists will take part in the project.(B) The project will last forty days and scientists will draw a conclusi

16、on then.(C) The glass pipe can show various layers of different periods.(D)The project will insert several pipes into the earth below the sea.23 How many soldiers have been stationed in Afghanistan?(A)4,000.(B) 6,500.(C) 9,000(D)9,50024 According to the request from the American commander, how many

17、soldiers will be stationed in Afghanistan?(A)65,000.(B) 69,000.(C) 99,000(D)105,00025 What is the news item mainly about?(A)Iran has test-fired a new type of rocket.(B) Iran introduces an advanced navigation technology.(C) Iran displays the countrys technological improvements.(D)Iran launches a new

18、version defense control system. 26 What makes the new version missile hit the target more precisely?(A)A new defense system.(B) An improvement over its predecessors.(C) A more precise navigation and control system.(D)A surface-to-surface navigation system.27 The Turkish parliaments amendment of the

19、constitution aims at(A)establishing a democratic government.(B) ensuring that all the members of the State Security courts are civilians.(C) pleasing the Americans.(D)reconciling with the guerrilla groups.28 Who will be replaced by a civilian judge?(A)The guerrilla leader, Abdullah Ocalan.(B) The op

20、position leader.(C) An army colonel on the judicial panel.(D)A parliament member.二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 28 Every time we open o

21、ur mouths and speak we【C1】_ourselves I am English, you may be Bulgarian or African. We are all【C2】_, but sometimes we have communication problems which can lead to【C3】_and misunderstanding.【C4 】_you speak English, you have an advantage. The English language means power and freedom to many people. It

22、【C5】_international relations. It【C6】_nearly all our lives in【C7】_way or another, influencing everything from pop music to【C8】_relations. Yet only around 10% of the worlds population is native English language speakers. Many of you who are reading now will have【C9】_to learn the grammar, vocabulary an

23、d【C10】_of this very complicated language. But there【C11】_be another solution: learning Esperanto.Esperanto, meaning “one who hopes“, is an artificial language,【C12】_to be the easiest in the world to learn. It was【C13】_in 1887 by Ludwig Zamnehof, a young Polish optician.The usefulness of Esperanto ha

24、s been【C14】_the world over. It is now estimated that around eight million people in over 100 countries have at least some【C15】_of it.In Esperanto, we have a language that is easy to learn and【C16 】_to all speakers because it belongs not to one nation【C17 】_us all. Many people, who have tried to lear

25、n other languages and failed, have succeeded in Esperanto because it is so easy. Although it is often seen as a joke and【C18】_an important【C19】_language, it has been considered【C20】_and governments are sometimes afraid of it, for it may replace the native language of any country.29 【C1 】(A)show(B) i

26、dentify(C) label(D)display30 【C2 】(A)humanities(B) humane(C) humankind(D)humans31 【C3 】(A)suspect(B) suspicion(C) superstition(D)doubt32 【C4 】(A)If(B) When(C) While(D)Whether33 【C5 】(A)controls(B) dominates(C) decides(D)dictates34 【C6 】(A)effects(B) affects(C) strikes(D)impacts35 【C7 】(A)a(B) the(C)

27、 one(D)other36 【C8 】(A)domestic(B) diploma(C) diplomatic(D)diplomat37 【C9 】(A)floundered(B) struggled(C) tried(D)scrabbled38 【C10 】(A)pronunciation(B) enunciation(C) articulation(D)phonation39 【C11 】(A)must(B) should(C) might(D)could40 【C12 】(A)says(B) saying(C) say(D)said41 【C13 】(A)produced(B) mad

28、e(C) discovered(D)invented42 【C14 】(A)identified(B) verified(C) recognized(D)admitted43 【C15 】(A)knowledge(B) idea(C) opinion(D)information44 【C16 】(A)fair(B) equal(C) same(D)similar45 【C17 】(A)instead of(B) but(C) but to(D)rather than46 【C18 】(A)not(B) not as(C) not as so(D)as47 【C19 】(A)live(B) al

29、ive(C) living(D)lively48 【C20 】(A)useless(B) dangerous(C) powerful(D)horrible三、PART IV GRAMMAR _soldiers fought so bravely in that battle.(A)no others(B) no another(C) no other(D)not other57 When he came back he was not_we had known twenty years before.(A)John(B) a John(C) the John(D)the Johns58 The

30、 actress is not so beautiful_ the press described in advance.(A)that(B) which(C) as(D)what59 Which of the following present continuous tenses expresses future action?(A)Mike is dancing with high passion.(B) Mum is cooking a fish in the kitchen.(C) Im going out this evening.(D)He is reading an intere

31、sting novel.60 Christine stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though _ out of the office.(A)went(B) would go(C) gone(D)to go61 You say he works hard, _, and_.(A)so do you; so he does(B) so does he; so you do(C) so he does; so do you(D)so he does; you do so62 Wed better leave things _ they

32、are until the police arrive.(A)as(B) until(C) when(D)though63 Get him to sign the contract before he has second _(A)plans(B) thoughts(C) intentions(D)ideas64 We could not obtain any exact information _ where she was.(A)far from(B) as to(C) except(D)along with65 You neednt worry _ regards the cost of

33、 the operation.(A)with(B) which(C) as(D)about66 The employer _ the letter to his secretary, who wrote it down in short hand.(A)dictated(B) examined(C) copied(D)imitated67 He was _ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table.(A)dragged(B) tempted(C) elicited(D)attracted68 Things might have b

34、een much worse ff the mother_ on her right to keep the baby.(A)has been insisting(B) had insisted(C) would insist(D)insisted69 We advised them to take a rest, but they _ on finishing the work.(A)suggested(B) continued(C) insisted(D)persisted70 At first, the _ of color pictures over a long distance s

35、eemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.(A)transaction(B) transmission(C) transformation(D)transition71 Within 2 years, the turnout of this mobile phone manufacturing company increased _.(A)ten fold(B) ten-fold(C) ten-time(D)ten-folds72 Some of his s

36、uggestions have been adopted, but others have been _ as they are quite impracticable.(A)turned down(B) turned away(C) turned out(D)turned back73 After several days of isolation on the deserted island, the sailor began to _ of ever getting back home.(A)disappoint(B) displace(C) depress(D)despair74 Je

37、nny objects _ like a child.(A)to being treated(B) to be treated(C) being treated(D)for being treated75 Philosophers believe that desire, hatred and envy are “negative emotions“ which _the mind and lead it into a pursuit of power and possessions.(A)distort(B) reinforce(C) exert(D)scramble76 It is imp

38、erative that students_their term papers on time. (2004 年考试真题)(A)hand in(B) would hand in(C) have to hand in(D)handed in77 When youre driving on a motorway, you must obey the signs telling you to get into the right_.(A)way(B) track(C) road(D)lane78 “It seems that she was there at the conference“. The

39、 sentence means that_.(A)she seems to be there at the conference.(B) she seemed to be there at the conference.(C) she seems to have been there at the conference.(D)she seemed to being there at the conference.78 “ Lower-class“ individualsi. e. , folks without much money or educationdemonstrate more c

40、ompassion and empathy than their wealthy counterparts, according to a series of psychological studies. In social scientist speak, “ self-oriented behavior“ is more likely to be exhibited by people with good educations, prestigious jobs, high incomes, and overall higher-ranking social status.How you

41、rank in society purportedly has a lot to do with how much you care about your fellow man. Thats the gist of “Social Class as Culture; The Convergence of Resources and Rank in the Social Realm,“ a new paper written by University of California psychologists and social scientists published in the acade

42、mic journal Current Directions in Psychological Science.The authors write that ones sense of social classderived mainly from income and education“exerts broad influences on social thought, emotion, and behavior. “ Using various tests that measure empathy, those who perceive themselves among the lowe

43、r classes demonstrate “ heightened vigilance of the social context and an other-focused social orientation. “ In other words, poorer, less well-educated individuals tend to notice, and care more about, the people around them. “ Upper-class rank perceptions,“ on the other hand, “trigger a focus away

44、from the context toward the self, prioritizing self-interest.How the heck can researchers measure something like empathy? One study, for instance, asked participants to identify the emotions on display in photos of people with different facial expressions. Those with high-school-only educations show

45、ed “greater empathetic accuracy“ than participants with college educations.The paper also claims that people with less education and less money tend to be more generous with what money they do have. When the question is posed regarding how much people should give to charity, “lower-class“ ranks sugg

46、est a higher percentage of ones income than the percentage recommended by the wealthy. (Then again, a tiny percentage of a billionaires income is a lot more than a large chunk of a middle-class persons income.)Another study cited in the paper involved giving participants 10 points, which would later

47、 be traded in for money. The individuals given the points were to divide them up between themselves and an anonymous partner. Guess who shared more of their points? We found that individuals reporting lower subjective socioeconomic status gave more to their partner than did upper-socioeconomic-statu

48、s participants.In this context, the next time youre called “low-class,“ consider it a compliment.79 According to psychological studies, wealthy people tend to he(A)sympathetic.(B) influential.(C) self-centered.(D)decent.80 The word “vigilance“ (Paragraph Three) prohahly means(A)intense curiosity.(B)

49、 deliherate neglect.(C) careful attention.(D)strong dissatisfaction.81 We can infer that lower-class people_upper-class people.(A)feel inferior to(B) are jealous of(C) think highly of(D)are more sensitive than82 Which of the following statements might the author agree on?(A)Low-class people have more virtues than upper-class on


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