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1、厦门大学考博英语模拟试卷 12(无答案)一、Structure and Vocabulary1 On hearing the news that her father died of a car accident, she_tears.(A)burst out(B) burst in(C) burst into(D)burst forth2 Hydrogeology is the study of water and its properties, including its _ and movement in and through land areas.(A)flow(B) absorpt

2、ion(C) distribution(D)evaporation3 City police Sunday arrested former Mayor Richard Weekly on a long list of bribery, official misconduct, fraud, and corruption charges.(A)deceit(B) murder(C) privilege(D)accident 4 Four members walked out of the session, with the result that the committee did not ha

3、ve a _ and would not take any decisions.(A)babe(B) backbone(C) quorum(D)apartheid5 When the news of his _ with the enemy became known, he was hanged in effigy.(A)involement(B) conversations(C) collusion(D)complacency 6 We need more men of culture and enlightment because we have too many _ among US.(

4、A)students(B) laymen(C) pragmatists(D)philosophers 7 He became quite overbearing and domineering once he had become accustomed to the _ shown to soldiers by the natives. He enjoyed his new sense of power.(A)ability(B) domesticity(C) deference(D)insolence 8 Soil_is a natural process. It becomes a pro

5、blem when human activity causes it to occur much faster than under natural conditions.(A)preservation(B) abrasion(C) erosion(D)eruption9 One can understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and _ to expressed thoughts.(A)dilemmas(B) countenances(C) conce

6、ssions(D)junctions10 Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most _person in each family.(A)considerable(B) considerate(C) tolerant(D)understanding 11 When I try to understand_that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.

7、(A)why it does(B) what it does(C) what it is(D)why it is12 The patient is not in good condition, so do not _ your visit.(A)lengthen(B) delay(C) extend(D)prolong13 She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasnt my _ to hurt her.(A)intent(B) scheme(C) intention(D)meaning 14 While social scientists are

8、devoting much of their effort to poverty research, _.(A)not enough legal frameworks have been created to relieve the condition of the poor(B) they have done little to actually provide relief programs for the poor(C) they ignore the role of the elites as an object for poverty research(D)the poor peop

9、le themselves do not much appreciate such effort15 Not until actually faced with water scarcity_appreciate the value of water to a region.(A)one can(B) one cannot(C) can one(D)cannot one16 Instantly the vast assemblage, as with one _, struck up the national hymn of the United States, and “Yankee Doo

10、dle.“(A)tone(B) voice(C) accord(D)sound 17 As to the lost world of Egypt, we know nearly everything _ to know.(A)there is(B) it is(C) which is(D)what is 18 The Tacomas executive director and three port commissioners will be in China next week to_ advice from world port experts on improving inland tr

11、ansportation systems.(A)discriminate(B) disperse(C) differentiate(D)glean19 I could never spend the time that he does pouring over sports magazines, compiling intricate lists, and calculating averages.(A)delicate(B) incomprehensible(C) meaningless(D)complicated 20 A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds,

12、 with an inevitable_ending.(A)mawkish(B) fateful(C) beloved(D)perfunctory21 An analysis of the ideas in the novel compels an analysis of the form of the work, particularly when form and content are as _ as they are in The House of the Seven Gambles.(A)symptomatic(B) integrated(C) conspicuous(D)disti

13、nctive 22 What is vexing the Bush administration and other public-health professionals is the fact that the United States is not particularly well prepared in the event a bird flu pandemic does strike in the near future.(A)tickling(B) encouraging (C) annoying(D)calming 23 British hopes of a gold med

14、al in the Olympic Games suffered _ yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during the preliminary heats.(A)a sharp set-back(B) severe set-back(C) a severe blown-up(D)sharp blown-up 24 The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.(A)vanished(B) deserted(C) scattered(D)rejected 2

15、5 The mans _ directions confused us, we did not know which of the two roads to take.(A)complicated(B) arbitrary(C) ambiguous(D)intricate 26 In spite of a problem with the _ equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.(A)imperfect(B) temporary(C) emergency(D)reinstalled 27 The poor mother lacke

16、d her husbands capacity for discipline, and found herself_her headstrong(A)against the will of(B) in the way of(C) at the mercy of(D)in terms of28 Its more difficult to solve a problem than_(A)a question is found(B) finding a question(C) that of finding a question(D)to find a question29 His constant

17、 attempts to _ his colleagues achievement eventually caused his dismissal.(A)withdraw(B) diminish(C) restrain(D)confine30 When he was in junior high at fourteen, his intelligence was such that he_among undergraduates than among schoolboys.(A)would fit better in(B) would have fitted in better(C) fitt

18、ed better in(D)would have fitted better二、Cloze30 A previously unknown disease, SARS has entered our daily vocabulary. Now we live in its【1】While SARS【2】center stage, an ancient and more infection disease is【3】 its ugly head. That disease is panic or irrational fear.We need to have a healthy fear for

19、 SARS and to take prudent【4】in preventing ts spread. But panic fear creates【5】it fears. The panic which is generated by SARS will【6】our immune system which【7】us more susceptible【8】this dreaded disease.While SARS is known to【9】transmitted through close personal contact, fear is transmitted through al

20、l forms of media, including email. Only an【10】SARS patient can transmit SARS to others. But fear can be transmitted by anyone, sometimes even with the best of intentions. As we know, fear about it does hurt us. So, how do we【11】with fear?Admit our fear and keep moving【12】by living our lives as norma

21、lly as possible while taking necessary precautions. For example, it is【13】to stop shaking the hand of a healthy friend. At the same time, it is always a good practice to wash our hands before a mealthis【 14】be done whether or not SARS【15】. Accept fear as a price of progress. SARS will hit us or it w

22、ont. Our fear will not positively change the outcome.Focus on the things you can control not【16】the things you cannot. Feed your faith, not your fear. Faith is a rational trust【17】whats trustworthy. We have a choice each lay to exercise faith【18】to allow fear to rule our lives. We can feed our fear

23、or we can starve it.【19】fear and faith will be with us every minute of every day. The emotion that we continually act upon,【20】is the one we feed, will dominate our lives. Fear will ruin us, but faith will lift us above the crisis we are facing.(A)shade(B) shadow(C) silhouette(D)image(A)takes(B) is

24、taking(C) has been taken(D)has taken(A)raising(B) rising(C) arising(D)elevating(A)root(B) risks(C) steps(D)place(A)that(B) if(C) whose(D)what(A)weaken(B) disable(C) lessen(D)cripple(A)make(B) makes(C) making(D)made(A)for(B) with(C) to(D)at(A)be(B) being(C) have been(D)have(A)infection(B) infect(C) i

25、nfecting(D)infected(A)work(B) deal(C) cut(D)get away(A)forward(B) about(C) down(D)away(A)idiot(B) silly(C) ridiculous(D)foolish(A)could(B) may(C) must(D)should(A)persists(B) consists(C) exists(D)insists(A)on(B) in(C) at(D)by(A)with(B) on(C) in(D)at(A)or(B) and(C) while(D)as(A)All(B) Either(C) Neithe

26、r(D)Both(A)who(B) that(C) whose(D)in which50 The influence of the moral standards of the home is evident. If there is no recognition of the difference 【B1】_ right and wrong, it is hard for the child to acquire the qualities which are necessary 【B2】_ good citizenship. Unwise discipline is, almost equ

27、ally obvious, 【B3 】_ factor often found in the background of the young offender.But important 【B4】_ these two factors are, they do not cover the whole field. The experience of those who work With juvenile delinquents has shown us 【B5】 _ greatly behavior is influenced by the emotional relationships w

28、ithin the family circle. The extent to which 【B6】_ is affection between the 【B7】 _ and the child, and in the early stages especially between the mother and the child, is evidently of fundamental 【B8】_ to his development. Lack of love is more 【B9】_ to produce delinquency 【B10 】_ bad material conditio

29、ns.51 【B1 】_52 【B2 】_53 【B3 】_54 【B4 】_55 【B5 】_56 【B6 】_57 【B7 】_58 【B8 】_59 【B9 】_60 【B10 】_60 There is a closer relationship between morals and architecture and interior decoration【C1】_we suspect. Huxley has pointed out that Western ladies did not take frequent baths【C2 】 _they were afraid to see

30、 their own naked bodies,and this moral concept delayed the【C3】_of the modern white-enam-eled bathtub for centuries. One can understand【C4】_in the design of old Chinese furniture there was so little consideration for human【C5】_only when we realize the Confucian atmosphere in which people moved about.

31、 Chinese redwood furniture was designed for people to sit【 C6】_in,because that was the only posture approved by society. Even Chinese emperors had to sit on a (n)【C7】_on which I would not think of【C8】_for more than five minutes,and for that matter the English kings were just as badly off. Cleopatra

32、went about【C9】_on a couch carried by servants, because【C10】_she had never heard of Confucius. If Confucius should have seen her doing that,he would certainly have struck her shins with a stick,as he did【C11 】_one of his old disciples,Yuan Jiang, when the latter was found sitting in an【C12】_posture.

33、In the Confucian society in which we lived,gentlemen and ladies had to【C13】_themselves perfectly erect,at least on formal【C14 】 _,and any sign of putting ones leg up would be at once considered a sign of vulgarity and lack of【C15 】_.61 【C10 】(A)fortunately(B) frankly(C) accordingly(D)apparently61 Th

34、e process by means of which human beings arbitrarily make certain things stand for other things many be called the symbolic process.Everywhere we turn, we see the symbolic process at work. There are 【C1】_ things men do or want to do, possess or want to possess, that have not a symbolic value.Almost

35、all fashionable clothes are 【C2】_ symbolic, so is food. We 【C3】 _ our furniture to serve 【C4】_ visible symbols of our taste, wealth, and social position. We often choose our houses 【C5】_ the basis of a feeling that it “looks well“ to have a “good address.“ We trade perfectly good cars in for 【C6】 _

36、models not always to get better transportation, but to give 【C7】_ to the community that we can 【C8】_ it.Such complicated and apparently 【C9】_ behavior leads philosophers to ask over and over again, “why cant human beings 【C10 】_ simply and naturally.“ Often the complexity of human life makes us look

37、 enviously at the relative 【C11 】_ of such live as dogs and cats. Simply, the fact that symbolic process makes complexity possible is no 【C12】_ for wanting to 【C13 】_ to a cat and to a cat-and-dog existence. A better solution is to understand the symbolic process 【C14 】_ instead of being its slaves

38、we become, to some degree at least, its 【C15 】_.62 【C1 】_(A)many(B) some(C) few(D)enough63 【C2 】_(A)highly(B) nearly(C) merely(D)likely64 【C3 】_(A)make(B) get(C) possess(D)select65 【C4 】_(A)of(B) for(C) as(D)with66 【C5 】_(A)on(B) to(C) at(D)for67 【C6 】_(A)earlier(B) later(C) former(D)latter68 【C7 】_

39、(A)suggestion(B) surprise(C) explanation(D)evidence69 【C8 】_(A)use(B) afford(C) ride(D)find70 【C9 】_(A)useless(B) impossible(C) inappropriate(D)unnecessary71 【C10 】_(A)live(B) work(C) stay(D)behave72 【C11 】_(A)passivity(B) activity(C) simplicity(D)complexity73 【C12 】_(A)meaning(B) reason(C) time(D)d

40、oubt74 【C13 】_(A)lead(B) devote(C) proceed(D)return75 【C14 】_(A)so that(B) in that(C) considering that(D)by reason that76 【C15 】_(A)teachers(B) students(C) masters(D)servants76 Can exercise be a bad thing? Sudden death during or soon alter strenuous exertion on the squash court or on the army traini

41、ng grounds, is not unheard of【41】trained marathon runners are not immune to fatal heart attacks. But no one knows just【42 】common these sudden deaths linked to exercise are. The registration and investigation of such【43】 is very patchy; only a national survey could determine the true【44】of sudden de

42、aths in sports. But the climate of medical opinion is shifting in【45】of exercise, for the person recovering from a heart attack as【46】as the average lazy individual. Training can help the victim of a heart attack by lowering the【47】of oxygen the heart needs at any given level of work【48】the patient

43、can do more before reaching the point where chest pains indicate a heart starved of oxygen. The question is, should middle-aged people,【49】particular, be screened for signs of heart disease before【50】vigorous exercise?Most cases of sudden death in sport are caused by lethal arrhythmias in the beatin

44、g of the heart, often in people【51】undiagnosed coronary heart disease. In North America【52】over 35 is advised to have a physical check-up and even an exercise electrocardiogram. The British, on the whole, think all this testing is unnecessary. Not many people die from exercise,【53】, and ECGs (心电图 )

45、are notoriously inaccurate. However, two medical cardiologists at the Victoria Infirmary in Glasgow, advocate screening by exercise ECG for people over 40, or younger people【54】at risk of developing coronary heart disease. Individuals showing a particular abnormality in their ECGs【55】, they say, a 1

46、0 to 20 times greater risk of subsequently developing signs of coronary heart disease, or of sudden death.(A)Then(B) Though(C) Since(D)Even(A)why(B) how(C) if(D)what(A)runners(B) exercises(C) patients(D)cases(A)initiation(B) evidence(C) incidence(D)indication(A)favor(B) positive(C) inclination(D)ind

47、ication(A)good(B) well(C) much(D)far(A)weight(B) amount(C) degree(D)quality(A)however(B) because(C) but(D)so(A)at(B) to(C) for(D)in(A)taking up(B) trying on(C) getting over(D)doing with(A)beyond(B) by(C) with(D)of(A)anyone(B) none(C) some(D)nobody(A)of course(B) at all(C) after all(D)by far(A)readil

48、y(B) suddenly(C) already(D)ready(A)having(B) had(C) having been(D)have三、Reading Comprehension92 A lady was once referred for treatment for emotional distress. This distress had resulted from unpleasant memories of having undergone sexual abuse. In her case cognitive therapy had been unhelpful. Her own opinion was that cognitive therapy did not address the anger and fear that she was feeling strongly.There a


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