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1、大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)B 类模拟试卷 23(无答案)Section A1 What is the patient suffering from?(A)A throat infection.(B) A skin infection.(C) A serious cut.(D)A fever.2 Why is the man late?(A)The trains were delayed.(B) He couldnt find a bus stop.(C) Something went wrong with his friends motorbike.(D)There was traffic

2、jam.3 Where is the woman?(A)In a film processing shop.(B) In a photocopy shop.(C) In a bookshop.(D)At the cinema.4 Which curry comes with rice included?(A)Beef curry.(B) Lamb curry.(C) Chicken curry.(D)Coconut milk curry.5 What does the shop sell?(A)Clothes.(B) Books.(C) Food.(D)Computers.Section B6

3、 Adrian and his wife travelled to the Greek Islands in their Easter holidays.(A)True(B) False7 Adrian and Olivia most probably transit to Santiago, the capital of Chile when they went to Easter Island.(A)True(B) False8 According to the most popular theory, the statues were built in memory of the Eur

4、opeans arrival.(A)True(B) False9 According to Adrians description, the biggest statue is called Sardinia and was carved from volcanic rock.(A)True(B) False10 Olivia hadnt been to Caribbean before.(A)True(B) False11 Why did she take up journalism?(A)Because of her family background.(B) Because of her

5、 fathers support.(C) Because of her love of books.(D)Because of her teachers.12 What happened to the magazine Female Focus under her management?(A)Its losses were reduced.(B) Its image was changed.(C) It started to make a profit.(D)It achieved great success.13 What kind of article does Tina believe

6、people are more likely to read?(A)One that has a shocking beginning.(B) One that challenges the readers to think.(C) One whose title is listed on the cover.(D)One that has a good ending.14 What is Tinas opinion about losing fame and wealth?(A)She can cope with it.(B) She didnt think about it.(C) It

7、would be the end of the world.(D)It is difficult to live without them.15 What would Tina like to do in the future?(A)To be a book editor.(B) To produce a film.(C) To write a book.(D)To be an actress.Section C16 Which one below is true according to the news?(A)Students in the UK are encouraged to ins

8、ist on the learning of French and German.(B) The UK will increase the investment on the teaching of Chinese.(C) The UK has been greatly short of teachers proficient in Chinese.(D)The UK government refuses the help from China for Chinese learning.17 What has caused the dispute over South Koreas law u

9、nder consideration?(A)Benefit conflict among different industrial groups.(B) The popularity of online gaming in South Korea.(C) Parents concern about childrens mental health.(D)Conflict between social and economic priorities.18 What is the main idea of the news?(A)Obesity among youth in the UK is in

10、creasing rapidly.(B) The Obesity Action Campaign has won popular support.(C) Obesity has resulted in the rapid increase in liver disease in the UK.(D)Liver disease is no longer to be neglected in the UK.19 What is the aim of Obamas decision on privacy protection?(A)To defend human right.(B) To maint

11、ain the relationship with other countries.(C) To gain more votes in the next election.(D)To regain public trust.20 What could be inferred from the news?(A)There is no evidence that the planet is suitable for human existence.(B) There may be several planets that really resemble the Earth in space.(C)

12、 Scientists are planning to explore the planet someday.(D)Astronomers have landed on an Earth-like planet in space.Section D20 ContextDefinition: Our environment, particularly its significance during【D1 】_.Two types of cultures:A. High context culturesThe emphasis is the environment【D2】_.A message m

13、ay not be stated very【D3】_whose meaning is【D4】_.A certain statement may have【D5】_.B.【D6】_context culturesThe emphasis is the【D7】_, which is often quite【D8】_.【D9】_dont often change the meaning of message very much.All the people are expected to understand the message in【D10】_.21 【D1】22 【D2】23 【D3】24

14、【D4】25 【D5】26 【D6】27 【D7】28 【D8】29 【D9】30 【D10】Section A31 The partys reduced votes were_of lack of support for its policies.(A)indicative(B) positive(C) revealing(D)evident32 She refused to_the door key to the landlady until she got back her deposit.(A)hand in(B) hand out(C) hand down(D)hand over33

15、 The_of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from Greek.(A)origin(B) generation(C) descent(D)cause34 With the recent scandal in mind, would you advise people who have_in their closets to clear out their closets?(A)skulls(B) skeletons(C) ghosts(D)legends35 His remarks were_annoy everybody at

16、the meeting.(A)so as to(B) such as to(C) such to(D)as much as to36 He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _insufficiently popular with all members.(A)having considered(B) was considered(C) was being considered(D)being considered37 _no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his

17、 room.(A)There was(B) Since(C) Being(D)There being38 Look! The_up at the lake_just breathtaking.(A)sceneries: are(B) sceneries: were(C) scenery: is(D)scenery: was39 If your car_any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.(A)shall need(B) should need(C) would need(D)will

18、 need40 Sam: Did you see that fascinating film on THTV-4 last night? Mary: That stupid love story?Sam: Yes. Didnt you like it?Mary: No. _Theyre all rubbish.(A)Im not kidding.(B) I cant bear films of that kind.(C) Dont make me laugh.(D)Not really, but Ive heard about one.41 So, what exactly do you do

19、?Im responsible for new product development. I report directly to the CEO._.I supervise a team of designers. We all have to think of new ideas, test them and develop the ones that we think will succeed.It sounds challenging.(A)Are the hours flexible?(B) What does that involve?(C) Why do you decide t

20、o stay in Finland?(D)How many plants do you have?42 Tom: Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow? Patrick: I think its going to be clear and sunny. Tom: Thats great. We can do something outdoors then. Patrick:_Tom: Yeah. I think theres a live outdoor concert by the river. Patrick: Oh yeah. I

21、heard about that, too. Lets go and check it out.(A)Its where we sometimes hold barbecue parties.(B) Just call Lisa. Shes cooking dinner.(C) Are there any special events going on tomorrow?(D)Can you set your alarm clock for seven tomorrow morning?43 Thucydides was a Greek historian from Alimos, and t

22、he author of the History of the Peloponne-sian War, which_the 5th century BC war between Sparta and Athens.(A)recounts(B) recounted(C) recounting(D)had recounted44 As the worlds smallest continent and sixth largest country by total area, Australiaits size and isolationis often called the “island con

23、tinent“.(A)owing to(B) in spite of(C) in the shape of(D)on behalf of45 The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2016 is_to Bob Dylan “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition. “(A)abandoned(B) awarded(C) graded(D)modified一、Part Cloze45 One of the questions coming i

24、nto focus as we face growing scarcity of resources in the world is how to divide limited resources among countries. In the international development【 C1】com_, the coronal wisdom has been that the billion people living in poor countries could never expect to【C2】r_the standard of living that most of t

25、he people in North America enjoy, simply because the world does not contain enough iron ore, protein, petroleum, and so on. At the same time, we in the United States have continued to pursue super-affluence as though there were no limits【C3】_ how much we could consume. We【C4】m_ only 6 percent of the

26、 worlds people: yet we consume one third of the worlds resources.As long as the resources we consumed each year came primarily from【C5】w_our own boundaries, this was largely an internal matter. But as our resources come more and more from the outside world, we will no longer be able to think in【C6 】

27、_of “our“ resources and “their“ resources , but only of【C7】c_resources.As Americans consume such a(n)【C8】_(proportion)share of the worlds resources, we have to question whether or not we can continue our pursuit of super-affluence in a world of【C9】_(scarce). We are now reaching the point at which we

28、 must carefully examine the presumed link between our level of well-being and the level of material goods consumed. If you have only one crust of bread and get another crust of bread, your well-being is greatly enhanced. But if you have a loaf of bread, then an additional crust of bread doesnt make【

29、C10 】d_. In the eyes of most of the world today, Americans have their loaf of bread and are asking for still more. The prospect of a scarcity of, and competition in, the worlds resources requires that we re-examine the way in which we relate to the rest of the world.46 【C1 】47 【C2 】48 【C3 】49 【C4 】5

30、0 【C5 】51 【C6 】52 【C7 】53 【C8 】54 【C9 】55 【C10 】Section A55 The decision about where to live while studying at the tertiary level can have a major influence on a students chances of success. It is important that particular needs, such as security, a quiet place to study, and a convenient location, a

31、re taken into consideration before a choice is made. Various options available to students are discussed below: 1. Private Rental Accommodation. A single student can either move into an existing household or establish one with friends or acquaintances. Rent and expenses such as bonds, electricity, g

32、as, and the telephone are shared equally among the people living in the household. Buying food and cooking is done either individually or on a group basis. Each person is expected to help clean and tidy the shared living space, that is, the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Each is responsible for

33、 cleaning his or her own room and doing the washing. The best place to start looking is on noticeboards around universities and colleges, or in the windows of nearby coffee shops. Students often advertise for housemates, and those seeking accommodation should advertise their situation too. Local rea

34、l estate agents often provide a share service, although there is usually a significant fee for this. A last resort would be the To Let or Share Accommodation sections of the weekend newspapers. A small number of flats and houses are available through the university or college housing offices, but mo

35、st are found through local real estate agents. Unfortunately, there is no cheap way to move into a house or flat. When renting, a person is usually required to sign a six-month lease, and pay rent in advance plus a refundable bond. Remember to make allowances for these establishment costs, and inclu

36、de the purchase price of furniture and equipment. Starting from scratch means a rental bond, rent in advance, a telephone bond and connection fee, electricity or gas connection fees, furniture, utensils, appliances, and so on. Even moving into an established house can cost more money than most stude

37、nts expect. You should find out about all the extra costs before signing a lease and committing yourself. Moving out before the end of the lease period requires the rent to be paid until a suitable new tenant is found. 2. Lodgings. Lodgings refers to a furnished room in a private home(of a family or

38、 elderly person)with use of facilities such as kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. Sometimes cooking facilities and bathroom are separate, but are usually shared. No meals are provided. Students buy their own food, do their own cooking, clean their rooms, and do their own washing. Use of the telephone i

39、n the home is an extra cost, but electricity is usually included in the rent. Rooms for lodgers are always available in suburbs around universities and colleges, but there is an increased demand as institutions begin their first intake of new students. 3. Homestays. Homestays are a furnished room an

40、d use of facilities in a private home(of a family or elderly person), with dinner and breakfast provided. Some, but not all, provide lunches, bed linen, laundry , service, and weekly room cleaning. It is difficult to find full board accommodation because the number of places listed is limited. A roo

41、m with use of facilities(own cooking)is easier to find in suburbs close to university and college campuses. The cost for full board is about a third as much again as for property rental arrangements. In summary, finding accommodation while you study is a difficult business, and it is recommended tha

42、t advice be sought wherever possible. Do not underestimate the costs involved: students invariably complain that they overspend. Nonetheless, in the long run, it is probably wise to pay a little extra in order to ensure comfort and ease while engaged in an all-important study programme. Question 56

43、to 60Fill in the blanks below with information from the passage, using no more than three words for each blank.Section B60 【B1 】_The major reason is loss of habitat, which has continued despite the establishment of 14 panda reserves. Deforestation, mainly carried out by farmers clearing land to make

44、 way for fields as they move higher into the mountains, has drastically contracted the mammals range. The panda has disappeared from much of central and eastern China, and is now restricted to the eastern flank of the Himalayas.【B2 】_ Almost half of the pandas habitat has been cut down or degraded s

45、ince 1975. Worse, the surviving panda population has also become fragmented: a combination of satellite imagery and ground surveys reveals panda “islands“ in patches of forest separated by cleared land. The population of these islands has become isolated because the animals are loath to cross open a

46、reas. Just putting a road through panda habitat may be enough to split a population in two.【B3 】_The smallest groups have too few animals to be viable, and will inevitably die out. The larger populations may be viable in the short term, but will be susceptible to genetic defects as a result of inbre

47、eding.【B4 】_The flowering prompts pandas to move from one area to another, thus preventing inbreeding in otherwise sedentary populations. In panda islands, however, bamboo flowering could prove catastrophic(灾难性的)because the pandas are unable to emigrate.The latest conservation management plan for th

48、e panda, prepared by Chinas Ministry of Forestry and the World Wide Fund for Nature, aims primarily at maintaining panda habitats and ensuring that populations are linked wherever possible. This plan will change some existing reserve boundaries , establish 14 new reserves and protect or replant corr

49、idors of forest between panda islands. Other measures include better control of poaching, reducing the degradation of habitats outside reserves, and reforestation.【B5 】_Implementation will be expensive and will require participation by individuals ranging from villagers to government officials. Questions 61 to 65Choose from the sentences AG the one w


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