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1、大学英语三级(A 级)模拟试卷 139(无答案)Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should dec

2、ide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.(A)In the hospital.(B) At work.(C) At home.(D)In the countryside.(A)Student-teacher.(B) Hairdresser-customer.(C) Doctor-patient.(D)Buyer-salesman,(A)His secretary.(B) His boss.(C) His partner.(D)His employee.(A)The man shouldnt go and see

3、the basketball match tomorrow.(B) The man shouldnt begin training so soon.(C) The man should take the train tomorrow.(D)The man should travel by plane instead of by train.(A)By bus.(B) By bike.(C) By subway.(D)On foot.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conv

4、ersations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.(A)Milk.(B) Tea(C) Pu

5、re water.(D)Coffee.(A)Wife and husband(B) Waitress and customer.(C) Shop assistant and customer.(D)Friends.(A)Husband and wife.(B) Father and daughter.(C) Teacher and student.(D)Shop assistant and customer.(A)A pair of shoes.(B) Sports clothes.(C) A pair of trousers.(D)A club.(A)Because she has to w

6、ear a Nike if she wants to join the tennis club.(B) Because she will surely do much better if she wears Nike.(C) Because all the others in the club are wearing Nike.(D)Because it is expensive.Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a reco

7、rded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 Who was the most important person in the speakers childhood?The speakers _. 12 Where did the speaker like to go du

8、ring his vacations?The speaker loved to go his _. 13 What kind of stories did the speakers grandmother tell him?The stories about _ during World War . 14 Where did they sometimes go to pick flowers?They often went into _ to pick up flowers. 15 When did the speakers grandmother die?She died _ ago. Se

9、ction ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D.16 _we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.(A)For now(B) Now that(C)

10、Ever since.(D)By now17 Under no circumstances _anything that will benefit ourselves but harm the interests of the state.(A)we should do(B) should we do(C) we did(D)did we do18 We expressed the hope _they would come and visit China again.(A)that(B) it(C) which(D)when19 Medical research has shown that

11、 the widespread of use of cigarettes contributes _the increase of cancers.(A)towards(B) for(C) with(D)to20 How close parents are to their children_ strong influence on the character of the children.(A)have(B) had(C) has(D)having21 It is not advisable that Tim_ to the job, because he has no relative

12、experience.(A)is assigned(B) will be assigned(C) be assigned(D)has been assigned22 _, the president is not able to get his own way on every issue.(A)Popular as is he(B) As he is popular(C) Popular as he is(D)As popular he is23 The public got angry at the news that the criminal had gone abroad withou

13、t_.(A)being punished(B) punishing(C) having punished(D)punished24 _a taxi, otherwise youll miss your train and the ticket will expire.(A)Taken(B) Take(C) To take(D)Taking25 The boy spent as much time in watching TV as he _in studying.(A)does(B) had(C) was(D)didSection BDirections: There are 10 incom

14、plete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.26 You are invited to a party (give)_at our school at 7 p.m. next Saturday.27 Making the thread run through a hole in the center of the needle (able)_Howe to design the first practical sewing-

15、machine.28 Dolphins(海豚) are intelligent and quick to learn; they also have a curious (express)_.29 He said “Good morning“ in a most (friend)_way.30 People (live)_comfortably in the towns hardly feel the pleasure of living in the country.31 The short supply didnt meet the demand that (increase)_rapid

16、ly.32 (frighten)_by the explosion, we ail rushed out of the hall.33 If we (know)_that the books were available, we would have bought them yesterday.34 Why does he always come to see me at the (bad)_possible moment?35 The football team hoped that they (win)_ another glorious victory soon.Task 1Direct

17、ions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.36 Unlike many scientists who work with microscopes, telescopes or some

18、kind of laboratory equipment to perform experiments in order to solve problems they are working on, or find the answers they are looking for, Albert Einstein was a different kind of scientist. He did not perform experiments to prove his theories. He devoted his entire genius to conceiving. (构想) and

19、developing (推导) ideas, and then turning them into written mathematical formulas.Some of Einsteins theories were so far ahead of their time that they could not be tested until years later when better scientific instruments and equipment had been invented. For instance, one theory pointed out the exis

20、tence of a certain star that nobody had ever seen. Another predicted that an atom, then considered the smallest particle (粒子) in the universe, was actually composed of even smaller particles. Eventually both theories were proved to be true.Albert Einstein gave the world many new mathematical formula

21、s that helped explain the laws of the universe. No one in history has done so much as Einstein to help us understand such mysterious things as light, motion, gravity, space and time. 36 Unlike many scientists, Albert Einstein made his discoveries _.(A)in his mind(B) in his laboratory(C) with microsc

22、ope(D)with telescopes37 Some of Einsteins theories could not be tested because_.(A)nobody was interested(B) there were no scientific instrument and equipments needed(C) Einstein did not have his own laboratory(D)it was no use testing them38 We owe our thanks to Einstein for three of the following ex

23、cept_.(A)light(B) electricity and atom(C) motion and gravity(D)space and time39 According to the passage, Einstein devoted his entire genius to_ideas, and then turning them into written mathematical formulas.(A)observing and experimenting(B) inventing and proving(C) conceiving and developing(D)consi

24、dering and predicting40 Einstein helped us to understand the laws of _.(A)nature(B) everything(C) the world(D)the universeTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.41 Too much metal in the soil is considered pollution. Yet

25、too little metal in a persons diet can cause health problems. An American scientist says the answer to both problems may be plants that take up large amounts of metal in their tissues.David Salt is an expert on plants at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He is working with plants that st

26、ore large amounts of metals.In recent years, scientists have shown interest in using such plants to clean up harmful waste materials, Professor Salt says such plants also could be used to improve peoples diets or even to create foods that fight cancer.Humans need a number of metals in their diets, i

27、ncluding iron and zinc. These metals are needed in very small amounts, however. That is why they are called micronutrients. The lack of micronutrients is blamed for health problems in many developing countries. Children and pregnant women are mostly affected.Recently, Mr. Salt announced that he has

28、identified and copied the genes from a kind of plant that stores metals in its tissues. He says his study suggests it may be possible to develop plants that contain minerals needed for good health.For example, the metal selenium is a strong anti-cancer agent. Some wild plants store selenium naturall

29、y. Mr. Salt says foods to fight cancer might be created if genes from these plants could be moved into crop plants.Locoweed, which is a common plant in the western U. S., stores selenium. Professor Salt says it may be possible to create cancer-fighting foods from it. He and scientists from a company

30、 called Unicycle Therapies have copied the gene that causes locoweed to take up selenium from the soil.Many people take pills to add important minerals or vitamins to their diet. However, Mister Salt notes that most selenium products sold in health food stores are of little use. That is because the

31、human body can only take in and use selenium if it is in the right chemical form.The scientist says his team would like to develop a vegetable crop high in selenium. He wants to create an anti-cancer product in the foods we already eat.41 According to Pro. Salt, plants that take up large amounts of

32、metal in their tissues can be used to _.(A)clean polluted soil and cure disease like cancer(B) clean up harmful waste materials in soil and improve peoples diet(C) produce large number of micronutrients such as iron and zinc(D)create food with important minerals or vitamins42 In many developing coun

33、tries, people fall sick because _.(A)they dont absorb enough micronutrients from their diet(B) they dont have plants that take up metal in their tissues(C) there is no locoweed in their countries(D)there is no iron and zinc containing in their food43 Mr. Salt wants to create anti-cancer foods by _.(

34、A)copying tissues from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop plants(B) copying genes that causes the plants to take up selenium from the soil(C) moving selenium from the tissues of wild plants into crop plants(D)moving genes from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop

35、plants44 To add selenium by taking pills are probably not effective because _.(A)the human body is not in the right chemical form(B) the human body does not accept it(C) the selenium is, not in the right chemical form to be absorbed(D)the selenium is difficult to absorb45 What is the main idea of th

36、e article?(A)Plants that absorb metals are being studied by scientists.(B) Scientists are trying to create cancer-fighting crops.(C) Some wild plants can store micronutrients naturally.(D)Anti-cancer products in the foods are good to peoples diet.46 Too much metal in the soil is considered pollution

37、. Yet too little metal in a persons diet can cause health problems. An American scientist says the answer to both problems may be plants that take up large amounts of metal in their tissues.David Salt is an expert on plants at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. He is working with plants t

38、hat store large amounts of metals.In recent years, scientists have shown interest in using such plants to clean up harmful waste materials. Professor Salt says such plants also could be used to improve peoples diets or even to create foods that fight cancer.Humans need a number of metals in their di

39、ets, including iron and zinc. These metals are needed in very small amounts, however. That is why they are called micronutrients. The lack of micronutrients is blamed for health problems in many developing countries. Children and pregnant women are mostly affected.Recently, Mr. Salt announced that h

40、e has identified and copied the genes from a kind of plant that stores metals in its tissues. He says his study suggests it may be possible to develop plants that contain minerals needed for good health.For example, the metal selenium is a strong anti-cancer agent. Some wild plants store selenium na

41、turally. Mr. Salt says foods to fight cancer might be created if genes from these plants could be moved into crop plants.Locoweed, which is a common plant in the western U.S., stores selenium. Professor Salt says it may be possible to create cancer-fighting foods from it. He and scientists from a co

42、mpany called Unicycle Therapies have copied the gene that causes locoweed to take up selenium from the soil.Many people take pills to add important minerals or vitamins to their diet. However, Mister Salt notes that most selenium products sold in health food stores are of little use. That is because

43、 the human body can only take in and use selenium if it is in the right chemical form.The scientist says his team would like to develop a vegetable crop high in selenium. He wants to create an anti-cancer product in the foods we already eat.46 According to Pro. Salt, plants that take up large amount

44、s of metal in their tissues can be used to _.(A)clean polluted soil and cure disease like cancer(B) clean up harmful waste materials in soil and improve peoples diet(C) produce large number of micronutrients such as iron and zinc(D)create food with important minerals or vitamins47 In many developing

45、 countries, people fall sick because _.(A)they dont absorb enough micronutrients from their diet(B) they dont have plants that take up metal in their tissues(C) there is no locoweed in their countries(D)there is no iron and zinc containing in their food48 Mr. Salt wants to create anti-cancer foods b

46、y _.(A)copying tissues from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop plants(B) copying genes that causes the plants to take up selenium from the soil(C) moving selenium from the tissues of wild plants into crop plants(D)moving genes from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into

47、crop plants49 To add selenium by taking pills are probably not effective because _.(A)the human body is not in the right chemical form(B) the human body does not accept it(C) the selenium is, not in the right chemical form to be absorbed(D)the selenium is difficult to absorb50 What is the main idea

48、of the article?(A)Plants that absorb metals are being studied by scientists.(B) Scientists are trying to create cancer-fighting crops.(C) Some wild plants can store micronutrients naturally.(D)Anti-cancer products in the foods are good to peoples diet.Task 3Directions: The following is a passage. Af

49、ter reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks.51 Short CoursesIn order to provide opportunities for individual or group international students and visitors to improve Chinese language proficiency and acquire a better understanding of the


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