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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 997(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Peking Opera Be Made Compulsory? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1京剧被纳入一些中小学的音乐必修课中2对此有人支持,有人反对3我的看法Should Peking Opera Be Made Co

2、mpulsory?二、Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in t

3、he passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 Farewell, Libraries?Amazon, corns recent announcement that sales of e-books at the online megastore had overtaken sales of hardcover books came

4、as no surprise. It had to happen sometime. But the news did conjure quite an interesting mental image: libraries that from now on will look smaller and less crowded.For the moment, lets not argue with the proposition that people will read as much as they ever have, no matter whether they read an act

5、ual book or a book on a screen. The habits of readers may not change(if anything, people may read more, or at least buy more several stories have quoted e-book owners who say they buy more titles for their e-readers than they did when they were buying hardcover books). But if readers arent changing,

6、 their environments will. Rooms that once held books willwell, whatever they hold from now on, it wont be books, or not as many books. Theoretically, your space will be more spare, more serenely uncluttered. Thats the theory, at least. My experience is that stuff expands to fill the space available.

7、 But you can dream.All of this has already happened big time in the music business, where downloads have gradually but surely replaced CDs. I dont know how many people Ive overheard crowing because they managed to transfer their entire music collections onto their computers. All those CDs taking up

8、space on the wall have goneAll those CDs that travel from car to kitchen to bedroom to living room, with the CD and the case getting separated somewhere along the waya problem no more in the digital age. From now on, well own what might be described as the idea of stuff, since the actual physical th

9、ings records, tapes, photographs, CDs, and now bookshave been as good as vaporized, with the information contained therein stored away on a hard drive.This, of course, is merely collateral(并行的)damage in the digital revolution, if damage it is. Theres as yet no way to tell if this transition is good,

10、 bad, both, or neither, but surely the absence of a physical library, be it musical or literary, marks a fundamental shift in the way we live and think about things. In music, for example, the rise of iTunes, Pandora, YouTube, and all the other online music players has quickly eroded our devotion to

11、 the long-playing album as the principal means of organizing music. After a half century of neglect, the lowly single is back on top. Most immediately this has consequences for artists, maybe not so much for the people who buy their music. But who knows?With books, the absence of packaging does noth

12、ing to the contents. I can buy a hardcover copy of Moby-Dick or download it onto an e-reader, and Melville is still Melville. But I grew up loving Rockwell Kents illustrations of that novel, and later Barry Mosers. Its hard to think of the book without them. I can do that, certainly, but some little

13、 thing is lost.Paperbacks and public libraries made books cheap or free but certainly available to millions who might otherwise not have been able to afford them, and all that happened long before I was born. Nevertheless. I was brought up by people who had been taught and who taught me- that books

14、were valuable things, things to be cared for and cherished, and I have owned some volumes for close to half a century(almost none of them. I should point out, qualify as “collectible“ or valuable to an antiquarian book collector; owning a rare book makes me nervous. I like books I can hold, read, an

15、d even here my mother is spinning in her grave write in).I come from a generation for whom the books and records on the shelf signaled, in some way, who you were(starting with the fact that you were a person who owned books or records or CDs). If you visited a friend, you took the first chance you h

16、ad to secretly scan that friends shelves to get a handle on the person. I suppose I could sneak a peek at a friends Kindle, but is that the same? And try that kind of snooping on a bus or in a coffee shop and youll probably get arrested.The stuff of our lives is a comfort. We look up at the shelves

17、and we see old friends. Yes, there are books on my shelves that arent my friends, that I havent finished or even started, but someday I will, I promisemy home library is a physical manifestation of ambivalence. There is comfort in the continuity of seeing the same books year after year. I guess ther

18、e might be some of the same pleasure in scrolling through a digital library or music playlist, but somehow I think something will be lost.For years audiophiles(音响爱好者)have tried to persuade more casual music fans that a vinyl record played on a decent sound system sounds better than a digital recordi

19、ng played on the same system. Digital sound is not as warm, not as seductive to the ear. The resurgence, albeit modest, of vinyl, especially among young listeners and musicians, proves that this argument is not generational. Its not, in other words, just old fogies versus young hipsters.Something of

20、 the same argument might be made for books, or for the tactile(触觉的)pleasure of holding and reading a well-made book. At its simplest, a book is a tool, or an information-delivery system, if you will, and it does what it does supremely well. To conceive of a world without physical books is to conceiv

21、e of a world somehow diminished. It may be more efficient yes, you can take a “stack“ of books on vacation with an e-reader. It may spare quite a few forests from the ax. But efficiency is no substitute for pleasure. The future may be less cluttered. It may also be less fun.2 What does A announce?(A

22、)Libraries will be smaller and less crowded.(B) E-books will be sure to replace hardcover books.(C) It is not a surprise for e-books to share a larger market.(D)Sales of e-books exceeded that of traditional books.3 The popularity of e-books may make e-book owners_.(A)buy more e-books for their reade

23、rs(B) read more books on the screen(C) eventually give up traditional books(D)change the mind of readers4 According to the authors experience, what happens to the rooms originally for books?(A)They are not larger than before.(B) They are filled with other things.(C) They give way to CDs.(D)They are

24、cleaner and more spare.5 What can we learn about the CDs in music business?(A)They will take up much room of their collectors.(B) They will become cheaper because of less popularity.(C) They will be replaced by online music finally.(D)They will no longer appear in cars.6 What will be the result of t

25、he digital revolution if there isnt a physical library?(A)Our lifestyle and way of thinking will be changed.(B) There will be more bad consequences than good ones.(C) The life of both artists and buyers will be damaged.(D)More online bookstores will appear.7 The author was told the idea that books a

26、re_.(A)more cherished by previous people(B) mostly stored in public libraries for free reading(C) luxuries for people when he was young(D)valuable for people to collect and treasure8 Why do some people scan friends books and records on the shelf?(A)Because books reflect ones nature.(B) Because it is

27、 polite to do so.(C) Because they want to supply each others needs.(D)Because books of others are better.9 When the author sees the same books on the shelf year after year, he feels_.10 When a book is considered as a tool, or an information-delivery system, holding and reading a well-made book will

28、get_.11 Reading books with an e-reader is quite efficient, but it cannot be a_.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the q

29、uestions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.(A)Buy the watch for $ 20.(B) See Bonnie this weekend.(C) Borrow some money from the woman.(D)Ask Bonnie to pay bac

30、k the money.(A)Reading something about the Great Wall.(B) Taking a vacation.(C) Visiting the Summer Palace.(D)Teaching English.(A)She is living a busy life recently.(B) She has plenty of time to play games.(C) She would like to fight in a war.(D)She considers herself unfortunate.(A)Interesting.(B) H

31、elpful.(C) Unpleasant.(D)Meaningful.(A)It is difficult to operate computers.(B) It is frightening if computers get out of control.(C) Trying more makes operating computers an easy job.(D)People get lost in front of computers.(A)Jogging is much better than climbing stairs.(B) The woman should not cli

32、mb the stairs.(C) The woman should take some exercise.(D)The building should be equipped with advanced lift.(A)Take a part-time job during the holiday.(B) Ask her parents for help.(C) Go travelling after summer holiday.(D)Give up the idea of travelling.(A)They are telling the truth.(B) They made a l

33、ot of mistakes in the exam.(C) They didnt do well in the exam.(D)They cheated in the exam.(A)To help students prepare to enter higher institutions.(B) To help the outstanding students go abroad.(C) To provide work opportunities for graduates in the community.(D)To help some poor college students ear

34、n more money.(A)The tuition fee for a full-time student is $ 2 070.(B) With the F-l student visa, one can apply for the 1-20 form in his own country.(C) One can apply for the English learning program only by mail.(D)The caller is calling for one of his friends wanting to attend an American universit

35、y.(A)May, 29.(B) June, 29.(C) July, 29.(D)August, 29.(A)The protection of trees.(B) Logging industry.(C) Living in trees.(D)Travelling in Tasmania.(A)Hold violent protests.(B) Tie themselves to trees.(C) Provide more jobs.(D)Make trees into paper.(A)Because they want to protect the trees.(B) Because

36、 it is a tradition.(C) Because they love nature.(D)Because they have no family.(A)It is the primary industry in Tasmania.(B) It takes away some of tourists.(C) It is strictly banned in Tasmania.(D)It is closely related to the local shops.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short pa

37、ssages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery while driving.

38、(B) They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.(C) They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars.(D)They are pleased because it saves them much time.(A)They dont have their own cars to drive to work.(B) Many of them are romantic by temperament.(C) Most of them enjoy the d

39、rinks on the boat.(D)They tend to be more friendly to each other.(A)Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board.(B) Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed.(C) Some suggest improving the design of the deck.(D)Some object to using larger luxury boats.(A)It helps the candidate get t

40、he job.(B) Its a good way to flatter the manager.(C) It shows that the candidate is confident.(D)It shows that the candidate is polite.(A)A note sent through an e-mail with many words.(B) A note done by handwriting with specificity.(C) A note that is brief and general.(D)A note that is long and spec

41、ific.(A)A thank-you note is significant before an interview.(B) A handwriting note is not as good as an e-mail note.(C) A thank-you note should be as general as possible.(D)The manager tends to read a brief thank-you note.(A)To report on the findings of a study.(B) To give information about family p

42、roblems.(C) To show the relationship between parents and children.(D)To teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner table.(A)Because they are busy serving food to their children.(B) Because they are busy keeping order at the dinner table.(C) Because they have to pay more attention to younger chil

43、dren.(D)Because they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family.(A)TV is important to have the right food for children.(B) It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner.(C) Parents should talk to each of their children frequently.(D)Elder children should help the younger ones at din

44、ner.(A)Parents should pay more attention to middle children.(B) Middle children in the family are usually wiser.(C) Parents should turn the TV on during the dinner time.(D)The parents with small families talk less actively with their children.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a pas

45、sage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you

46、 are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 The dictionary says a trend is a kind of movement or direction. People around the world used their 【B1】_to buy goods, communicate with others,【B2 】_to music

47、, see pictures and learn about different places and ideas. In 2006, more people around the world used new ways to communicate and connect with each other through the Internet. Among the several kinds of【B3 】_that became more popular this year, the Blog is one form of【B4】_that increased the most in【B

48、5】_. Blog is a short way of saying Web Log. Through these personal web sites, people can share their lives, ideas and【 B6】_with anyone on the Internet. Millions of people throughout the world are【B7】_and reading Blogs. There are reportedly 13 million Blogs in the United States【B8】_. People of all ag

49、es have their own Blogs.【B9】_. Blogs also connect people with other people who have the same interests.【B10】_. Many web sites offer free services to create personal web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. These sites include “MySpace,“ used mainly by teenagers and young adults.【B11】_. About 120 million people use MySpace. It is the most popular social networking site on the web.37 【B1 】38 【B2 】39 【B3 】40 【B4 】41 【B5 】42


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