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1、2013 年山东专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 You_that office building after dark.(A)have no business for entrance(B) have no business entering(C) have not the business to enter(D)do not have business to entering2 Its necessary that the president_in time to attend the meeting.(A)came(B) will

2、come(C) come(D)comes3 This test is for students_native language is not English.(A)whose(B) that(C) of whom(D)which4 _he retires, Prof. Baker will have taught in the university for almost forty years.(A)By this time(B) At the time(C) At the same time(D)By the time5 The commercial center_will be the m

3、ost magnificent one in the city.(A)built(B) to be built(C) be building(D)having been built6 You_to town to see the movie yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.(A)neednt go(B) should not go(C) had better not go(D)neednt have gone7 Across the river_.(A)lies a new built bridge(B) lies a newly built bridg

4、e(C) a new built bridge lies(D)a newly built bridge lies8 Weve all heard of Thomas Edison, _who invented the electric light and many other things.(A)man(B) a man(C) the man(D)men9 Our aim is to make the electricity_the people better.(A)serve(B) served(C) to serve(D)serve for10 I would have told him

5、the answer had it been possible, but I_so busy then.(A)had been(B) were(C) was(D)would be11 We must improve the farming method_we may get high yields.(A)in order to(B) in order that(C) since(D)as12 PTO stands_“Please turn over the page“, of course.(A)for(B) like(C) as(D)by13 Though normally I can wa

6、lk for miles without taking any rest, I found todays walk to the zoo very_.(A)tired(B) tiring(C) tire(D)tiresome14 This passage is_too difficult for the juniors and_too easy for the seniors.(A)rather. rather(B) rather. fairly(C) fairly. fairly(D)fairly. rather15 To our surprise, Jack scored 400_an a

7、verage of 250 in a recent English competition.(A)toward(B) for(C) against(D)with16 This weather is_we had this time last year.(A)worse of what(B) worse than(C) worse as(D)worse that17 The oxygen in the air we breathe mixes_our blood and gives us life.(A)in(B) with(C) up(D)on18 Dick, something import

8、ant has happened. I wish to_.(A)talk it over with you(B) talk over it(C) talk over(D)talk you with it19 _we know, there are 107 elements found in nature.(A)So long as(B) As far(C) So far as(D)Just as20 Frank had worked for three years to be a technician, but found his progress_.(A)discouraging and u

9、nsatisfied(B) discouraging and dissatisfied(C) discouraged and dissatisfied(D)unsatisfactory and discouraging21 John dreamed of getting a better_and could earn more money.(A)job(B) work(C) employ(D)employment22 On his way home he was killed in a car_.(A)blow(B) shock(C) crash(D)hit23 On my journey b

10、y car across the European Continent, I enjoyed looking at the_of the various countries.(A)scenery(B) sceneries(C) scenes(D)views24 She hadnt eaten breakfast: _, she was hungry by noon.(A)furthermore(B) therefore(C) as well as(D)still25 This group is_a nonprofit organization.(A)periodically(B) readil

11、y(C) practically(D)roughly26 The accident which happened on the highway_several vehicles.(A)connected(B) involved(C) contained(D)contacted27 The committee came up with a set of solutions to the problems facing the area and has got_results.(A)constructive(B) instructive(C) perspective(D)effective28 T

12、o our great surprise, Mr. Baker has quickly recovered from his_illness.(A)sincere(B) strict(C) superior(D)severe29 This new type of car is fitted with an effective engine, which is_fuel.(A)economic of(B) economized of(C) economical of(D)economist of30 We all know that arrows are often used as_to sho

13、w directions.(A)signs(B) messages(C) signals(D)symbols30 Ballet training in Russia begins at age nine or tea Whatever the limitations of ballet in the Soviet Union, it is no wonder that Russian ballet dancers perform with ease leaps and lifts seldom attempted elsewhere, and that the standard of danc

14、ing in a Russian corps de ballet is far above that usually seen in other countriesnine years of ballet discipline is almost unheard of outside Russia.The period devoted to dance classes increases gradually from two or three hours a day to five or six. As in other institutions of higher learning, bal

15、let students receive monthly government stipends in their last four years, varying from 160 to 200 rubles($ 16 to $ 20). Of the thirty pupils to begin ballet each year, fewer than twenty-five usually graduate: the others drop out because of poor health or lack of ability.Upon graduation, the startin

16、g salary for members of a corps de is 100 rubles a month, while prima ballerinas receive 6 000. Russias most famous ballet company, the Bolshoi, has first pick of each graduating class, but few dancers have the good fortune to begin with this company: all graduates, however, are assured of jobs in b

17、allet.Stars such as Ulanova were produced in this fashion, with training started early and security, if not intellectual independence, guaranteed.31 Ballet training in Russia begins when a child_.(A)begins school(B) is in the primary school(C) finishes his academic work(D)can walk32 Long training ha

18、s enabled Russian ballet dancers to_.(A)give unusually long performances(B) develop new ballet figures(C) perform leaps and lifts seldom seen elsewhere(D)overcome the limitations of ballet in the U. S. S. R.33 According to the selection, Russian corps de ballet have_.(A)unusually high standards of d

19、ancing(B) greater discipline than the companies in any other country(C) more applicants than corps de ballet companies(D)more professional dancers than most ballet companies34 The students who graduate are assured of_.(A)economic security(B) intellectual independence(C) 6 000 rubles a month(D)both A

20、 and B34 For most people, life is easier and more comfortable than ever before. Convenient foods from the supermarket simplify shopping and cooking. Household appliances like the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine have taken the drudgery out of housework. Released from these household chores, ma

21、ny wives have found jobs outside the home. Women are achieving economic independence.Families, too, are simpler today. In America, it is not customary for parents to live with their married children. With our greater mobility, relatives have scattered, the parents retiring to Florida or Arizona and

22、the young people, after they marry, going wherever their jobs or their parents or their interests take them.Young adult women have new freedom, too. While attending college, they often live away from home, sometimes far from their parents or their relatives. After college, they move to the city, fin

23、d a job, and set up a bachelor apartment. This is the era of womens liberation.But all this freedom and affluence(富裕)have had an unforeseen and in some aspects a devastating(破坏的 )effect on marriage.35 In the US, families are becoming_.(A)bigger(B) smaller(C) easier(D)freer36 Why are women able to ac

24、hieve economic independence?(A)Because they have their own salary.(B) Because convenience foods are available.(C) Because they are free away from drudgery.(D)Because they are attending college.37 Hard housework was taken away by_.(A)liberated women(B) retired parents(C) supermarkets(D)modern equipme

25、nt38 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?(A)Womens liberation has made it possible for them to study.(B) Comfortable life adversely influences marriage in America.(C) Adults can go wherever they want.(D)Women prefer to be bachelors.38 No author in American literature

26、is better known or more loved than Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Born in Missouri in 1835, he grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River and used the pen name of Mark Twain. The two novels brought him his greatest fame: Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Another book, Life on the Mississippi, told of h

27、is adventures on the river boats of that period.It was during the Civil War that Mark Twains life as a writer started. At that time he was working as a newspaper man in Nevada and California. His short story, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Cadavers County“, was an immediate success and his new life

28、 began.In 1870, Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon. He had fallen in love with her picture even before he met her. His wife had a great influence on Twains later books.Mark Twain was also a very successful lecturer. His travels around the country giving talks on different kinds of subjects helped mak

29、e him famous and increased the sale of his books.Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are considered Twains best works. They are marked by humor and satire and provide his readers with an excellent picture of his time. His last book was completed in 1909, one year before his death. He was then 74 years o

30、ld.39 Mark Twain is_.(A)the best known author in American literature(B) the best author in America all the time(C) the best known author in the world(D)the best author in the world40 The book, Life on the Mississippi, told us_.(A)his adventures on the Mississippi(B) his successful way to a writer(C)

31、 his life as a writer(D)his successful lectures41 Which of the following novels made him famous?(A)Tom Sawyer,(B) Huckleberry Finn.(C) Life on the Mississippi.(D)Both A and B.42 Mark Twains life as a writer started_.(A)when he was a boy(B) before he got married(C) after he got married(D)when he got

32、married42 A)Were here to make a case for volunteerism in college, as there may be some benefits to community service that you havent yet considered when drawing up those schedules.B)With Christmas only a month away, the McDonald house seemed sadly lacking in Christmas spirit.C)During the next few da

33、ys, although he was not hungry during the day, he quickly noticed every food store, and the smell of food caught his attentionD)During an emotional crisis people tend to engage in self-doubt, make poor choices, feel rejected, get discouraged, and isolate ourselves.43 再过一个月就是圣诞节了,但悲哀的是,麦克唐纳家的房子里似乎缺少了

34、点圣诞气息。44 我们在这里为在大学做志愿服务提供充足的理由,因为当你制订计划的时候,也许还有一些社区服务的益处没有考虑到。45 情感危机期间人们往往会自我怀疑,作出错误的选择,觉得被拒绝,感到气馁并且孤立自己。46 在接下来的几天里,尽管他白天不觉得饿,但他更快地注意到每个食品店,食物的味道也总能引起他的注意。46 A)Only when the researchers have obtained sufficient data can they come to a sound conclusion.B)But trucks are big and carry heavy load: the

35、y are accepted because they perform a needed service, making America move.C)Parents planning to divorce do not sufficiently prepare their children for the coming crisis, nor do they provide them with the necessary assurances that they will be cared for in the aftermath.D)As for the influence of comp

36、uterization, nowhere have we seen the results more clearly than in the bank.47 但是卡车很大,并且载重很多;它们被人们接受是因为它们提供了人们需要的服务,使美国向前发展。48 只有当研究者获得充分的数据,他们才能得出一个正确的结论。49 打算离婚的父母没有很好地培养孩子应对将要到来的危机的能力,他们也没有向孩子们作出很有必要的保证:会有人照顾你们的。50 至于计算机化的影响,没有什么地方比银行能更清楚地看到其成果。Section ADirections: Translate the following English

37、 into Chinese.51 The period devoted to dance classes increases gradually from two or three hours a day to five or six.52 In America, it is not customary for parents to live with their married children.53 While attending college, they often live away from home, sometimes far from their parents or the

38、ir relatives.54 He had fallen in love with her picture even before he met her. His wife had a great influence on Twains later books.55 His travels around the country giving talks on different kinds of subjects helped make him famous and increased the sale of his books.Section BDirections: Translate

39、the following Chinese into English.56 虽然他聪明机智,也觉得解决这个问题很难。57 要不是来自政府的及时投资,我们的公司不会像现在这样繁荣昌盛。58 你的文章写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。59 我们预料我们的计划会遇到一些人的反对。60 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。二、Writing61 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should

40、 write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:1有人做好事期望得到回报;2有人认为应该做好事不图回报;3我的观点。Section A(A)His wife does not like Scotland.(B) His wife is afraid of traffic accidents.(C) His wife has been unwell recently.(D)His wife has a personal problem.(A)The woman lost her memory las

41、t year.(B) The woman had trouble finding anyone who knew her.(C) The woman wanted other people to form a fair opinion about her.(D)The woman was seriously injured last winter.(A)To put some money in the bank.(B) To spend a lot of money.(C) To save a lot of money.(D)To open a deposit account.(A)On a

42、mountain path.(B) In a supermarket.(C) On a road.(D)In a railway station.(A)To help her ring the bell.(B) To help her fasten the seat belt.(C) To help her with her bag.(D)To hold the bag for her.(A)He was not hungry.(B) He had already had his breakfast.(C) He was too tired.(D)He wanted to sleep a li

43、ttle more.(A)Teaching English by radio.(B) Teaching English in a high school.(C) Learning English by radio.(D)Learning English by themselves.(A)The woman lost Gails phone number.(B) The man needs to install a phone.(C) The man hasnt yet got Gails phone number.(D)Gail used to live in California.(A)Al

44、l the noise inside made his mind wander.(B) He was surprised that she couldnt hear him.(C) He wondered what all the noise was about.(D)It was, indeed, too noisy to hear.(A)A drugstore.(B) The name of high building.(C) A supermarket.(D)The name of a street.(A)She thinks Greg might be interested in jo

45、ining the theater group.(B) She thinks Greg might be interested in taking some very hard courses.(C) She thinks Greg might be interested in calling the theater group.(D)She thinks Greg might be interested in putting in extra time in rehearsals.(A)Once two weeks.(B) Every other Wednesday.(C) Every ot

46、her Thursday.(D)Once a week(A)Because he is not sure whether he really loves acting.(B) Because he hardly thinks he can put in extra time before a performance.(C) Because he is not sure whether he will have time to go to the rehearsals.(D)Because he is not sure whether he will be able to learn his p

47、art.(A)She will have some fua(B) She will watch a rehearsal.(C) She will call Greg.(D)She will join the theater group.(A)She expects Greg to keep his promise.(B) She expects Greg to give her a call sooa(C) She expects Greg to go to the theatre group right away.(D)She expects Greg to watch a rehearsa

48、l and see how much fun it is.(A)Looking for a right place to live.(B) Helping the man with some housework.(C) Looking for an apartment for the man.(D)Doing a research on neighbor relationships.(A)The man does all the washing for everyone in the apartment.(B) All the people in the apartment take turn

49、s to do all the washing.(C) All the people in the apartment help each other in washing clothes.(D)All the people in the apartment have to share one washer and dryer.(A)He not only paid for the paint but also did the painting.(B) He did the painting while his neighbor paid for the paint.(C) He had his neighbors paint the apartment and paid them for it.(D)His neighbor


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