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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 251 及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)caused(B) wished(C) guessed(D)dressed (A)tea(B) read(C) real(D)steal (A)through(B) famous(C) route(D)wounded (A)native(B) active(C) national(D)narrow (A)like(B) limit(C) knife(D)inside 二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is

2、 provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 It was your brother _I met at the station.(A)who(B) whom(C) that(D)why 7 I recognized John _he entered the room,(A)hardly(B) the minute(C) no sooner(D)at once 8 The man said he

3、would hit me _I told him where the money was.(A)until(B) unless(C) soon after(D)as 9 A doctor, together with two nurses, _sent to the mountain village.(A)have(B) have been(C) has(D)has been 10 I have no intention of _relations with them.(A)breaking up(B) breaking off(C) breaking out(D)breaking down

4、11 Not until quite recently _he gave up his plan to go abroad.(A)I knew(B) I had known(C) did I know(D)I did know 12 Lets have a _discussion about this topic.(A)farther(B) further(C) father(D)far 13 Its natural that she _do so.(A)should(B) will(C) could(D)must 14 Youd like to take a walk after suppe

5、r, _you ?(A)hadnt(B) would(C) wouldnt(D)shouldnt 15 Stop_, boys! Its time for class.(A)talking(B) to talk(C) talk(D)being talk 16 Tom writes as _as her brother.(A)clear(B) more clear(C) clearly(D)most clearly 17 I would rather you _those important files with you.(A)not take(B) didnt take(C) wont tak

6、e(D)havent taken 18 My mother bought that coat _a low price.(A)at(B) in(C) on(D)with 19 If he _the job, he will get more money right away.(A)accept(B) accepts(C) will accept(D)has accepted 20 Do you know any other foreign languages _French?(A)but(B) except(C) besides(D)beside 三、Part III Reading Comp

7、rehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.20 Dollars and cents are the ba

8、sic units of American money. The back of all dollar bills are green (hence “greenbacks“). The commonly used coins are: one cent (penny), five cents (nickel), 10 cents (dime), and 25 cents (quarter). 50 pieces (half dollar) and silver dollars (not really silver anymore) are gaining in usage, while th

9、ere has been talk of phasing out the penny thats inflation for you. “Always carry plenty of quarters when travelling. Very useful for phones, soda machines, laundry machines, etc.“There is generally no problem in using US dollars in Canada, but this is never possible in reverse. Its useful always to

10、 carry small change for things like exact fare buses, but do not carry large sums of cash. Instead keep the bulk of your money in travellers cheques which can be purchased both in the US and abroad and should be in dollar denominations. The best known cheques are those of American Express, so you wi

11、ll have the least difficulty cashing these, even in out of the way places. Thomas Cook travellers cheques are also acceptable, especially as lost ones can be reclaimed at some car rental companies. Dollar denomination cheques can be used like regular money. Theres no need to cash them at a bank: use

12、 them instead to pay for meals, supermarket purchases or whatever. Ten or twenty dollar cheques are accepted like this almost always and youll be given change just as though youd presented the cashier with dollar bills. Be prepared to show ID when you cash your cheques.Credit cards can be even more

13、valuable than travellers cheques, as they are often used to guaraniee room reservations over the phone and are accepted in lieu of deposit when renting a carindeed without a credit card you may be considered so untrustworthy that not only a deposit but your passport will be held as security too. The

14、 major credit cards are VISA, Master Charge and Access, Diners Club and American Express. If you hold a bank card, it could well be worthwhile to increase your credit limit for travel purposesyou should ask your bank manager.21 Why is it useful to carry enough 25-cent coins with you? _(A)They can ac

15、t as small change for the exact bus fares.(B) There is generally no problem in using them in Canada.(C) As a basic unit of money, they are gradually gaining in usage.(D)They may come in handy for pay phones or laundry machines. 22 It is not necessary to carry cash instead of dollar travellers cheque

16、s because the latter can be _(A)used for phones, bus fares and hotel reservations(B) used to pay in restaurants and big stores(C) used like credit cards, even in remote areas(D)exchanged easily, even at car rental companies 23 Which of the following statements is TRUE? _(A)Credit cards have more adv

17、antages than travellers cheques.(B) Dollar bills are as convenient as credit cards.(C) One-cent coins have been withdrawn from circulation.(D)You can increase your credit limit as you like. 24 This passage is most probably taken from _ .(A)a tourist guide(B) a bank brochure(C) a booklet about car re

18、ntal(D)a handbook on U. S. currency 24 The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. Only the Pacific and the Atlantic are larger. More than one-fifth of all the worlds water supply is in the Indian Ocean.The Indian Ocean touches four different continents. To the south is Antarctica and

19、to the east is Australia. Africa lies to the west and Asia lies to the north. There are several important islands in the Indian Ocean. These include Madagascar, the largest one, which is near Africa, and Sri Lanka, which is near India. There is also a group of islands called the Seychelies near the

20、African coast.The Indian Ocean is extremely important to the countries in southeast Asia. Strong winds from the Indian Ocean bring warm weather, and heavy rains are necessary for growing food.25 We may conclude that _ .(A)India is larger than Antarctica(B) The Indian Ocean is to the east of Australi

21、a(C) Madagascar is larger than Sri Lanka(D)The India Ocean is larger than the Atlantic 26 Sri Lanka lies near _ .(A)Madagascar(B) Africa(C) the African coast(D)India 27 Of all the oceans in the world, the Indian Ocean contains more than(A)5 per cent of the worlds water(B) 15 percent of the worlds wa

22、ter(C) 20 percent of the worlds water(D)50 percent of the worlds water 28 Which of the following statements is true?(A)The Indian Ocean comes before the Pacific and the Atlantic in size.(B) The Indian Ocean is surround by four countries.(C) Sri Lanka is the largest island in the Indian Ocean.(D)Stro

23、ng winds from the Indian Ocean bring heavy rains to the countries in southeast Asia. 28 A stamp is just a piece with a picture and some words printed on one side and some glue on the other side. What makes one of these bits of paper worth any money at all? What makes a ten-fen stamp worth ten fen?Wh

24、en you buy a stamp, you also buy service from the post office. You get the letter sent by post. After the stamp has done its work, the post office says it is worthless. You must buy a new one for each letter you send.But people often pay money for stamps that have already been used. Stamp collectors

25、 have fun just trying to collect as many different kinds as possible. Certain kinds are hard to find. To get one of these uncommon stamps, some collectors are willing to pay a great deal of money. They think it is worth something, and that gives it value. If you collect stamps because they are espec

26、ially beautiful or tell an interesting story or show all kinds of animals, then those are the ones that have value to you.29 When you post a letter, you must buy _ .(A)a ten-fen stamp(B) a new stamp(C) a twenty-fen stamp(D)a stamp worth 10 fen or more 30 The post office says the stamp is useless whe

27、n _ .(A)you buy it(B) you write a letter(C) put a letter into a postbox(D)it has a postmark on it 31 When some of the stamps are difficult to find, _ .(A)nobody will try to get them(B) they can become very valuable(C) everybody would like to buy them(D)they will be worthless 32 Which of the followin

28、g statements is not true? _(A)Some stamps have a flower or animal on one side.(B) Along with a picture on one side, there are also some words.(C) Some used stamps can be worth a lot of money.(D)A stamp, when used, is worth more than a new one. 32 Design of all the new tools and implements is based o

29、n careful experiments with electronic instruments. First, a human “guinea pig“ is tested using a regular tool. Measurements are taken of the amount Of work done, and the buildup of heat in the body. Twisted joints and stretched muscles can not perform as well, it has been found, as joints and muscle

30、s in their normal positions. The same person is then tested again, using a tool designed according to the suggestions made by Dr. Tichauer. All these tests have shown the great improvement of the new designs over the old.One of the electronic instruments used by Dr. Tichauer, the myograph (肌动记器), ma

31、kes visible through electrical signals the work done by human muscle.Another machine measures any dangerous features of tools, thus proving information upon which to base a new design. One conclusion of tests made with this machine is that a tripod (三脚架) stepladder is more stable and safer to use th

32、an one with four legs.This work has attracted the attention of efficiency experts and time-and-motion-study engineer, but its value goes far beyond that. Dr. Tichauers first thought is for the health of the tool user. With the repeated use of the same tool all day long on production lines and in oth

33、er jobs, even light manual work can put a heavy stress on one small area of the body. In time, such stress can cause a disabling disease. Furthermore, muscle fatigue is a serious safety hazard.Efficiency is the by-product of comfort, Dr. Tichauer believes, and his new designs for traditional tools h

34、ave proved his point. 33 From the passage we know that joints and muscles perform best when _ .(A)they are twisted and stretched(B) they are in their normal positions(C) they are tested with a human “guinea pig“(D)they are tested with electronic instruments 34 A “myograph“ (Para. 2, Line 1) is an el

35、ectronic instrument that _ .(A)is able to design new tools(B) measures the amount of energy used(C) enables people to see the muscular movements(D)visualizes electrical signals 35 It can be inferred from the passage that _ .(A)a stepladder used to have four legs.(B) it is dangerous to use tools(C) a

36、 tripod is safer in a tool design(D)workers are safer on production lines 36 Dr. Tichauer started his experiments initially to _ .(A)improve efficiency(B) increase production(C) reduce workload(D)improve comfort 36 Which of your two hands do you use much better? Very few of us can use both of our ha

37、nds equally well. Most of us are right-handed. Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. Newborn babies can grasp objects with either of their hands, but in about two years they usually prefer to use their right hands.Scientists dont know why this happens. They used to think that we i

38、nherited this tendency from our animal ancestors, but this may not be true. Monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal world. Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand. There are as many right-handed monkeys as there are l

39、eft-handed ones. Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. Youll see that some of them will prefer to swing from their right hands, and others will use their left hands. But most human beings use their right hands better, and this makes life difficult for those who prefer to use thei

40、r left hands.37 Most of us use our right hands _ the left ones.(A)as well as(B) not so well as(C) much better than(D)more better than 38 The number of right-handed monkey is _ the left-handed ones.(A)greater than that of(B) smaller than that of(C) as much as that of(D)equal to that of 39 Which of th

41、e following is true? _(A)When a child is two years old, he prefers to use both of his hands to grasp objects.(B) Scientists have given the reason for this tendency.(C) A monkey can use both of his hands equally well.(D)Those who prefer to use their left hands live a difficult life. 40 The best title

42、 of the passage is _ .(A)Newborn babies can use both hands well(B) Most human beings use their right hands better(C) Few human beings use their left hands(D)We live in a right-handed world 四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choic

43、es marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.40 16, Woodman Road,Two Bridges,West Sussex.Cosmo Books Ltd.,Hertford Estate,Rickmansworth,Middx.25th FebruaryRef. GBS/SW/4CJ Dear Sir,Just over six months ago

44、, I saw an advertisement in the Morning Mail for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare. Your company, Cosmo Books Ltd.,【21】this set(eight books of plays and two books of poetry ) at what was claimed to be a “remarkable“【22】: fifteen pounds and fifty pence, including postage and packing.

45、 I had wanted a set of Shakespeares plays and poems for some time, and these books in red imitation leather, looked particularly【23】; so I sent for them. Two weeks later, the books arrived,【24】with a set of the complete works of Charles Dickens which 1 had not ordered. So I returned the Dickens book

46、s to you, with a【25】for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of Shakespeare. Two more weeks passed. Then there arrived on my door step a second set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of novels by Dickens and a six-book set of the plays of Moliere, in French. Since I do not read French

47、, these were of no use to me at all.【26】, I could not afford to post all these books back to you, so I wrote to you at the end of August of last year, instructing you to come and【27】all the books that I did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further【28】 .You did not reply to

48、that letter. Instead you sent me a bill for forty-two pounds, and a set of the plays of Schiller, in German. Since then, a new set of books has arrived every two【29】: the works of Goethe, the poems of Milton, the plays of Strindberg; I【30】 know what I have. The books are still all in their boxes, in

49、 the garage, and my car has to【31】in the rain outside.I have no【 32】for any more books, and even if I read from now on【33】the Last Judgment, I should not finish reading all the books that you have sent me.Please send no more books, send no more bills, send no more angry letters【34】payment. Just send one large lorry and take all the books away,【35】me only wit


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