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1、- 1 -广东省佛山市顺德李兆基中学 2019 届高三英语 8 月月考试卷(满分:120 分;时间:120 分钟)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)从文章后的选项中选出最佳选项,并将正确答案填涂在答题卡相应位置。AMorgan Motor Company Factory Tour and Cream Tea for TwoDescriptionThe Morgan Motor Company Factory is based in Malvern but is famous all over the world for their

2、 cars character and charisma(魅力). Not only will you enjoy a guided tour of the only car maker in the world to still be run by the founding family after a century, you can also make the day complete with a cream tea for two.ActivitiesDuring this fascinating tour you will see how the cars are made fro

3、m start to finish using a mixture of modern technology and traditional methods, as you visit the workshops. After the tour you will be able to view the museum at your leisure, and take your time to discover the wonderful history of this automobile. You will also enjoy a cream tea in the Morgan Cafe

4、to make it just a little bit more special for free.Participant guidelinesMinimum age: 5(under 16 must be accompanied by an adult).AvailabilityAvailable on weekdays only. The factory closes for one week at Easter, during July and at Christmas, so please check with the factory for their closure dates.

5、We advise booking at least four weeks in advance but during the summer months this increases to six weeks to ensure that dates are available. This is only a guideline and we advise you to book as early as possible to ensure that dates are available before the expiry date listed on your voucher.- 2 -

6、All bookings are subject to availability.Additional informationThe Visitor Center Cafe is open daily and can cater for gluten-free(无谷蛋白)diets.The Morgan gift shop is open daily.There is a large visitor car park.All areas are wheelchair friendly.Packaging and deliveryFor information on our packaging

7、and delivery, please click here.1. A visitor to join in Morgan Motor Company Factory Tour can know _.A. the development of the science B. the way to make the cream teaC. the production process of cars D. the secret to run a car company.2. What can we learn from the passage?A. Children aged 12 can vi

8、sit there alone. B. Visitors can enjoy the free meals there.C. People can visit the factory any time on weekdays. D. The disabled can use their wheelchair in the factory.3. Where can we find this tour information?A. In a newspaper B. On the Internet C. In a geography book D. In a magazineBMartha Gra

9、ham, born in 1894, was one of the most famous dancers and creators of dance, whose influence on dance has been compared with the influence Picasso had on the modern visual arts, Stravinsky had on music, or Frank Lloyd Wright had on architecture. She created almost two hundred dance pieces. She is of

10、ten called the Mother of Modern Dance.Earlier in her life, however, Martha did not know that she would become a dancer. At that time, the dancers were looked down on. So Marthas parents didnt approve of her desire to dance at the beginning. Until 1916, she began - 3 -her studies at the newly created

11、 Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts, founded by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn, where Graham worked very hard to improve her ability to dance because she was considered too old to begin dancing.In 1936, Graham made her defining work, Chronicle, which signaled the beginning of a new era in mo

12、dern dance. The dance brought serious issues to the stage for the general public in a dramatic manner. Influenced by the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the Great Depression that followed, and the Spanish Civil War, it focused on depression and isolation, reflected in the dark nature of both the set and

13、costumes.Graham continued to dance past the age of seventy. Once again, she was met with criticism from people who came to watch her shows. But she didnt give up. Her last completed ballet was 1990s Maple Leaf Rag. A Dancers World is an introduction to Graham and her work. She tells about her dances

14、 and her dance group shows some of their methods.Martha Graham received many awards during her lifetime, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in nineteen seventy six. She was the first dancer to receive the countrys highest civilian honor. She died in 1991 at the age of ninety-six. In 1998, T

15、ime magazine listed her as the “Dancer of the Century” and as one of the most important people of the twentieth century.4.Some famous artists mentioned in Paragraph 1 show Martha Graham _.A. was influenced greatly by them B. kept in touch with them regularlyC had a great effect on modern dance D. li

16、ked to make more friends with them.5. Why didnt Martha parents approve of her desire to dance at first?A. She was too old to learn American dance. B. American dance was seen as a lower art form.C. There was no academic school to teach dancing. D. Her family was too poor to afford her tuition.6. When

17、 Martha Graham continued to dance in her 70s, she _.A. was warmly welcomed by the youth. B. achieved huge success once again.C. received many awards for her age D. was attacked by people.- 4 -7. The passage is mainly about _.A. the background of modern dance in AmericaB. the development of modern da

18、nce in AmericaC. Martha Graham and her achievements in danceD. the awards Martha Graham won in her life.CThe human body is designed to move. But modern lifestyle and office jobs rarely give us the chance to move around. As we know, we sit while were eating; we sit in the car and we sit while we watc

19、h TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work.New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might extend your life by two years. Peter Katzmarzyk, a scientist at the University of Louisiana in the southern United States, says that sitting is ubiquitous in our lives, meaning it is som

20、ething we do all the time, everywhere.However, Mr Katzmarzyk says that doesnt mean you can sit for the rest of your waking hours. He also says you may exercise often. “We cant throw away physical activity. Its extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that.”Mr Katzmarzyk and his c

21、olleagues are part of a new generation of researchers studying how sitting all day affects length of life. Studies that have assessed the relationship between sitting and mortality(死亡率)or television viewing and mortality are very rare. Theres only been a few of them, actually five or six now, in the

22、 last four or five years. They found that cutting television time to less than two hours a day could add one point four years to life.Luckily, change is already coming to some offices, especially in the design of desks. A “standing desk” lets people stand while they work. Another new design is calle

23、d the “treadmill desk”. A treadmill is an exercise machine that lets you walk in one place. Even some US schools are beginning to experiment with desks that are part bicycle to keep children moving. Thats one of the - 5 -strategies that many companies are using now.Mr Katzmarzyk also says studying t

24、his problem has inspired his team to make a few changes in their own lives.8.The underlined word “ubiquitous” is closest in meaning to “_”.A. dangerous B. awkward C. comfortable D. common9. Which view agrees with the opinion of Mr Katzmarzyk?A. Sitting too long may help increase ones life. B. Exerci

25、se is important and dont sit too long.C. Watching TV is bad, but can broaden ones horizons.D. Stopping watching TV is a necessary but hard task.10.What does Mr Katzmarzyk think of his study in Paragraph 4?A. Its a relatively new area of study. B. Its a hot subject studied by experts.C. Its a study t

26、hat begins too late D. Its not ignored by many experts.11.Why are the desks of all kinds designed for those who sit more?A. To give them more comfort. B. To improve their work efficiency.C. To offer them the chance to exercise. D. To seek pleasure while working.DTwo of the hardest things to accompli

27、sh in this world are to acquire wealth by honest effort and having gained it, to learn how to use it properly. Recently I walked into the locker room of a rather well-known golf club after finishing a round. It was in the late afternoon and most of the members had left for their homes. But a half do

28、zen or so men past middle age were still seated at tables talking aimlessly and drinking more than was good for them. These same men can be found there day after day, and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the commun

29、ity. If material prosperity were the chief necessity for happiness, then each one should have been happy. Yet it seemed to me, something important was missing, else-there would not have been the constant effort to escape the - 6 -realities of life through scotch and soda. They knew, each one of them

30、, that their productivity had ceased(停止). When a fruit tree ceases to bear its fruit, it is dying. And it is even so with men.What is the answer to a long and happy existence in this world of ours? I think I found it long ago in a passage from the book of Genesis which caught my eyes while I was loo

31、king through my Bible. The words were few, but they became memorably impressed on my mind. “In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread.”To me, that has been a challenge from my earliest recollections(memories). In fact, the battle of life, of existence, is a challenge to everyone. The immortal

32、 words of St.Paul, too, have been and always will be a great inspiration to me. At the end of the road I want to be able to feel that I have fought a good fight , I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.12. Which of the following is indicated in the first paragraph?A. Wealth results from h

33、onest effort.B. The men seated at tables in the locker room are lost in the significance of life.C. For some people, no way can be found to escape the realities of life other than scotch and soda.D. The men acquire wealth by planting fruit trees.13.The underlined sentence “ In the sweat of the face

34、shall you eat the bread” means _.A. Bread tastes delicious when sweat pours off your face. B. No pains, no gains.C. Failure is the mother of success. D. Bread comes from the sweat on your face.14.We learn from the passage that the author _.A. was a wealthy person in the community.B. held a positive

35、attitude towards an active life.C. was fond of associating with celebrities(名人).D. kept a secret of the reason why he was so impressed.- 7 -15.What is implied in the passage by the author?A. To use wealth properly, eat drink and be merry.B. Where there is a will, there is a way.C. As life is like a

36、dream, a man is like a fruit tree. D. If you cease to struggle, you cease to live第 2 节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意,填涂答题卡时 E 填涂 AB; F 填涂 CD; G 填涂 AC.)Four Ways to Be a Great RoommateHaving a roommate can be one of the best experiences in college, or easily, one

37、 of the worst. 16 Follow these tips to avoid the common mistakes that turn good roommate relationship sour.Talk things out.Communication is key. If something happens, sit down with your roommate and have a face-to-face conversation. Ive seen roommate relationship fall apart because something happens

38、 and, instead of talking to each other, the two start complaining about their roommate behind their backs. 17 Dont expect to be best friend.Some roommates become the best of friends, and some dont. Dont put pressure on yourself or your roommate, especially when you first meet. 18 And if your roommat

39、e doesnt end up being your best friend, dont worry.Ask before you take.This applies to food, clothes, and anything else. If you want to keep a relationship going, show your roommate that you have respect for what is his or hers by asking first. 19 Clean up after yourself.This should do without sayin

40、g. Dont be lazy. Or, at least, dont bury your roommate in your clothes and garbage. Most people I have come across in college - 8 -are messy. 20 But being considerate with where you put your stuff will help you avoid conflict.A. So you need to think twice before you help your classmates out.B. This

41、creates nothing but awkward situations and unhappiness.C. Even if you both agree to share everything, you should still ask.D. You dont have all the time to clean your room and keep it organized.E. It all starts with you to have a good relationship with your roommate.F. Sometime you get stuck with so

42、meone who has tons of negative energy.G. Remember, youre trying to make a new friend, not to scare your roommate away.第二部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第 1 节 完形填空(共 20 个小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中(A. B. C 和 D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将正确答案填涂到答题卡相应位置)The former Smiths singer Morrissey has been in hospit

43、al on several occasions during the last 18 months. He has announced that he is being 21 for cancer in the hospital now, 22 he hasnt revealed what types of cancer he has.Despite his diagnosis, the 55-year-old songwriter, whose first name is Stephen, 23 he isnt afraid of death. He accepts that it is 2

44、4 that comes to us all. Though knowing that he has a severe 25 , he has a 26 attitude. “If I die, then I die. And if I dont, then I dont. Right now I feel 27 .”“I am aware that in some of my recent photos I look somewhat 28 , but thats what illness can do. Im not going to 29 about that because Ill s

45、it when Im dead.” he also says.Morrisseys 2012 tour performance 30 in South America and continued through Asia and North America. Morrisseys recent health issues 31 him to cancel his US tour. After knowing that he cancelled a number of 32 - 9 -,fans have been worried about the state of Morrisseys he

46、alth for a few years.Morrissey also 33 hes at an age where he should have stopped making music, and he thinks he may 34 from songwriting and performing once he has completed his first novel about himself. At that time he can do what he enjoyed most while working.Shortly after the 35 of his 10th stud

47、io album in July, he said, “Many composers of classical music died at age 34. And Im still 36 , and nobody knows what to do with me. Because my novel is coming along well, my task is 37 , that is, it can be published next year before I die.”Life is all about 38 . Facing the illness, its your choice

48、that 39 how you live life. Morrissey sets a good 40 to us to follow.21. A. treated B. discovered C. obtained D. noticed22 .A. so B. but C. still D. however23 A. suspects B. hope C. insists D. advises24 A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something25 A. operation B. performance C. interest D. ill

49、ness26 A. powerful B. mad C. positive D. terrible27 A. crazy B. cool C. handsome D. good28 A. unfair B. unkind C. unknown D. unhealthy29 A. complain B. set C. worry D. learn30 A. performed B. started C. paused D. interrupted31 A. forced B. allowed C. dragged D. pushed32 A. shows B. tours C. parties D.


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