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1、1完形填空济宁真题剖析(2018山东济宁中考)六、完形填空(共 7 小题,计 7 分)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的 词语填空。方框中有两个词语为多余选项。rule none again note first directly another set out gave upOne day, a student asked his teacher, “What is greed?” The teacher didn t answer his question 1 , but asked the student to walk through the chocolate factory next

2、 to their school and pick out the biggest chocolate bar(条、块) he could find. But there was a 2 : as he passed through the fact ory, he could not turn back.The student went to the chocolate factory. As he walked, he saw a large chocolate bar. He liked it, but thought he might be able to find an even b

3、igger one if he kept going. He kept walking and saw 3 chocolate bar. This one was a little bigger. But 4 , he thought he could find an even bigger one if he kept going. As he neared the end of the factory, he saw fewer chocolate bars, and 5 of them were as large as the earlier ones. He started to re

4、gret his decision to keep going. Finally, he 6 . He went back to his teacher emptyhanded and explained what had happened.The teacher told him. “You liked the 7 chocolate bar, but you kept looking for a bigger one. And later, you realized that you had given up the best chocolate bar because you thoug

5、ht you could do better. That is called greed.”【 参考答案及解析】1directly 结合语境可知当学生问老师什么叫做“贪婪”的时候,老师没有直接回答他,而是让他去工厂选一块最大的巧克力,故填 directly。2rule 根据第一段最后一句可知这是一个规则,故填 rule。3another 根据上文可知刚开始他看到一块大巧克力,此处又看到一块,表示“又一,再一”用another。4again 根据上下文描述可知这次他像第二次一样,又一次没选这块巧克力 ,而是继续前行,故填again“再一次”。5none 句意:当他走到工厂尽头的时候,他看到的巧克力更少了,而且它们中没有一块像之前的那么大。none of“没有一个”,符合题意。26gave up 根据上下文语境可知最后他没能拿到最大的巧克力,他放弃了,空手回去了,故填 gave up。7first 根据第二段第三句可知老师说的巧克力是他第一次看到的巧克力,故填 first。


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