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1、1课时训练(三) Units14(七下)(限时:30 分钟).单项选择1.2018怀化改编 your help, I cant get good grades. A.With B.WithoutC.For D.From2.2018襄阳 Do you like this new kind of mobile phone, madam? Yes. But its too , and I cant afford it. A.popular B.lovelyC.cheap D.expensive3.2018石家庄新华区模拟 Our math teacher teaches us in a way. W

2、e all like his classes. A.special B.boringC.terrible D.bad4.2018襄阳 The second C919 large passenger plane its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on December 17th, 2017. A.completes B.completedC.has completed D.was completing 5.20 18东营 Hi, Li Mei. How is your new school?Fantastic. W

3、e can choose the courses according to our . I love operas, so I took the Beijing Opera class. A.grades B.talentsC.interests D.experiences6.2018孝感 How do you feel about your hometown?Its beautiful, in winter. A.nearly B.deeplyC.clearly D.especia lly7.2019原创 JourneytotheWest many funny stories about M

4、onkey King. Youre right. But I like HarryPotter better.A.invites B.preparesC.describes D.appears 28.2019原创 Have you seen the TV program DayDayUp?Yes, its well worth , because we can have great fun. A.seeing B.to seeC.to seeing D.being seen 9.2019原创 In the song IBetMyLife, the US rock band Imagine Dr

5、agons tells people never to catching their dreams. A.give up B.give outC.give in D.give off10.2018上海 Michael in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year. A.teach B.taughtC.will teach D.was teaching.2018潍坊完形填空Riding a Mobike o n the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud.

6、 Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store you see that Huawei smartphones are 11 . But youre not in Chinayoure in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see 12 things in many other cities. Chinese products have been 13 worldwide. Chinese food has been e

7、njoyed in W estern countries for a long time. To 14 local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the 15 . Unlike Chinese, Australian people dont like to eat meat with the bone 16 . So Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, 17 for fish. Some Chinese

8、 brands(品牌) are also becoming more 18 . In many cities in Europe stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more than half of US-owned drones(无人机) are Chinese models. Theyre not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the 19 . In the past, most Western people th

9、ought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed gr eatly. “Made in China” becomes cool. More and more people 20 Chinese brands. 11.A.for fun B.at work C.on sale D.in use12.A.similar B.different C.common D.unusual313.A.stored B.collected C.received D.accepted14.A.me

10、et B.copy C.spread D.answer15.A.kitchens B.drinksC.dishes D.services16.A.up B.out C.on D.in17.A.just B.even C.yet D.still18.A.traditional B.expensive C.practical D.popular19.A.country B.circle C.field D.town20.A.sell B.trust C.improve D.question.2018石家庄质检阅读理解Karen always said that she didnt like her

11、 house at all. One day I asked why she didnt look for another house. Karen answered, “I will look for another one when I come back from vacation.”Sam hated his job. However, he loved taking photos, and was taking a two-year course to make him better at it. Every day he said his work was boring. I as

12、ked him why he didnt give up his job and start a business of taking photos. His reply was, “When I finish my course, I will start a business.”Harry worked for a company that allowed him to retire early, but he had to get less money after he retired. Now Harry became very weak and found it difficult

13、to deal with his work. I was worried about his health because too much work was bad for him. “Why dont you retire, Harry? Do something that you want to do,” I said. “If I were older, I would get my full pay. When the next summer comes, maybe I will,” Harry replied.There is an old saying that says, “

14、If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.” A year later, Karen is still living in the houses she hates. Sam is still busy with his boring job and hasnt finished his course. Harry is still working and his health is even worse. These people had a lot of stress in their lives and couldnt ch ange the

15、situations by thinking “if or when”. Life is too short for “ifs and whens”. The next time you find yourself thinking “if or when”, 4remember the saying: “If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.”21.How did Karen like her house?A.She liked it. B.She hated it.C.She valued it. D.She didnt mind it.22

16、.What course was Sam taking?A.Tour-guiding. B.Advice-giving.C.Picture-taking. D.House-painting.23.Why didnt Harry want to re tire?A.Because he was very strong and healthy.B.Because he wasnt allowed to retire early.C.Because his work was interesting and relaxing.D.Because he wanted to get full pay af

17、ter retiring.24.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Sam has finished his course.B.Karen lives in a new house now.C.Harry is still working in the company now.D.They didnt have any stress in their lives at all.25.The underlined old saying wants to tell us . A.when to grow plantsB.to take action at onceC.

18、to stop working hardD.how to change yourself.2018河北词语运用根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。June 15, 2018This morning I took a bus to school. The traffic was 26. (busy) than usual and there were more people on the bus. At Xinhua Stop, I saw 27. old man get on the bus. H e looked very weak. I stood 28. and g

19、ave my seat to him. He thanked me and asked me about my name and my school. We talked 29. (happy). Later in the 30. ( three) class, Mr. Du came in and asked me to go to the front. I didnt 5know 31.w , so I was a little afraid. Everyone was looking at me. Then he told 32. (they) what I did on the bus

20、 this morning. He 33. (know)it because he got a phone call from the old man. Mr. Du said I could be a good example to my 34. (classmate). It was really a good day 35.f me! I was so proud! .连词成句36.please, your, me, bike, lend, would, you? 37.friends, everybody, make, wants, with, him, to . 38.you, di

21、d, fun, have, yesterday, playing, basketball ? 39.what, planting, tomorrow, about, trees? 40.school, helps, me, she, sometimes, my, homework, do, after. 6参考答案.1.B2.D popular 意为“受欢迎的”;lovely 意为“可爱的”;cheap 意为“便宜的”;expensive 意为“昂贵的” 。根据“cant afford”(付不起)可知,应该是太贵。故选 D。3.A4.B “on December 17th, 2017”表示过去

22、具体的一个时间点,要用过去时。故选 B。5.C 根据答语中的“I love operas”可知,可以根据自己的“兴趣”选择课程。故选 C。6.D 7.C8.A be worth doing sth.意为“值得做某事” 。9.A10.C 根据后面的表示将来的时间状语“next year”可知此处要 用一般将来时。故选 C。.主旨大意 本文通过介绍中国制造的产品在全球的受欢迎程度,说明了“中国元素”正在走向世界。11.C12.A 根据下文可知,中国的产品遍布世界各地,故在其他城市也有相似的情景,形容词 similar意为“相似的” 。13.D 根据上下文可知,中国产品在各地都有,表明中国产品已经被

23、世界各地的人们所接受。填写 accepted符合题意。14. A 根据下文可知,中国餐馆已经做了一些改变,前面动词不定式表目的,应该是为了迎合当地人的口味,meet 有“满足”的意思,A 选项符合题意。15.C 前面提到的是 food(食物),餐馆想改变的也就是菜肴,故 C选项恰当。16.D 17.B18.D 前面说到中国食物受人喜爱,这里又说中国的品牌,根据下文可知,TCL 电视、海尔冰箱及联想电脑在欧洲商店有售卖,所以中国品牌也很“受欢迎”,故 D选项恰当。19.A 这些产品不仅仅在中国制造,其设计和开发也在中国,即在我们的国家,填写 country符合题意。20.B 过去,大多数西方人认

24、为中国的产品便宜而且不可靠。但现在,情况发生了很大变化。中国制造变酷了。产品也可靠了,所以应该是越来越多的人信任中国品牌了。动词 trust“信任”符合题意。 .2125 BCDCB.26.busier 27.an 28.up29.happily 30.third 31.why32.them 33.knew734.classmates 35.for.36.Would you please lend me your bike37.Everybody wants to make friends with him38.Did you have fun playing basketball yesterday39.What about planting trees tomorrow40.She sometimes helps me do my homework after school


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