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1、11Module 3 语法.用所给动词的适当形式填空1_ (see) the _ (terrify) snake, a _ (terrify) look appeared on her face.2He had his leg _ (break) in the fierce match yesterday.3I remember _ (pay) for my first job, but I forgot the exact amount.4There are five pairs _ (choose) from, but Im at a loss which _ (buy)5They wou

2、ld not allow you _ (risk) _ (go) across the enemy line.6John was made _ (wash) the truck for a week as a punishment.7Jessica was reading a piece of science fiction, completely _ (lose) to the outside world.8The man spent what he had _ (buy) a necklace for his wife as a birthday gift.9The teacher fou

3、nd nobody but Jack _ (seat) in the classroom.10On the _ (sink) ship, the two boys saw a man lying on the floor, _ (tie) up with a rope.答案1Seeing; terrifying; terrified 2.broken3being paid 4.to choose; to buy 5.to risk; going6to wash 7.lost 8.buying 9.seated10sinking; tied.单句改错1I crossed the street t

4、o avoid to meet him,but he saw me and came running towards me._2The boy was seen to play the piano at nine oclock yesterday evening._3Judging from his exciting voice,he must have some good news to tell me._4America is one of the first countries mastering space technology by now._5Having passed all t

5、he tests,she felt a great weight taking off her mind._答案1to meetmeeting 2.to playplaying3excitingexcited 4.masteringto master5takingtaken.用括号中动词的正确形式填空It is said that this English gentleman was sitting in his garden one day.Suddenly he was hit by a_1_(fall) apple.The story is probably not 22true,but

6、 this man did mention that he got one of his best_2_(know) ideas while_3_(watch) apples_4_(fall) from a tree.His name makes you_5_(think) that he was not_6_(interest) in old things.He_7_(discover) the force of gravity,and he drew up a system of how objects move.His laws are still used in physics tod

7、ay,at least in schools and universities.答案1falling 2.known 3.watching 4.fall 5.think 6interested 7.discovered.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One day, there was a blind man sitting at the roadside. There was a sign beside him, on _1_ was written, “I am blind. Please help me.” Many people

8、 walked by him, _2_ few of them helped him.A young man was going to his office. While _3_(walk) by the blind man, he stopped and found that there were few coins in the mans hat. He bent down and wrote a new message on the sign without asking for _4_(permit), and then he left, without saying a word._

9、5_(late) that afternoon, when the young man walked by the blind man again, he saw the hat _6_ (fill) with bills and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps and asked if _7_ was he that had changed his sign. He also wanted to know _8_ the young man had done to the sign. Then the young man told

10、the blind man that he _9_(write) something like this on the sign, “It is spring now, but I cant see it.” The blind man expressed his gratitude to the young man and went home_10_(happy)答案与解析一个年轻的男子帮助一位坐在路边乞讨的盲人修改了牌子上的标语后,很多人开始给这位盲人钱。1which on which was written 是“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,先行词是 a sign。2. but 前后两句

11、之间意义上存在转折关系,因此用 but连接。3. walking While walking by the blind man是“连词分词”结构,中间省略了he was。4. permission 空格中所填单词在句中作宾语,需用 permit的名词形式。5. Later later 表示“后来” 。6. filled filled with bills and coins 是过去分词作宾语补足语。7. it it was he that had changed his sign 是强调句型,被强调的是主语 he。8. what what the young man had done to t

12、he sign 是宾语从句。9. had written 从句谓语动词 write发生在主句谓语动词 told之前,故用过去完成时。10. happily 空格中所填单词在句中修饰谓语动词 went,需用 happy的副词形式。.完形填空A cute baby girl has become famous on the Internet.That is because she gave her mother a sweet and _1_video for her birthday with the help of her professional photographer father,an

13、d the video has been_2_more than 230,000 33times.The twoyearold Claire lists all the_3_why her mommy is the “greatest mommy”,stopping_4_to try and count them on her_5_And she looks even more cute_6_her bright yellow dress and cute pigtail hairstyle.In the video,Claire says, “Hi,Mommy.I just want to

14、say Happy birthday! I want you to know that youre the_7_mommy.I love you so much.Therere a lot of reasons_8_I love you.”She then_9_to list all the reasons why she loves her mother,_10_with:“Number one.You are beautiful!” Number two,which she says with a big_11_, is:“You are amazing! ” That camera cu

15、ts between each_12_Claire says shows just how_13_her father,Daniel J ,edited the video.“Number threeyoure the best mommy ever, ” she says loudly,swinging her arms to and fro(来来回回) in_14_.At number four,Claire_15_to count out four fingers on her hand.When she finally_16_this feat(壮举),she says loudly,

16、 “Youre the best cook!”The mood changes_17_when she says to the camera in a gentle voice, “I love being with you.You work so hard_18_I miss you when youre gone.Are you ready? Happy birthday to you, ” she_19_ “Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to Mommy,happy birthday to you!” At the end of the vid

17、eo,Claire leans in close to the_20_and whispers sweetly:“I love you, ” before waving and blowing a kiss with the words:“Bye bye!”1A.changeable BcomfortableCreliable Dmemorable2A.viewed BinterviewedCnoticed Dtreated3A.cases BsituationsCreasons Dfactors4A.equally BwillinglyCoccasionally Dcorrectly5A.m

18、outh BfingersCmind Dhands6A.ahead of Bdue toCinstead of Daccording to7A.happiest BeasiestCbiggest Dgreatest8A.why BwhichCwhat Dwhen9A.rests on Bgoes onCdepends on Dturns on10A.learning BdealingCmaking Dstarting11A.smile BlookCsound Dface12A.paragraph Bpassage44Cphrase Dstory13A.normally BcarefullyCc

19、almly Dquickly14A.excitement BsurpriseCsilence Dtrouble15A.refuses BsucceedsCtries Dlimits16A.touches BsearchesCorganises Dachieves17A.heavily BhardlyCextremely Dslightly18A.because BunlessCand Dor19A.sings BcriesCdances Dplays20A.computer BvideoCphotograph Dcamera答案与解析一个蹒跚学步的可爱小女孩在网上走红了。在当专业摄影师的爸爸的

20、帮助下,她为过生日的妈妈录制了一段温馨的珍藏版视频。视频中两岁大的克莱尔列出了所有理由,证明她的妈妈是“最好的妈妈” 。1D 这是因为在当专业摄影师的爸爸的帮助下,她送给了过生日的妈妈一个甜蜜、值得纪念的(memorable)视频。changeable“可改变的” ;comfortable“舒服的” ;reliable“可靠的” 。2A 这段视频观看(viewed)率已经超过 23万。interview “采访,面试” ;notice “注意到” ;treat “对待” 。3C 两岁大的克莱尔数出了所有理由(reasons),证明她的妈妈是“最好的妈妈” 。case “事例,情况” ;situ

21、ation“情况” ;factor “因素” 。4C 其间偶尔(occasionally)停下来,用手指(fingers)数着已经说过的理由。equally “平等的” ;willingly “情愿地” ;correctly “正确地” 。5B 解析参见上题。mouth“嘴” ;mind“想法” ;hand“手” 。6B 由于(due to)穿着浅黄色的裙子,扎着可爱的小马尾辫,她看起来越发可爱。ahead of “比提前,比更早” ;instead of “代替” ;according to “根据” 。7D 我想让你知道,你是最好的(greatest)妈咪。happy “高兴的,幸福的”

22、;easy “简单的” ;big“大的” 。8A 我有很多理由说明为什么爱你。考查定语从句,先行词是 reasons,故用 why,其在从句中作原因状语。9B 克莱尔接着(goes on)列出了所有她爱妈妈的理由,最开始的(starting)一条理由是:“第一,你很美丽!”rest on“依赖于,寄托于上” ;depend on“依靠,取决于” ;turn on“打开” 。10D 解析参见上题。learn“学习” ;deal“处理” ;make“使成为” 。11A 克莱尔说到第二个理由的时候,咧开嘴大笑(smile)着,她说:“你非常棒!”look“看” ;sound“声音” ;face“脸”

23、 。12C 从她每个词语(phrase)之间的镜头剪切可以看出她的爸爸丹尼尔在剪辑时异常55小心(carefully)。paragraph“段落” ;passage “语篇” ;story “故事” 。13B 解析参见上题。normally“正常地” ;calmly“平静地” ;quickly“快速地” 。14A “第三,你是世界上最好的妈妈, ”她大声说着,兴奋地(excitement)前后挥舞着胳膊。surprise“惊奇” ;silence“沉默” ;trouble“困难” 。15C 说到第四个理由时,克莱尔努力(tries)数出四个手指头来计数。refuse “拒绝” ;succeed

24、 “成功” ;limit “限制” 。16D 当她完成了(achieves)这一壮举时,她大声说, “你是最好的厨师!”touch“触碰” ;search“寻找” ;organise“组织” 。17D 这时情绪稍微(slightly)变化了,她对着镜头轻轻吐露心声说:“我喜欢你陪着我。 ”heavily “严重地” ;hardly “几乎不” ;extremely “极其” 。18C 你工作如此努力,并且(and)当你不在时我会想念你。because “因为” ;unless “除非” ;or “否则” 。19A “准备好了吗?祝你生日快乐!”她唱到(sings)。cry“大声地哭” ;dan

25、ce “跳舞” ;play“玩耍” 。20D 在视频的尾声,克莱尔靠近镜头(camera)甜甜地悄声说:“我爱你” ,然后挥着手,对镜头飞吻,说“拜拜!”computer “电脑” ;video “视频” ;photograph “照片,相片” 。.阅读理解The success of Pickwick Papers made Dickens very popular.He suddenly found himself at twentyfour the most famous novelist of his day.Busy as his social life was,he worked

26、on two novels at the same timeOliver Twist and Pickwick Papers.He was particularly proud of Pickwick Papers,which was a huge success and was regarded as a comic(喜剧)masterpiece (杰作) “If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each,I should never be so proud of any of them as I am proud of

27、Pickwick Papers, ” he said.It has been said of Dickens that he grasped(抓住) the imagination of his readers because his imagination grasped himself.The people in his works were so real that they could make him laugh or cry.When writing Oliver Twist he said that he could not rest until Fagin,the wrongd

28、oer(做坏事的人),had been hanged.Dickens marriage to Catherine Hagarth,with whom he had nine children,ended unhappily in 1858.He started to travel about giving readings of his works.His interest in theater gave his novels the qualities that made them suitable for reading aloud on the stage.A tiring trip t

29、o the United States affected his health.On June 9th,1870,when he was working on a new novel,he died.Dickens had always wanted to die of working.1Dickens became a famous novelist_Abecause his social workBwith the success of Pickwick PapersCbecause he was writing two novels at the same timeDwhen he be

30、gan to give readings of his works2According to this passage,we know that Dickens_Awas only interested in writing novelsBdidnt like Oliver TwistCwished to live one hundred years and write three novels in each66Ddidnt think he could write a better novel than Pickwick Papers in his life3As a novelist,D

31、ickens_Awas full of imaginationBfound it hard to satisfy his readersCalways wrote about real people in lifeDwrote works according to his readers imagination4Which of the following is TRUE?ADickens had a happy marriage to Catherine Hagarth.BDickens was a successful actor.CDickens death had little to do with his hard work.DDickens had wished to die in the course of his work.答案与解析本文介绍了作家狄更斯的生平以及他的两部代表作匹克威克外传 雾都孤儿 。1B 根据第一段第一句话可以得知。2D 根据第一段最后一句话可以得知。3A 根据第二段第一句话可以得知。4D 根据最后一段最后一句话可以得知


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