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1、. . .MI L-D-21625 F(AS)24 September 1974MILITARY SPECIFICATIONOESIGN AND EVALUATION OF CARTRIDGES FORCARTRIDGE ACTUATED OEVICESThis specification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command,Department of the Navy, and is avai lable for use by all Departments and Agencies ofthe Department of

2、 Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 =. This specification covers the general requirements for design andestablishes uniform methods for testing cartridges used in cartridge actuateddevices. Cartridges designed as stores separation cartridges used in storesseparation equipment and single discrete units which are us

3、ed as electricinitiators that are not an integral part (see 6.4.2) of the cartridge design do notfall within the scope of this specification but do fall within the scope ofMIL-D-81303 and MIL-I-23659, respectively. For purposes of this specification, theterm cartridge includes any assembled unit con

4、taining an explosive, propellant, orpyrotechnic material either singly cr in any combination designed as the energysource for cartridge actuated devices. Laser initiated cartridges, 1inear shapedcharge, explosive energy transfer lines, devices with the cartridge(s) “sealed-in”(see 6.4.1) and their a

5、ssociated ballistic assemblies used in cartridge actuateddevice application shall fall within the scope of this specification. The purposeof the testing program is to determine performance, safety, soundness of mechanicaldesign, and resistance to environments encountered during storage, handl ing, a

6、ndservice use. Cartridges must be safe for handling and must not deteriorate to adegree which would render their performance or safety doubtful after beingsubjected to the testing program of this specification.Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinentdata which ma

7、y be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:Commanding Officer, Naval Air 14arfare Center Aircraft Division Lakehurst,Systems Requirements Department, Code SR3, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, byusing the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal(DD Form 1426) appearin

8、g at the end of this document or by letter.AMSC NIA FSC 137”DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for publ ic release; distribution is unl imited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-21625 G(AS)1.2 Classification of the types of cartrid

9、qe release to service. cartridgereleases are of the following types as specified (see 6,2).Type I a71Safety of handling and installation. Certification as to safety of handling andinstallation is required prior to any flight of naval aircraft, target drones, ormissiles with cartridges installed, or

10、use of the cartridge in the device ofapplication. For requirements see 3.16,1,Type IIInterim service release. This type of release is required prior to any flightsor use of a device containing cartridges involving naval personnel and will begranted in accordance with the provisions of 3.16,2. The Na

11、val Air Systems Commandhas the prerogative to authorize procurement of cartridges for Fleet use subsequentto a type II release.Type III AFinal release to service (fully documented). This type of release is requiredfor admission of the cartridges into the naval supply system as a fully documentedcart

12、ridge (see 3.9). For requirements see 3.16.2.Type 111 BSpecial release to service (documented by a source control drawing), If thedata required for a type 111 A release are not available, such as proprietaryrights and patents, then a type 111 B release to service for Fleet use is opermissible. For r

13、equirements for a type III B release see 3.16,2. Fordocumentation requirements for a type III B release see 3,9.Type IVUse of approved cartridge in a new application, If a cartridge has previouslybeen granted a type III A or type 111 B release and is to be used in a newapplication, type I release is

14、 automatic, A type IV release to service for the newapplication will be granted in accordance with the requirements of 3,16.3.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.I Government documents2.I.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications,standards, and handbooks form a part of this docum

15、ent to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise ssecified, the issues of these documents are those listedin the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards(DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6,2).SPECIFICATIONSMILITARYIMIL-S-5002 Surface T

16、reatments and Inorganic Coatings forMetal Surfaces of l(eapons Systems e2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . MIL-D-21625 G(AS)SPECIFICATIONSa71 MILITARYMIL-C-5541 Chemical Conversion Coatings of Aluminum andAluminum AlloysMIL-A-8625MI

17、L-C-10464MIL-N-18307MIL-D-23615MIL-I-23659MIL-D-81 303MIL-D-81 980a71 MIL-C-83125STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-1OOMIL-STD-129MIL-STD-331MIL-STD-453MIL-STD-81 oMIL-STD-831MIL-STD-875Anodic Coatings , for Aluminum and Alumi numA! 10ysCans, Hermetic Sealing, Metal, Light Gage,Tear-Strip TypeNomenclature and

18、 Identification for AeronauticalSystems Electronics Including Joint Type DesignatedSystems and Associated SystemsDesign and Evaluation of Cartridge Actuated DevicesInitiators, Electrical , General Oesign SpecificationforDesign and Evaluation of Cartridges for StoresSuspension EquipmentDesign and Eva

19、luation of Signal Transmi ssionSubsystems: General Specification forCartridges for Cartridge Actuated/PropellantActuated Devices, General Design Specification forEngineering Drawing PracticesMarking for Shipment and StorageFuze and Fuze Components, Environmental andPerformance Tests forInspection, R

20、adiographicEnvironmental Test Methods and EngineeringGuidelinesTest Reports , Preparation ofType Designation System for Aeronautical andAeronautical Support EquipmentI3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-21625 G(AS)STANDARDSMILITARY

21、MIL-STD-889 Dissimilar MetalsMIL-STD-970 Standards and Specifications, Order of Precedencefor the Selection ofMIL-STD-1168 Ammunition Lot NumberingMIL-STD-1385 Preclusion of Ordnance Hazards in ElectromagneticFieldsMIL-STD-1521 Technical Reviews and Audits for Systems,Equipments , and Computer Softw

22、areDOD-STD-21 01 Classification of Characteristics(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications,standards, and handbooks are avai lable from DODSSP Customer Service,Standardization Oocuments Order Desk, Bui lding 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)o2.1.2

23、 Other Government documents, drawinqs, and publications. The fol lowingother Government documents, drawings, and publ ications form a part of this documentto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues are thosecited in the solicitation. cPUBLICATIONS49CFR Parts 1OO-I99 Trans

24、portation(Copies of 49CFR are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-0001. )2.2 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of thisdocument to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues ofthe

25、documents which are DoD adopted are those 1isteal in the issue of the DODISScited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents notlisted in the 0001SS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see6.2).AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM)ASTM

26、D 4919 Specification for Testing of HazardousMaterials, Packaging(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testingand Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187. )(Non-Government standards and other publ ications are normal 1y avai lable from theorganizati

27、ons that prepare or distribute the documents. These documents also may a71be available in or through libraries or other informational service s.)4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-21625 G(AS)2.3 Order of precedence. In the event o

28、f a conflict between the text of thisdocument and the references cited herein, the text of this document takesprecedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes appl icable laws andregulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Selection of specifications and sta

29、ndards. Specification and standards fornecessary comcmdi ties and service not specified herein shall be selected inaccordance with MIL-STD-970.3.2 Special requirements. Special requirements for specific applications shalltake precedence over those 1isted herein, provided such special requirements ar

30、emore stringent. Other confl icting requirements are subject to the approval of thecognizant design agency for the specific appl ication involved.3.3 Materials. Materials for cartridges shall be compatible with theexplosive, propellant, delay composition, pyrotechnic, and propel lant gas and shallwi

31、thstand environmental , electromagnetic, functional , service, and storageconditions to which the cartridges wil I be exposed. Acceptance or approval ofmaterials for design or during the course of manufacture shal 1 in no case beconstrued as a guarantee of acceptance of the fini shed cartridges Pyro

32、cellulosematerials shall not be included as wads, spacers, or closure discs. Sealants usedin close proximity to explosives, propellants, delay composition or pyrotechnicsshall be compatible with these mater tals, Materials which are nutrients for fungishall not be used.3.3.1 -. Exposed metals shall

33、be of the corrosion-resisting type orsuitably treated to resist the corrosive effects of fuels, salt spray, oratmospheric conditions to which the cartridges may be subjected in storage ornormal service use.3.3. I.I Dissimilar metals. Dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimatecontact with each o

34、ther unless protected against electrolytic corrosion,Dissimi Iar metals are defined in MIL-STD-889.3.3.2 Plastic parts. The use of plastic parts shall be subject to the approvalof the cognizant design agency for the specific application involved.3.4 Finishes. Protective coatings and finishes shall b

35、e used which will notcrack, chip, or scale during normal service 1ife or when subjected to environmentalconditions specified herein. Surface treatments, coatings, and finishes shallconform to MIL-S-5002 except that aluminum and aluminum alloy parts shall beanodized in accordance with I An

36、odizing. Aluminum and aluminum alloy parts subject to wear, abrasion,and e!osion or exposed to corrosive environmental elements shall be anodized inaccordance with MIL-A-86Z5, type II or III. Chemical conversion coatingsconforming to MILC-5541 may be used to repai r mechanical ly damaged areas fromw

37、hich the anodic coating has been removed,3.5 Color codinq. Color coding of cartridges as a primary means ofidentification is strictly forbidden.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-21625 G(AS)3.6 Design and construction. The cartrid

38、ges shall be of the simplest and mostefficient design consistent with the proposed use. Specific consideration shall begiven to the factors of minimum size and weight, resistance to deleteriousenvironments, reliabi lity of performance, and safety of operation. All cartridgessubjected to the tests of

39、 4.6 shall be of final design configuration, identical indesign, and manufactured by the same process and shal I be from the same lot. Priorto manufacturing cartridges for service release testing, a critical design reviewshall be conducted per MIL-STD-1521 (see 6.3).a713.6.1 Explosive, propellant, d

40、elay composition, or Pvrotechnic material. Anyexplosive, propellant, delay composition, or pyrotechnic material used in acartridge shal 1 be approved by the cognizant design agency prior to use in acartridge. The use of lead azide is restricted.3.6.2 Assembly. The cartridge shall be simple and safe

41、to assemble. Thepropellant, explosive, or pyrotechnic material shall be tightly confined withouthand stacking the charge. Spacers shal 1 not be used for this purpose.3.6.3 Cartridqe cases. Cartridge cases shall be lightweight. The cases shallbe strong enough to withstand environmental and functional

42、 tests as specifiedherein. For electrically initiated cartridges, the cartridge case shall not be apart of the electrical circuit.3.6.4 Sealed-in type cartridges actuated devices. In addition to meeting thedesign, environmental , and functional requirements of this specification, sealed-intype cartr

43、idge actuated devices (see 6.4.1) shall meet the structural, firingmechanism, shear pin, sand and dust, submersion, iced condition, and structuralintegrity requirements of MIL-D-2361 5. a713.6.5 Stab primer/detonators. Stab primers/detonators shall not be used incartridges nor for initiating any oth

44、er portion of the explosive components used incartridge actuated devices. I3.6.6 Electric initiators and cartridges3.6.6.1 Electric initiators. Electric initiators which are single discreteunits that are used in cartridges shall meet the release requirements ofMIL-I-23659 and the electrical requirem

45、ents of MIL-STD-1385. Electric cartridges. Cartridges containing an electric initiator whichis an integral part of the cartridge design (see 6.4.2) shall meet the electricalrequirements of MIL-STD-1385 in addition to the requirements specified herein.3.6.7 Service life. Cartridges, when packa

46、ged in hermetically sealedcontainers, shall have a service life of not less than 5 years from date ofmanufacture or 36 months after opening of the hermetical ly sealed container,provided the 5 years (or total service 1ife if longer than 5 years) from date ofmanufacture is not exceeded by the 36 mont

47、hs Service life assignments must beapproved by the Naval Air Systems Command prior to application in servicehardware. When a service 1ife of greater than 5 years is required for a specifi cinstallation, the longer service life will be supported by analysis or test.6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re

48、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D-21625 G(AS)3.6.8 Cartridges for signal transmission subsystems. Cartridges employed insiqflal transmission subsystems shall meet all additional requirements sDecified inMI-O-81980.3.6.9 Insensitive munitions. The cartridge shall

49、meet the technicalrequirements for insensitive munitions.3.7 Cartridqe identification.3.7.1 Nomenclature. The contractor shal 1 fol low the procedure outl ined inMIL-N-18307 and MIL-STD-875 when submi tting the 00 Form 61 for cartridgenomenclature. The information on the DCIForm 61 shal I be concurred by thecognizant design agency prior to submi ttal3.7.2 National stock number. The cognizantnational stock number and Department of Defenseto final release to servic

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