1、t MIL-M-23L67B (1) 66 9999906 OL3Lb79 T lw MILITARY SPECIFICATION METER, FREQUENCY, EXPANDED SCALE SWITCHBOARD TYPE (NAVAL SHIPBOARD USE) This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-M- 23167B(SHIPS), dated 29 December 1969. . PAGE 4 3.14 : Delete and substitute : “3.14 Shock (hiqh-impa
2、ct) . When tested in accordance with 4.3.15, no screws, bearings, pivots, windows or other parts shall become loosened, cracked (except as specified hereinafter), or unduly damaged. Minor cracking or distortion of pivots will be permissible only when conformance to the post shock performance has bee
3、n demonstrated. Cracking of glass windows is permissible only when readability of the complete scale is retained and no fragment has become dislodged. based on claibration made after resetting the pointer to zero shall not exceed the value specified in 3.9.“ The permanent change in indication PAGE 8
4、 4.3.15, last sentence: Delete “(see table I) li and substitute It then disassembled and examined for damage (see 3.14) .I1 PAGE 9 6.3: In line 3, delete “suppliers“ and substitute “contractors“ and in lines 7 and 8, delete “Prince Georges Center, Center Build- ing, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782“ and substitute “Department of the Navyt Washington, DC 20362“. Preparing activity : Navy - SH (Project 6625-N739) *US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFKJZ: 1978-603-022/4991 FSC 6625 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-