1、IIL-S-1 299(SHIPS) AMENDMENT 5 11 February 1987 SUPERSEDING AUENDUENT 4 13May 1958 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHIP CONTROL ORDER AND INDICATING EQUI PMENT-SELF-SY NCHRONOUS , (NAVAL SHIPBOARD USE) * This amendment forms a part of MIL-S-l7299(SHIPS), dated 15 July 1952, and is approved for use within the
2、 Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Departnent of Defense . PAGE 5 2.1, Under “SPECIFICATIONS, VEDERAL“ delete the following references to: “NN-B-591, NN-B-601, NN-B-621, QQ-S-781, LLL-B-631 and LLL-B-636“. 2.1, Under “SP
3、ECIFICATIONS, MILITARY“ delete the following references to: “JAN-P-104 , JAN-P-105 , JAN-P-106 , JAN-P-108 , MIL-P-116, JAN-P-125 , JAN-P-132, JAN-P-139, MIL-A-140, MIL-B-233, JAN-P-658, MIL-C-6057 and MIL-B-i 507 1“ PAGE 6 * 2.1, Under “SPECIFICATIONS, MILITARY“ add: . “MIL-P-15554 - Propeller Revo
4、lution Indicating Equipment, Synchro (Naval Shipboard Use) . and Provisioned Items (Repair Parts): “MIL-E-17555 - Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories, Packaging of.“ 2.1, Under “MILITARY STANDARDS“ delete reference to *MIL-STD-129“ and add: “HS15571 - Lamp, Incandescent+ T-3-114, Miniat
5、ure Bayonet, Single “MS15572 - Lamp, Incandescent, 6-4-1/2, Miniature Bayonet, Single “MS15573 - Lamp, Incandescent, G-3-1/2, Miniature Bayonet Base, Contact Contact . Single Contact .“ AHSC NIA FSC 2030 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 1 of 4 Provided by
6、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-l7299( SHIPS) MNDHENT S PACE 6 2.2: Delete in its entirety. * 3.1: Delete and rubstitute: “3.1 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase order, a sample shall be subjected to first article ins
7、pection (see 4.3 and 6.2).“ PAGES 6 and 7 3.2.1, column 2: Delete “Shielding and radio frequency notes interference.“ PAGE 10 Add as paragraph 3.3.11: “3.3.11 Detents. Detents, unless otherwise specified In the contract or order, shall be of the “star wheel“ type, positive acting, with sufficient sp
8、ring tension and a minimum of flat surface on the circumference to prevent stopping of the transmitter between segments or orders, but of sufficient length to actuate the audible signal .- PAGE 12 Delete and substitute: “ Instrument pointers shall be either: (a) of metal in accor
9、dance with MIL-1-983 (for nonilluminated instruments), or (b) of a thermosetting plastic material or acrylic, as specified in (for illuminated instruments).“ Delete “First and Second sentences“., tabulation: Delete and substitute: Volts - “MS number Navy type 1557 1-
10、 1 1557 1-2 1557 3- 1 15572-1 TBll TB TS5 3 TS52 6.87 6.87 7.5 6.6“ PAGE 16, lines 1 and 2: Delete “ANGLE“ and substitute “A“. PAGE 17, lines 1 and 2: Delete “ORDER“ and substitute “O“. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-
11、,-,-, MIL-S-17299( SHIPS) AmmNT 5 PAGE 24, liner 1, 2 and 3: Delete “ANCLE“ rnd aubrtitutc “A“ and delete “ORDER“ an rubstitute “O“., linea 8 and 9: Delete and eubatitute: “ IC/ 2UDo5 IC/ 20EO5“ PAGE 30 3.6.1.S.l: Add “The operating knob shall be provided with a stop to prevent t
12、he instrument pointer from traveling past the “12 oclock“ position when either right or left hand ordere are being transmitted.“ PAGE 37, line 2: Delete “worked“ and substitute “marked“. PAGE 40 Add “The release shall be on the inner or drum side of the instrument“. PAGE 43 3.8:
13、 Delete and substitute: 3.8 Onboard repair parte. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, each onboard repair parts kit shall be furnished on a per ship basis. Each on board repair parts kit shall contain the following items: assembles (with plugs), ia accordance with MIL-1-983, or type
14、s necessary to operate, test, and otherwise service each type of internal assembly associated with the equipment. Cables shall be 10 feet - in length.“ Test cable * 4.2.1: Delete and substitute: 4.2.1 First article. First article tests shall be obtained for (a) indica- tors, (b) transmitters only, (
15、c) indicator-transmitters only, or (d) all units covered by this specification. One unit from each of groups (A) and (B) shall be subjected to tests for indicators only. One unit from group (C) shall be subjected to tests for transmitters only. One unit from each of groups (D) and (E) shall be subje
16、cted to tests for indicator-transmitters only. One unit from each of the five groups listed below shall be subjected to first article tests for all units covered by this specification. * Delete in its entirety. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l
17、icense from IHS-,-,-nIL-s-l7299(SHIPS) MNDIIENT 5 PAGE 44 4.2.2, tabulation: Delete reference to “Radio frequency noiac interference test“. 4.2.3, tabulation: Dlete reference to “adio frequency noire interference test“. PAGE 47 Section 5, and 5.1: Delete and substitute: “5- PACKAGING “5.1 Preservati
18、on, packaging, pa cking and markin+ The equipment, actes= sories, technical manuals, equipment and stock repair parta shall be preserved and packaged by level A or C; packed by level A, B, or C and marked by levels A and B or C, as specified (eee 6.1). in accordance with MIL-P-17555.“ PAGE 48 6.1: D
19、elete items (e) and (f) and substitute: “(e) Type of synchro to be installed in each equipment. (E) Level of preservation and packaging, packing and marking rewred (see 5.1) .- 6.2: Delete and substitute: “6.2 First article inspection. Invitations for bids should provide that Government reserves the
20、 right to waive the requiremoats for samples for first article inspection as to those bidders offering a product which-has been pre- viously acquired or tested by the Government, and that bidders offering such products, who wish to rely on such production or test, must furnish evidence with the bid
21、that prior-Government approval is presently appropriate for the pending contract.“ * Add as new paragraph 6.3: “6.3 Changes from previous Issue. The margins of this specification are marked with asterisks to indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previous
22、issue were made. a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based OD the entire content irre- spective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue.“ This was done as * Last paragraph “Notice“, delate in its entirety. Preparing activity: Navy - SE (Project 2030-NO2 1 ) 4 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-