大学英语六级-235 1及答案解析

ur brains, several studies suggest. Writing by hand is different from typing because it requires using 2 to create a letter, rather than just 3 the wh

大学英语六级-235 1及答案解析Tag内容描述:

1、ur brains, several studies suggest. Writing by hand is different from typing because it requires using 2 to create a letter, rather than just 3 the whole letter by touching a key, says Virginia Berninger, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington. These finger movements activate large regions of the brain 4 thinking, memory, and language. Studies show that handwriting helps children learn letters and shapes, improve their composition of ideas, and may also 5 fine-motor skills dev。

早在 1500 年前,就已经有关于小吃的记载了。
(分数:20.00)_3.中国汽车制造业的发展开始于 20 世纪。

3、taking photos.C.Sue is the oldest among the people in the picture.D.Sue looks older in the picture than she really is.A.The woman doesn“t believe the weather forecast.B.The woman feels it“s at least five degrees below zero.C.The man doesn“t like the slippery roads in cold weatherD.The man hates everything about the cold weather.A.The woman doesn“t like any fragrant cleaning milk.B.The cleaning milk is designed for sensitive skin.C.The woman prefers any fragrance but this kind.D.The man thinks th。

4、 forms.C.She is glad that the man could help her.D.She feels frustrated about filling out the forms.A.He went mountain climbing last year.B.He hasn“t traveled around the world yet.C.He always wants to climb that mountain.D.He definitely does not want to go.A.He was speeding.B.He ran a red light.C.He went through a stop sign.D.He turned a corner too fast.A.Stayed at home.B.Went to New York.C.Visited her sister.D.Called her sister.A.The woman should make a phone call if anything goes wrong.B.The w。

5、ty life.D.The common interest in life.A.She forgot it.B.She got ill.C.She had attended it before.D.She didn“t have such plan.A.Preparing for history presentation at school.B.Working out the difficult problems in history at once.C.Working on history presentation together next Monday.D.Finding out the difficulties in the presentation immediately.A.He is also one of the candidates.B.He supports Mary in the election.C.He gives up the election for some reason.D.He thinks he can win next electionA.The。

(分数:20.00)_2.歌谣口头流传的 歌谣 (ballad)跟神话,远在文字出现之前就已大量产生。

7、dent.B.Asking for some financial aid.C.Reading a student“s application.D.Borrowing money for a business.A.She spends too much money.B.She likes money too much.C.She enjoys going out for shopping.D.She likes to argue about anything.A.He doesn“t have time to read.B.He has no reading preference.C.He prefers non-fiction books.D.He likes to read a mystery novel.A.Her husband was teaching there.B.Her child was born there.C.She was born there.D.She lived there for two years.(分数:6.00)A.His vacation has 。

8、2.On Optimistic Attitude 1现代社会的压力越来越大,保持乐观心态很重要 2保持乐观心态的益处 3我对此的观点 (分数:25.00)_3.On Energy Crisis 1人类正面临着能源短缺的严峻现实 2能源短缺的影响 3我们应该如何做 (分数:25.00)_4.My View on Universities“ Moving to Suburbs 1越来越多的大学从市内迁移至郊区 2这一策略能带来许多好处 3我的看法 (分数:25.00)_。

9、ter right now.D.The man should think twice before making decisions.A.Dr. Jones“s lecture is popular among students.B.Dr. Jones“s lecture is very tedious.C.The man doesn“t like Dr. Jones“s lecture.D.The woman can“t listen to Dr. Jones“s lecture.A.The woman can“t get her money refunded.B.The woman should make up the price difference.C.The woman can“t exchange her skirt.D.The red skirt is much better than the woman“s.A.He couldn“t see the views clearly due to the fog.B.He got lost because of the he。

从国情出发,中国在全面推进 现代化 (modernization)的过程中,将环境保护视为一项基本国策,并在全国范围内开展污染防治工作和生态环境保护活动。
(分数:20.00)_2.老龄化联合国 (United Nations)标准规定,当一个地区 65 岁及以上的老人占总人口的 7%时,该地区就被视为进入 老龄化社会 (aging society)。

11、They can help him realize his dream.C.They are full of suspense.D.They have something quite similar to real life.A.Save time by using a computer.B.Buy her own computer.C.Borrow Mary“s computer.D.Stay at home and complete her paper.A.The girl next to him spilled some drink on it by accident.B.He spilled some drink on it when the plane hit some turbulence.C.The flight attendant poured the drink on it on purpose.D.The flight attendant spilled the drink on it by accident.A.Drive the man to Paris.B.。

12、D.Relax at the beach in Florida.A.In his apartment.B.In his friend“s dormitory.C.At the woman“s home.D.In a hotel.A.She has finished her degree paper.B.The man has become chair of the department.C.The man has helped her with her paper.D.She wants the man to help her with her paper.A.Teacher and student.B.Two drivers.C.Driver and passenger.D.Husband and wife.A.He is a manager.B.He is a student.C.He is a headhunter.D.He is a teacher.(分数:9.00)A.He wants to know the temperature in Fahrenheit.B.He wa。

13、orning till night, it is hard to 1 . But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. Stress is a natural part of everyday lift and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide 2 and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress that a person can 3 depends very much on the individual. Some people 4 str。

14、te at least 150 words according to the following guidelines given below in Chinese: 1.有些大学校园浪费现象日益严重; 2.浪费的危害; 3.杜绝浪费,从我做起。
(分数:30.00)_二、Part II Reading C(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Space Tourism Make your reservations now. The space tourism industry is officially open for business, and tickets are going for a mere $20 million for a one-week stay in space. Despite reluctance from National Air and Space Administration (N。

15、.*(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(2).*(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(3).*(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(4).*(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(5).*(分数:1.00)A.B.C.三、第二节 对话理解(总题数:3,分数:15.00)(1).What is man talking about?A The stars axe beautiful.B The stars are not beautiful.C He is asking the woman if the stars are beautiful.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(2).What does the man imply?A The coke costs nothing.B There is no coke here.C The coke has sold out.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(3).What does the woman think of the people in the town?A They are not friendly.B。

16、 following the outline given below: 1. 假如你是王玲,请你就社区附近 建筑工地的污染问题给市长写一封信,内容应涉及污染情况、给居民带来的不便以及你的建议。
二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; 。

17、麻将 (Chinese Mahjong)是一种源自中国的益智游戏,参与者一般为 4 人。
一副麻将有 136 张 牌 (tile),由用竹子、骨头或塑料制成的小长方块组成,小方块上面刻有图案或字样。
因而,麻将牌实际上是纸牌与 骨牌 (dominoes)的结合体。
打麻将的技巧灵活而多变,因此成为中国历史上最能吸引人的一种 博戏 (gambling)形式。
在 战国 (the Warring States)以前,只有皇室和贵族才有姓,战国以后,平民才有了姓氏。
从此 “百姓” (hundreds of surnames)成为普通民众的通称。

在北方,传统习俗与现代科技相结合发展成为冰灯节(the Ice Lantern Festival)。

19、least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese. 假设你是李明,你有一校友玩网络游戏成瘾,请给他写封信,劝告他戒掉这种游戏。
你的信应包括以下内容: 1你得知他玩网络游戏成瘾的渠道及你的感受; 2过分玩网络游戏的危害; 3你对他的建议或忠告。
(分数:30.00)_二、Part II Reading C(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Buy Nothing Day The day after Thanksgiving, all the world (at least in the US) goes shopping. In America this is the biggest shopping day in the entire year, known as Black Friday, which sounds dire, 。

20、家的瓷器、丝绸、茶叶等数不尽的珍奇,穿越南海、 马六甲海峡 (the Strait of Malacca),横跨印度洋,到达亚洲、非洲的很多国家。
在此后的 28 年间,郑和一共六次下西洋,随船人员共计 10 万多人,访问了 30 多个国家。
(分数:20.00)_2.中国艺术中国人创造了很多独特的艺术形式,如纯净的瓷器,千古传诵的 唐诗 (Tang poetry),以演员表演为中心的京剧等。
中国人将艺术当作提升生活品质、 慰藉 (soothe)心灵的媒介,艺术是中国人人生哲学的延伸。

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