
vel of the brain. The brain blood flow studies show that reciting the days of the week and months of the year increases blood flow in appropriate area


1、vel of the brain. The brain blood flow studies show that reciting the days of the week and months of the year increases 。

2、ciologist Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin. Today, unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their 。

3、he week. A. of B. from C. at D. for 解析: of 关于, from 从,来自; at 在时间空间的一点; for 为了,对于.句意:她有许多漂亮的连衣裙.这一周的每天她都穿一件不同的.结合语境可知 eve。

4、 so it is hard to the possibility of there being explanations alternative to the one proposed.A. account for B. rule out。

5、ts for an idealized mate who serves their every physical and emotional need. Nearly 19 in 20 nevermarried respondents to。

6、 audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with ap。

7、ics is appealing. In a word where companies must adapt to new technologies and source of competition, it is much harder 。

8、d gaseous states, water is exceptionally reactive. It dissolves, transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds an。

9、 Yes, go on D. Yes, help yourself 解析:考查常用日常交际用语 . 句意: 我可以借你的铅笔吗 是的,请自便 . 根据题干 Do you think I could borrow your pencil 我。

10、erious B. Not really C. I beg your pardon D. All right 解析:句意:你能告诉我这篇文章的大意吗 请你再说一遍,我不明白你刚才说的话. A. Its nothing serious没有什么。

11、D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter 。

12、D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter 。

13、me Courts ruling Monday upholding the goal of a diverse student body. Higher education leaders overwhelmingly hailed the。

14、moreC.the otherD.other2.I have three sisters. One is in London, butare in England.分数:2.00A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.th。

15、interruptedC.had been interruptedD.would have interrupted2.They overcame all the difficulties and finished the plan seve。

16、ad never given a speech to so many people, so he felt .分数:2.00A.excitedB.stupidC.disappointedD.nervous3.It is impossible。

17、o let all children learn English,but he soon found it impossible without an online course.AconfinementB commitmentC conc。

18、ple, so he felt .AexcitedB stupidC disappointedDnervous3 It is impossible to with a person whose methods are completely 。

19、isters. One is in London, butare in England.AanotherB otherC the otherDthe others3 He sold most of his belongings. He ha。

20、ld have interrupted2 They overcame all the difficulties and finished the plan seven days ahead of schedule, was somethin。

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