
onic alarm system, write a letter to Ms Lewis to1) state the purpose of your letter,2) introduce the advantage and function of your product,3) express


1、onic alarm system, write a letter to Ms Lewis to1 state the purpose of your letter,2 introduce the advantage and functio。

2、o a publishing house for a job of English editor. In your letter, you should mention;1who is applying for the job, 2her 。

3、ke the bed, water flowers, clean the room, take out the trash, relaxing, interesting, proud, pleased, duty要求:1.短文须包含要点提示。

4、十年 B无限期 C廿年 D五年分数:1.00A.B.C.D.4.下列有关主题词标引的方法中无关的一项是:A区域分类 B公文种类C类别词 D类属词分数:1.00A.B.C.D.5.与主题词的作用无关的一项是:A揭示核心内容 B划分归属类别C提。

5、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.Youve been working fo。

6、rections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.Two months ago, you 。

7、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.You are going to host。

8、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.Write a letter to a f。

9、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.Write a letter to Pro。

10、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.You are doing your UC。

11、n the college, was chosen to be a master degree candidate on recommendation without taking the entrance examination by P。

12、ite a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.3.You have just received a letter from th。

13、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.You have just spent a。

14、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.Write a letter to you。

15、ections: Write a compositionletter of no less than 100 words on the following information.分数:2.003.Suppose your cousin Z。

16、30范文Saturday, March 6 SunnyIt was fine in the morning and we left for Jinan Botanical Garden at 6:30 am We went by scho。


18、小芳小晶代替.二请以风景在路上为题写一篇文章.要求: 自主立意; 自选文体诗词歌赋 ,但要文体明确; 不要使用网络语言,全文不少于 600 字;文中如出现校名人名,请用育英学校思齐学校,小王小李小芳小晶代替. 2.请你根据下面这封真挚感人的。

19、人因事而异,应用文写作,1.信头 heading 2.称呼 salutation 3.正文body 4.结束语complimentary close 5.签名signature,英文书信常识,英文书信常识,1.写信人的地址和日期,写在右上角。

20、划做全面的检查;从计划的角度 来看,计划是上阶段总结的发展,订计划 在把上阶段的总结作为依据,又是做好下 阶段工作的促进,二总结的种类,一工作汇报性质的全面性总结 二介绍经验的专题总结 三科学实验生产技术总结 四个人学习工作生产体会的 小结。

标签 > 应用文写作[编号:175058]

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