
preparations are now being made for the Presidents official visit to three foreign countries.(A)Elaborate(B) Graceful(C) Royal(D)Tedious3 The bus is s


1、preparations are now being made for the Presidents official visit to three foreign countries.(A)Elaborate(B) Graceful(C) Royal(D)Tedious3 The bus is so crowded that there is_ sufficient room for you.(A)rarely(B) seldom(C) scarcely(D)some4 Poor health and lack of money may both be_ to educational progress.(A)restraints(B) stains(C) scarcities(D)barriers5 As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I can _ it with my own experiences of navigation.(A)deny(B) reject(C) object(D)refut。

2、 allow(C) throw(D)know二、Section A6 Are you feeling better today?_ But I still feel too weak to walk around.(A)Much better, thanks.(B) Not very well.(C) Very good, thank you.(D)Pretty good, thanks a lot.7 Oh, dear! I ve just broken a window. _It can be repaired.(A)Never mind.(B) All right.(C) Thats fine.(D)Not at all.8 Have a sweet dream._(A)Yes, I will.(B) Thank you all the same.(C) All right.(D)You too.9 Im too busy to go to the cinema with you, John._。

3、ave business to entering2 Its necessary that the president_ in time to attend the meeting.(A)came(B) will come(C) come(D)comes3 This test is for students_native language is not English.(A)whose(B) that(C) of whom(D)which4 _he retires, Prof. Baker will have taught in the university for almost forty years.(A)By this time(B) At the time(C) At the same time(D)By the time5 The commercial center_will be the most magnificent one in the city.(A)built(B) to be built(C) be buildin。

4、oe(C) whose(D)whole二、Section A6 What does your brother look like? _.(A)He is a little shy(B) He is tall(C) He likes dancing(D)He is a doctor7 Hello! May I speak to Mary, please?_. Ill go and get her.(A)Speaking(B) Hold on, please(C) I dont think so(D)Hurry up, please8 Nobody will become a hero without the help of others. Thats true._.(A)Practice makes perfect(B) One tree cant make a forest(C) Where there is a will, there is a way(D)Never say die9 It&#。

5、ulled away.(A)did they get(B) they had got(C) they got(D)had they got3 Fireworks,_originated centuries ago in China, were brought to Europe by Marco Polo.(A)which(B) what(C) that(D)it4 Dont come today. I would rather you_tomorrow.(A)come(B) came(C) to come(D)coming5 This company has two branches; one in Paris and _in New York.(A)another(B) one other(C) the other(D)other6 The young mans clothes were scattered about his room_.(A)at will(B) at random(C) with a hurry(D)。

6、A)fortunate(B) future(C) mixture(D)university二、Section A6 Speaker A: Yesterday, we went to Jane s house to listen to records.Speaker B: I heard that she has over 100 jazz records._?(A)Are you crazy(B) Is that true(C) Have you seen them(D)Do you think so7 Speaker A: Yes, sir, _?Speaker B: I m sorry, but I bought this shirt yesterday and it hasnt got any buttons.(A)can I help you(B) whats up(C) what about you(D)how are you8 Speaker A: How much are these notebooks, pl。

7、some money every month so that he can buy a used car next year.(A)set aside(B) set up(C) set in(D)set along3 George could not_his foolish mistake.(A)account in(B) count on(C) count for(D)account for4 We came into this field late, so we must work hard to_the lost time.(A)make up for(B) make out(C) keep up with(D)put up with5 The new law will come into_on the day it is passed.(A)effect(B) use(C) service(D)existence6 The soldier was_with neglecting his duty.(A)charged(B) c。

8、the question, when suddenly he found the answer.(A)arrive at(B) give up(C) submit to(D)work out3 We are all for your proposal that the discussion_.(A)be put off(B) was put off(C) should put off(D)is to put off4 The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, Tom, and Harry _.(A)equally(B) different(C) similarly(D)respectively5 Success in the lab doesnt always mean immediate success on a large_.(A)business(B) account(C) way(D)scale6 Would you like to come to see a fil。

9、 all the guests had already left.(A)after(B) by(C) at(D)during3 The tomato juice left brown_ on the front of my jacket.(A)spot(B) point(C) track(D)trace4 I dont think it advisable that Tom_ to the job since he has no experience.(A)is assigned(B) will be assigned(C) be assigned(D)has been assigned5 William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.(A)peculiarly(B) indifferently(C) vigorously(D)inevitably6 Every ma。

10、d.(A)did pass(B) pass(C) were to pass(D)had passed3 No sooner_stepped out of the hall than it began to rain.(A)had we(B) have we(C) did we(D)do we4 Some students ran back to the dormitory, magazines_under their arms.(A)to be held(B) was held(C) held(D)holding5 The patient s progress was very encouraging as he could_get out of bed without help.(A)nearly(B) only(C) merely(D)barely6 I hadn t seen him for years, but I_his voice on the telephone.(A)realized(B) discovered。

11、anxious2 We shall hardly please everyone, nor is it necessary that we _.(A)need(B) should(C) can(D)may3 Whatever the relationship, try to _to each person all your kindness and understanding.(A)appeal(B) cater(C) extend(D)attach4 The boy, _father is an engineer, studies very hard.(A)whose(B) who(C) which(D)That5 I could have finished my self-reflection last weekend, but the math classes and exercises _all my spare time.(A)take up(B) had taken up(C) took up(D)had been taking up。

12、 through(C) without(D)breath二、Section A6 Man: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? Woman: _(A)Its your pleasure.(B) You are too nice to me.(C) Its very kind of you.(D)You spend money again.7 Student A: Why didnt you come to my party last night?Student B: I m sorry, _ I had to visit my grandma at the hospital.(A)I did it.(B) I couldnt make it.(C) I still remember this.(D)Ill come.8 Steve: Hi, my name is Steve. Its nice to meet you. Jack: Im。

13、Although she claims to have left her job voluntarily, she was actually_ for misconduct.(A)dispelled(B) exiled(C) resigned(D)dismissed3 They remained full of hope and determination_ their repeated failures.(A)instead of(B) in search of(C) because of(D)in spite of4 My next door neighbor saw the_break into my house and reported to the police immediately.(A)thief(B) robber(C) burglar(D)mugger5 Though she is getting on in years, she still has a_ fear of the dark.(A)childlike(B) ch。

14、 preparations are now being made for the Presidents official visit to three foreign countries.(A)Elaborate(B) Graceful(C) Royal(D)Tedious3 The bus is so crowded that there is_ sufficient room for you.(A)rarely(B) seldom(C) scarcely(D)some4 Poor health and lack of money may both be_ to educational progress.(A)restraints(B) stains(C) scarcities(D)barriers5 As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I can _ it with my own experiences of navigation.(A)deny(B) reject(C) object(D)refu。

15、he old man to the hospital, _?(A)werent they(B) didnt they(C) wasnt it(D)wasnt he3 _of you left all those magazines strewn (撒落 ) on the floor like that?(A)Which(B) Who(C) What(D)Whoever4 _can this be that you are not aware of it happening.(A)Such gradual a process(B) Such a gradual process(C) So gradual a process(D)So a gradual process5 She does not stick to her exercises and a balanced diet, but if she_, she would remain trim.(A)would do(B) had done(C) do。

16、 plenty(C) young(D)quantity二、Section A6 Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui. _, thank you.(A)I will(B) I hope so(C) Thats right(D)My pleasure7 Dad, its such a long way from our home to the park! You mean its_to take a taxi?(A)popular(B) necessary(C) possible(D)important8 I think I shall read a book instead._(A)well done!(B) follow me!(C) you will!(D)Good idea. Thats much better than watching a bad TV Programme.9 I dont think that。

17、ed2 Until then, his family_from him for six months.(A)didnt hear(B) hasnt been hearing(C) hasnt heard(D)hadnt heard3 If you want this painkiller, youll have to ask the doctor for a_.(A)transaction(B) permit(C) settlement(D)prescription4 If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, _would be getting sick.(A)a lot of more us(B) more a lot of us(C) a lot of us more(D)a lot more of us5 _for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.(A)Not be。

18、e it _ us so directlywhat we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.(A)benefits(B) affects(C) guides(D)effects3 Criticism and self-criticism is necessary_ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.(A)by that(B) at that(C) on that(D)in that4 I had trouble_ the letter. His handwriting is very bad.(A)to read(B) in reading(C) for reading(D)to have read5 Those goods are_ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.(A)basically(B) completely(C) necessarily(D。

19、ll down and blood came out from the open_.(A)wound(B) injury(C) hurt(D)damage3 He is the manager of the Human Resources Department _I must talk to.(A)what(B) which(C) whom(D)where4 People used to think that the earth was flat, _?(A)dont they(B) wasnt it(C) didnt they(D)usednt it5 I hope they _this road by the time we come back next summer.(A)are to repair(B) will repair(C) have repaired(D)will have repaired6 The flowers_a strong fragrance.(A)gave up(B。

20、of action.(A)with(B) on(C) to(D)in3 By this time next week, the winners_their awards.(A)will have receive(B) will be received(C) will have received(D)will have been receiving4 George is delighted_his new secretary because she works very hard.(A)to(B) with(C) of(D)at5 The young man still denies _the fire behind the store.(A)to start(B) to starting(C) having started(D)having been started 6 I cannot find my umbrella. I must have_ it on the bus.(A)lost(B) forgotten(C) mislaid(D)l。

标签 > 英语专四模拟试卷有解析[编号:221590]

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