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1、广东专插本(英语)模拟试卷 7 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 When he arrived, he found_ the aged and the sick at home.(A)nothing but(B) none but(C) none other(D)no other than2 The student was just about to_the question, when suddenly he found the answer.(A)arrive at(B) give up(C) submit to(D)work out3 We are a

2、ll for your proposal that the discussion_.(A)be put off(B) was put off(C) should put off(D)is to put off4 The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, Tom, and Harry _.(A)equally(B) different(C) similarly(D)respectively5 Success in the lab doesnt always mean immediate success on a large_.(A)bus

3、iness(B) account(C) way(D)scale6 Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?I d love to, _I didnt finish my homework yet.(A)and(B) so(C) as(D)but7 _ youve got an opportunity, you should take good advantage of it.(A)Now that(B) After(C) Although(D)As soon as8 Many companies are seeking to e

4、xploit and develop the rich natural_in western regions.(A)sources(B) resources(C) materials(D)power9 Some local companies are making great efforts to_ with foreign companies for a share of the market.(A)connect(B) combine(C) compete(D)compare10 Many students will watch TV only to_time during the sum

5、mer vacation.(A)spend(B) waste(C) enjoy(D)kill11 All the things_, his proposal is of greater value than yours.(A)considered(B) considering(C) to consider(D)consider12 Even though they_ side by side for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms.(A)have been lived(B) had been lived(C) had

6、been living(D)have been living13 Does Jane still pursue her dream of becoming a movie star?I m afraid not. She is said_the stage already as she got married.(A)to have left(B) to leave(C) to have been left(D)to be left14 _who she was, she said she was Mr. Johnsons friend.(A)Asking(B) Asked(C) To ask(

7、D)When asking15 The number of people invited_fifty, but a number of them_absent for different reasons.(A)were, was(B) was, was(C) was, were(D)were, were16 Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? I dont know, _.(A)nor dont I care(B) nor do I care(C) I dont care neither(D)I dont care also17 In you

8、r first days at the school you 11 be given a test to help the teacher to _you to a class at your level.(A)locate(B) assign(C) deliver(D)place18 The murderer was brought in, with his hands_behind his back.(A)being tied(B) having tied(C) to be tied(D)tied19 _ to do the work, I should do it some other

9、day.(A)If were I(B) I were(C) Were I(D)Was I20 The goals, hopes, fears and desires _ widely between men and women, between rich and poor.(A)vary(B) alter(C) shift(D)transfer21 It is essential that you_ on time.(A)arrive(B) will arrive(C) need to arrive(D)must arrive22 How can this poor guy_the luxur

10、ious trip?(A)afford(B) accept(C) attend(D)affect23 Will he_tonight?(A)turn up(B) attend to(C) show(D)show up24 Americans eat_as they actually need every day.(A)twice as much protein(B) twice protein as much(C) twice protein as much(D)protein as twice much25 Radio, television and press_of conveying n

11、ews and information.(A)are the most three common means(B) are the most common three means(C) are the three most common means(D)are three the most common means26 Helen was much kinder to her younger child than she was to the others, _, of course, made the others jealous.(A)with(B) that(C) what(D)whic

12、h27 The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _ up to half will be from overseas.(A)in which(B) for whom(C) with which(D)of whom28 _some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.(A)Followed(B) Followed by(C) Being followed(D)Having been followed29 I saw_boys at the park.(A)the both(B) many a(

13、C) both the(D)the several30 The board of the directors_responsible for the profitability of the company.(A)are(B) is(C) has(D)have31 He gained his _ by printing_of famous writers.(A)wealth; work(B) wealths; works(C) wealths; work(D)wealth; works32 “You are very selfish. Its high time you_that you ar

14、e not the most important person in the world. “ Edgar said to his boss angrily.(A)realized(B) have realized(C) realize(D)should realize33 _that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.(A)During the 1960s(B) It was in the 1960s(C) That it was in the 1960s(D)It was the 1960s34 Ho

15、wever, what he needs is to be fitted into a highly organized university system quite different from_ at home.(A)those(B) which(C) what(D)that35 As_ announced in todays papers, the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.(A)being(B) is(C) to be(D)been35 Copernicus was born in Torun,

16、Poland, on February 19, 1473. Little is known about his early life except that his father died when he was 10. An uncle adopted him, his two sisters, and his brother. The uncle saw to it that the two boys received a good education. Copernicus went to the University of Cracow. There he studied such s

17、ubjects as Latin, mathematics, and astronomy. It was probably at that time that he changed his Polish name, Niklas Koppernigk, to the Latin form of Nicolaus Copernicus. In 1496 Copernicus went to Italy, where he spent the next 10 years studying at various universities. In Copernicustime people still

18、 believed that all thingsthe sun, the stars, and the planets moved around the earth. It was an old belief that few men had ever questioned. Aristotle had based his theory of astronomy on this belief. Because the Church had long been the center of learning, the theory was also linked to religious bel

19、iefs. In 1506 Copernicus returned to his homeland. A few years later he began to work for the Church. All those years Copernicus carried on his work in astronomy. He had just the most basic equipment and, like other scientists of his day, made observations with only his eyes. Still, using mathematic

20、s and logic, Copernicus worked out a different theory, which held that the planets went around the sun. Copernicus did not announce his ideas. He did not want to make trouble. But he could not hide the scientific truth. So he talked about his theory with his friends, who strongly advised him to have

21、 his work published. His great book, on the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, appeared at the very end of his life. Copernicus saw the first copy on the day he died, May 24, 1543.36 Which of the following is true about Copernicus?(A)He had two brothers and a sister.(B) He used to be called Niklas

22、Koppernigk.(C) He lost his father soon after he was born.(D)He spent 10 years at the University of Cracow. 37 From the passage we can see that astronomy is_.(A)the life experience of great men(B) the movement of the stars and the planets(C) the scientific study of natural objects in space(D)the theo

23、ries developed by scientists of old times38 Copernicus developed his theory_.(A)using various telescopes(B) based on Aristotles beliefs(C) through observations and reasoning(D)under the encouragement of his friends39 The writer of the passage wants us to know that_.(A)Copernicus did not tell about h

24、is discovery until the day of his death(B) for many years Copernicus dared to do nothing openly against the Church(C) pushed by his friends Copernicus decided to write a book in May 1543(D)shortly before he got back to Poland Copernicus started to work for the Church40 Copernicus had his great book

25、published because . _.(A)he didnt agree with Aristotle(B) he could not hide the scientific truth(C) he worked for the Church(D)his friends advised him to do so40 The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud. Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal Web site (网

26、站). Web sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care. On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought. The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet. Computers hackers

27、 (黑客) have broken down security (安全) systems , raising questions about the safety of cardholder information. Several months ago, 25, 000 customers of CD Universe, an on-line music retailer (批发商) , were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Web site after the reta

28、iler refused to pay US $ 157, 828 to get back the information. Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud. Mastercard is working on plans for webonly credit-card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can

29、take to keep from being cheated. Ask about your credit-card firms on-line rules; Under British law, cardholders are responsible (对负有责任的 )for the first US $ 78 of any fraudulent spending. And shop only at secure sites: Send your credit-card information only if the web site offers advanced secure syst

30、em. If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The Web site address may also start with https:/the extra“s“ stands for secure. If in doubt, give your credit-card information over the telephone. Keep your password safe. Most on-line sites require

31、 a user name and password before placing an order. Treat your passwords with care.41 What do most people worry about the Internet according to this passage?(A)A lot of stolen credit-cards were sold on the Internet.(B) Fraud on the Internet.(C) Many Web sites are destroyed.(D)Many illegal Web sites a

32、re on the Internet. 42 What is the meaning of “fraud“?(A)Cheating.(B) Sale.(C) Payment.(D)Safety. 43 How can the thieves get the information of the credit-card?(A)The customers give them the information.(B) The thieves steal the information from Web sites.(C) The customers sell the information to th

33、em.(D)Both A and44 How many pieces of advice does the passage give to you?(A)Four.(B) Three.(C) Five.(D)Six. 45 You are shopping on the site: http:/www. shopping. com, and you want to buy a TV set, what does this article suggest doing?(A)Order the TV set at once.(B) Do not buy the TV set on this sit

34、e.(C) E-mail the site your credit-card information.(D)Tell the site your password and buy the TV set for you. 45 Faces, like fingerprints(指纹) , are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make

35、one face different from another. Yet a very young childor even an animal, such as a pigeoncan learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someones personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, think

36、s and feels that make that individual different from others. Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someones personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a “nice face“ looked like, you probably would have a diffi

37、cult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a“ nice person“ , you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate (考虑 周到的) , friendly, warm, and so forth. There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon an Ports, an American psychologist, found nea

38、rly 18, 000 English words characterizing differences in peoples behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing his personality. Bookworms, conservatives, military typespeople are described with such terms. People have always tried to“ type“ each other. Actors in e

39、arly Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villains (坏人) or the hero s role. In fact, the words “person“ and“ personality“ come from the Latin persona, meaning “ mask “ . Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the “good guys“ f

40、rom the “bad guys“ because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.46 The main idea of this passage is _.(A)how to distinguish peoples faces(B) how to describe peoples personality(C) how to distinguish people both inward (内向的) and outward (外向的)(D)how to differ good persons from bad

41、persons47 The author is most probably a_.(A)behaviorist(B) psychologist(C) writer(D)sociologist48 Which of the following is NOT true?(A)Different people may have different personalities.(B) People differ from each other in appearance.(C) People can learn to recognize faces.(D)People can describe all

42、 the features of others. 49 The reason why it is easier to describe a persons personality in words than his face is that(A)a persons face is more complex than his personality(B) a persons personality is easily distinguished(C) peoples personalities are very alike(D)many words are available when peop

43、le try to describe ones personality50 We learn from the passage that people classify a person into certain type according to_.(A)his way of acting and thinking(B) his way of speaking and behaving(C) his learning and behavior(D)his physical appearance and his personality50 Maybe ten-year-old Elizabet

44、h put it best when she said to her father, “But, Dad, you cant be healthy if you re dead. Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belta mistake 75% of the US population make every day. The big question is why. There have been many myths abou

45、t safety belts ever since their first appearance in cars some forty years ago. The following are three of the most common. Myth Number One; Its best to be“ thrown clear“ of a serious accident. Truth; Sorry, but any accident serious enough to “throw you clear“ is also going to be serious enough to gi

46、ve you a very bad landing. And chances are you 11 have to travel through a windshield (挡风玻璃 ) or door to do it. Studies show that chances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times greater in cases where people are “thrown clear“. Myth Number Two: Safety belts“ trap “people in cars that are

47、 burning or sinking in water. Truth : Sorry again, but studies show that people knocked unconscious (昏迷) due to not wearing safety belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents. People wearing safety belts are usually protected to the point of having a clear head to free themselves from su

48、ch dangerous situation, not to be trapped in them. Myth Number Three; Safety belts arent needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour. Truth:When two cars traveling at 30 mph hit each other, an unbelted driver would meet the windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a

49、 height of 10 meters.51 Why did Elizabeth say to her father, “But, Dad, you cant be healthy if you re dead“?(A)He was driving at great speed.(B) He was running across the street.(C) He didnt have his safety belt on.(D)He didnt take his medicine on time. 52 The reason Dad was in a hurry to get home was that he_.


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