1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForUL 60939-3Standard for Passive Filter Units for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression - Part 3: PassiveFilter Units for Which Safety Tests are AppropriateUL COPYRIGHTED
2、 MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences ForUL 60939-3Standard for Passive Filter Units for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression - Part 3: Passive FilterUnits for Which Safety Tests are AppropriateEdition: 1Edition Date: July
3、 22, 2016The adoption of IEC 60939-3, Passive Filter Units for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression Part 3: Passive Filter Units for Which Safety Tests are Appropriate (first edition, issued by theIEC August 2015) as a new IEC-based UL standard, UL 60939-3. This first edition of ANSI/UL60939-3 r
4、eflects the latest approval date as an American National Standard. Revisions have beenissued to include the National Differences that achieved consensus on July 5, 2016.This document provides a single listing of the National Differences included in the UL adoption ofthe corresponding IEC standard.Al
5、l rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwisewithout prior permission of UL.UL provides this standards document as is without warranty of any kind, e
6、ither expressed or implied,including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages,including loss of profits, lost savings, loss of data, or any other dama
7、ges arising out of the use of or theinability to use this standards document, even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advisedof the possibility of such damage. In no event shall ULs liability for any damage ever exceed the pricepaid for this standards document, regardless of the form
8、of the claim.Users of the electronic versions of ULs Standards for Safety agree to defend, indemnify, and hold ULharmless from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonableattorneys fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is
9、 storing an electronicStandard on the purchasers computer system.Copyright 2016 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.AUGUST 22, 2016NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60939-32UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULPrefaceThis document provides a
10、 single listing of the technical National Differences included in the UL adoptionof the corresponding IEC standard.In its IEC-based standards, UL uses the notations indicated below to identify national difference type, andthese types are additionally noted in this document. The standard may not use
11、all types of thesedeviations.D1 - These are deviations which are based on basic safety principles and requirements, elimination ofwhich would compromise safety for U.S. consumers and users of products.D2 - These are deviations based on safety practices. These are deviations for IEC requirements that
12、 maybe acceptable, but adopting the IEC requirements would require considerable retesting or redesign on themanufacturers part.DC - These are deviations based on the component standards and will not be deleted until a particularcomponent standard is harmonized with the IEC component standard.DE - Th
13、ese are deviations based on editorial comments or corrections.DR - These are deviations based on the national regulatory requirements.Each national difference contains a description of what the national difference entails. Typically one of thefollowing words is used to explain how the text of the na
14、tional difference is to be applied to the base IECtext:Addition / Add - An addition entails adding a complete new numbered clause, subclause, table,figure, or annex. Addition is not meant to include adding select words to the base IEC text.Deletion / Delete - A deletion entails complete deletion of
15、an entire numbered clause, subclause,table, figure, or annex without any replacement text.Modification / Modify - A modification is an altering of the existing base IEC text such as theaddition, replacement or deletion of certain words or the replacement of an entire clause,subclause, table, figure,
16、 or annex of the base IEC text.AUGUST 22, 2016 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60939-3 3UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULNational Differences1.2DV DE Modify Clause 1.2 by adding the following:In this standard, certain IEC compone
17、nt standard requirements are replaced by therelevant requirements of component standards listed in Annex P.1.6DV DE Modify Clause 1.6 by adding the following:In this standard, certain IEC component standard requirements are replaced by therelevant requirements of component standards listed in Annex
18、P.1.7DV D1 Modify Clause 1.7 by adding the following:An overcurrent or thermal protective device shall be of a type required for the particularapplication and shall not open the circuit during intended use of the unit.1.8.3DV D1 Modify Clause 1.8.3 by adding Clauses 1.8.3DV.1 through 1.8.4DV.1:1.8.3
19、DV.1 An insulating material is to be investigated with respect to its acceptability forthe application in accordance with the Standard for Polymeric Materials Use in ElectricalEquipment Evaluations, UL 746C. Materials, such as mica, ceramic, or some moldedcompounds are usually acceptable for use as
20、the sole support of live parts. If it isnecessary to investigate a material to determine its acceptability, consideration is to begiven to such factors as its mechanical strength, resistance to ignition sources, dielectricstrength, insulation resistance, and heat-resistant properties in both the age
21、d and unagedconditions, the degree to which it is enclosed, and any other features affecting the risk offire and electric shock.1.8.3DV.2 Insulating Materials used to encapsulate devices, shall meet the followingrequirements:a) Have a minimum thickness of 1/32 in (0.8 mm); andb) Operate within the g
22、eneric temperature limitations as specified in the Standardfor Polymeric Materials Long Term Property Evaluations, UL 746B.Exception: Filters incorporating encapsulating material that are subjected to theEndurance Test is not required to comply with this requirement.1.8.4DV Bushings1.8.4DV.1 At a po
23、int where a wire cord or lead passes or is intended to pass through anopening in a wall, barrier, or enclosure case, there shall be a bushing or the equivalent thatshall be secured in place and that shall have a smoothly rounded surface against whichthe lead or cord may bear.AUGUST 22, 2016NATIONAL
24、DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60939-34UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL1.9DV D1 Modify Clause 1.9 by adding Clauses 1.9DV.1 through 1.9DV.7 and Table1.9DV1.9DV.1 The size of all conductors used to maintain grounding continuity, includin
25、g powersupply cord conductors and external leads, shall not be less than indicated in Table 1.9DV.If conductors are not used, the bonding means shall have a cross-sectional area not lessthan that of the conductor size indicated in Table 1.9DV.Table 1.9DV Minimum size grounding and bonding conductors
26、Maximum rating orsetting of automaticovercurrent device incircuit ahead of filterin amperesSize of conductor AWG (mm2)Copper Aluminum15 14 (2.1) 12 (3.3)20 12 (3.3) 10 (5.3)30 10 (5.3) 8 (8.4)40 10 (5.3) 8 (8.4)60 10 (5.3) 8 (8.4)100 8 (8.4) 6 (13.3)200 6 (13.3) 4 (21.2)400 3 (26.7) 1 (42.4)1.9DV.2
27、In addition to complying with the requirements in Clause 1.9, a filter with aninductor in the grounding path shall be constructed so that the size of the grounding andbonding conductors, including the wire used for the grounding path inductor, is not lessthan the size of the line conductors. The gro
28、unding path inductor shall have an inductancenot larger than the inductance of the line inductors. The size of inductance can becompared on the basis of inductor core materials, cross-sectional area, and number ofturns rather than by direct measurements, if conclusive results can be obtained.1.9DV.3
29、 The equipment grounding termination shall be connected by a clamp, bolt, screw,braze, weld or an equivalent positive means that cannot be loosened from the outside andmay include a corrosion resistant strap or jumper. Mechanical connections shall besecured. A solder connection may be used if the gr
30、ounding lead is mechanically secure tothe enclosure in accordance with Clause 1.9DV.4. The grounding connection shallpenetrate nonconductive coatings, such as paint or vitreous enamel.1.9DV.4 All splices and connections shall be mechanically secure and shall make reliableelectrical contact. Solder c
31、onnections shall be made mechanically secure prior tosoldering. A lead is considered to be mechanically secure if it meets the followingconditions:a) Wrapped at least halfway (180) around a terminal;b) Provided with at least one right angle bend when passed through an eyelet oropening; orAUGUST 22,
32、2016 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60939-3 5UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULc) Twisted with other conductors.Exception: Wiring through openings on printed wiring boards need not be mechanicallysecure before soldering.1.9DV.5 T
33、he grounding continuity between the grounding pin, blade, or terminal and theaccessible dead metal parts of the filter that might become energized is to comply with theProtective Conductor Resistance, Clause An equipment-grounding conductor shall be of copper, copper alloy, or othermate
34、rial that has been investigated for use as an electrical conductor. A ferrous metal partin the grounding path shall be protected against corrosion.1.9DV.7 Metal parts in a bonding path shall be galvanically compatible so as to reduceelectrolytic action between dissimilar metals.1.10DV D1 Modify the
35、exception in Clause 1.10 by replacing it with the following:Exception: If the oxidation of iron or steel from exposure of the metal to air and moistureis not likely to be appreciable thickness of metal and temperature also being factorssurfaces of sheet-steel and cast-iron parts within an enclosure
36、may not be required to beprotected against corrosion. Bearings, laminations, or minor parts of iron or steel (such aswashers, screws, bolts and the like) that are not current carrying and are not in thegrounding conductor path, need not comply with this requirement if corrosion of suchunprotected pa
37、rts is not likely to results in a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury topersons. Terminals passing through glass heads in a filter enclosure need not comply withthis requirement.1.11DV D1 Addition of Clauses 1.11DV.1 through 1.11DV.3.2:1.11DV.1 Live parts1.11DV.1.1 Current-carrying parts shall h
38、ave the mechanical strength and ampacityrequired by the application, and shall be of silver, copper, a copper-base alloy, or othermaterial determined to be acceptable for the use involved.1.11DV.1.2 Uninsulated live parts shall be so secured to the base or mounting surface thatthey will not turn or
39、shift in position, if such motion may result in a reduction of spacingsbelow the minimum acceptable values.1.11DV.1.3 Friction between surfaces is not acceptable as a means to prevent shifting orturning of live parts, but a lockwasher is acceptable if properly applied.AUGUST 22, 2016NATIONAL DIFFERE
40、NCES FOR UL UL 60939-36UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL1.11DV.2 Switches and controllers1.11DV.2.1 Each switch and controller shall have a rating not less than the load it controls.A switch or controller shall not be connected
41、in the grounded-conductor circuit unlessoperation of the switch or controller simultaneously opens all ungrounded circuitconductors.1.11DV.3 Printed wiring boards1.11DV.3.1 A printed-circuit board shall comply with all requirements, including those fordirect support and shall be marked with the tria
42、ngle symbol as described in the Standardfor Printed-Wiring Boards, UL 796. A printed-circuit board shall also be classed V-0, V-1, orV-2 and rated minimum 105C (221F) in accordance with the requirements in the Tests forFlammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, UL 94. For
43、 a materialclassed V-2 a closed bottom in the equipment beneath the material or barrier evaluated forthe use shall be provided.1.11DV.3.2 A resistor, capacitor, inductor, or other part that is mounted on a printed-circuitboard to form a printed-circuit assembly shall be secured so that it cannot be
44、displaced tocause a risk of electric shock or fire by a force likely to be exerted on it during assembly,operation, or servicing of the filter.NOTE Consideration is to be given to a barrier or a partition that is part of the device and that providesmechanical protection and electrical insulation of
45、a component connected to the printed-circuit board.Table 18DV D1 Modify Table 18 by replacing with Table 18DV:Table 18DV Maximum temperaturesPartMaximum Temperature(Tmax)CWindings, if the winding insulation according to IEC 60085 is: class 105 (A) 90 class 120 (E) 105 class 130 (B) 120 class 155 (F)
46、 130 class 180 (H) 155 class 200 (N) 180 class 220 (R) 200 class 250 (C) 220 class 240 (S) 220 class 240 (C) Over 240Components according to the relevant IEC or ULstandardPins of appliance outlets 55Bare Terminals (Terminal material) according to IEC 60947-1: Bare copper 100 Bare brass 105 Tin plate
47、d copper or brass 105 Silver plated or nickel plated copper or brass 110 Other metals aAUGUST 22, 2016 NATIONAL DIFFERENCES FOR UL UL 60939-3 7Table 18DV Maximum temperatures Continued on Next PageUL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM
48、ULTable 18DV Maximum temperatures ContinuedPartMaximum Temperature(Tmax)CaTemperature limits to be based on service experience or life tests but not to exceed 105 C.4.22DV D1 Modify Clause 4.22 by replacing with Clauses 4.22DV.1 through 4.22DV.1.7.As an alternative, leakage current testing may be pe
49、rformed as specified below:4.22DV.1 Leakage current test4.22DV.1.1 Leakage current refers to all currents, including capacitively coupled currents,that may be conveyed between exposed surfaces of a filter and ground or other exposedsurfaces of a filter.4.22DV.1.2 All exposed surfaces and the receptacle grounding contact, if provided, are tobe tested for leakage current. The leakage currents from these surfaces, and a groundingcontact, are to be measured to the grounded supply conductor individually as well ascollectively if simultaneously