UL SUBJECT 2887-2014 UL Outline for Investigation Sustainability for Wearable Electronics Products (Issue 1)《可穿戴式电子产品的可持续性的UL调查大纲 (议题1)》.pdf

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UL SUBJECT 2887-2014 UL Outline for Investigation Sustainability for Wearable Electronics Products (Issue 1)《可穿戴式电子产品的可持续性的UL调查大纲 (议题1)》.pdf_第1页
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UL SUBJECT 2887-2014 UL Outline for Investigation Sustainability for Wearable Electronics Products (Issue 1)《可穿戴式电子产品的可持续性的UL调查大纲 (议题1)》.pdf_第2页
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UL SUBJECT 2887-2014 UL Outline for Investigation Sustainability for Wearable Electronics Products (Issue 1)《可穿戴式电子产品的可持续性的UL调查大纲 (议题1)》.pdf_第3页
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UL SUBJECT 2887-2014 UL Outline for Investigation Sustainability for Wearable Electronics Products (Issue 1)《可穿戴式电子产品的可持续性的UL调查大纲 (议题1)》.pdf_第5页
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1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULOctober 17, 20141UL 2887Outline of Investigation for Sustainability for Wearable Electronics ProductsISSUE NO: 1October 17, 2014Summary of TopicsThis first issue of the Outline of Investigation f

2、or Sustainability forWearable Electronics Products, Subject 2887, is to establish multipleattribute sustainability criteria for wearable electronics, includingthe packaging and all components shipped in the box with the device.Separate requirements for the Wearable Electronics Device, externalpower

3、supply, cables and other accessories shipped in the box areincludedSubject to these terms and conditions and those in any other agreementsbetween you and Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and/or theirrepresentatives, you are hereby granted a limited, non-exclusive,non-transferable license to use t

4、he outline solely for your internal,non-commercial business purposes, The outline is not being sold, and other thanthe limited license granted herein UL retains all rights, title and interest (includingexclusive ownership) in the outline and all copyright therein. UL reserves the rightto regain poss

5、ession of the outline from you at any time. When no longer needed,you agree to destroy the outline (if in hardcopy form) or delete and purge theoutline from your files (if in electronic form). No part of the outline may bereproduced, modified, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

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10、 FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULUsers of the electronic versions of ULs outline agree to defend, indemnify, andhold ULI, their affiliates and each of their respective trustees, officers, employees,agents and representatives harmless from and against any loss, expen

11、se,liability, damage, claim, or judgment (including reasonable attorneys fees)resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing anelectronic outline on the purchasers computer system.COPYRIGHT 2014 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FUR

12、THER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULCONTENTSINTRODUCTION1 General 52 Scope .53 Units of Measurement .64 Undated References 65 Glossary .6COMPLIANCE, EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA6 Compliance Documentation 87 Evaluation and Assessment Criteria .97.1 General .97.2 Levels of

13、 Achievement 9MATERIALS8 Supply Chain Management of Materials 109 Sustainable Use of Raw Materials .109.1 Plastics 1010 ENERGY USE REQUIREMENTS 11HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT11 Substances of Concern 1212 Dermal Contact Assessment 1413 Life Cycle Assessment 1613.1 Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment .16END

14、OF LIFE MANAGEMENT AND EXTENSION OF USEFUL LIFE14 End of Life Management 16PACKAGING15 Packaging .18MANUFACTURING AND OPERATIONS16 Corporate Sustainability (CS) 2017 Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Policies .2118 Supply Chain Impacts .21INNOVATION19 General 21OCTOBER 17, 2014 UL 2887 3UL COPYR


16、ssories shall meet the following criteria. D1INNOVATIONAD19 General D2OCTOBER 17, 2014UL 28874UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULINTRODUCTION1 General1.1 The manufacture and use of electronics creates an environmental burden that

17、these requirements areintended to improve. When these requirements were first created, defining the sustainability of wearableelectronics had not been addressed. These requirements aspire to address sustainability for wearableelectronic products.1.2 The impacts of extraction through production and u

18、ltimate disposal are often left to a broad sweepingstatement of sustainability without a true definition of what that means. There are various alternativeconstructions, materials, manufacturing practices and even disposal options that can minimizeenvironmental burdens.1.3 These requirements provide

19、a life cycle and human health based approach to setting the criteria tobe achieved. These requirements reflect the major areas of impact and provide a criteria structure that willallow manufactures to demonstrate that any product meeting these requirements has made significantgains towards becoming

20、sustainable.2 Scope2.1 These requirements establish multiple attribute sustainability criteria for wearable electronicsproducts, including the packaging and all components shipped in the box with the product. Separaterequirements for the wearable electronics product, external power supply, cables an

21、d other accessoriesshipped in the box are included. Wearable electronics are any electronics product primarily intended to beworn by the user either as a part of clothing or in direct body contact. Example products include smartwatches, non-medical (consumer) heart or body function monitors, glasses

22、 with embedded electronicsand electronics embedded in clothing. Other electronics products having similar characteristics and usagepatterns can also be included in the scope of the standard.2.2 These requirements apply to products that are or will be available for purchase at the time ofcertificatio

23、n.2.3 The criteria in these requirements were developed based on the life cycle stages of wearable devicesand similar electronics. Sustainability factors considered in these requirements are: materials, packaging,manufacturing and operations, energy efficiency of the external power supply, health an

24、d environment,and end of life management. Credit for innovations in these, or other factors not listed, is also addressedin these requirements.OCTOBER 17, 2014 UL 2887 5UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL3 Units of Measurement3.1

25、For the purposes of these requirements, values shall be reported in accordance with the requirementsof the specific criteria and shall be in metric units. If a manufacturers choice of units deviates, that changeshall be documented and justified as to the reason and relevance for that change.4 Undate

26、d References4.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in these requirements shall be interpreted asreferring to the latest edition of that code or standard. The exception shall be in the case where thecriterion explicitly states a certain version or date to be used.5 Glossary5.1 For

27、the purpose of these requirements, the following definitions apply:5.2 ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES Resources other than raw or virgin material, including but notlimited to bio-based materials, rapidly renewable materials, recycled/reclaimed content.5.3 BIO-BASED CARBON Carbon materials that are derived in

28、 whole or part from biomassresources. Biomass resources are organic materials that are available on a renewable or recurringbasis such as crop residues, wood residues, grasses, and aquatic plants.5.4 CHEMICAL ABSTRACT SERVICES (CAS) NUMBER A unique numerical identifier assigned toevery chemical by t

29、he CAS division of the American Chemistry Council.5.5 CONFLICT ZONES Regions which are characterized by conditions of armed conflict and humanrights abuses, and receive funding from the revenue of militia-controlled mines.5.6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) Part of an organizations managements

30、ystem used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.(Reprinted from Environmental management - Vocabulary, ISO 14050)5.7 EUROPEAN UNION (EU) HAZARD CLASSIFICATION The EUs system of classification,labeling and packaging chemical substances and mixtures. T

31、he Classification, Labeling and Packaging(CLP) Regulation incorporates the classification criteria and labeling rules agreed upon at the UnitedNations level in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).5.8 EUTROPHICATION The process whereby a body of water rece

32、ives excess nutrients thatstimulate excess plant growth, usually resulting in the depletion of dissolved oxygen.5.9 GLOBAL WARMING The sustained increase of the average temperature of the earthsatmosphere, resulting in climatic change, due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases.5.10 GLOBAL RE

33、PORTING INITIATIVE (GRI) A sustainability reporting framework that can be usedto measure and report on the economic, environmental, and social performance of an organization.5.11 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMIS) A numerical hazard ratingdeveloped by the National Paint the Federal Trad

34、eCommission Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims at 16 C.F.R. Part 260 in the US;DEFRA Green Claims - Practical Guidance, How To Make A Good Environmental Claim for accurate,reliable, and documented communications in the UK. This declaration shall also state that both theexpress and

35、implied meaning of the certification about the data, responses to information, and provisionsof the standard, is reasonable and based on competent and reliable scientific evidence prepared byqualified professionals in the relevant area, using procedures to produce accurate and reliable results.(Fede

36、ral Trade Commission Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims at 16 C.F.R. Part260).6.3 Products shall be reevaluated at least every three years or when materials, processes ormanufacturing facilities change in a way that has the potential to impact compliance results to theserequirement

37、s. Specifically, any change in the product that would materially impact the score of thatproduct as evaluated by these requirements shall be cause for reevaluation.OCTOBER 17, 2014UL 28878UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL7 Evalu

38、ation and Assessment Criteria7.1 General7.1.1 The following sections describe how the categories and point levels are associated. For eachcriterion within each category, the total number of possible points is specified. Overall, a maximum of 99points are available, not including innovation points. N

39、o more than ten innovation points, as described inthese requirements, are permitted to be assigned to a candidate product.7.1.2 Beyond the prerequisites, no minimum number of points is required from within each categoryspecifically in order to demonstrate compliance with these requirements. The tota

40、l number of pointsrequired may be obtained by any combination of total points available.7.2 Levels of Achievement7.2.1 Two levels of achievement are available within these requirements: Certified and Platinum. Table7.1 below identifies the levels, with the associated points needed to achieve each le

41、vel.Table 7.1Achievement level requirementsLevel of Achievement Points RequiredCertified 55% of available (54points)Platinum 73% of available (72 points)7.2.2 Table 7.2 lists the prerequisites for these requirements.Table 7.2PrerequisitesCategory PrerequisiteHEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT11.1 RoHS Complianc

42、e11.2 Low release of nickel from surfaces11.7 Low cadmium and mercury batteries11.8.1 Low pentachlorophenol in accessories11.8.2 Low dibutyltin and dioctyltin in accessories11.8.3 Low azo-dyes in accessories11.8.4 Low dimethylfumarate in accessories12 Dermal Contact AssessmentEND OF LIFE MANAGEMENT


44、RIALS8 Supply Chain Management of Materials8.1 Optional - Conflict Minerals Restriction Gold, tin, tantalum, and tungsten shall not be sourcedfrom the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since the revenue from these minerals is used in fundingarmed conflict and human rights abuses. The manufacturer s

45、hall identify the use of minerals in thewearable device and demonstrate compliance by providing documentation that shows communication toemployees, customers, and investors that these minerals are not purchased or mined from the DemocraticRepublic of Congo (DRC). Point value: 1.8.2 Optional - Compli

46、ance with the European REACH Directive (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006) The wearable device manufacturer shall document that a system of supply chain management has beenused to characterize the product and show compliance with the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)requirements under the European R

47、EACH Directive. Point value: 5.9 Sustainable Use of Raw Materials9.1 Plastics9.1.1 Optional - Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic and/or Bio-based Plastic Content The use ofpost-consumer recycled plastic and/or bio-based content plastic in the housing of the wearable deviceshall be awarded points on a sl

48、iding scale based on the percent by mass of content of the plastic in theproduct as shown in Table 9.1 and Table9.2. Point value: maximum 5.Table 9.1Post-Consumer Recycled ContentPost-Consumer Recycled Content Points Awarded5% 115% 225% 340% 460% 5OCTOBER 17, 2014UL 288710UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT

49、 AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULTable 9.2Bio-Based ContentBio-Based Content Points Awarded5% 115% 225% 340% 460% 59.1.2 Optional - Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic and/or Bio-based Plastic Content The use ofpost-consumer recycled plastic and/or bio-based plastic content in the housing of the external powersupply shall be awarded points on a sliding scale based on the percent by mass of post-consumerrecycled content and/or bio-based content of the plastic in the external power supply as sho


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