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1、山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 47(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 The problem has_simply because you didn t follow my instruction.(A)raised(B) risen(C) arisen(D)aroused2 It is generally thought to be of importance to a man that he_himself.(A)knew(B) know(C) knows(D)must know3 Mrs. Smith, together with her friends, _

2、 to visit the new museum.(A)are going(B) are(C) is going(D)will be4 _ before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.(A)Had they arrived(B) Were they to arrive(C) Were they arriving(D)Would they arrive5 You_read that article if you don t want to.(A)havent(B) cant(C)

3、mustnt(D)neednt6 The building_mostly undamaged after the earthquake, and only minor repairs were necessary.(A)discovered(B) lasted(C) consisted(D)remained7 It was when we were returning home_I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.(A)which(B) that(C) where(D)how8 He s

4、tood waving until the train was out of_.(A)sight(B) glimpse(C) scene(D)reach9 _ she had a solid background in mathematics, her lab skills were relatively undeveloped.(A)As(B) Since(C) That(D)While10 The preparations for the trip will be_till next week.(A)put out(B) put away(C) put off(D)put up11 Suc

5、h a reliable person as him wont make_promises.(A)bare(B) empty(C) blank(D)vacant12 We enjoyed ourselves very much last night at the party. You_with us.(A)should have come(B) must come(C) must have come(D)should come13 One new_to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural co

6、ntext.(A)approach(B) solution(C) manner(D)road14 Staring at the ruins of his house, he couldn t_how the fire had broken out.(A)bring out(B) turn out(C) figure out(D)pick out15 I didnt know what to do, but then an idea_to me suddenly.(A)happened(B) entered(C) hit(D)occurred16 The government has lost

7、a great deal of_because of the large increase in food price.(A)strength(B) support(C) agreement(D)vote17 I continued to study_the discouragement I had received.(A)despite of(B) despite(C) in spite(D)in spite that18 They said I had given_the whistle was worth.(A)twice as many as(B) as twice many as(C

8、) as twice much as(D)twice as much as19 Only under special circumstances_to take make-up tests.(A)freshmen are permitted(B) are freshmen permitted(C) permitted are freshmen(D)are permitted freshmen20 There is not much news in today s paper, _?(A)is it(B) isnt it(C) isnt there(D)is there21 The old la

9、dy was_to the young man who helped her find her lost grandson.(A)touched(B) grateful(C) cheerful(D)generous22 Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper_it closely.(A)followed(B) to follow(C) following(D)being followed23 It wasn t such a good dinner_she had promised us.(A)as(B) which(C) tha

10、t(D)what24 Many newspapers printed the governor s statement_he would resign his position.(A)was that(B) which(C) that(D)it25 We will never forget the days_we spent together, singing and dancing.(A)that(B) in which(C) on which(D)when26 You ve already missed too many classes this term. You_ four class

11、es just last week.(A)had missed(B) miss(C) missed(D)have missed27 Not only I but also Ellis and Jane_fond of playing basketball.(A)am(B) is(C) was(D)are28 Teachers have no right to force their own opinions_the students.(A)upon(B) at(C) in(D)to29 The express train_and many people thronged to the stat

12、ion.(A)pulled in(B) pulled up(C) pulled on(D)pulled at30 Do you know what she is majoring_at college now?(A)on(B) at(C) with(D)in30 Everyone is exposed to it, so naturally some people will imitate what they see on TV, what they read in the newspapers and what they witness every day. It is better to

13、prevent violence than to try to stop it. Dentists tell you to brush your teeth to prevent cavities(蛀牙 )so they wont have to fill the cavity later. People and lawmakers all over the world realize this. The next question is, “How do you prevent violence from happening?“To answer this question, you may

14、 ask yourself, “What causes violence?“ Guns are definitely something used in acts of violence, but just about anything will do. Bare hands are often the weapons. What we have to do is to work together as a community and make violence wrong but not to tolerate. Weve got to find a better solution than

15、 jails, and we ve got to do it now. It s not something that can wait.(71)The message “ Violence is wrong“ has got to be everywhere you look on TV, on street signs, buses, radio, in every kind of languageEnglish, Spanish, French, Hebrew, you name it, so that it can reach all kinds of people. People n

16、eed to be cool. Violence needs to be labeled as foolish. It cannot be machismo(大男子气概)and toughness.(72)We can reach people in all kinds of ways. Little reminders that “Violence is wrong“ can show up in any way, shape or form: chain letters, a million dollars to anyone who can make a video showing 30

17、 acts of kindness, flyers, newspaper ads, contests in schools, a free TV ad to the most peace-loving company and much more. To do so, lots of people have to be willing to work together and break the cycle.31 The pronoun “it“ in the first paragraph refers specifically to_.(A)TV program(B) violence(C)

18、 newspaper articles(D)what they see every day32 According to the passage, what is the total solution to violence?(A)Strict control on the possession of guns.(B) Strict sentences.(C) To put those who commit crimes into prison.(D)To make everyone aware that violence is wrong.33 Which of the following

19、is NOT mentioned as a way to remind people of the concept “Violence is wrong“?(A)Ads in newspapers.(B) Three-minute free ads on TV.(C) Chain letters.(D)Contests in schools.34 We can learn from the passage that_.(A)it is urgent to spread the word that violence is wrong(B) willingness to cooperate is

20、the key to the prevention of street crimes(C) the author seems to preach non-violence against crimes(D)it is difficult to identify the causes of violence34 A sustainable transportation system is one that is safe, capable and friendly to the environment. Sustainable transportation is about combining

21、economic, social and environmental factors into decisions that affect transportation activity. In economic aspect, we need a transportation system that is efficient. In social aspect, our transportation system must be safe and easy to be reached. In addition, we need a transportation system that res

22、pects the natural environment. It is not always easy to balance these three factors but there are also win-win-win opportunities.Sustainable transportation is important. Although transportation brings many economic and social benefits, the movement of people and goods can have important influences o

23、n the environment. These influences can in turn have social and economic consequences. Sustainable transportation calls for ensuring that the environment is considered along with economic and social considerations in transportation decision-making.(73)Environmental influences of transportation inclu

24、de air and water pollution, greenhouse effects, and the use of land and other natural resources. A range of transportation activities contribute to these pressures, including the construction of roads: the production, operation, and throwing away of vehicles: and the supply of energy and fuel.A majo

25、r challenge of sustainable transportation is to control or prevent air pollution and greenhouse effects.35 What is the main idea of the passage?(A)It is about sustainable transportation.(B) It is about greenhouse effects.(C) It is about environment protection.(D)It is about air pollution.36 Which of

26、 the following statements about sustainable transportation system is TRUE?(A)It is safe.(B) It is capable.(C) It is friendly to the environment.(D)All of the above are right.37 How should we understand the social benefits of a sustainable transportation system?(A)It should be efficient.(B) It should

27、 be safe.(C) It should be friendly.(D)It should be constructive.38 The author s attitude towards the sustainable transportation is_.(A)positive(B) critical(C) negative(D)doubtful38 (74)One of the best known proverbs must be “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise“. The pr

28、omises of health, wealth and wisdom to those who join the ranks of the early retires and risers must be particularly appealing to many people in our contemporary society. There is no doubt that one of the greatest concerns of modern man is his health. It is estimated that in the United States 200 bi

29、llion dollars are spent on health care each year. The medical field has grown into such a big business that it employs 4. 8 million people and it appears that in many places, more staff is needed to meet the demands of the people who are concerned about their physical well being.Much more interest h

30、as been shown in preventive(预防的 )medicine in recent years.(75)This is probably due in part to the increasing costs of medical treatment, but the writings of such people as Dr. Kenneth Cooper have also played an important role. In his book Aerobics, Dr. Cooper communicated his message of the benefits

31、 of exercise so effectively that many other authors have followed in his trail, and literally millions of readers have put on their sports shoes and taken to the highways and byways of America. A recent survey showed that over one million people are jogging. The last time I was in Honolulu, I was am

32、azed to see hundreds of people, young and old, running for their lives, and I discovered many of them had run in the Hawaiian Marathon.Exercise has also become a major part of conversation. At a dinner party recently, the president of a bank asked me, “You look like a runner: how far do you run each

33、 day?“ A few days later when I appeared on a national television show, the host suddenly asked me if I was a regular runner. On both occasions the conversation turned to the subject of exercise and I found, as I have found wherever I have traveled recently, that this is a subject on many people s mi

34、nds. Of course, there are still many people who are less enthusiastic about exercise. They appreciate the philosophy of Robert M. Hutchins who said, “Whenever the thought of exercise occurs to me, I lie down till it passes. “39 The underlined word “retires“ in Para. 1 probably refers to_.(A)people w

35、ho go to bed(B) people who live in quiet places(C) people who have a lot of free time(D)people who give up their work40 In the United States, medical treatment is_.(A)expensive(B) insufficient(C) very effective(D)cheap41 The pronoun “it“ in the last sentence of the passage means_.(A)exercise(B) the

36、thought of exercise(C) me(D)nothing42 The examples of conversation in the last paragraph are used_.(A)to show the writer s love for travel(B) to prove that the writer was a good runner(C) to show people s interest in exercise(D)to prove that people are tired of old conversation topics42 A. Would you

37、 please introduce us to some of the most reliable exporters of Chinese handicrafts?B. If you are interested in dealing with us in other products of our company, please inform us of your requirements as well as your banker s name and address.C. Because of the rapid development of our business in Asia

38、, we think it s necessary to open a branch at the following address.D. Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here.43 请向我们推荐一些最可靠的中国手工艺品出口商,可以吗?44 我们丰富的资源和稳定的政策为外商投资提供了有利条件。45 鉴于我们在亚洲地区业务的迅速发展,我们认为有必要在下列地点设立分公司。46 如果你们有意经营我公司其他产品,请告知你方要求及往来银行的名称和地

39、址。46 A. We should expand socialist democracy and better safeguard the people s rights and interests as well as social equity and justice.B. We have made steady progress toward the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.C. We should accelerate transformation of the mode of e

40、conomic development and promote upgrading of the industrial structure.D. To thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, we must strengthen our efforts to build the Party in earnest.47 深入贯彻落实科学发展观,要求我们切实加强和改进党的建设。48 我们已经朝着全面建设小康社会的目标迈出了坚实步伐。49 我们要扩大社会主义民主,更好地保障人民权益和社会公平正义。50 我们要加快转变经济发展方式

41、,推动产业结构优化升级。Section ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.51 Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention, and especially if it s given from the heart.52 When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus o

42、f attention to ourselves.53 But he went on experimenting, increasing the length of time during which he looked into the sun, knowing that in the end this would cost him his sight.54 They are little superstitions that have come down to us from an earlier time, when everybody believed in good and evil

43、 spirits.55 That was a guarantee of good luck at whatever you were about to do.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.56 她觉得受到侮辱,显然任何劝她留下来的企图都是徒劳的。57 无论我要做出什么样的牺牲我都要追求这一事业。58 大多数父母关心的是尽量为他们的孩子提供最好的教育。59 与我成长的地方相比,这个城镇更繁荣、更令人兴奋。60 直到完成使命,他才意识到自己得了重病。二、Writing61 In this part

44、 you are required to start your essay with a brief description of the chart and then express your views on Reading Interests of College Students. You should write at least 120 words. Please remember to write it on the Answer Sheet.Section A(A)The man did not study.(B) The man is not nervous.(C) The

45、woman did not study.(D)The woman will not take the test.(A)Yesterday.(B) Two days ago.(C) Three days ago.(D)Last week.(A)Do homework.(B) Write letters.(C) Prepare for the exam.(D)Watch TV.(A)The woman is a fast walker.(B) The woman couldn t walk.(C) The woman cant walk any farther.(D)The woman walks

46、 slowly.(A)At the department store.(B) In the club.(C) In the garden.(D)In the zoo.(A)$5.(B) $4.(C) $4.50.(D)$9.50.(A)They will be replaced by online education sooner or later.(B) They will attract fewer kids as online education expands.(C) They will continue to exist along with online education.(D)

47、They will limit their teaching to certain subjects only.(A)It didn t fit her.(B) She didnt have enough money.(C) It was too dark.(D)She didnt like the style.(A)The cup is full already.(B) She would be impolite to accept another.(C) She is full already.(D)She has overdone.(A)The girls got on well wit

48、h each other.(B) It s understandable that girls dont get along.(C) She was angry with the other young stars.(D)The girls lacked the courage to fight.(A)Go to his co-worker s home.(B) Go to South Korea on that day.(C) Avoid his colleagues.(D)Escape from South Korea.(A)They delivered a post box with s

49、ome messages to classmates.(B) They put their written messages in a mail box on that day.(C) They wrote letters to teachers on that day.(D)They sent messages to their teachers on that day.(A)Reading an essay written by Pete.(B) Writing a letter to Pete.(C) Writing a reference letter for Pete.(D)Reading a letter from Pete.(A)He likes kids and has worked in an elementary


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