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1、山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 19(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 It is recommended that the project_until all the preparations have been made.(A)is not started(B) will not be started(C) not be started(D)is not to be started2 He regretted_the decision too hastily.(A)make(B) to make(C) making(D)have made3 _we have fi

2、nished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.(A)For now(B) Now that(C) Ever since(D)By now4 _quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.(A)Before(B) Until(C) From(D)Since5 Some people think_about their rights than about their duties.(A)too much(B) a

3、s much(C) much more(D)many more6 It seems oil_from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right(A)had leaked(B) is leaking(C) leaked(D)has been leaking7 The pressure_causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional straia(A)to compete

4、(B) competing(C) to be competed(D)having competed8 No matter how frequently_, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.(A)performing(B) performed(C) to be performed(D)being performed9 _in the United States was set up to train men in music at that time.(A)Many schools(B) Many a school(C)

5、 A many school(D)A great many schools10 Only after food has been dried or canned_.(A)that it should be stored for later consumption(B) should be stored for later consumption(C) should it be stored for later consumption(D)it should be stored for later consumption11 Anne couldnt concentrate_what she w

6、as doing while her family were watching TV.(A)to(B) for(C) on(D)in12 The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been_filled in.(A)consequently(B) comprehensively(C) regularly(D)properly13 The manager is very_about his secretarys appearance.(A)unusual(B) special(C) particular(D

7、)peculiar14 Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience_greatly to his success in public life.(A)contributed(B) attached(C) owed(D)related15 He tried to_relation with his former wife but failed.(A)contain(B) maintain(C) reserve(D)remain16 Well have to get out and walk: the cars_down.

8、(A)fallen(B) broken(C) run(D)gone17 There was a small_of sugar in the cup.(A)amount(B) number(C) size(D)part18 Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any_.(A)excuse(B) sense(C) use(D)value19 When a fire _ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless painting

9、s were completely destroyed.(A)broke off(B) broke out(C) broke down(D)broke up20 The student was just about to_the question, when suddenly he found the answer.(A)arrive at(B) submit to(C) work out(D)give up21 It is our_policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.(A)consistent(B) conside

10、rate(C) continual(D)continuous22 Many people complain of the rapid_of modern life.(A)rate(B) speed(C) pace(D)growth23 American women were_the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.(A)ignored(B) neglected(C) refused(D)denied24 We discussed this problem for several days, but could

11、nt come to a(n)_.(A)result(B) end(C) conclusion(D)judgment25 Of all the books on the desk, _is of any use for our study.(A)nothing(B) no one(C) neither(D)none26 No one likes him because his action doesnt_his words.(A)correspond with(B) agree on(C) communicate with(D)consist of27 His knowledge of Fre

12、nch literature is_mine.(A)superior than(B) superior more than(C) superior to(D)superior better to28 In their hearts, some American women think it is mens business to make money and_to spend it(A)they(B) theirs(C) them(D)their29 The few hours I had spent in the library had_my old passion for reading.

13、(A)brought about(B) brought around(C) brought back(D)brought down30 Youve lost all your money: now you must learn to_the situation.(A)live on(B) live by(C) live out(D)live with30 September is the ninth month of the year. However, the word “September“ comes from the Latin word “septem“, which means “

14、seven“. This is because long ago a different calendar was used in which September was indeed the seventh month. When Julius Caesar, leader of Rome, changed the calendar, he made September the ninth month.September in the northern hemisphere(半球)is a time of change. With fall and winter approaching, t

15、emperature usually begins to drop somewhat It is also the productive time of the year since it is when farmers harvest some of their vegetables and fruits, especially apples, which have finished their growing seasoaSeptember has thirty days. In English, the word is often abbreviated(缩写)to just the f

16、irst four letters. The major US holiday in September is Labor Day. This holiday, September 7th is Brazils Independence Day and Chiles is the eighteenth. Also, Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean on September 25, 1513.31 From this passage you may infer that before Julius Caesar, October might be the_

17、.(A)ninth month of the year(B) eighth month of the year(C) tenth month of the year(D)eleventh month of the year32 September is important because_.(A)it has a very interesting history(B) there are many important holidays in it(C) temperature begins to fall in this month(D)it is the harvest time for f

18、armers33 We may come to the conclusion that_.(A)US Labor Day is not on the date of the month(B) US Labor Day is celebrated by all the workers(C) US Labor Day is the most important holiday in the country(D)US Labor Day is the major holiday of the month34 In English, “September“ can be shortened to_.(

19、A)Sptr.(B) Sptm.(C) Sept(D)Sptb.35 The best title for this passage might be_.(A)An Important Month of the Year(B) The Month of September(C) The History of September(D)Some Holidays in September35 Time is the biggest problem of most students. It becomes particularly difficult when you have to do libr

20、ary research for a term paper or report Finding information in the library can take so much time that many students avoid it until the last possible minute.Library research does not have to be time consuming. If you learn to use a library efficiently, you can save yourself a great deal of time. The

21、exercises in this section are designed to familiarize you with the library so that you can find the information you need quickly.The first and the most important thing to know about a library is that when you cannot find something, ask a librarian for help. The librarians are paid not just to shelve

22、 books, but to provide information and assistance. The most helpful librarians are usually those who work in the reference room. They will help you get started on a term paper and even help you find material. There are two basic places to begin looking for information: the card catalog and the vario

23、us periodical indexes. The card catalog is a list of all the books in the library. A periodical index is a list of all the magazine and journal articles written on any subject.36 According to the author, finding information in the library needs a lot of time, so students should_.(A)avoid it until th

24、e last possible minute(B) learn to ask for help(C) learn how to use it efficiently(D)save a great deal of time37 It is the librarians duty to do all the following things except_.(A)arranging and lending books(B) helping students locate the needed books(C) helping students find needed materials(D)hel

25、ping students write their term paper38 In what way could a student get familiarized with the library while reading this section?(A)By doing the exercises provided.(B) By doing library research,(C) By looking into the catalog part.(D)By reading in the reference room.39 If you need to find a magazine

26、article in the library, the best way for you to do is to_.(A)look in the card catalog(B) look in the periodical indexes(C) search through the bookshelves(D)go to the reference room40 The passage is taken from an introduction of a chapter, and the title of the chapter is probably_.(A)Save Your Study

27、Time(B) Using the Library Competently(C) How to Find a Book Quickly(D)How to Get Help from Librarians40 The Singapore underground train system, known as the MRT, offers a speedy and easy way to get about our city. Youll need small change to buy an individual ticket. Alternatively, buy a special tick

28、et designed with the tourist in mind. Costing $ 6, it offers $ 5. 50 worth of rides: the extra 50 cents is for keeping the ticket as a souvenir(纪念品). Tourist tickets feature one of three designs: the Chinese Gardens, the Victoria Memorial Hall or a night skyline of Singapore.You gain entry to the tr

29、ains by inserting your ticket into the barrier machine(票据闸机). Wait for the ticket to reappear and put it away safely: youll need it again. After your trip, you insert your ticket into the barrier in order to leave. Please note that each ticket is time coded on entry, and you are advised not to spend

30、 more than half an hour in addition to travel time, because tickets can expire(失效).Moving stairs that take you to the platform and train destinations are marked clearly. Trains run frequently. Do remember, eating and drinking are forbidden in MRT stations and trains.41 What purpose does the MRT serv

31、e? To provide a(n)_way to get about the city.42 Why is there an extra cost of 50 cents for a tourist ticket? For the tourist to keep the ticket as_.43 Why should people keep the ticket after boarding the train? Because they will_when they leave.44 What will happen if passengers stay in MRT over half

32、 an hour in addition to travel time? Their tickets will_.45 What is forbidden when people take the underground train? They are not allowed to_.Section ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.46 There have been less accidents on this road since the speed limit was introduced.47 Ever

33、ything taken into consideration, the plan put up by Mr. Smith seems to be more workable.48 When it comes to successful overseas investments that can yield high profits, the key is which country you should put your capital in.49 Its no use getting annoyed when you find your sympathy is taken advantag

34、e of.50 Having found a mistake in his calculation, the engineer had to do the work all over again.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.51 我国政府已决定在教育上投入比过去多得多的钱。52 虽然祖母体弱多病,她却承担了家里的所有家务。53 计算机的使用已大大地改变了人们的生活方式和工作方式。54 这是一本颇有影响的杂志,能向你更详细地介绍这个地区的教育状况。55 我们必须对过去的错误进行反思,否则我们就

35、不可能取得更大的进步。二、Writing56 This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a composition entitled How to Get Information in the Modern World. Remember to explain major means to get information in your compositioa You should write in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sh

36、eet.Section A(A)The woman doesnt think it exciting to travel by air.(B) Theyll stay at home during the holidays.(C) They are offered some plane tickets for their holidays.(D)Theyll be flying somewhere for their vacation.(A)She is very much afraid.(B) She has never heard of the place.(C) She is not f

37、amiliar with the place.(D)She has never taken the bus before.(A)45 minutes.(B) 15 minutes.(C) 5 minutes.(D)10 minutes.(A)The new teacher is ill.(B) She hasnt met the new teacher yet.(C) She doesnt want to meet the new teacher.(D)She doesnt feel well.(A)Not to go shopping downtown.(B) Guard her money

38、.(C) Look for a new wallet.(D)Not to take the traia(A)One week.(B) One month.(C) Two months.(D)Half a year.(A)She has no time during weekdays.(B) She has no time during weekends.(C) The symptoms disappear on weekends.(D)Both A and C.(A)Take some good medicine.(B) Quit the job.(C) Write a complaint t

39、o the owner of the building.(D)There is no way out.(A)Flying like a bird.(B) Going back in time and meet Mozart(C) Winning the gold medal in the pole vaulting at the Olympic Games.(D)Walking on the moon.(A)Driving sports cars.(B) Flying planes.(C) Fighting an enemy.(D)All of the above.(A)Cars will b

40、e designed and tested as “virtual“ machines first(B) Architects will be able to build “virtual“ buildings which they can walk around and inspect(C) In hundreds of ways.(D)All of the above.Section B(A)They told the newspaper about the matter.(B) They told the public about the matter.(C) They kept it

41、secret.(D)They told a few people.(A)The signals were coming from the moon.(B) The signals were coming from the earth.(C) The signals were coming from other planets.(D)The signals were coming from the Mars.(A)The signals came from a “pulsar“.(B) No answer came from a “pulsar“.(C) Only one pulsar exis

42、ts.(D)Something like a “pulsar“ exists.(A)5 trillion cigarettes have been consumed last year.(B) Chinese smoke heavily than those in the west.(C) Cigarettes give many people a good deal of pleasure.(D)Every people smoked 1 200 cigarettes per year.(A)Impose a great deal of fine upon them.(B) Put them

43、 into prison for years.(C) Drive them away from the country.(D)Pouring lead down their throat(A)A calm effect(B) A shocking effect(C) A fascinating effect(D)A surprising effectSection B73 Since World War II,【B1 】_in the last few decades of the 20th century, large groups of foreigners have come and s

44、ettled in the United States. The【B2】_is that many Americans speak a foreign language at home. Today, one in seven Americans speaks a language【B3】_English. Spanish is the【B4】_foreign language spoken by 17 million Americans. All together, 31. 8 million Americans speak 329 foreign languages in the【B5】_

45、. That means there is an【B6】_of 34 percent in foreign language usage since 1980. Asian languages are used by 14【B7 】_ of foreign language speakers. That【B8】_the new wave of immigrants from Asian countries【B9】_India, Japan, Korea and the Philippines. However, fewer【B10】_languages are heard in American families than before.74 【B1 】75 【B2 】76 【B3 】77 【B4 】78 【B5 】79 【B6 】80 【B7 】81 【B8 】82 【B9 】83 【B10 】


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