
_some money every month so that he can buy a used car next year.(A)set aside(B) set up(C) set in(D)set along3 George could not_his foolish mistake.(A)


1、some money every month so that he can buy a used car next year.Aset asideB set upC set inDset along3 George could nothis。

2、近体C七言歌行D七言绝句二多项选择题5 关于老人与海,下列说法错误的两项是 A老人与海可以看作是一篇寓言:在浅显易懂的故事里,蕴涵着深刻的人生哲理B这部小说告诉人们:命运常常捉弄人,老人千辛万苦钓到的大鱼,最终被鲨鱼吃掉,天灾与厄运难以预料。

3、fore it got dark.AtoB C atDon3 This new auditorium was fullaudience.AofB withC aboutDto4 They are going to beon Christma。

4、ney2 It will take you one hour and fifty minutes the top of Mount Tai.AreachingB to reachC being reachedDhaving been rea。

5、 wasyesterday when he was crossing the street.Arun intoB run outC run overDrun through3 We have been told that the contr。

6、riseB ariseC raiseDarouse3 Shedown in bed and soon fell asleep.AliedB layC laidDlain4 is power is a famous saying known 。

7、意境优美D重知识重趣味4 谏逐客书的中心论点是 A纳客是正确的B逐客是错误的C纳客有利于秦国D逐客有害于秦国5 秦王下逐客令是因为 A客卿太多,增加了秦国的开支B多数客卿是各为其主进行游说,不办对秦有利的事C客卿中多是只尚空谈,并无真才实学。

8、ll down and blood came out from the open.AwoundB injuryC hurtDdamage3 He is the manager of the Human Resources Departmen。

9、u will be proud of them.Acatch upB bring upC take upDgrow up3 The oldfashioned chair in the living room has beenfrom my 。

10、he weekdays.AbyB withC toDfor3 Life is more enjoyable to people are open to new ideas.AwhoseB whomC whoDwhich4 I my form。

11、the workers to improve their working conditions were by the factory owner.Aturned toB turned offC turned outDturned down。

12、ortance to a man that hehimself.AknewB knowC knowsDmust know3 Mrs. Smith, together with her friends, to visit the new mu。

13、t any bookshop, will give you you need.Aall the informationB all the informationsC all of informationDall of the informa。

14、rs time all these old housesdown.Awill have been pulledB will have pulledC will be pullingDwill be pulled3 When I caught。

15、to be started2 He regrettedthe decision too hastily.AmakeB to makeC makingDhave made3 we have finished the course, we sh。

16、agree it.AforB inC withDat3 It is a factmost deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking.AthatB howC whatDwhich4 The m。

17、s house seemed like a palace.AComparedB CompareC While comparingDComparing3 It was essential that the application formsb。

18、ains or notB It will rain or notC If or not it rainsDWhether it rains or not3 Had the damage been worse, the insurance c。

19、 was yesterday when he was crossing the street.Arun intoB run outC run overDrun through3 We have been told that the cont。

20、tly that I dont know who has beenthe US president.AelectedB singled outC chosenDpicked up3 What a pity There are no tick。

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