
journeys as he wished within the stated period of time.(A)grants(B) promises(C) entitles(D)rise3 Though he was bom and brought up in America, he can


1、 journeys as he wished within the stated period of time.AgrantsB promisesC entitlesDrise3 Though he was bom and brought 。

2、ed.Adid passB passC were to passDhad passed3 No soonerstepped out of the hall than it began to rain.Ahad weB have weC di。

3、l things, the planned trip had to be called off.AconsideredB be consideredC consideringDhaving considered3 People apprec。

4、 that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.AAtB OnC WithDDuring3 Anyone who ha。

5、 hundred dollars for the fashionable dress Not at all. She would gladly have paidfor it.Atwice as muchB twice so muchC a。

6、ecently that I dont know who has been the US president.AelectedB singled outC chosenDpicked up3 What a pity There are no。

7、en learned since 1945 about chemical changes in the body than in all human history beforetime.AthisB theC the pastDthat3。

8、nDprofession2 We had not to meet with such a warm welcome from the villagers, for it was raining heavily.AexpectedB thou。

9、some money every month so that he can buy a used car next year.Aset asideB set upC set inDset along3 George could nothis。

10、fore it got dark.AtoB C atDon3 This new auditorium was fullaudience.AofB withC aboutDto4 They are going to beon Christma。

11、ney2 It will take you one hour and fifty minutes the top of Mount Tai.AreachingB to reachC being reachedDhaving been rea。

12、 wasyesterday when he was crossing the street.Arun intoB run outC run overDrun through3 We have been told that the contr。

13、riseB ariseC raiseDarouse3 Shedown in bed and soon fell asleep.AliedB layC laidDlain4 is power is a famous saying known 。

14、ll down and blood came out from the open.AwoundB injuryC hurtDdamage3 He is the manager of the Human Resources Departmen。

15、u will be proud of them.Acatch upB bring upC take upDgrow up3 The oldfashioned chair in the living room has beenfrom my 。

16、 answer on the Answer Sheet.1 Although the examination he had passed was not important, his successhim in his ambition t。

17、its into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.0 Lately I have been noticing the great n。

18、 the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.0 A。

19、er on the Answer Sheet.1 for your help, wed never have been able to get over the difficulties.AHad it notB If it were no。

20、ix hundred dollars for the fashionable dress Not at all. She would gladly have paid for it.Atwice as muchB twice so much。

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