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1、12019中考英语完形填空优练题(八)及答案第一篇Dear George,Half a year has gone by 1 we said goodbye to each other at the Kaitak airport (飞机场) . Except for 2 hurriedly written notes you have not written to any of your old 3 any letters 4 a few days. We are studying 5 a foreign university, but know 6 of what is going on a

2、bout you.Last night, John, Tom and I 7 a happy reunion (重聚) in dinner. It was all like the old high school 8 except that you were not in this get together. 9 we all felt 10 you. We then began to talk about you and wondered 11 at that moment. At last we 12 to your health.What kind of life you are liv

3、ing in London? Is your school-work keeping you 13 ? And there are a thousand things we want to 14 . Please tell us.My 15 regards (问候) , also Johns and Toms.Your old friend,Tonny1. A. since B. after C. before D. when2. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few3. A. classmates B. friends C. comrades D. ma

4、sters4. A. in B. for C. with D. during5. A. in B. at C. on D. to6. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing7. A. made B. started C. had D. did8. A. time B. place C. days D. teaching9. A. Suddenly B. But C. Or D. And10. A. to miss B. in missing C. miss D . missing11. A. what were you doing B

5、. what you were doingC. how were you doing D. how you were doing12. A. drink B. drank C. had drunk D. was drinking213. A. busy B. happy C. free D. sorry14. A. understand B. hear C. see D. know15. A. good B. better C. best D. well【参考答案】36. 名师点评这是一封温馨老友的来信,信中提到了同学的重聚勾起了对往日学校生活和昔日同窗的怀念。答案简析1 A。主句是现在完成时

6、,从句由 since引导。2 D。a few 和 few均修饰可数名词,但 few表否定。3 A。其它三种表达方式错误,这里无需用名词的所有格。4 B。for 加一段时间用于现在完成时表延续。5 A。in a university / at university 均可以表示上大学,这里因为已有了 a故选in,而不选 at。6 D。因为好久没通信,所以对 George的情况一无所知。7 A。have a reunion 为固定搭配。8 C。想起了过去的日子,故选 days。9 A。10 D。feel doing something 表示“感觉” 。11 B。宾语从句用陈述语序。12 B。根据上下

7、文的时态可知这里用一般过去时。13 A。朋友们都想知道学校里的事是否让他很忙。这里可以比较四个选项的意思,再根据上文的意思可知选 busy。14 D。他们想知道许多关于 George的事。15 C。my best regards 相当于 my best wishes 。第二篇2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案社会现象类Most children like TV. TV is very interesting. On TV can learn a lot, and they can see and know many things their country and the 3world.

8、Of course, they can over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily with . Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they cant anything over the radio.Many children watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on . But a few children watch

9、 TV every . They go to bed very late. So they cant have a good . How about you, my young friend?【小题 1】 Awatch Bto watching Cwatches Dto watch【小题 2】 ASo BAnd CBecause DBut【小题 3】 Awe Bthey Cshe Dus【小题 4】 Aat Bon Cabout Dwith【小题 5】 Alearn Bsing Cdance Dhear【小题 6】 Aradio Bfilm Cgame DTV【小题 7】 Ahear Blik

10、e Csee Dlearn【小题 8】 Aweekend Bweekdays(工作日) Cweekends DSunday【小题 9】 Anight Btime Cman Dplace【小题 10】 Atime Brest Cgame Dmeal第三篇话题:成长教育 词数:277 参考用时:8 分钟When I was a young child, my parents often told me that a positive heart brought man everything. I didnt understand and wondered why _1_ has such a bi

11、g 4influence on a person. And now, although Im just a middle school student, Id like to _2_ my own opinions on this saying.Once I read a sentence “To make this world a _3_ place to live in, rather than the whole world, youd better change your _4_.” It made me lost in thought. There are so many thing

12、s around us that go _5_ our will. We cant force life to follow our wishes. The earth wont _6_ turning whether we accept it or not.What we can do is just to make ourselves suit the world. I think we should learn to _7_ welcome whatever life gives us, the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and tr

13、y to get _8_ from it. I have tried to catch every pleasant thing in my life, but I _9_ catch most of the pleasant moments, such as being hugged by mother when in fear, being 10_ by the teacher when in trouble, being helped by a stranger when _11_. I realize that I dont just live alone and that there

14、 are others around me I should _12_. They all pay attention to my growing up, and are proud of my achievements _13_ it is just a little progress. It is their care and love that _14_ remind me I live in a warm and happy world.Different people may have different _15_ towards life. But there is one rul

15、e should be followed and that is to make the world better.( )1. A. it B. he C. she( )2. A. hold B. make C. show( )3. A. nice B. dull C. rich( )4. A. job B. heart C. taste( )5. A. above B. along C. against( )6. A. stop B. keep C. start( )7. A. casually B. politely C. warmly( )8. A. friendship B. succ

16、ess C. pleasure( )9. A. wont B. cant C. neednt( )10. A. invited B. trained C. cheered( )11. A. in line B. in danger C. in agreement( )12. A. think of B. hear of C. dream of5( )13. A. as for B. now that C. even though( )14. A. never B. often C. sometimes( )15. A. plans B. habits C. attitudes【答案详解】1-5

17、. ACABC 6-10. ACCBC 11-15. BACBC1. A 考查代词。it 指代上文的 positive heart (积极的心态)。句意:我不明白并想知道它对一个人为何有如此大的影响。2. C 考查动词词义。句意:现在我虽然仅是一个中学生,但我想就这个说法表明我的观点。hold “握住;保留” ;make “制造,制定” ;show “表示,展示” 。故选 C。3. A 考查文意理解。To make this word a nice place to live in (使这个世界成为一个生活的好地方)。4. B 考查文意理解。根据上文 positive heart的提示。句意:

18、你最好改变你的心态。5. C 考查文意理解及介词辨析。句意:我们周围有许多事情违反我们意志。above “在上面” ;along “沿着” ;against “反对,违背” ;根据句意选 C。6. A 考查文意及动词辨析。句意:不论我们是否接收,地球不会停止旋转。stop “停止” ;keep “保持” ;start “开始” 。根据文意选 A。7. C 考查文意理解和副词辨析。句意:我想无论生活给我们什么,我们都应该学会热烈欢迎,春天的阳光或冬天的降雪。casually“偶然地;漫不经心地” ; politely“礼貌地” ;warmly “热烈地,温暖地” 。根据文意选 C。8. C 考查

19、文意和名词辨析。句意:并且尽力从中得到乐趣。friendship “友谊” ;success “成功” ;pleasure “快乐,乐趣” 。根据文意选 C。9. B 考查文意和情态动词。我已尽力抓住我一生中每一样美好的东西,但我不能抓住绝大数快乐的瞬间。wont “将不” ;cant “不能” ;neednt “不必” 。 根据文意选B。10. C 考查文意及动词辨析。文意:处于困境时被老师鼓励。invite “邀请” ;train “培训” ;cheer “为加油,鼓励” 。根据文意选 D。11. B 考查文意及介词短语。文意:当危险时被陌生人帮助。in line “排队” ;in dan

20、ger “处于危险中” ;in agreement “持相同意见” 。根据文意选 B。12. A 考查文意及动词短语。句意:我意识到我不仅仅是一个生活,有我应该考虑的我周围的其他人。think of“想到,考虑” ;hear of “听说” ;dream of “梦想” 。根据文意选A。613. C 考查文意及连词。文意:他们都关注我的成长并为我的成就即使仅是一点小进步感到自豪。as for “至于; 关于” ;now that “既然,因为” ; even though “即使” 。根据文意选 C。14. B 考查文意和副词。句意:是他们的关怀和爱护经常提醒我生活在一个温暖和祝福的世界。Ne

21、ver“从不” ;often“经常” ;sometimes“有时” 。根据文意选 B。15. C 考查文意和名词。句意:不同的人也许有对待生活的不同的态度。Plan“计划” ;habit“习惯” ; attitude“态度” 。根据文意选 C。第四篇通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。We went for a walk in the fields, my mother, my wife, my son and I.The sun was shining; the birds were 36 ; patches of green, big an

22、d small, light and dark, formed a beautiful picture on this piece of land in south China. 37 of these gave us one thing, the vitality(活力) of life.My mother and I walked in front, followed by my wife and son. Our 38 suddenly shouted out, “A mother and son in front, another mother and son behind.” We

23、all 39 .Later, there were differences between us: My mother was in poor health, and even a short walk would make her feel very 40 . So she wanted to take the main road, for it was wide and smooth, 41 my son preferred the little path with more interesting things. It was up to me to make the final dec

24、ision. I tried to work out a win-win choice, but 42 . Finally, I decided against my son. So, I said, “Lets take the main road.”But my mother changed her mind. “Wed better take the 43 path. Youll have to carry me on your back in places I cant walk across.” My mother said to me.Then we picked our way

25、along the little path toward the flowers, the trees, and the pond. They were all bathed(沐浴着) in the 44 . When we came to a certain place, I crouched(蹲下) down to let my mother get on my back. My wife followed my example and 45 our son. Both my wife and I walked slowly and carefully because we thought

26、 we had the whole world on our backs.736. A. singing B. failing C. hiding37. A. Some B. Most C. All38. A. daughter B. boy C. student39. A. shouted B. cried C. laughed40. A. excited B. tired C. surprised41. A. but B. and C. so42. A. passed B. failed C. agreed43. A. little B. main C. middle44. A. moon

27、 B. water C. sun45. A. carried B. encouraged C. touched【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文记叙了一家四口外出旅行,看到了美丽的自然风景。可是后来在行走路径上发生了分歧,后来因奶奶的让步而全家又记叙愉快旅行。36. A 考查动词,singing 唱歌,failing 失败,hiding 藏起来。根据语境提示,描述的全是一片祥和的景象,故可判断“鸟儿在歌唱” 。故选 A。37. C 考查代词,some 一些,most 大多数,all 一切。根据语境提示,the vitality of life“生命的活力”指的是前文描述的所有的祥和的景象。故选

28、 C。38. B 考查名词,daughter 女儿,boy 男孩,student 学生。根据语境提示,四个人中,两个男的和两个女的,从限定词 our可判断是“我们的儿子” 。故选 B。39. C 考查动词,shout 吼叫,cry 大哭,laugh 大笑。根据语境,可以看出儿子的话语幽默风趣,故我们“笑”起来。故选 C。40. B 考查形容词,excited 激动的,tired 劳累的,surprised 惊奇的。根据语境提示“poor health”可知,奶奶身体不好,则容易犯困。故选 B。41. A 考查连词,but 但是,and 又,so 所以。根据语境提示,granny 喜欢宽平的马路

29、,而孙子喜欢小径。故为转折关系,故选 A。42. B 考查动词,pass 通过,fail 失败,agree 赞同。根据语境提示,我尽量找到双赢的结果,but 为转折,说明“失败”了。故选 B。43. A 考查形容词,little 小的,main 主要的,middle 之间的。前文语境有提示“the little path with more interesting things”,故选 A。44. C 考查名词,moon 月亮,water 水,sun 太阳。根据语境提示 bath in the sun“沐浴着阳光”可知选 C。845. A 考查动词,carry 背着,encourage 鼓励,touch 触摸。根据题干提示 follow my example,而作者把妈妈背在背上。故选 A。


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