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1、12019年中考英语:完形填空选练优题(1)含答案【实战训练】 A(2019 中考选练)Grandma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me? Im ready to makecakes, and there isnt enough yeast (酵母). Take a quarter from my little change _ .” I found Grandmas wallet and put the quarter in my pocket.I was soon in the litt

2、le general store that _ our farming community. “Mr. Jenkins,” I said, “Grandma needs some yeast.” Mr. Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter. His eyes shone, and he _ at me. “And what else do you need?” I knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick a penny candy when I came to the stor

3、e with Grandma. “How much _ do I have from a quarter?” I asked. “Seven cents.” Mr. Jenkins replied. I thought _that quickly. I would have a nickel and two pennies back.I was sure Grandma wouldnt_ if I spent one penny. and if she were here, she might even say I could have them both. The_ I looked at

4、the candy display, the more certain I became that I needed two pennies worth as a reward for coming to the store alone. And I did so.“Thank you,” Grandma said when I _ the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my wallet?” “Yes, Grandma.” I replied, hurrying out to the yard. “I hadnt re

5、ally lied to Grandma,” I argued with myself. “I did _all the change I had.”But I had _two pennies without Grandmas permission(允 许). The second piece of candy in my pocket didnt sound like a good idea any more. I knew I had lied to Grandma, and I was _about it. Grandma loved me so much that I couldnt

6、 bear to keep anything from her._Grandma took the hot cakes from the oven, I told her about the candy. She_ when I finished my story. “I know just _you feel,” she said. “We all feel like that when weve done_ deceitful (欺 骗 的). Im glad you told me about the pennies, and of course Ill forgive you.” Gr

7、andma hugged 2me tight, and suddenly I felt as though a big stone was gone from my stomach.1A handbag B coat C wallet D pocket2A gave B served C offered D bought3A laughed B shouted C smiled D pointed4A dollars B pound C cents D change5A as B to C out D about6A care B use C think D like7A bigger B l

8、onger C less D shorter8A lied B laid C lay D lain9A put back B put in C put out D put up10A found B cost C spent D took11A glad B unhappy C relaxed D surprised12A Since B When C If D Though13A shook B refused C agreed D nodded14A where B why C how D when15A something B nothing C anybody D everybody1

9、C 2B 3C 4D 5D6A 7B 8B 9A 10C11B 12B 13D 14C 15A【解析】文章讲述了作者去给奶奶买酵母,然后偷偷用零钱买了两块糖,没有告诉奶奶,后来因为对奶奶撒谎感觉愧疚,终于告诉奶奶真想,奶奶原谅了他,他感觉心里一块石头落了地。1句意:从我零钱包里拿两角五分。A. handbag 手提包; B. coat 外套; C. wallet 钱包; D. pocket 口袋;根据 I found Grandmas wallet可知是钱包;故选 C2句意:我很快进了服务我们农场社区的那个小商店。 A. gave 给; B. served 服务; C. offered 提供;

10、 D. bought 买;根据 our farming community可知是服务;故选 B3句意:他对我微笑。 A. laughed 笑; B. shouted 大声喊; C. smiled 微笑; D. pointed指着;根据 His eyes shone, 和 And what else do you need?可知是对我微笑;故选 C4句意:从这两角五分里我还有多少零钱?A. dollars 美元; B. pound 英镑; C. 3cents 分; D. change 零钱;根据 how much修饰不可数名词,排除 A/C;根据 from a quart可知是零钱;故选 D5句

11、意:我很快的想想它。根据 think about考虑-;故选 D6句意:我确信我花一美分,奶奶不在意。A. care 关心; B. use 使用; C. think想; D. like 喜欢;根据 if she were here, she might even say I could have them both.可知是不在意;故选 A7句意:我看那两块糖越长时间,我就认为那两美分作为我独自来商店的奖励越应该。根据文意可知作者因为纠结是否买糖,所以应是看得时间越长;故选 B8句意:当我把酵母放在桌子上。 A. lied 撒谎(过去式) ; B. laid 放置(过去式) ; C. lay 躺

12、(过去式) ; D. lain 躺(过去分词) ;根据 the yeast on the table可知是放置;故选 B9句意:我把我有的所有零钱都放回去了。 A. put back 放回; B. put in 放进; C. put out 熄灭; D. put up 举起;根据 Did you put the change back in my wallet?” “Yes, Grandma.” I replied,可知是放回零钱;故选 A10句意:但是没经过奶奶允许我花了两美分。A. found 发现; B. cost 花费,主语是物; C. spent 花费,主语是人; D. took 花

13、费,通常用于 it takes sb some time to do sth结构;根据 two pennies;故选 C点睛:spend,/cost/take/pay 都可以表示花费。spend 主语是人,1 spend time/money on sth在-上花时间、金钱。2 spend time/money (in) doing sth 花费时间或金钱做某事;cost主语是物或某种活动,sth costs money 某物花了多少钱;take 通常是一个固定结构 it takes sb time to do sth做某事花了某人多长时间;pay 主语是人,pay money for sth

14、买某物花了多少钱。11句意:关于这件事我不开心。A. glad 高兴; B. unhappy 不高兴; C. relaxed 放松; D. surprised 惊讶;根据 The second piece of candy in my pocket didnt sound like a good idea any more. I knew I had lied to Grandma, 可知对奶奶撒谎,让作者不高兴;故选 B12句意:当奶奶拿出热蛋糕时。A. Since 自从; B. When 当-时候; C. If 如果,是否; D. Though 尽管;根据 Grandma took the

15、 hot cakes from the oven, I told her about the candy.可知是当奶奶拿出蛋糕时,我告诉了她;故选 B13句意:她点点头。 A. shook 摇晃; B. refused 拒绝; C. agreed 同意; D. 4nodded点头;根据“I know just _14_you feel,” she said. “We all feel like that when weve done_15_ deceitful (欺 骗 的). Im glad you told me about the pennies, and of course Ill f

16、orgive you.” Grandma hugged me tight,可知是奶奶点点头;故选 D14句意:我知道你感觉怎样。A. where 哪里; B. why 为什么; C. how 怎样; D. when什么时候;根据 We all feel like that可知是感觉怎样;故选 C 15句意:当我们做了欺骗的事情。A. something 某事; B. nothing 没事; C. anybody 任何人; D. everybody 每个人;根据上文应是做了欺骗的事情;故选 A【实战训练】 B中考完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中

17、选出最佳选项。A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to _1_. So he stood up and rang the bell. _2_ make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus _3_ stop. And the conductor came and shouted _4_ him.The conductor was _5_ angry and spoke _6_ fast that Henry didnt und

18、erstand _7_. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, “ I think he _8_ a foreigner.”When Henry got _9_, he told his wife about it.“ _10_ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked.“ Twice,” said Henry.“ Well, thats the signal (信号) _11_ the driver _12_

19、 on.” His wife explained, “only the conductor _13_ to ring the bell twice. Thats why the conductor _14_ so angry!”Henry nodded(点头). “ _15_,” he said.1. A. got off B. gets off C. get off D. get on2. A.To B. At C. In D. with3. A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt D. wasnt4. A. in B. on C. of D. at5. A. so B. as

20、 C. at D. because56. A. so that B. that C. so D. why7. A. words B. a word C. speech D. song8. A. was B. isnt C. is D. am9. A. to home B. at home C. in home D. home10. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How 11. A. to B. at C. on D. for 12. A. to go B. go C. went on D. goes13. A. allowed B. is all

21、owed C. was allowed D. allow14. A. got B. gets C. is getting D. gotten15. A. I seen B. I saw C. I see D. I did名师点评本文讲述了一位外国人在乘车时遇到的麻烦。当他准备下车时,因为着急按了两次车铃,结果引出一场误会,导致不能及时下车。答案简析1. C。从上下文意思可知他准备下车,故选 get off。2. A。他按两次电铃的目的是希望列车员能听见。这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故选to。3. C。文章主要讲述过去发生的事情。应用一般过去时,故选 didnt.4. D。shout at sb

22、 意为“对某人大吵,大嚷” ,故选 at。5. A。由文章可知,列车员很生气,用副词 so来修饰“angry”与下文 that 构成固定搭配,即 sothat, 意思是“如此以至” 。6. C。与上题同解。7. B。根据文意可知列车员的话乘客一句也没有听懂。故选 a word。8. C。因为是直接引语,所以这里用一般现在时。故选 is。9. D。got 为不接物动词,可以直接接副词 home,意为“到家” 。10. A。分析四个选项,只有 how many后可接可数名词复数11. D。这里 for表示一种限定,指专门给驾驶员的信号。12. A。根据文意可知按两次车铃是提醒司机继续前进的信号,动

23、词不定式在此作后置定语,故选 to go。13. B。列车员与 allow之间构成被动关系,这里应用被动语态,故选 is allowed。614. A。列车员生气的情况已发生,所以用一般过去时,故选 got。15. C。根据文意,这位乘客知道列车员生气的原因之后, 应说“I see.” 。【实战训练】 C通过下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出一个最佳选项。 I believe listening is a _36_ medicine. Studies have shown that it takes a doctor about 18 seconds to

24、interrupt a patient after he begins talking.It was Sunday. I had one 37 patient to see, and then I could go home. When I got into the room, I saw an old woman 38 at the edge of the bed trying to put socks on her feet. Usually I asked my patients something like this, “How are you feeling?” But on tha

25、t day, she 39 me with a serious voice, “Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not your story.”I was 40 and embarrassed. I sat down and helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived quite 41 her, but she had not seen him for five years. She believed her health problems were 42

26、 because of the stress of missing her son. After hearing her story, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook her head and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to 43 .Each story is different. Some have a beginning, middle and end. 44 wander without a clear ending. 45 all those

27、things do not really matter. 46 matters to the story teller is that the story is heardwithout interruption or judgment.Listening to someones story 47 less than expensive diagnostic testing but is key to healing. I often thought of what that woman taught me, and I reminded 48 of the importance of sto

28、pping, sitting down and truly listening.For as long as I could, I 49 to see patients. I still teach my students and other health care professionals, but I 50 tell them I believe in the power of listening.736. A. big B. useless C. powerful D. warm37. A. last B. first C. second D. weak38. A. sleeping

29、B. sitting C. talking D. standing39. A. advised B. said C. helped D. stopped40. A. surprised B. excited C. angry D. worried41. A. far from B. near C. behind D. under42. A. finer B. better C. worse D. heavier43. A. sit B. listen C. help D. hear44. A. others B. other C. the other D. another45. A. Howe

30、ver B. So C. Because D. Yet46. A. How B. When C. What D. It47. A. costs B. spends C. pays D. takes48. A. me B. myself C. her D. them49. A. stopped B. continued C. wanted D. went50. A. also B. never C. too D. either完形填空36-40 C A B D A 41-45 B C B A D 46-50 C A B B A【实战训练】 D根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能

31、填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 There is an old saying: “Take the time to stop and smell the flowers.” I think we should also take the time to 41 flowers.My grandmother knew just 42 to do that.She grew flowers with earth, water and love, so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers. She woul

32、d smile when she saw the 43 shine down on them. In her front garden she planted flowers, 44 . You could see red, white, and yellow flowers in it. My mom and I used to walk 45 them and enjoy their smells. Beautiful butterflies (蝴蝶) flew down on them. Grandma also cared for the wild flowers.She would

33、send 46 and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn 8them into delicious wine (酒).Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens 47 also planted flowers in our hearts. Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us. Her sweet smile always made us 48 . Her hugs (拥抱) and kisses were th

34、e sunshine that kept our own love 49 day after day.Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today. Show your smiles, kindness and love. Plant your wishes, talents and pleasure. Make this 50 brighter and brighter with your sunshine.41. A. plant B.water C.buy D.sell42.A.who B.when C.how D.where43

35、.A.star B.sun C.rain D.wind44.A.too B.either C.then D.though45.A.at B.on C.with D.around46.A.me B.you C.him D.her47.A.and B.so C.but D.or48.A.happy B.hungry C.tired D.angry49.A.sleeping B.growing C.standing D.losing50.A.house B.town C.city D.world【主旨大意】本文是一篇抒情散文。通过奶奶在花园里种花、赏花和品花,而想到在人的心里种花,种植微笑、和善和爱

36、心。41. A空前有不定式符号 to,其后用动词原形,此处 plant flower意为“种花” 。42. C根据此句句意“我奶奶知道如何做到那一点” ,how 表示方式,意为“如何” 。43. B结合常识可知是“阳光普照在花的上面” ,故用 sun表示“阳光” 。44. A根据前面可知,奶奶在前花园里种了花,所以“在后花园里也种了花” ,故用 too。45. D walk around them意为“走过去围着看(花) ”,around 意为“围绕着” 。 46. A此句意为“她会派我和哥哥出去在花园里摘花并用它们酿酒” ,动词后面要用代词宾格,故选 A。47. C not only.but also意为“不但;而且” ,为固定搭配。48. A happy高兴的;hungry 饥饿的;tired 劳累的;angry 生气的,结合句意“她甜甜的微笑使我们高兴” ,故选 A。949. B 句意:她的拥抱和亲吻是阳光,使我们自己的爱心日复一日地生长。sleeping 睡眠;growing生长; standing 站立;losing 失去,结合句意可知应选 B。50. D句意:用你的阳光(心态)让这个世界变得越来越光明。house 房子;town 城镇;city城市;world 世界,结合句意可知。


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