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1、19上 Unit 5 Art world一、复习单词表A. 拼写易错单词、重点单词central, common, musician, traditional, though, object, breath, lasting, value, tonight, gift, markB. 词形变化 及用法1. winner n. 获胜者The (win) names are written on the board.win v. 赢得 They (win) the game yesterday.2. present: v. present sth. to sb.A medal (present)

2、to him for his wonderful music.3. musician 音乐家Tan Dun is one of the greatest (music) in the world.4. successfully 成功地 He (success) passed the exam.successful adj. Spud is one of (success) players.success n. Yuan Longping has had a (successful) at hybrid rice.succeed v. succeed in 在某方面取得成功She (succes

3、s) in (swim) across the English chanel.5. traditional adj. 传统的 The Spring Festival is our (tradition) festival.tradition n. 传统 We should follow our (tradition).6. dividing line n. 分界线Boundary means a (divide) line.7. high adj.,adv. 高的,高高地2Look, the kite is (high). Its flying (high).highly adv. 高度地 H

4、e was (high) spoken of at the meeting.8. breath n. out of breath 上气不接下气 He arrived out of (breath).breathe v. 呼吸 He (breathe) heavily when I saw him.9. last v. 持续 The concert (last) for half an hour already.lasting adj. 持久的 The classical music has a (last) value.10. Africa n. 非洲 Bolt was born in and

5、 hes (Africa).African n. 非洲人 adj. 非洲人的;非洲的11. value n. 价值 His advice is of great to me that means his advice is to me (value).valuable adj. 有价值的12. praise v./n. 表扬 I (praise) for my designs.13. gift n. 礼物 He , but he (昨天他收到一份礼物,但他不愿接受它).gift n. 天赋 He (有音乐方面的天赋).14. encourage v. 鼓励 encourage sb. to d

6、o sth.She encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.Students (encourage) (take) on challenges.courage n. 勇气You must (有足够的勇气)to face the mistake.二、重要词组及句型用法31. Art is something pleasant.形容词修饰不定代词要之后,如:everything important, somewhere quiet.2. Born in 1958 in central Hunan, China, T

7、an Dun grew up near the Liu Yang River.这里是过去分词的独立结构,表被动,类似的课文中的句子还有:(compare) with life on Earth, life on Mars is better in some ways.3. show (an) interest in it 某个方面显示出兴趣The girl became in the music and she showed in it. (interest)4. be well known for = be famous for 以而著称be well known as = be famou

8、s as 作为而著称Edison was well known an inventor his inventions.5. get to know 开始知道、认识He got to know some famous composers.6. by controlling the speed of water. 通过控制水速He improved his English ( 通过练习讲英语).7. create different pictures in different minds 随着不同的心情创造不同的情景8. My music is to dream without boundarie

9、s. 我的音乐是梦想无边。这儿一定要用不定式做表语。如:我的任务就是防范小偷。My job is (guard) against thieves.9. take part in = join in 参加(活动)join 加入(组织、俱乐部、人的行列)attend 出席(会议、仪式)如:We should all kinds of charity activities.Please us in planting trees to improve the environment.Last week, Obama the important meeting.10. make up 编造They ma

10、ke up the music while playing.be made up of 由组成Our team is made up of workers and doctors. 我们队是由工人和医生组成。411. I mixed the paint with water. 我把颜料和水混合在一起。mix sth. with sth.bring sth. and sth. together join sth. and sth.这三个短语都有类似的意思“把与结合在一起” 。He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music togethe

11、r.12. I did make some wonderful pictures later.do +动词原形 表示强调“的确如此” 。do须根据时态和人称进行变化,后面动词要用原形。如:(1) I like the landscape. 我的确喜欢这个自然风光。(2) He want to go to America for future study. 他的确想去美国深造。(3) They_ go to the theatre yesterday. 他们昨天的确去看戏了。13. praise. n. v. 表扬His sculptures have won high from the art

12、 community.The teachers and classmates (praise) my designs.三、语法复习1. 我们用“because”来引导原因状语从句,这个从句是表示句中 动作发生的原因。如:I didnt go to school yesterday because I was ill. 我昨天没去上学,因为我生病了。Because it was raining, we had to stay at home. 因为下雨,我们只好待在家里。Because表示动词发生的直接原因,语气很强,常用来回答 why引导的疑问句,如:Why didnt he go with

13、us today?Because he was too tired.2. 我们也可以用 since和 as引导原因状语从句,只不过这两个词的语气比 because要弱,since和 as的用法大体相同,表示附带说明的“大家已知的原因” ,since 的意思是“既然、由于、因为” ,表示已知的、显然的理由,较正式,多位于句首。如:Since you are free, youd better tidy your room. 既然你有空,你最好打扫一下你的房间。As/Since it is raining, youd better take a taxi.既然在下雨,你最好乘出租车。I didnt

14、 go to school yesterday because I was ill._ everyone is here ,lets begin the meeting. 5I cant see the words _ I have poor eyesight.四、语篇复习A根据课文内容完成下列表格Tan Dun a 1 composerWhen he was youngHe showed an 2 in music. He had no 3 instruments, he made music with 4 objects like stones. He loved the sound of

15、 5 water .His 6 .1. He won an Oscar for music in the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.2. He made music by 7 the speed of water.3. He has 8 in bringing Chinese and Western music together.4. The music for Beijing Olympics is in a style of 9 .His dream. He wants to make music without 10 .B书面表达你有跳舞的天赋

16、,请根据下面提供的信息写一篇有关你的爱好的文章。1. I have a real gift for2. I became interested when I was 3. I once wanted to give up because 4 .Since then, I have been crazy about5.I enjoy myself every time I like dancing very much. I once won the first place in a dancing competition. My 6friends say that I have a gift f

17、or dancing. I became interested in dancing when I was eight. I almost practice dancing every day. However, I wanted to give it up, because it was too boring to practice dancing. One day, Yang li ping , a great dancer, attracted me. I lost myself in her beautiful dance. I made up my mind to learn it

18、well. Since then I have been crazy about dancing. I love it so much that I always enjoy myself every time I dance.5、四会内容1. Art form/world 艺术形式/世界2.something pleasant 令人愉快的某事3.find something more pleasant than art 找到比艺术更愉快的某事4.prefer pop music 更喜欢流行音乐5.the King of Pop 流行音乐之王6.his amazing musical tale

19、nt 他令人惊讶的音乐才能7. be presented to a winner 给获奖者颁奖8.be written by Tan Dun 由谭盾所写9.in central Hunan 在湖南中部in the center of Hunan10.go on to study 继续学习11.show an interest in 显示对的兴趣12.the sounds of the rushing water 流水的声音13.the sounds of the blowing wind 风吹的声音14.the sounds of nature 天籁之音15.the sounds of an

20、ancient bell 古代的钟声16.have no musical instruments 没有乐器mon objects like stones and paper 像石头和纸的普通东西18.get to know great musicians from around the world 认识来自全世界的伟大音乐家19.think highly of- 高度评价-20.be well known for 因最为著名21.by controlling the speed of water flow 通过控制水流的速度22.create different pictures in dif

21、ferent minds 在不同的脑海产生不一样的画面723.help build a bridge between the East and the West 帮助在东西方搭建一座桥梁24.bring Chinese and Western music together 将中西方音乐结合在一起25.traditional Chinese music 传统的中国音乐26.in a Western style 以西方音乐形式27.dream without boundaries 梦想无边28.art festival 艺术节29song and dance show 歌舞秀30.a studen

22、ts art show 一场学生艺术秀31.too much traffic 交通拥堵32.hurry into the theatre 急匆匆进入剧院33.get bored 感到无聊34.make sb. feel relaxed 使某人感到放松35.last for one and a half hours 持续一个半小时36.out of breath 气喘嘘嘘37.classical music 古典音乐38.have a lasting value 有永久性的价值39.make up the music 创作乐曲40.in the traditional style 以传统的形式4

23、1.have strong local colour 有强烈的地方色彩42.attend all the concerts 参加所有的音乐会43.enjoy a day of music 享受一整天的音乐44.learn about different kinds of music 了解不同种类的音乐45.go to a concert 去参加一场音乐会46.praise my designs for the art festival 赞扬我为艺术节所做的设计47.have a real gift for painting 有绘画的天分48.mix the paint with water 把

24、颜料和水混合49.take the brush away 拿走刷子50.drop some paint onto the paper 把一些颜料滴在纸上51.blow harder 更使劲地吹52.run in all directions 向各个方向跑853.encourage me to keep trying 鼓励我继续尝试54.be crazy about crayons and paints 疯狂于蜡笔和颜料55.enjoy myself in the world of colours 开心地徜徉在色彩的世界里56. Ive found something more pleasant

25、 than art. 我发现了比艺术更令人愉悦的东西。57.He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because to him, the best music comes from nature. 他喜欢流水和刮风的声音,因为对他来说最好的声音来自自然。58.Since he had no musical instruments then, he made music with common objects like stones and paper. 因为那个时候没有乐器,他用像石头和纸这样的物体编写曲子。

26、59.There he got to know great musicians from around the world. 在那里他开始认识来自世界各地的知名音乐家。60.As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music 作为一名作曲家,他闻名于世是因为他创作的曲子获得了奥斯卡奖61.Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. 谭盾通过控制水速用水创造了 50多种声音。62.Theyre

27、 the sounds of nature , and they create different pictures in different minds.它们是自然的声音,随着不同的心情它们创造出不同的景象。63.Tan has helped build a bridge between the East and the West.他已 协助在东西方之间搭起了一座桥梁。64.He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.他已成功地将东西方音乐融合在一起。65.My music is to dream withou

28、t boundaries. 我的音乐是梦想无边。66.In his works, the past and the present, common objects and musical instruments, traditional Chinese music all mix together to make a new type music without boundaries 在他的作品里,过去和现在,普通物体和乐器,传统中国音乐和西方现代音乐都融合在一起创造了一种新型的音乐无国界的音乐。67. Our school gave us free tickets to an opera b

29、ecause it can help us learn about different art forms. 我们学校给了我们免费的戏票,因为这能帮助我们更多地了解艺术形式。68.There was too much traffic .交通很拥挤。969 . She said out of breath. 她上气不接下气地说。70. We hurried into the cinema. 我们匆匆进了电影院。71. The opera lasted for one and a half hours. 电影持续了一个半小时。72. We didnt get bored at all. 我们一点也

30、不感到无聊。73. Classical music has a lasting value. 古典音乐具有永久的价值。74.All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival. 我所有的老师和同学都表扬了我为艺术节设计的作品。75.I have a gift for painting. 我有画画的天赋。76. She encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures. 她鼓励我坚持尝试创作出更多的作品。77. I have been crazy about crayons and paints. 我一直都对画笔和颜料很痴迷。78.I enjoy myself in the world of colours every time I paint 每次我画画的时候我都沉浸在颜色的世界里。


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