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1、1Period Three Task.重点单词1questionnaire n调查问卷2statement n陈述;声明state vt.陈述;声明3disagree vi.不同意agree vi.同意4appropriate adj.适当的5humour n幽默humorous adj.幽默的6discount n折扣7organiz(s)e vt.组织,筹备;安排,处理8award n奖,奖品,资金; vt.授予,奖励.重点短语1at a time 一次,每次2point out 指出3stand for 代表4in return 作为回报5take turns 依次,轮流.重点句式1部分

2、否定2.because not everyone knows what Stonehenge is.因为并不是每个人都了解巨石阵。2suggest that.建议For this reason,we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament.为此,我们建议组织一次校篮球锦标赛重点词汇1In a survey,we ask people to respond to a list of questions or statements.在调查中,我们要让被调查者对一系列问题或陈述做出回应。(1)statement n陈述;声明ma

3、ke a statement (on/about.)(对)进行声明(2)state vt.陈述;声明,说明; n.状态,状况,情形It is stated that.据称in a state of/in a.state 处于状态in a good/bad state 状态良好/糟糕(1)Hell state his opinion at the meeting this evening.他将在今晚的会议上说明自己的观点。(2)It is stated that the two countries are at war.据称,这两个国家正在交战。(3)The house is in a dirt

4、y state.那房子很脏。单项填空(4)A government spokesman made a(n) to the press.Aappointment BcallCstatement Dstate答案 C解析 句意为:政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。appointment 约会,约见;call 电话,访问;statement 陈述,声明;state 作名词时意为“状态,情形” 。由句意可知应选 C。2Ask one piece of information at a time.每次问一个问题。at a time 一次,每次at one time 一度,曾经at any time 在任

5、何时候3all the time 一直,总是at no time 决不,从不放在句首,句子用部分倒装 in no time 立刻at the same time 同时(1)At one time there were not so many cars on the streets.从前街上没有这么多汽车。(2)Sadly,I was unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time.悲哀的是,我每次集中注意力不超过一个小时。(3)At no time can we give up learning.我们决不能放弃学习。4(4)This

6、 is a difficult problem;at the same time it is extremely interesting.这个问题很难,同时极为有趣。单项填空(5)If you follow your doctors advice above,you will look and feel much better at all.(2018如东高级中学高一上检测)Ain no time Bat no timeCat a time Dat one time答案 A解析 in no time 立刻;at no time 决不;at a time 一次;at one time 曾经,一度

7、。句意为:如果你能遵循医生的以上建议,用不了多久你就会气色好得多、感觉棒得多。根据句意可知选 A。3Point out which rule each statement breaks.指出每句陈述违反了哪条规则。point out 指出point to 指向,指着point at 指着;瞄准to the point 恰当,中肯off the point 离题Theres no point in doing.做没有意义。(1)The officer pointed out that the story was hard to believe.那位官员指出,那个故事令人难以置信。(2)There

8、s no point in getting mad.没有必要发火。(3)Lets come right to the point.让我们快进入正题吧。(4)Im afraid what youre saying now is off the point.我恐怕你现在所说的是离题的。单项填空(5)Its bad manners to point people.Aoff Bup Cat Dout答案 C解析 句意为:对人们指指点点是不礼貌的。point at 瞄准,指着,符合句意。54A stands for Agree,D for Disagree,and N for Not sure.A 代表

9、“同意” ,D 代表“不同意” ,N 代表“不确定” 。(1)disagree vi.不同意;有分歧disagree with sb.about/over/on sth.与某人在某事上意见有分歧disagree with sb.不同意某人;对某人不适宜disagree with sth.不赞成某事,反对某事(2)disagreement n不同意;分歧in disagreement with 与不一致(1)He disagrees with his parents on/about/over most things.他在多数事情上都与父母意见不统一。(2)Theres a lot of dis

10、agreement among students on this issue.对这一问题,学生们有很大分歧。(3)The weather here disagrees with you.这里的气候不适合你。一句多译(4)每次我和他有分歧,他都会去找班主任。Every time I disagreed with him,he would go to our class teacher.(disagree)Every time I didnt agree with him,he would go to our class teacher.(agree)Every time I was in dis

11、agreement with him,he would go to our class teacher.(disagreement)5Please tick the appropriate boxes (tick only one after each question) or write your answers in the blanks.请在恰当的方框里打钩(一个问题后面只勾一个)或者在空格中写出你的答案。appropriate adj.合适的,适当的be appropriate for/to.适合It is appropriate for sb. to do sth.某人 适合做某事。

12、It is appropriate that.是合适的。 从句谓语动词用 shoulddo,should 可省略(1)You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time.在适当的时候将把详情告诉你。(2)It is appropriate that we (should) plant trees at this time.我们这时候种树很合适。6(3)As a teacher,its appropriate for you to be so enthusiastic about your work.作为教师,对你的工作如此热情

13、是适宜的。单项填空(4)Your clothes are hardly for a job interview.Aavailable BabsentCappropriate Dattractive答案 C解析 句意为:你的着装不适合求职面试。available 可得到的;absent 缺席的;appropriate 合适的;attractive 吸引人的。根据题意,故选 C。6Take turns to be the interviewer and the club member.轮流充当采访者和俱乐部成员。take turns 依次,轮流take turns to do sth./(in/a

14、t doing sth.轮流做某事by turns 轮流in turn 依次;转而Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。(1)If friends can take turns to listen to each other well,their friendship will be better!如果朋友之间能轮流做好听众,他们的友谊将会更美好!(2)Interest rates were cut,and in turn,share prices rose.利率下降了,因而股票价格上涨了。(3)Its your turn to clean the blackboar

15、d.轮到你擦黑板了。单项填空(4)We look after the homeless child.Atake turns at Btake turns toCtake turn to Ddo by turns答案 B解析 句意为:我们轮流照顾那个无家可归的小孩。take turns to do sth.take turns at/in doing sth.do sth.by turns 轮流做某事。故选 B。7We could offer awards to the winning team and the most enthusiastic players.我们可以向获胜队和最有激情的选手

16、颁发奖品。award n.奖,奖品;奖金; vt.授予,奖励;奖给award sth.to sb.award sb.sth.把某物颁发给某人7be awarded for 因而受奖(1)Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year.然后,年底最后的颁奖典礼到来了。(2)A medal was awarded to the best speller in the class.给班里拼写最好的学生颁发了一枚奖章。(3)The boy was awarded for bringing back the lost dog.男孩因为

17、送回丢失的狗而受到了奖赏。一句多译(4)他们授予了约翰一等奖。They awarded John the first prize.They awarded the first prize to John.经典句式1.because not everyone knows what Stonehenge is.因为并不是每个人都了解巨石阵。not everyone 属部分否定现象,当句子中出现表示全部概念的词,如all,both,every,everybody,everything,everywhere,always 等时,如果用 not 否定这些词就会使句子变为部分否定,表示“不都;并非都” 。

18、(1)Such a thing is not found everywhere.这样的事情并非所有的地方都会出现。(2)All my friends do not study well.我的朋友们并非个个都学习好。(3)While online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive.尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活,但并非它的所有影响都是积极的。一句多译(4)我们班里并不是所有的学生都擅长物理。All the students are not good at physics in our

19、class.Not all the students are good at physics in our class.单项填空(5)Good families are much to all their members,but to none.Asomething BanythingCeverything Dnothing8答案 C解析 句意为:优秀的家庭对其成员来说意味着很多,但绝不是全部。everything to none为部分否定,相当于 not everything to any one of their members。2For this reason,we suggest th

20、at we organize a school basketball tournament.为此,我们建议组织一次校篮球锦标赛(1)suggest(建议)Error!It is suggested that.有 人 建 议 (其 后 的 从 句 中 谓 语 动 词 常 用 should do, should可 以 省 略 )(2)suggest 作“暗示,表明”讲时,其后的从句用陈述语气。(3)suggest 后 不 可 接 双 宾 语 , 间 接 宾 语 多 由 介 词 to 引 出 , 即 suggest sth.to sb.向 某 人 建议 某 事 。(4)suggestion n建议(

21、其后的从句中谓语动词常用 shoulddo,should 可省略)make a suggestion 提出建议(1)Someone suggested sending the player to the US for treatment.有人建议送这个运动员去美国治疗。(2)It is suggested that the question (should) be discussed at the next meeting.有人建议在下次会议上讨论这个问题。(3)Ill suggest a new plan to him.我将向他建议一个新计划。(4)I make a suggestion t

22、hat we (should) go out to eat.我提议我们出去吃。单项填空(5)The look on her face suggested that she it.Apuzzled;hadnt expectedBpuzzling;hadnt expectedCpuzzling;wouldnt expectDpuzzled;shouldnt expect答案 A解析 句意为:她脸上困惑的表情表明她没有预料到这件事。puzzled 困惑的,用来形容人的表情和心理等;此处的 suggest 表示“表明” ,其后的从句用陈述语气,此处表示“发生在过去的过去的动作” ,故选 A 项。9.单

23、词拼写1He bought the house at a 20% discount(折扣)2Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.3There was a blank(无表情的) look on his face.4Its natural that family members sometimes disagree(有分歧) with each other.5The gold medal was awarded to Mr Brown for his fine show of vegetables.选词填空make su

24、re, at a time, in turn, take turns, at least6Our teacher asked us to retell the whole story in five minutes in turn.7She got sicker.Friends and neighbours of hers came by to take turns to look after her.8Remember that we all climb the ladder of success one step at a time.9The law requires that every

25、one should have his car checked at least once a year.10I think theres a train at 5:15,but youd better make sure.完成句子11并非所有的人都能做出这道题。Not everyone/Not all the people can work out the problem.12他的建议是我们立刻去看医生。His suggestion was that we (should) go to see a doctor at once.13我们的友谊是以信任和诚实为基础的。 Our friendsh

26、ip is based on trust and honesty.14据称,那家医院的医疗水平在下降。It was stated that standards at that hospital were dropping.(state)15这是我读过的最好的书。This is the best book that I have ever read.单项填空16I feel like its so boring to eat and chat like this.Yes.Why not some music to lighten things up?(2017扬州高一上期末)Amake up B

27、point outCput on Dlook into答案 A解析 句意为:我觉得像这样吃饭聊天很乏味。是的,为什么不编些音乐来活跃气氛呢?make up 编造;point out 指出;put on 上演;look into 调查。由句意可知选 A 项。1017The exam wasnt difficult at all,was it?No,but I dont believe could pass it.Asomebody BanybodyCeverybody Dnobody答案 C解析 答语句意为:是的,但是我认为并不是每一个人都能通过考试。not.everybody 是部分否定。所以

28、选 C。18In the weeks before the Academy Awards ceremony,movie reviewers make predictions about which movies and actors .Ahave awarded Bwill awardCare awarded Dwill be awarded答案 D解析 句意为:在奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼前的几周,电影评论家预测哪部电影和哪位演员将会获奖。表示将来的事情,故用一般将来时,且 movies and actors 和 award 之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,故选 D 项。19Theres a sto

29、re in our school,where we can buy goods very cheaply.(2018镇江高一上期末)Acompanion BcontentCdonation Ddiscount答案 D解析 句意为:我们学校有一家廉价商店,在那里我们可以买到便宜的商品。companion 同伴,同行;content 满足,满意;donation 捐款,捐赠,赠送;discount 折扣。 discount store 廉价商店。分析选项可知选 D 项。20It is appropriate that he abroad now.Ago BgoesCwent Dwould go答案

30、 A解析 在 It is appropriate that.句型中,从句中用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用(should) do,故答案为 A 项。11写调查报告时,一定要注意以下几点:1收集信息,处理数据对文中出现的图表,要进行数据化处理。对数据的处理不必面面俱到,关键要概括特征,如图表中反映了什么问题、有什么样的趋势等,为后面分析原因、总结规律、发表看法做铺垫。2发表看法,提出建议我们可根据图表信息,总结出带有规律性的现象和问题,在此基础上提出自己的应对策略,形成报告主题。3确定报告结构,注意技巧(1)开头简明扼要,直接切入主题;(2)通过数据说明基本走势,必要时对今后的趋势做一些估计,总结原

31、因;(3)指出现实生活中出现的问题及其意义,或在陈述自己的意见后用一两句话呼应文章开头的主题句,并给出结尾。121As is shown by the graph/in the table.2As we can see from the chart above.3It can be concluded from the graph that.4From the recent survey,we know./The recent survey shows that.5According to the data from the graph,we know/conclude that.6On th

32、e one hand.on the other (hand)7There are some possible reasons for the phenomenon.8It is high time that.You are to write a report on getting the students at your school interested in reading by starting a book club.Use the information on page 16 and the sample on page 17 of the textbook and the stat

33、istics below about students favourite reading subjects to help you.要求:1.简要描述同学们的阅读趋向分布情况,主要是通过数据说明问题;2介绍阅读俱乐部的具体做法。注意:词数 150 左右。写作步骤Step 1 审题谋篇1时态:本文应以一般现在时为主。2人称:以第三人称为主。3目的:介绍同学们的阅读情况和建设阅读俱乐部的情况。Step 2 联想词汇1阅读题材 reading subject2对感兴趣 be interested in3例如 such as/for example4一周一次 once a week5想出 come

34、up with6鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb.to do sth.13Step 3 句式升级1最受欢迎的题材是幽默类的,28%的学生喜欢。The most popular reading subject is humour and 28 percent of the students enjoy it.(and 连接的并列句)The most popular reading subject is humour,which 28 percent of the students enjoy.(which 引导的定语从句)2紧随其后的是旅游书籍,25%的学生感兴趣。Travel book

35、s closely follow it,which 25 percent of the students are interested in.(主动语态)This is closely followed by travel books,which 25 percent of the students are interested in.(被动语态)Step 4 连句成篇From our recent survey of students,we have found that only 8 percent of the students like reading.The most popular

36、 reading subject is humour,which 28 percent of the students enjoy.This is closely followed by travel books,which 25 percent of the students are interested in.16 percent of the students like reading about sports and 12 percent like science books.A small number of students like other subjects,such as

37、history.We suggest that we have a humour book club,since humour is the most popular subject.Each class would have its own club meeting once a week.The class monitors could then come up with a list of humour books.This would be a good way to encourage students to read by helping them learn about book

38、s that they might enjoy.单项填空1It is suggested that the work until all the preparations have been made.Anot be startedBis not startedCwill not be startedDis not to be started答案 A14解析 suggest 作“建议”讲时,从句用虚拟语气,其中 should 可省略,故选 A。2What you say disagrees what I have heard.Ato BonCin Dwith答案 D解析 句意为:你所说的和我听

39、到的不一致。disagree with.与不一致,符合句意。3He has been acting very strangely these days.I cant his actions at all.Aask for Baccount toCcall for Dstand for答案 D解析 句意为:这些天他行为古怪,我根本不能容忍他的行为。stand for 容忍,忍受。4What is the price of petrol these days?Oh,it sharply since last month.Ahad rised Bhas risenChas arisen Dis in

40、creased答案 B解析 由 since last month 可知应该用现在完成时,首先排除 A、D 两项。再根据句意可知应该选 B 项。rise 是不及物动词,意为“上升” ,符合题意。arise 意为“产生,出现” ,不符合语境。5I that I had nothing to do with the matter.Astate BstatesCstating Dmade a statement答案 D解析 句意为:我声明我与那事无关。由从句中的 had 可知,主句谓语动词需用过去式,A、B、C 三项均不符,故答案为 D 项。make a statement 发表声明。6Mary,ca

41、n you get somebody me with the problem?Ahelp BhelpingCto help Dhelped答案 C解析 get sb.to do sth.让某人做某事,符合句意。get sb.doing sth.让某人持续做某事。7At no time the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.Athey actually broke15Bdo they actually breakCdid they actually breakDthey had actually broken答案 C解析 at no

42、 time 为介词短语,当其位于句首时,句子应该用部分倒装,根据第二个句子可知时态为过去时,故选 C。168You have no idea what Ive had to during the last few months.Acome through Bgo throughCcut through Dlook through答案 B解析 句意为:你不知道,我在过去的几个月里经历了什么。go through 经历,符合题意。9What an amazing film!Its the most interesting film Ive ever seen!But Im sure it wont

43、 interest .Asomebody BanybodyCeverybody Dnobody答案 C解析 答句句意为:但我肯定它不能吸引每一个人。not 与 everybody 连用表示部分否定。10Now that we all the money,its no use turning on me and saying its all my fault.Ahad lost BlostChave lost Dlose答案 C解析 句意为:既然我们已经把所有的钱都丢了,那么攻击我并说完全是我的过错也没有意义了。根据语境可知此处用现在完成时,强调“现在的结果(钱已经丢了)” 。.完形填空(201

44、8扬州中学高一上期末)Some women may admire those who stay home taking care of children without thinking of anything about jobs.Lots of families 11 on one income(收入)However,we never thought that we would be anything else though its hardly news that to be a working mother has its 12 .Tom travelled much when our

45、 children were young.Luckily,I had an understanding boss,who allowed me to work a reduced 13 for about 12 years.My 32hour work week provided the chance to 14 in my childrens kindergarten classrooms.Never 15 the value of routine(日常工作)When Dad was away,the children knew the drill. 16 piano lessons int

46、errupted(打断) our usual arrangement once in a while, generally we 17 ,had breakfast and out at the same time every day and back in,fed and bathed with a little time left over for a game or a 18 TV show.I got a few minutes of 19 before sleep.17My work at the news centre has been fun and 20 .Ive spent

47、my working hours improving sentences and 21 and passing along information about our town.My work has been 22 to me in important ways,and I think it has made me a more interesting and satisfied 23 and parent.And our family has learned to 24 the time we do have together.25 ,if I had to do it over agai

48、n,I wouldnt change my mind to be a working mom.语 篇 解 读 作 者 讲 述 了 自 己 作 为 职 业 母 亲 充 实 的 经 历 及 工 作 对 自 己 的 积 极 影 响 。11A.defend BdisagreeCconcentrate Dmanage答案 D解析 defend 保卫;disagree 不同意;concentrate 集中;manage 解决,应付。此处指女性在家做专职主妇的家庭只靠一份收入维持生活。manage on 靠维持。故选 D。12A.failures BstrengthsCchallenges Dattractions答案 C解析 failure 失败;strength 优势;challenge 挑战;attraction 吸引。此处指成为一名在职母亲有其挑战性,这并不是什么新闻。下文列举了作者自己繁忙的工作经历,不断接受新挑战。故选 C。13A.guidance BscheduleCfre


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