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1、Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,dead,课前自主预习,research,unusual,usual,surprise,surprised,surprising,death,die,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,in ones fifties,donateto,be willing/ready to help anyone,把捐献给,有需要的人,使某人惊讶的是,有一颗充满爱的心,Period 5 Task & Self-assessmen

2、t,find anything unusual,until,has some money left,gives it to someone in need,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,seemed to be kinder to others,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,1 in ones fifties 在某人五十多岁的时候,观察 My father is in his fifties. 我爸爸五十多岁。 He was born in the nineties of the nineteenth century. 他生于

3、19世纪90年代。,探究 “in _整十数词的复数”表示“在某人几十多岁的时候”; “in _整十数词的复数”表示“在某个年代”。,课堂互动探究,【词汇点睛】,ones,the,活学活用 1【2016盐城】Yang Jiang published a book of her threememberfamilys life We Three in her _ (ninety),Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,nineties,2 death n. 死,死亡,观察 It was a matter of life and death to them. 对他们来说这是生

4、死攸关的事情。,辨析 die, dead, dying 与 death (1)die为非延续性动词,强调“死”的瞬间动作,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。 His grandpa died at the age of 80. 他爷爷是八十岁去世的。,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,(2)dead是形容词,作表语或定语,强调的是“死”的状态,意为“死的,无生命的”。 He has been dead for two years. 他死了两年了。 (3)dying是die的现在分词,也可作形容词,意为“将要死的”,常用作定语或表语。 Dr Wang is tryi

5、ng his best to save the dying man. 王医生正在尽力抢救那个快要死的人。 (4)death是die的名词形式。 It makes me very sad whenever I think of my grandmas death.每当我想起我祖母的死,我就很难过。,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,活学活用The _farmer told us his past days before he _. His _ made us feel very sad.Adying; died; death Bdead; dying; dieCde

6、ad; died; dying Ddead; dying; death,A,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,1 You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. 直到你了解更多,你才会发现有关他的不寻常之处。,探究 (1)“_”为“find宾语宾语补足语”结构,作宾语补足语的可以是名词、形容词、分词、介词短语等。 He found the text difficult to understand. 他发现这篇课文难以理解。,Period 5 Task & Self-assessm

7、ent,【句型透视】,find anything unusual,(2)anything unusual 意为“任何不同寻常之处”,修饰不定代词的形容词需_。unusual还可译为“独特的;与众不同的”。as usual 意为“_”。 He is really unusual. He is quite different from others. 他确实独特。他与其他人大不相同。,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,后置,和往常一样,活学活用1. Did you hear _ outside?No, I was doing my homework.Asomethin

8、g unusualBunusual anythingCunusual somethingDanything unusual,D,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,2 To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. 让我惊讶的是,他已决定死后捐献遗体供医学研究。,探究 _意为“令某人惊讶的是”,一般用在句子的开头作状语。 To my surprise, he arrived there on time. 令我惊讶的是,他准时到达了那里。,P

9、eriod 5 Task & Self-assessment,to ones surprise,辨析 surprise, surprised与surprising (1)surprise作名词,意为“惊奇;诧异”;作动词,意为“使(人)感到惊讶”,后面可以直接跟宾语。 Tom looked at me in surprise. 汤姆惊讶地看着我。 His progress surprised me. 他的进步使我感到惊讶。,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,(2)surprised作形容词,意为“惊讶的”;在句中多作表语,后面可接不定式或从句,其主语多是人。 I

10、was surprised to see him there. 我真想不到会在那儿见到他。 (3)surprising作形容词,意为“令人惊讶的”,在句中多作定语,后面跟名词。 He brought me some surprising news. 他给我带来了一些令人惊讶的消息。,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,活学活用 2(1)根据汉语提示完成句子 【2016连云港】_ (让我惊讶的是), that robot can drive a car. Ive never seen such a wonderful robot, either. (2)单项选择 All of us _ that such a little girl spoke English so well. Aare surprising Bwere surprised Cwas surprised Dwere surprising,B,Period 5 Task & Self-assessment,To my surprise,

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