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1、Unit 5 Topic 1Section D,学习目标:,1.总结that,which引导的定语从句,并能运用此处理相关问题 2.记住P78的生词、短语及句型并能够译成汉语 3熟读1a并总结知识点,并能运用这些知识点处理问题。,自学指导1,1.自学内容:看例子总结that,which的用法。 2.自学方法:同桌讨论总结 3.自学时间:6分钟 4.自学要求:记住that,which的用法并能够用此解决此类问题,1.China is a great country that / which has about 5 000 years of history. 2.Its a book that /

2、 which introduces China in detail. 3.Could you tell me something about the places (that / which )you visited there? 4.Here is the book( that/which) you are looking for . 5. Here is the book for which you are looking for 6.The pen (that/which) you are writing with is Jeffs 7. The pen withwhich you ar

3、e writing is Jeffs,你能从上面的例子总结出that,which的用法吗?,当先行词为物时用_,_来引导。且当关系代词在从句中作_语时不能省略,作_语时可省略。但是当从句中的介词提前时只能用关系代词_来引导。如例子5.6题,that which,主,宾,which,看下面的例子注意观察先行词有什么特征?先行词前面的修饰词有哪些?他们的引导词用什么?,1.That is the most interesting book( that) I have ever read. 2. Thats the most fantastic place (that) I have ever he

4、ard of. 3.I like the third lesson that is about western culture. 4.Is there anything (that) Ican do for you? 5.America is the only foreign country (that )my father has ever visited.,6.I have told all the things (that )I know 7.He has no money (that )he can buy clothes 8.The boy and the girl that are

5、 running in the street get wet all. 从上面的例子中我们可看出? 1:当先行词被_或者_修饰时用_引导 2.当先行词前有 all,no ,only,very,little,much时用_引导。 3.当先行词既指_又指_时用that 引导 4.当先行词本身为all,much,little,one, everything,anything 时用_引导,形容词最高级,序数词,that,that,人 物,that,当堂检测一,1. The car _ broke down. a. which I rented 2. May I use the PC _? b. whi

6、ch has a very long neck3. The driving license _ is mine.c. that you bought last month4. A giraffe is a kind of animal _. d. which was taken away by the police,a,c,d,b,当堂检测一,用that,which填空 1.It is the most interesting story _I have read. 2.Did you understand all _you read in that book? 3.Jack is no lo

7、nger the person _I met five years ago. 4.Everything _happened at that moment seemed unreal. 5.The pen with _ you are writing is Jeffs 6.I dont like the house _ he lives in.,that,that,that,that,which,that/which,自学指导二(词汇),1.自学内容:课本7页8页的生词。 2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音。 3.自学时间:5分钟 4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思。,major coc

8、oa porcelain export mild unique include topic world-famous firewood sauce vinegar,主要的,可可饮料,瓷器,出口,温和的,独一无二的,包含,话题,举世闻名的,木材,酱汁,醋,自学指导2(短语),1.自学内容:读1a找出下列短语。 2.自学方法:扫读,同桌讨论 3.自学时间:3分钟 4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思。,自学检测2,英译汉: three major drinks along with silk and porcelain an important Chinese export sound simila

9、r to because of the mild climate unique tea culture,三大主要饮品,与丝绸瓷器一样,中国重要的出口产品,听起来像,因为气候温和,独特的茶文化,自学指导三,1.自学内容:再读1a回答下列问题。 2.自学方法:找读,同桌讨论 3.自学时间:5分钟 4.自学要求:读1a,回答下列问题。读1a 完成1b,当堂检测,1.Which country is the home of tea?2.Which drinks is drunk by the largest number of people in the world?3.Where did the w

10、ord for tea in different languages come from?4.Whats the main idea of the passage?,China,Tea,Come from the Chinese character,Chinas tea culture,1b Read 1a and mark T or F,1.Chinese tea became world-famous over one thousand years ago.( ) 2.The sound of the English word “tea”is similar to that of “cha

11、ye”in northern China.( ) 3.The written form of the word “tea” is totally the same in both Chinese and Japanese( ) 4.Famous tea leaves in China are produced mainly in the southern part of the country.( ) 5.Tea drinking is the only part of the Chinese tea culture( ),T,F,T,T,F,Connect these sentences u

12、sing “which” or “that”., This is the photo. You took the photo last summer. The building is a supermarket. The building stands near the train station. The computer was sold out. I wanted to buy that computer. That is the Huanghe River. The Huanghe River is the birthplace of Chinese culture.,This is

13、the photo (that/which) you took last summer.,The building that/which stands near the train station isa supermarket.,The computer (that/which) I wanted to buy was sold out.,That is the Huanghe River that/which is the birthplace of Chinese culture.,要点归纳,1.The home of tea,which was more than 4000 years

14、 of history ,is China.which 引导的非限制性定语从句,可代表先行词或主句,用逗号隔开Tom came back safely,which made us happy.注意:非限制性定语从句不能用that引导,要点归纳,2.people throughout China drink tea daily Throughout意为: “遍及,在各处”相当于all over,around eg:People throught the world love peace,要点归纳,3.along with 相当于together with 译成: 与.一起,与同样地 当主语与al

15、ong with 连用时,谓语动词与along with 前面的主语保持一致。 The teacher ,along with his students ,_(be)going for a picnic Marys parents along with her grandfather _(have)moved to Paris.,Connect these sentences using “which” or “that”., This is the photo. You took the photo last summer. The building is a supermarket. Th

16、e building stands near the train station. The computer was sold out. I wanted to buy that computer. That is the Huanghe River. The Huanghe River is the birthplace of Chinese culture.,This is the photo (that/which) you took last summer.,The building that/which stands near the train station isa superm

17、arket.,The computer (that/which) I wanted to buy was sold out.,That is the Huanghe River that/which is the birthplace of Chinese culture.,当堂检测,Project,1. Mark the following places on the map.a. Mount Tai b. Mount Hua c. Hong Kongd. Macao e. Taiwan f. West Lake g. Tibet 2. Describe each place, using

18、as many attributive clauses as possible. 3. Choose the place you like best, and then collectsome pictures and information to make a bookletabout it. 4. Display your booklet in class.,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,Sum up,Master some new words and phrases.2. Review attributive clauses which use “that” and “which”. 3. Language pointsthroughout, along with,Bye-bye!,


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