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1、1第八讲 八年级上 Unit 5Unit 6单元话题Unit 5 Entertainment (娱乐) Unit 6 Life goals (生活目标)熟词生义1.expect (v.)料想,猜想 I expected her to be taller than me, not shorter.我曾以为她个子比我高,不会比我矮。2.appear (v.)显得 She didnt appear at all surprised at the news.她听到这消息时一点也没有显得吃惊。3.rich (adj.)昂贵的,豪华的 Her dress is made of rich silk.她的礼服

2、由华丽的丝绸制成。(声音)深沉的 He sings in a rich voice.他唱歌声音浑厚。4.simple (adj.)简朴的,朴素的 He lived a simple life in a small mountain village.他在小山村里过着朴素的生活。完全的,纯粹的 You must accept it because thats a simple fact.你必须接受它,因为那完全是事实。5.article (n.)物品,物件 She only took a few articles of clothing with her.她随身只带了几件衣服。6.send (v.

3、)使作出(某种反应);使表现出(某种行为) Her music always sends me to sleep.她的音乐总使我进入梦乡。3词汇拓展1.stand(v.) (过去式/过去分词)忍受;站立 2.educate(v.) (n.)教育 (adj.)教育的;有教育意义的 3.plan (v.计划 4.hope (v.商量 6.expect (v.) (n.)预料;预期;期待 7.culture(n.) (adj.)与文化有关的;文化的 8.appear(v.) (v.)消失;不见 (n.)外貌;外观;外表;出现;露面 9.become(v.) (过去式) (过去分词)开始变得;变成 1

4、0.success (n.) (adj.)获得成功的;有成就的 (v.)实现目标;成功 11.main(adj.) (adv.)主要地;总体上;大致 12.violin (n.) (n.)小提琴手 13.piano(n.) (n.)钢琴家 14.science(n.) (n.)科学家 (adj.)科学(上)的;关于科学的 15.medicine(n.) (adj.)医疗的;医学的 16.send(v.) (过去式/过去分词)邮寄;发送 17.foreign (adj.) (n.)外国人 18.able (adj.) (n.)能力;才能 (adj.)丧失能力的;有残疾的 19.begin (v.

5、) (过去式) (过去分词)开始 (n.)开头;开端 20.improve (v.) (n.)改善;改进 421.hobby (n.) (pl.)业余爱好 22.week(n.) (adj.联系 24.mean (v.) (n.)意义;意思 (adj.)有意义的;意味深长的 (adj.)毫无意义的;意思不明确的 短语归纳1. 查明;弄清 2.learn from 3. 准备好(做某事);愿意(做某事) 4. 装扮;乔装打扮 5.take sb.s place 6.do a good job 7. 长大;成熟;成长 8. 确信;对有把握 9.make sure 10.make promises

6、11. 能够做某事 12.at the beginning of 13. 写下;记录下 14. 关于;与有关系 15. (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做 16.have.in common 情景交际谈论喜好1. ? 你为什么喜欢看新闻? Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.因为我希望知道世界上正在发生什么事情。2. ?你认为脱口秀怎么样? I dont mind them./I cant stand them!/I love watching them! 我不介意它5. ? 你期望能从情景喜剧中学到什么? I can

7、 learn some great jokes.我能学到一些很棒的笑话。谈论未来打算6. ?当你长大了你想干什么? I want to be an engineer.我想做一名工程师。5们。/我不能忍受它们!/我喜欢看它们!谈论安排 3. ? 你想看新闻吗? Yes, I do./No, I dont.是的,我想看。/不,我不想看。4. ?你今晚打算看什么?I plan to watch Days of Our Past. 我打算看我们过去的日子。7. ? 你打算如何成为一名工程师呢? Im going to study math really hard.我打算很努力地学习数学。8. ?你打算

8、什么时候开始?Im going to start when I finish college.我打算大学毕业后开始。 9. ?明年你打算做什么? I am going to take guitar lessons because I love music. 我打算上吉他课,因为我喜欢音乐。语法回顾 1.动词不定式 2.一般将来时(be going to) 【参考答案】【词汇拓展】1.stood 2.education; educational 3.planned 4.hopeful; hopeless 5.discussion 6.expectation 7.cultural 8.disapp

9、ear; appearance 9.became; become10.successful; succeed 11.mainly 12.violinist 13.pianist 14.scientist; scientific 15.medical 16.sent 17.foreigner 18.ability; disabled 19.began; begun; beginning20.improvement 21.hobbies 22.weekly 23.relationship24.meaning; meaningful; meaningless1【短语归纳】1.find out 2.向

10、学习 3.be ready to 4.dress up 5.代替;替换 6.干得好 7.grow up 8.be sure about 9.确保;查明 10.许下诺言 11.be able to 12.在开始 13.write down 14.have to do with 15.take up 16.有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相同 【情景交际】1.Why do you like watching the news 2.What do you think of talk shows 3.Do you want to watch the news 4.What do you plan to watch tonight 5.What can you expect to learn from sitcoms 6.What do you want to be when you grow up 7.How are you going to be an engineer 8.When are you going to start 9.What are you going to do next year


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