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1、第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,七年级上册,第 2 讲 Module 5Revision module B,要点梳理过关,重点词汇过关,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1Were interested in all the interesting things.(interest) 22017盐城中考At the beginning (begin)of the concert,Tan Dun played a piece of music with water. 3England and Germany are European (Europe) countries. 4When autumn c

2、omes,the leaves (leaf) of trees turn yellow. 5Why is the old lying (lie) on the ground? Can we lift him up?,6Tony fell off his bike.Luckily (lucky),he wasnt badly hurt. 7The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional (tradition) festivals. 8A horse is a(n) useful (use) animal because i

3、t can help people with much work. 9Whats the meaning (mean) of the word “symbol”? 10Its natural for cats to catch mice (mouse),二、单项选择 11There are many websites on the Internet and thereD a lot of useful _ on the websites. Aare;informations Bare;information Cis;informations Dis;information 12The Drag

4、on Boat Festival is an important day in our country.On that day we can have some C food like zongzi. Anational Bwestern Ctraditional Dterrible 13Your son used to be a homebody but he now likes outdoor activities.How did you do that? I tried many ways over and over again. C ,I made it. ANext BThen CF

5、inally DSuddenly,14Last night the big fire in Sunshine Shopping Mall was started by the children playing with matches. A ,no one was hurt. ALuckily BSuddenly CEasily DSadly15Two disabled men from Hebei Province (one is blind and the other has no arms) have spent ten years C trees together. Aplant Bp

6、lants Cplanting Dplanted16Your toys are here and there.Please B ,Linda. Aput away from Bput them away Cput them out Dput up them,17Many parents have to A early to make breakfast for their kids. Aget up Bstay up Cgive up Dput up18Why are you late for school today? Im sorry.I didnt catch the early bus

7、 and I had to A the next one. Await for Bask for Ccare for Dsweep away,19Its getting dark.Could you please B the light for me? All right.Just a minute. Akeep on Bturn on Ctry on Dput on20I want to know what happened B my friend.I havent heard _ her recently. Aon;of Bto;from Cto;of Don;from,高频考点精讲,考点

8、1 辨析v.ing与v.ed形容词,Its my favourite subject because its very interesting.它是我最喜欢的科目因为它很有趣。 (M5 P26),【透析】 ving和v.ed形式都是由动词的现在分词和过去分词转化来的形容词,具有形容词的性质。 (1)v.ing的形容词一般用来形容“物”本身具有的性质,表示“令人的”。如:Its an interesting storybook.这是一本有趣的故事书。 (2)v.ed的形容词一般用来形容“人”的感受,表示“感到的”。如:I feel bored to see the film.我觉得看这部电影很无

9、聊。,【拓展】初中英语中常见的表情绪感觉的分词形容词,考点2 辨析watch,look,see与read,In the evening,I watch TV and have dinner with my family.在晚上,我看电视,与家人共进晚餐。 (M5 P28),考点3 辨析 other,the other,others,the others与another,They eat other animals.它们吃其他动物。 (M6 P36),【拓展】each otherone another“彼此;相互”。 any other“其他任何一个”,可以与比较级连用替换最高级形式:Jack

10、is taller than any other boy in his classJack is the tallest boy in his class.Jack is taller than the other boys in his class. other/else的用法辨析: other常用于名词前作定语; else常用于特殊疑问句及不定代词的后面作定语。,考点4 辨析alone与lonely,Its a very large animal and usually lives alone.它体型庞大,通常独居。 (M6 P39),考点5 Would .like 的用法,Would y

11、ou like to come to my birthday party?你愿意来我的生日聚会吗? (M8 P48),【透析】 would like意为“想要”,语气非常委婉。用法如下: (1)后接名词或代词,表示具体“想要某物”。如:I would like a cup of coffee.我要一杯咖啡。 (2) 后接动词不定式,表示“愿意/想要做某事”。如:I would like to help you.我愿意帮你。 (3) would like sb.to do sth.“想要某人做某事”。如:Id like you to meet them.我想要你见他们。 (4) Would yo

12、u like.?“你(们)想要吗?”表示向对方提出客气的、有礼貌的请求、邀请、希望或询问等。如:Would you like an apple?你想要个苹果吗?,【拓展】肯定回答多用“Yes,please. / Yes,Id (Wed) like (love) to. / Certainly. / Yes,thank you.”等;否定回答常用“No,thanks. / No,thank you.”等。如:Would you like to drink some tea?你要喝茶吗?Yes please,thank you.是的,谢谢。/ No,thanks.不要了,谢谢。,考点6 辨析wea

13、r,be in,dress与put on,They sometimes wear Tshirts.他们有时穿T恤衫。(M8 P50),考点7 spend的用法,She spends a lot of money.她花了很多钱。 (M8 P50),【透析】 spend作动词,意为“花(钱),花费”,还可意为“度过”。如:He doesnt spend much time on his homework.他花在作业上的时间不多。Sometimes we spend our summer vacation in Qingdao.有时候我们在青岛过暑假。【辨析】spend,take,pay与cost,

14、考点8 辨析 a little,little,few与a few,Lingling is buying a few presents and postcards.玲玲在买一些礼物和明信片。 (M9 P54),考点9 enjoy 的用法,Were enjoying the school trip a lot.我们正在享受学校郊游。 (M9 P54),【透析】 enjoy为动词,意为“享受的乐趣,喜爱”。,考点10 its time to .的用法,Anyway,its time to go back to school now.无论如何,现在该回学校了。 (M9 P54),【透析】 (1)Its

15、 time for sth.“到了某事的时间了”。如:Its time for class.到了上课的时间了。 (2)Its time to do sth.“到了做某事的时间了”。如:Its time to have breakfast.到了吃早饭的时间了。 (3)Its time for sb.to do sth.“到了某人做某事的时间了”。如: Its time for us to go home.到了我们回家的时间了。,考点11 happen的用法,Whats happening?发生了什么事呢? (M10 P60),【透析】 (1)happen作动词,意为“发生”。happen to

16、sb.“某人发生某事”。如:What happened to Tom?汤姆发生了什么事? (2)happen还可作“碰巧”讲,其后接动词不定式,构成happen to do sth.结构,意为“碰巧做某事”。如:I happened to see him on my way to school.在上学的路上我碰巧看见了他。 【辨析】happen与take place,考点12 辨析join,take part in与join in,Can I join them?我能加入他们吗? (M10 P60),考点13 辨析 because of与because,Children usually lik

17、e Christmas a lot because of Father Christmas,Santa Claus.因为圣诞老人,孩子们通常非常喜欢圣诞节。 (M10 P65),关联语法链接语法1:一般现在时 见P141 语法2:现在进行时 见P141 语法3:时间介词 见P129 语法4:第三人称单数 语法5:频度副词 见P135,考点即时运用,一、翻译句子 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子译成英语。 1考点10到了开始我们新课的时间了。(Its time to.)2考点11昨天吉姆发生了什么?(happen)3考点13因为他的病,他昨天没来上学。(because of),Its time

18、 to begin our new lesson.,What happened to Jim yesterday?,He didnt go to school because of his illness.,4考点7 他每天花费一个小时跑步。(spend)5考点5你愿意参加艺术俱乐部吗?(would like),He spends one hour running every day.,Would you like to join the art club?,二、单项选择 6考点1The storybook is very ,Im very _ in it. Ainteresting;inte

19、rested Binterested;interesting Cinterest;interested Dinteresting;interest7考点12017巴中中考改编Im about the _ football match. Aexciting;excited Bexcited;exciting Cexcited;excited Dexciting;exciting,A,B,8考点3I dont like this small bag.Would you please show me ? Athe other Bother Canother Dsome9考点4Uncle Li liv

20、es ,but he doesnt feel _ Aalone;alone Blonely;lonely Calone;lonely Dlonely;alone10考点7Its reported that Chinese more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信) Its true.But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. Aspend Bcost Cpay Dtake,C,C,A,11考点8Would you like some more noodles,Celia? Yes,just

21、 ,please. Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle12考点5Would you like to go for a walk with me? But I have to clean the living room first. AYes,I would BNo,I wouldnt CSorry DYes,Id love to13考点6My younger sister often skirts in summer. Aputs on Bin Cdresses Dwears,A,D,D,14考点2What did you do last night? I a foot

22、ball match. Awatched Bsaw Cread Dlooked15考点92017临沂中考When President Xi Jinping has spare time,he enjoys and sports. Aread Breads Cto read Dreading 16考点122017盐城中考To athletes,the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver,but to Atake part in Btake notice Ctake place Dtake care,A,D,A,17语法120

23、17天津中考The earth is a planet and it around the sun. Agoes Bgo Cwill go Dwent 18语法2Be quiet! A bird something on the window. Aate Beats Cis eating Dwas eating,A,C,话题写作指导,话题 2:节日,考情分析,分析近几年全国中考题,与节日有关的书面表达通常有3个命题角度: 1介绍传统节日的起源或活动,如介绍中国的端午节或中秋节等。如:2015铜仁;2016泰安;2017年德州;2017年资阳。 2写大家为庆祝节日做的准备及当天的喜庆活动。 3写

24、自己在节日当天所做的活动。,常用短语句型,【积累背诵】 短语 1get together 聚在一起 2visit sb.拜访某人 3have fun / enjoy oneself 玩得开心 4long history 悠久的历史 5traditional festival 传统节日 6one of the most important festivals 最重要的节日之一 7bring good luck to.给带来好运 8in the open air 在户外 句型 1Its said that.据说 2Its important for sb.to do sth.对于某人来说,做某事是

25、重要的。,1在中国,春节是最重要的节日之一。2虽然有些人离家很远,但是他们仍然回家和家人团聚。3对于他来说,与家人一起享受一顿丰盛的晚餐是非常重要的。,The Spring Festival is one of the most important,Everyone goes home to get together with their family,,It is very important for him to have a big dinner,【基础写作运用】,festivals in China.,though someone is far away from home.,with

26、 his family.,经典亮句积累,开头句 1.is the most important traditional festival for Chinese people.对中国人们来说,是最重要的传统节日。 2Im happy to share what I know about it with you.我非常高兴和您分享我所知道的。中间句 1The festival has a history of more than 2,000 years.春节有2000多年的历史。 2It comes in January or February.它在一月份或二月份到来。,3It falls on

27、 the fifth day of the eighth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.根据中国的农历,它在八月十五日来到。 4When meeting others outside,we say.to each other.当在外边遇到其他人时,我们互相说结尾句 1All of us have a great time.我们大家都玩得很开心。 2In a word,we all love the festival because its a wonderful time to get together with family.总之

28、,我们都喜欢这个节日,因为它是一个与家人团聚的美好时光。,典例运用,【例】 假如你是王昆,你的美国网友Tom对中国的传统节日“春节”非常感兴趣,请你以“My Favourite Festival”为题,写一封Email给他做一下介绍。 1要点包括:节日简介、节日准备、节日活动等; 2词数:100左右。 3提示词:the Spring Festival,traditional,get together,clean up,be dressed in.,【审题指导】 1本文介绍中国的传统节日,体裁为说明文,重点介绍节日的准备及节日的活动。 2介绍节日的情况用一般现在时态。 3文章主题为节日介绍,必须

29、有度过节日的个人感受。,【拟定提纲】,【我的作品】 ,Subject:My Favourite Festival From:Wang KunDear Tom, The Spring Festivalis the most important traditional festival for Chinese people. Several days before the New Year,we begin to prepare for it.My parents buy meat,fish and vegetables.Houses are cleaned up.On the eve of th

30、e New Year,the whole family get together and have a big dinner.After the meal,we watch “the Spring Festival Gala Evening” on TV until twelve oclock.On the first day of the New Year,each of us is dressed in new clothes.When meeting others outside,we say“Happy New Year” to each otherWe pay New Year ca

31、lls to friends and relatives.That day my parents and relatives give “Redbags(money)”to us. All of us have a great time. Wang Kun,范文借鉴,借鉴点,文章开头使用形容词最高级介绍春节这个传统节日的特点,表达出作者对春节重要性的高度评价。 用被动语态句式说明了我们为春节所做的各种准备,丰富了句式结构。 on the eve of the New Year“在除夕夜”,on the first day of the New Year“在新年的第一天”。这两个由介词on引导的短语,使句式变得整齐。 until.“到为止”。until使句子衔接自然,从而使文章更有文采。 say “Happy New Year”to sb.对某人说“新年好”;each other“互相”;pay New Year calls to sb.“给某人打电话拜年”。这些短语的使用使文章语言更加优美。 have a great timehave fun玩得高兴。,


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