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1、GCT(英语)19 及答案解析(总分:-34.00,做题时间:45 分钟)1.The hours _the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.(分数:-1.00)A.in whichB.on whichC.whenD.that2.After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute_.(

2、分数:-1.00)A.being settledB.to be settledChad settledD.as settled3.The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to _it open.(分数:-1.00)A.breakB.pressC.cutD.shake4.People appreciate _with him because he has a good sense of humor.(分数:-1.00)A.to workB.to have workedC.workingD.having worked

3、5.A lorry _ Janes cat and sped away.(分数:-1.00)A.ran overB.ran intoC.ran throughD.ran down6.It is important that the hotel receptionist _ that guests are registered correctly.(分数:-1.00)A.has made sureB.made sureC.must make sureD.make sure7.I suggested he should _ himself to his new conditions.(分数:-1.

4、00)A.adaptB.adoptC.regulateD.suit8.By the end of next year, they_ three modem hotels there.(分数:-1.00)A.will buildB.will be buildingC.will have been builtD.will have built9.“You are very selfish. Its high time you _that you are not the most important person in the world,“ Edgar said to his boss angri

5、ly.(分数:-1.00)A.realizedB.have realizedC.realizeD.should realize10.Only under special circumstances _to take make-up tests.(分数:-1.00)A.are freshmen permittedB.freshmen are permittedC.permitted are freshmenD.are permitted freshmenDouble Income and No Kids (DINK) becomes fashionable in China. The DINK

6、couples are usually regarded as those who have higher educations and 【31】 careers with higher incomes. The increase in DINK families has shattered the Chinese traditional idea of the family and 【32】 typical. A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company 【33】 that about 33 percent

7、 of the 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have 【34】 plans to have children. It is estimated there about 600,000 DINK families in large cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chongqing. Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in 【35】 reasons. Some are showing great worr

8、y for the rapid growth of population; some are indulged in building a more well-off family; some are showing sharp 【36】 to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children. 【37】 , most people still believe it is necessary to bear a child to keep the family line on. As an old Chinese sayin

9、g goes: There are three aspects in failing to be a filial son and the 【38】 serious one is to have no heir for the family. So, childless couples will suffer discrimination 【39】 family members and neighbors. But it is clear that the new tide of ideas has come, which suggests young people 【40】 to choos

10、e their own way of life. They are instilling modern ideas into traditional families and society. In the modernization process, personal choices will be highly respected. (分数:-1.00)A.stableB.availableC.achievableD.liableA.had becomeB.may becomeC.becameD.becomesA.directedB.inducedC.indicatedD.dictated

11、A.noB.notC.hardlyD.scarcelyA.elegantB.abundantC.similarD.variousA.tensionB.attentionC.intentionD.interactionA.MoreoverB.HoweverC.AccordinglyD.GenerallyA.mostB.moreC.latestD.lessA.intoB.toC.atD.fromA.wantedB.should wantC.wantD.had wantedIn November of 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt was on a hunti

12、ng trip in Mississippi. His hunt was going 【31】 that day, and he couldnt seem to find anything worthy of 【32】 his rifle. Then, his staff captured a black baby bear for the President to shoot, but he could not. The thought of shooting a bear that was tied to a tree did not seem sporting, so he 【33】 t

13、he life of the baby bear and set it free. Based on this story, a famous political cartoonist for the Washington Star drew a cartoon, which showed Teddy Roosevelt, rifle 【34】 . with his back turned on a cute (可爱的) baby bear. Morris Michtom, owner of a Brooklyn toy store, was 【35】 by the cartoon to ma

14、ke a stuffed baby bear. Intending it only as a display, he placed the stuffed bear in his toy store 【36】 , and next to it placed a copy of the cartoon from the newspaper. To Michtoms surprise, his store was flooded by customers 【37】 to buy. He asked for and received President Roosevelts 【38】 to use

15、his name for the band-sewn bears that he and his wife made, and the “Teddy Bear“ was born! Michtom was soon manufacturing Teddy bears 【39】 the thousands. The money from the sale enabled him, in 1903, to 【40】 the Ideal Toy Company. (分数:-1.00)A.hastilyB.poorlyC.punctuallyD.steadilyA.supportingB.openin

16、gC.shoulderingD.firingA.sparedB.protectedC.savedD.checkedA.in his handB.in the handC.in handsD.in handA.encouragedB.inspiredC.urgedD.picturedA.windowB.doorC.tableD.counterA.eagerB.reluctantC.interestedD.straightA.orderB.permissionC.argumentD.fileA.atB.ofC.byD.forA.sellB.changeC.formD.investSmoking,

17、which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical authorities express their 【B1】 about the effect of smoking on the health not only 【B2】 those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air pollute

18、d by the tobacco smoke may 【B3】 more than the smokers themselves. As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have 【B4】 an effort to 【B5】 the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. 【B6】 .I would hope that it is possible to a

19、chieve this by 【B7】 on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than 【B8】 regulation. Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories 【B9】 there may be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I am

20、 therefore asking you to maintain “No Smoking“ in the auditoriums and classrooms. This will prove that you have to keep nonsmokers health and well-being 【B10】 . which is very important to a large number of our students. (分数:-1.00)A.concernB.troubleC.interestD.displeasureA.toB.aboutC.withD.ofA.endure

21、B.sufferC.undergoD.put up withA.joinedB.directedC.joined inD.directed atA.makeB.persuadeC.causeD.tellA.But thenB.HoweverC.FurtherD.MoreoverA.pleadingB.beggingC.insistingD.callingA.withB.byC.toD.inA.whichB.whenC.whereD.thatA.on mindB.in heartC.in mindD.on heartEducational attitudes in a country may b

22、e a 【B1】 by which its basic cultural values are reflected. To take the American higher education 【B2】 example, university classrooms share certain identical features though they 【B3】 from course to course in some aspects. Any student, 【B4】 their ethnic and social background, is not only allowed but

23、also encouraged to have chances for active participation in class. 【B5】. teachers often expect independent learning 【B6】 their students. It will be most appreciated if a student can 【B7】 the initiative and complete the assignment without too much 【B8】 upon his or her instructors. These two 【B9】 feat

24、ures in American university classrooms actually manifest the basic American values, especially self-reliance and 【B10】 of opportunity.(分数:-1.00)A.methodsB.meanC.meansD.measureA.as anB.for anC.asD.theA.varyB.deferC.differsD.diversifiedA.without regard ofB.with regard toC.regardless ofD.regardless toA

25、.HoweverB.MoreoverC.WhereasD.OtherwiseA.withB.ofC.forD.toA.doB.makeC.takeD.playA.independenceB.helpC.guidanceD.dependenceA.commonB.similarC.differentD.alikeA.unityB.equalityC.inequalityD.varietyUntil recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 【B1】 that in the l

26、ong run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 【B2】 man. But they insisted that its 【B3】 results during the period from 1740 to 1840 were widespread poverty and misery for the 【B4】 of the English population. 【B5】 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1640 to

27、 1740, when England was still a 【B6】 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity. This view, 【B7】 . is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 【B8】 history and economics, have 【B9】 two things: that the period from 1640 to 1740 was 【B10】 by great poverty, and that industrializ

28、ation certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace. (分数:-1.00)A.admittedB.believedC.claimedD.predictedA.plainB.averageC.meanD.normalA.momentaryB.promptC.instantD.immediateA.bulkB.hostC.grossD.magnitudeA.OnB.WithC.ForD.ByA.broadlyB.thoroughly

29、C.generallyD.completelyA.howeverB.meanwhileC.thereforeD.moreoverA.atB.inC.aboutD.forA.manifestedB.approvedC.shownD.speculatedA.notedB.impressedC.labeledD.markedThe first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is 【B1】 the utmost i

30、mportance. Proper selection will eliminate one source of 【B2】 breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often, careless use of words 【B3】 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may 【B4】 unfavorable reactions in the listener 【B5】 interfere with his comprehen

31、sion; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down. 【B6】 , inaccurate or indefinite words may make 【B7】 difficult for the listener to understand the 【B8】 which is being transmitted to him. The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary may be 【B9】 to explain or descri

32、be in a 【B10】 that can be understood by his listeners.(分数:-1.00)A.ofB.atC.forD.onA.inaccessibleB.timelyC.likelyD.invalidA.encouragesB.preventsC.destroysD.offersA.pass outB.take awayC.back upD.stir upA.whoB.asC.whichD.whatA.MoreoverB.HoweverC.PreliminarilyD.UnexpectedlyA.thatB.ItC.soD.thisA.speechB.s

33、enseC.messageD.meaningA.obscureB.difficultC.impossibleD.unableA.caseB.meansC.methodD.wayWhen television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when were trying to 【B1

34、】 themselves to the new medium were technical. When working on radio, for example, they had become 【B2】 to seeing on behalf of the listener. This 【B3】 of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. Above all, he has to be able to 【B4】 a continuous sequence of visual

35、images which 【B5】 meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the 【B6】 of television, however, the commentator sees everything with the viewer. His role, therefore, is completely different. He is there to make 【B7】 that the viewer does not miss some point of interest, to help him focus on par

36、ticular things, and to 【B8】 the images on the television screen. Unlike his radio colleague, he must know the 【B9】 of silence and how to use it at those moments 【B10】 the pictures speak for themselves. (分数:-1.00)A.turnB.adaptC.alterD.modifyA.experiencedB.determinedC.establishedD.accustomedA.efficien

37、cyB.technologyC.artD.performanceA.inspireB.createC.causeD.perceiveA.addB.applyC.affectD.reflectA.occasionB.eventC.factD.caseA.definiteB.possibleC.sureD.clearA.exhibitB.demonstrateC.exposeD.interpretA.purposeB.goalC.valueD.intentionA.ifB.whenC.whichD.asScience textbooks and technical and professional

38、 journals are usually made up of several parts and contain various special features, many of which have a standard format. 【B1】 usually contain a large number of these parts; journals and 【B2】 contain many, but not all of them. Knowing where to look for information and 【B3】 to expect in a book can g

39、reatly increase your ability to use all the information there. Explanations of and practice using some of these textbook parts and 【B4】 are covered in these even numbered lessons. The features in textbooks are 【B5】 into the following three categories. Front matter is the 【B6】 -numeral paginated sect

40、ion at the front of most books. The text is the main body of the book. The 【B7】 matter comprises the additional sections at the back of most books. 【B8】 our discussion of these three sections will deal mainly with textbooks, the practice provided will greatly 【B9】 your comprehension of scientific 【B

41、10】 as well. (分数:-1.00)A.TextbooksB.JournalsC.ManualsD.BookletA.textbooksB.magazinesC.manualsD.bookletA.howB.whatC.whenD.whereA.informationB.abilitiesC.featuresD.expectationA.fallsB.fallenC.groupedD.turnedA.oddB.evenC.GreekD.romanA.frontB.backC.mainD.lastA.AlthoughB.sinceC.WhileD.HoweverA.increaseB.

42、liftC.raiseD.enhanceA.textbooksB.journalsC.discussionsD.sectionsUntil recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 【B1】 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 【B2】 man. But they insisted that its 【B3】 results during t

43、he period from 1740 to 1840 were widespread poverty and misery for the 【B4】 of the English population. 【B5】 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1640 to 1740, when England was still a 【B6】 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity. This view, 【B7】, is general

44、ly thought to be wrong. Specialists 【B8】 history and economics, have 【B9】 two things: that the period from 1640 to 1740 was 【B10】 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace. (分数:-1.00)A.admitted


46、dB.impressedC.labeledD.markedRecruiting(招募)the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task. 【31】 the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole department. And, as every HR (Human Resource) manager knows, it is much more dif

47、ficult to get rid of someone than it is to 【32】 them. The HR managers first decision is 【33】 to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company. 【34】 applicants are easy to recruit by memo, e-mail, or newsletter. Furthermore, they are easy to assess and know the company well

48、. 【35】 , they rarely bring fresh ideas to a position. Moreover, a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy and leave the company. Recruiting outside the company means either advertising the vacancy directly or 【36】 an employment agency. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directl

49、y, it has to decide where to place the 【37】 . Traditionally this has meant newspapers and professional journals but now the Internet is also very popular. The decision normally depends on the vacancy. Companies advertise blue-collar or clerical jobs in local newspapers and senior management 【38】 in national papers or professional journals, 【39】 the Internet is one of the best ways of advertising IT vacancies or recruiting abroad. However, with the Internet there is a risk 【40】 receiving unsuitable applications from all over the world

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