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1、MBA 联考英语-写作综合练习(一)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B写作题/B(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.求职信(分数:10.00)_2.辞职信(分数:10.00)_3.申请信(分数:10.00)_4.邀请信(分数:10.00)_5.感谢信(分数:10.00)_6.表扬信(分数:10.00)_7.推荐登记(分数:10.00)_8.介绍信(分数:10.00)_9.庆贺信(分数:10.00)_10.慰问信(分数:10.00)_MBA 联考英语-写作综合练习(一)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B写作题/B(总题数:10,分数:100.

2、00)1.求职信(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:范例 1 Dear Personnel Manager, I noticed your ad. for a newsletter editor in the October 29th China Youth. Because writing and publication work have long been interests of mine, I wish to apply for this position. I believe both my education and work experience qualify me f

3、or the job. In 1989 I earned my B.Adegree with a major in English and a minor in journalism. While in school, I was the sports editor of the campus newspaper and the senior editor for the campus literary magazine. Since graduation, I have written and edited the monthly bulletin of the China Daily. Y

4、our ad. noted that applicants must be able to start immediately and be willing to relocate. I am in a position to do both of these. I am currently available for an interview any weekday after 3:00 p.m. You can reach me at my home phone, 65657390, any day after 3:00 p.m. I look forward to hearing fro

5、m you, and I thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Li Ming 范例 2 Dear Sir, I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of assistant manager which you advertised in yesterdays China Daily for, as is indicated in the enclosed resume, my major and experiences closely parallel yo

6、ur requirement. I have always been a top student in my specialized area, biochemistry. I took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them due to my hard work. I am sure such courses as British and American literature and culture, business management and statistics will lend me

7、 an edge in the fierce competition in the job market. Another point I want to draw your attention to is that I have been taking an active part in a variety of campus activities. In the due process my teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills improved. I would like to meet you at

8、your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working in your company. Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at 65635756 for further information. Thank you for your favorable consideration. Best wishes. Yours Sincerely, Li Ming 范例 1 文章点评 作者在信的开头便提到了自己注意到的招聘广告及招聘职位,还提及他与所求

9、职位有关的在写作方面的兴趣爱好;在第二段着重提及了与所求职位有关的学历、经历;第三段进一步说明自己符合招聘条件;最后表达了面试的要求以及适合面谈的时间,同时给出了便于联 系的电话号码。这是一封格式完整的求职申请信。 范例1 语言注释 “have long been interests of mine”意为“一直是我的兴趣所在、我一直对感兴趣”;“apply for this position”是求职的常用语,意为“申请这个职位”;“both my education and work experience qualify me for the job”意为“我所接受的教育以及我的 工作经历都使

10、我能够胜任这项工作”,其中的“qualifyfor”是习惯搭配,意为“使某人能够胜任,某人有资格做”;“with a maior inand a minor in意为“主修,辅修”;“in a position to”意为“能够做”:“be available for an interview”意为“可以面试、面谈”;“I look forward to hearing from you”是固定用语,意为“期待您的回信”;“I thank you for your attention”是一句常用的客套话,意为“谢 谢您的关心”。 范例 2 文章点评 本文第一段表明了自己对经理助理这一职位的渴望

11、,随后说明自己的条件符合要求,从而引出了下段;第二段详细说明了自己的情况;第三段说明自己渴望早曰获得面试的机会,如果对方太忙,可以打电话联系;最后表达了自己的谢意。 范例 2 语言注释 第一段中的“keen”意为“热切的”;文中使用了非限制性定语从句,说明自己如 何获知信息;“resume”意为“简历”;“parallel”在文中是动词,意为“与相当,比得上”;“top student”意为“高材生”;“specialized area”意为“专业领域”; “excel”是不及物动词,意为“突出,超常,胜过他人”;“suchas”用来列举,非常恰切;“edge”意为“优势”;“Another

12、point I want to draw your attention to is that”意为“我想提醒您注意的另一点就是”;“a variety of”等于 various,意为“多种多样的”;“teamwork spirit”意为“团队精神”;“interpersonal skill”意为“人际交往能力”。2.辞职信(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:范例 1 Dear Mr. Wang, I am sure it will come as no surprise to you that I wish to resign my position as a sales repres

13、entative, effective at your convenience, but not later than June 12th. You are fully aware of my problem, Mr. Wang. Although I like the company and the people I work with, being on the road for weeks at a time does not appeal to me. I children. But with two youngsters, traveling represents a real ha

14、rdship on me. After each trip it gets increasingly harder for me to tear myself away from my family to go back on the road. I really have no plans at the moment. I need to take some time to think about what I want to do. Whatever I wind up doing, it will have to be something that will enable me to s

15、tay anchored in one place. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I really dont know how I could have received better treatment from a company or a manager. Sincerely, Li Ming 范例 2 Dear Mr. Wu, This is to tender my resignation from the Jingrui Company, Inc. , as comptroller effective April 1

16、5th, 2004. As you know, my son was seriously injured in an automobile accident last year and suffered severeand evidently permanent-brain damage that requires a more entirely different style of life on the part of Mary and myself than we are able to provide at the present time. We are accordingly mo

17、ving into a rural environment, establishing a small retail business, and refocusing our priorities in order to care more fully for Li Hua. and the opportunity of developing so many of the projects we have planned together. I have enjoyed working for Jingrui. More importantly, I have appreciated work

18、ing with you. You have become a good friend as well as a respected boss. I shall miss both the company and the opportunity of developing so many of the projects we have planned together. The comptrollers team has been terrific, particularly in their support and understanding during the past five mon

19、ths. With a combination of appreciation and sorrow, I remain. Sincerely, Li Ming 范例 1 文章点评 作者在第一段提到了自己辞职的决定;在第二段,作者首先强调了喜欢该公司及其员工,然后说明了自己不宜再干这份工作的原因;在第三段,作者解释了自己的打算,并暗示他不会成为公司的对手;最后表示了谢意。 范例 1 语言注释 “it will come as no surprise to you”意为“这件事情不会使你感到意外”;“resign my position as a sales representative”意为“

20、辞去我担任的销售代理之职”;“be on the road”在文中意为“出差”;“appeal to me”意为“对我有吸引力”;“single”意为“单身的”;“represent”意为“意味着,表示”;“tear myself away from”意为“舍得离开,忍痛离开”;“stay anchored in one place”意为“在一个地方长呆,在一个地方稳定地工作”;“treatment”意为“对待、照料”。 范例 2 文章点评 作者在第一段表明了自己辞职的意愿;第二段说明了自己辞职的原因;在第三段中,作者表达了自己依依不舍的心情,赞扬了同事与上司对自己的支持;在最后一段,作者表达

21、了自己的谢意与歉意。 范例 2 语言注释 “this is to tender my resignation”意为“今正式提出辞职”;“an aotumobile accident”意为“车祸”;“brain damage”意为“脑震荡”;“a more entirely different style of life”意为“完全不同的生活方式”;“retail business”意为“零售生意”;“refocus our priorities”意为“重新调整重点”;“appreciate”意为“愿意”;“respected”意为“令人尊敬的”;“miss”意为“错过,失去”;“terrifi

22、c”意为“非常好的”;“appreciation”意为“感谢,感激”;“sorrow”意为“歉意,遗憾”。3.申请信(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:范例 1 Dear Financial Aid Office, I would like to apply for a university scholarship to study civil engineering at your university, starting next September. I am in my final year of a 5 year degree course in engineering at

23、Wuhan University. In our last two years we have to choose an optional subject, and I have opted for civil engineering with a specialization in city planning. I worked from July to September of last year and the year before as a volunteer in the office of the Wuhan City Council. My reading has includ

24、ed many articles and reports, several of which were from the United States and Great Britain, on traffic-free shopping centers. This particular aspect of city planning interests me because the centers of many Chinese towns suffer from the dense traffic. Because your university is in the forefront of

25、 work in this area, I would like very much to do my postgraduate work there. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 范例 2 Dear accommodation officer, I am writing to ask to change rooms next term because of some unbearable reasons. I am now staying in a dorm on campus. Another s

26、tudent shares the dorm with me. Things had gone well until recently when my roommates started inviting his friends to come for parties almost everyday. When they meet they keep laughing, shouting, dancing and making a lot of noise. They often do not stop doing such nasty things until the small hours

27、 of the morning. The atmosphere for my studying here is really terrible and I just cant concentrate on what I am doing. I am about to go mad because of this situation. What is more, that roommate of mine recently got into a bad habit of taking my things without asking me. This is more than I can put

28、 up with. I want my complete privacy. I am asking you to do me a favor and find me a new room next term, and I would prefer a single room to avoid these sorts of distractions. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Ming 范例 1 文章点评 作者在第一段表达了自己申请奖学金的意愿,介绍了自己的学习情况以及工作经历;在第二段中,作者简要说明了自己的研究领域,解释了申

29、请学习的理由;最后一段表达了期待回音的愿望。 范例 1 语言注释 “I would like to apply for a university scholarship”意为“我想申请贵校专业的奖学金”;“civil engineering”意为“土木工程,民用建设”;“in my final year of”意为“即将毕业”;“an optional subject”意为“选修课程”;“specialization in”意为“专门针对,主攻”;“several of which”引导的定语从句修饰前面的“articles and reports”;“traffic-free”意为“不受交通

30、堵塞影响的”;“suffer from”意为“遭受之苦”;“dense”意为“严重的”;“in the forefront of”意为“属于领先水平,处于前列”;“area”意为“领域”;“postgraduate work”意为“研究生学习”;“I look forward to hearing from you”意为“期待您的回信”,表达了作者急切的心情。 范例 2 文章点评 作者在第一段表达了自己想换宿舍的愿望;在第二段,作者详细说明了自己要求换宿舍的理由:第三段中,作者再次表达了换宿舍的意愿;最后一段表达了期待回音的愿望。 范例 2 语言注释 “because of some unbe

31、arable reasons”意为“由于一些不能忍受的原因”;“Things had gone well”意为“一切相安无事”;“make a lot of noise”意为“发出很大的噪音”;“the small hours”意为“后半夜”;“atmosphere”意为“环境”;“concentrate on”意为“集中精力,聚精会神”;“go mad”意为“发疯”;“get into a bad habit of”意为“养成坏习惯”;“without asking me”意为“未经许可”;“This is more than I can put up with”意为“我再也不能忍受了”;“

32、privacy”意为“不受干扰地独处”;“do me a favor”意为“帮帮忙”:“distraction”意为“分心事”。4.邀请信(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:范例 1 Dear Zhongmin, Ive just got my parents approval to go to Taishan for the next summer vacation. I was thinking that maybe you would like to come with me and go sightseeing while were there. I will pay for y

33、our train fares (soft seat tickets) if your parents also say “yes“, so all you have to bring is some money for food and lodging. We could leave on July 20th and return on July 24th. I think we could have a lot of fun together in these few dayswe could stay in one of those mountain top guest houses f

34、or one or two days to watch the famous sunrise and take a birds eye view of the plain below both in the daytime and at night. Think about it and give me a call by this weekend. Love, Li Ming 范例 2 Dear Mr. Yangbin, You have been highly recommended by several of our members as a speaker for the banque

35、t that closes a five day meeting of the Chinese Association of Travellers. The place is Haizhu Hotel in Shanghai; the date is the evening of August 8th. The banquet is a purely social gathering. We prefer an address on the light side, but with an inspirational theme. I would leave it to you to selec

36、t a topic, which I know will be appropriate for the occasion. May I hear from you by May 6th? Please indicate in your reply the fee you require. Just as soon as we have reached an agreement, I will send you more details. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 范例 1 文章点评 文章第一段发出邀请;在第二段中,作者提出了优惠条件以及自己的设想;最后一段中,作者表达了

37、自己的愿望。 范例 1 语言注释 “get someones approval”意为“征得某人的同意”;“summer vacation”意为“暑假”;“go sightseeing”意为“去观光旅游”;“train fare”意为“火车票”;“soft seat ticket”意为“软座票”;“money for food and lodging”意为“食宿费用”;“have a lot of fun”意为“非常愉快”;“mountain top guest house”意为“山顶旅店”;“sunrise”意为“日出”;“take a birds eye view of”意为“鸟瞰,俯视”;

38、“give me a call”意为“给我打电话”。 范例 2 文章点评 本文一开始就应用了一句赞美词,使得被邀请者感到对方看重自己;第二段讲明了宴会的地点和日期,明确了发言的方向,但把具体的题目留给演讲人决定;最后一段提出了回函期限,并要求演讲人报价,这给邀请方留有余地。 范例 2 语言注释 “You have been highly recommended by”意为“极力推荐您”;“a five day meeting”意为“为期 5 天的会议”;“social gathering”意为“社交聚会”;“an address on the light side”意为“气氛轻松的讲话”;“i

39、nspirational”意为“鼓舞人心的”;“leave it to you to select a topic”意为“留待您自己选择主题”;“which”引导的定语从句修饰前面的“topic”;“I know”是插入语;“be appropriate for”意为“适合于”;“indicate”意为“说明,表明”;“reach an agreement”意为“达成协议”;“detail”意为“详情”。5.感谢信(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:范例 1 Dear Ms. Wang, Im told by Zhang Lei that you were the good hearte

40、d soul who kept my desk from overflowing during my sick leave while still keeping up your own work! I had been expecting the chaos in my desk once I returned to my office, but instead I was able to start back with a clear desk. I am most appreciative of everything you did for me. I dont know if this

41、 is a compliment or not, but you did things just as I would have done! Do call on me if I can ever return the favor. Thanks a lot. Yours truly, Li Ming 范例 2 Dear Wang Yang and Yang Juan, I thoroughly enjoyed your hospitality during my three day stay in Tianjin. Your new house is spectacular, and Wan

42、g Yang, your cooking is out of this world. All in all, a far cry from the out of town accommodations this old traveling salesman is accustomed to. The trip was a success in every way. We landed the contract, and it should provide a substantial chunk of business. It was great getting together with yo

43、u two once again. Dont forget the standing invitation to pop in on me the next time youre in Beijing. Thanks again.and say hello to the twins. All my best, Li Ming 范例 1 文章点评 文章第一段称赞了王女士的行为;在第二段中,作者具体说明了王女士的所作所为,进一步赞扬王女士;在最后一段,作者表达了自已的愿望,再次表达谢意。 范例 1 语言注释 “the good hearted soul”意为“好心肠的人,心地善良的人”;“keep

44、 my desk from overflowing”意为“避免我桌上的活儿堆积如山”;“sick leave”意为“病假”;“keep up your own work”意为“完成自己的本职工作”;“chaos”意为“一片混乱,一片狼藉”;“start back”意为“马上开始”;“I am most appreciative of everything you did for me”意为“对您为我所做的一切致以最真挚的感谢”;“compliment”意为“恭维”;“just as I would have done”意为“就像我做的一样”;“call on”意为“打招呼”;“Thanks a

45、 lot”是表达谢意的习惯用语,意为“非常感谢”。 范例 2 文章点评 文章第一段表达了自己的谢意,赞扬了汪洋和杨娟所做的一切;在第二、三段,作者进一步说明了自己的体会,并邀请他们到北京游玩;在最后一段中,作者再次表达谢意,并要求代他向两个孩子问好。 范例 2 语言注释 “enjoy your hospitality”意为“感激你们的盛情款待”;“three day stay”意为“3 天的停留”;“spectacular”意为“漂亮的”;“out of this world”意为“棒极了”;“all in all”意为“总而言之”;“a far cry from”意为“与大相径庭”;“the out of town”意为“外地的”;“traveling

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