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1、考研数学三-一元函数积分学(三)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)The “standard of living“ of any country means the average persons share of the goods and services which the country produces. A countrys standard of living, (1) , depends first and (2) on its capacity to produce wealth.“

2、Wealth“ in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money (3) on things that money can buy. “Goods“ such as food and clothing, and “services“ such as transport and “ (4) “. A countrys capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of (5) have an effect on one another. Wealth depend

3、s (6) a great extent upon a countrys natural resources. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a (7) climate; other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources (8) the ability to turn them to use. China is perhaps as well (9) as the

4、 USA in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and (10) wars, and (11) this and other reasons was (12) to develop her resources. (13) and stable political conditions, and (14) from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to

5、produce more wealth than another country equally well (15) by nature but less well ordered.A countrys standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed (16) its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. (17) , Britains wea

6、lth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on (18) grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would (19) be lacking. A countrys wealth is, therefore, much influen

7、ced by its manufacturing capacity, (20) that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.(分数:10.00)(1).A however B therefore C nevertheless D furthermore(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(2).A primary B principal C foremost D uniquely(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(3).A or B nor C but D except(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(4

8、).A recreation B enlightenment C refreshment D entertainment(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(5).A it B them C which D that(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(6).A with B for C to D on(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(7).A neutral B favorable C virtuous D marine(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(8).A comes B come C coming D came(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(9).A off B known C

9、done D furnished(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(10).A military B external C conremporary D domestic(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(11).A for B because C because of D due to(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(12).A impossible B incapable C unable D proficient(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(13).A Strong B Sturdy C Sound D Robust(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(14).A liberty

10、B freedom C prevention D liberation(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(15).A assisted B avenged C rescued D served(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(16).A with B within C near D around(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(17).A In short B For example C First of all D On one hand(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(18).A those B what C that D it(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(19).A like

11、ly B likewise C certainly D otherwise(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.(20).A provided B depended C given D supposed(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)When Dr. John W.Gofman, professor of medical physics at the University of California and a leading nuc

12、lear critic, speaks of “ecocide“ in his adversary view of nuclear technology, he means the following: A large nuclear plant like that in Kalkar, the Netherlands, would produce about 200 pounds of plutonium each year. One pound, released into the atmosphere, could cause 9 billion cases of lung cancer

13、. This waste product must be stored for 500,000 years before it is of no further danger to man. In the anticipated reactor economy, it is estimated that there will be 10,000 tons of this material in Western Europe, of which one table-spoonful of plutonium-239 represents the official maximum permissi

14、ble body burden for 200,000 people. Rather than being biodegradable, plutonium destroys biological properties.In 1972 the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration ruled that the asbestos level in the work place should be lowered to 2 fibers per cubic centimeter of air, but the effective da

15、te of the ruling has been delayed until now. The International Federation of Chemical and General Workers Unions report that the 2-fiber standard was based primarily on one study of 290 men at a British asbestos factory. But when the workers at the British factory had been reexamined by another phys

16、ician, 40-70 percent had X-ray evidence of lung abnormalities. According to present medical information at the factory in question, out of a total of 29 deaths thus far, seven were caused by lung cancer. An average European or American worker comes into contact with six million fibers a day. “We are

17、 now, in fact, finding cancer deaths within the family of the asbestos worker,“ states Dr. Irving Selikoff, of the Mount Sinai Medical School in New York.It is now also clear that vinyl chloride, a gas from which the most widely used plastics are made, causes a fatal cancer of the blood-vessel cells

18、 of the liver. However, the history of the research on vinyl chloride is, in some ways, more disturbing than the “Watergate cover-up.“ “There has been evidence of potentially serious disease among polyvinyl chloride workers for 25 years that has been incompletely appreciated and inadequately approac

19、hed by medical scientists and by regulatory authorities,“ summed up Dr. Selikoff in the New Scientist. At least 17 workers have been killed by vinyl chloride because research over the past 25 years was not followed up. And for over 10 years, workers have been exposed to concentrations of vinyl chlor

20、ide 10 times the “safe limit“ imposed by Dow Chemical Company. (422 words)Notes: plutonium 钚。asbestos 石棉。polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯。(分数:10.00)(1).By “ecocide“ the author most probably meansA waste utilization.B ecological balance.C radioactive reaction.D massive bio-destruction.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Acc

21、ording to the text, the author mentions plutonium in paragraph 1 toA estimate the amount of nuclear material in Europe.B exemplify one of the possible causes of lung cancer.C highlight the measures needed to prevent lung cancer.D show the destructive properties of industrial waste materials.(分数:2.00

22、)A.B.C.D.(3).The style of the second paragraph is mainlyA factual.B sarcastic.C emotional.D argumentative.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).According to paragraph 3, some workers have been killed by harmful pollutants in thatA production could not be halted.B they failed to take safety measures.C research was no

23、t pursued to a solution.D safety equipment was not adequately provided.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).It can be inferred from the text that the author believes thatA nationwide application of anti-pollution devices can finally prevent cancer.B tough legislation is needed to set lower limits of worker exposure

24、 to harmful chemicals.C more research is required into the causes of cancer before further progress can be made.D industrialization must be slowed down to prevent further spread of cancer-causing agents.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Teach for America (TFA) was founded by Wendy Kopp in 199

25、0. It is a non-profit organisation that recruits top-notch graduates from elite institutions and gets them to teach for two years in struggling state schools in poor areas.I had thought the programme was about getting more high-quality teachers but that, it appears, is a secondary benefit. “This is

26、about enlisting the energy of our countrys future leaders in its long-term educational needs, and eliminating inequity,” Wendy explains. Its great if “corps members”, as TFA calls its active teachers, stay in the classroom and many do, and rise quickly through the ranks.But the “alums”, as she calls

27、 those who have finished their two-year teaching, who dont stay in schools often go on to lead in other fields, meaning that increasing numbers of influential people in all walks of life learn that it is possible to teach successfully in low-income communities, and just what it takes. “It means you

28、realise that we can solve this problem.”As she continues to talk I realise that TFA is in the best possible sense a cult. It has its own language (“corps members”, “alums”), recruits are instilled (“We tell them that it can be done, that we know of hundreds, thousands, of teachers attaining tremendo

29、us success”), go through an ordeal (“Everyone hits the wall in week three in the classroom”), emerge transformed by privileged knowledge (“Once you know what we know that kids in poor urban areas can excel you can accomplish different things”) and can never leave (alumni form a growing, and influent

30、ial, network). I have not seen the same zeal when talking to those on the equivalent programme in England, Teach First., in which the missionary-style language imported from America had to be toned down, because it just didnt suit the restrained English style. But could that favour be necessary for

31、its success?Chester, an alum, takes me to visit three TFA corps members at a middle school in the Bronx. They are impressive young people, and their zeal is evident. Two intend to stay in teaching; both want to open charter schools. One, a Hispanic woman, is working out with a friend how to educate

32、migrant Hispanic labourers in Texas; the other would like to open a “green” charter, but in the meantime he has accepted a job with the KIPP charter group in Newark, New Jersey.All three are tired. Their classrooms are not much like the rest of the school where they work, and their heroic efforts ar

33、e only supported by Chester and each other, not by their co-workers. “The first year was unbelievably bad,” one tells me. “So many years with low expectations meant a lot of resistance from the kids. Eventually they saw the power and the growth they were capable of.”(分数:10.00)(1).The primary goal of

34、 TFA isA to get more high-quality teachers.B to help struggling state schools in poor areas.C to attract the future leaders to education.D to improve the low-income communities.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Which of the following is true about TFAs “corps members” and “alums”?A The corps members stay in scho

35、ols after finishing their two-year teaching.B The alums dont stay in schools after finishing their two-year teaching.C A corps member will be an alum after finishing the two-year teaching.D A corps member becomes an alum if he or she has quitted halfway.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What does the author thin

36、k of the Teach First programme in England?A It lacks the same fervour that TFA has.B It doesnt suit the British English style.C It is imported from the USA.D It is not successful in the UK.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).TFA teachersA are all impressive young people.B are tired and unhappy in their work.C get

37、much resistance from the kids.D expect high of their students.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The author is most likelyA a graduate from elite institutions.B an education correspondent.C a TFA teacher.D a Teach Firster.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Here in the U. S. a project of moving the governmen

38、t a few hundred miles to the southwest proceeds apace, under the supervision of Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Apart from the usual highways and parks, Byrd has taken a special interest in transplanting pieces of federal agencies from metropolitan Washington to his home state.Strangely, Byrds

39、 little experiment in de-Washingtonization has become the focus of outrage among the very people who are otherwise most critical of Washington and its ways. To these critics, it is the very symbol of congressional arrogance of power, isolation from reality, contempt for the voters, and so on, and de

40、monstrates the need for term limits if not lynching.Consider the good-government advantages of (lets call it) the Byrd Migration. What better way to symbolize an end to the old ways and commitment to reform than physically moving the government? What better way to break up old bureaucracies than to

41、uproot and transplant them, files and all?Second, spreading the government around a bit ought to reduce that self-feeding and self regarding Beltway culture that Washington-phobes claim to dislike so much. Of course there is a good deal of hypocrisy in this anti-Washington chatter. Much of it comes

42、from politicians and journalists who have spent most of their adult lives in Washington and wouldnt care to live anywhere else. They are not rushing to West Virginia themselves, except for the occasional quaint rustic weekend. But they can take comfort that public servants at the Bureau of the Publi

43、c Debt, at least, have escaped the perils of inside-the-Beltway insularity.Third, is Senator Byrds raw spread-the-wealth philosophy completely illegitimate? The Federal Government and government-related private enterprises have made metropolitan Washington one of the richest areas of the country. By

44、 contrast, West Virginia is the second poorest state, after Mississippi. The entire countrys taxes support the government. Why shouldnt more of the country get a piece of it? As private businesses are discovering, the electronic revolution is making it less and less necessary for work to be centrali

45、zed at headquarters. Theres no reason the government shouldnt take more advantage of this trend as well.It is hardly enough, though, to expel a few thousand midlevel bureaucrats from the alleged Eden inside the Washington Beltway. Really purging the Washington Culture enough to satisfy its noisiest

46、critics will require a mass exodus on the order of what the Khmer Rouge instituted when they took over Phnom Penh in 1975. Until the very members of the TIME Washington bureau itself are traipsing south along 1-95, their word processors strapped to their backs, the nation cannot rest easy. But Ameri

47、cas would-be Khmer Rouge should give Senator Byrd more credit for showing the way.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the text, “a mass exodus“ (Para. 6) most probably meansA removing the central functions of government.B directing federal spending towards a state.C shifting businesses to a landlocked state.

48、D reforming pieces of government agencies.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Which of the following cannot describe the publics opinions the government?A “Egotistic.“B “Centralized.“C “Illegitimate.“D “Bureaucratic./(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(3).It is implied in the 4th paragraph that some politicians and journalistsA are entitled to some privileges.B escape the complexities of life.C are very doubtful of Byrds plans.D often give their dishonest opinions.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.(4).As used in the text, “the alleged Eden“ (Para. 6) symbolizesA “paradise.“B “isolation.“C “noisiness.“D “luxuries./(分数:2.00)A.B.

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