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1、考研英语(一)-61 及答案解析(总分:80.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)In 1998 consumers could purchase virtually anything over the Internet. Books, compact discs, and even stocks were 1 from World Wide Websites that seemed to 2 almost daily a few years earlier, some people had predicted that cons

2、uners accustomed to shopping in stores would be 3 to buy things that they could not see or touch 4 . For a growing number of time-starved consumers, however, shopping from their home computer was proving to be a convenient 5 to driving to the store. A research estimated that in 1998 US consumers cou

3、ld purchase $ 7.3 billion of goods over the Internet, double the 1997 total. Finding a bargain was getting easier, 6 the rise of online auctions and Websites that did comparison shopping on the Internet for the best 7 . For all the consumer interest, 8 in eyberspaee was still a largely 9 business, h

4、owever. Internet pioneer Amazon. eom, which began selling books in 1995 and later 10 into recorded music and videos, posted 11 of $ 153.7 million in the third quarter, up from $ 37.9 million in the same period of 1997. Overall, 12 , the company“ s loss widened to $ 45.2 million from $9.6 million, an

5、d analysts did not expect the company to turn a profit 13 2001. 14 the great loss, Amazon. tom had a stock market value of many billions, reflecting investors“ 15 about the future of the industry. Internet retailing appealed 16 investors because it provided an efficient means for reaching millions o

6、f consumers without having the cost of operating 17 stores with their armies of salespeople. Selling online carried its own risks, however, 18 so many companies competing tor consumers“ attention, price competition was 19 and profit 20 thin or nonexistent.(分数:10.00)A.assessableB.availableC.acceptabl

7、eD.abundantA.turn upB.show upC.bring upD.spring upA.preferableB.enjoyableC.reluctantD.indifferentA.in allB.in personC.before handD.in realityA.alterationB.alternationC.alternatorD.alternativeA.in spite ofB.owing toC.according toD.in the light ofA.tradeB.exchangeC.commerceD.dealA.retailingB.wholesali

8、ngC.wholesomeD.purchasingA.unprofitableB.profiteeringC.productiveD.repayableA.developedB.branchedC.separatedD.distributedA.revenueB.taxC.tariffD.avenueA.consequentlyB.thoughC.howeverD.yetA.inB.byC.afterD.untilA.Because ofB.Apart fromC.DespiteD.ThoughA.enthusiasmB.depressionC.optimismD.pessimismA.toB

9、.forC.aboutD.towardsA.habitualB.reutilizedC.conventionalD.customaryA.forB.despiteC.toD.withA.intenseB.intensiveC.tenseD.intensifiedA.benefitsB.marginsC.advantagesD.gains二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Once upon a time, innovation at Procter today, th

10、ey could even be in the majority. “ As Procter the emotional stresses would be too great to be survived. Accordingly, even where the cultural ideals do not prohibit plural marriages, these may occur on any notable scale only societies where for one reason or another, one sex markedly outnumbers the

11、other. In short, monogamy not only prevails in most of the world“s societies, either as the only approved form of marriage or as the only feasible form, but it may also prevail within a polygamous society where, very often, only a minority of the population can actually secure more than one spouse.

12、In a polygynous household the husband must supply a house and garden for each of his wives. The wives live with him in turn, cooking and serving fur him during the period of his visit. The first wife takes precedence over the others. Polyandry is much rarer than polygyny. It is often the result of a

13、 disproportion in the ratio of men to women. In sum, polygamy is not, as so frequently indicated, universally a result of human immorality. It is simply not true, in this aspect of euhure as in many others, that people who follow patterns of culture deemed immoral in our society are thereby lacking

14、in morality. Our ideal and compulsory pattern of marriage, which holds that monogamy is the only appropriate form of marriage, is not shared by all peoples, even by some of those who regularly practice monogamy. In a great many societies, monogamy is only one possible form of marriage, with polygyny

15、 or polyandry as perfectly possible, though less frequent, alternatives.(分数:10.00)(1).A marriage between several men and women should be called_.(分数:2.00)A.polygynyB.polyandryC.monogamyD.not mentioned(2).According to the second paragraph, in societies that encourage polygamous marriages,_.(分数:2.00)A

16、.polygamy is the predominant form of marriagesB.most of the individuals usually have multiple spousesC.there are usually a greater proportion of men than womenD.people are not necessarily married to multiple partners(3).The author believes that plural marriages occur on substantial scales only in so

17、cieties in which_.(分数:2.00)A.polygyny is not prohibitedB.one sex greatly outnumbers the otherC.most people are undereducatedD.a minority of people are very rich and powerful(4).According to the third paragraph, polyandry_.(分数:2.00)A.means the husband must provide for the livelihood of his wivesB.is

18、a marriage tradition in which the first husband takes precedence over the othersC.is much rarer than other marriage formsD.is often the result of women outnumbering men(5).We can infer from the last paragraph that_.(分数:2.00)A.many people believe that plural marriages denote immorality of other socie

19、tiesB.those societies that do not uphold monogamy as the dominant marriage form are immoralC.polygyny or polyandry are possible alternative marriage forms in most societiesD.the author lives in a society where plural marriages are socially accepted六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)You slip the key into the ig

20、nition and crank the engine to life. But before you put the ear into gear, you tap a key on the keyboard mounted by the steering wheel, and your newest e-mail flashes up on the windscreen. This seductive satyr is what you get when you cross a ear and a eomputer. Dubbed the “network vehiele“, or net-

21、mobile, it may soon come to a driveway near you ( probably the one belonging to your rich neighbor). In a net-mobile, a motorist could tap into a regional road system but also to map out a route around rush-hour traffic snags. Drivers and passengers will be able to send and receive e-mail, track the

22、 latest sports scores or stock quotes, surf the Web, and even play video games. Or so, at least, say a number of computer-industry firms such as Microsoft, Sun, IBM and Netseape. The modern car is already an electronic showcase on wheels . On-board microcomputers improve fuel economy and reduce emis

23、sions. They operate anti-lock brake systems, and on some ears even regulate the firmness of the shock absorbers. But much of the technology needed to add extra is available now. A prototype network vehicle, produced by a consortium of Netseape, Sun, IBM and Delco (an automotive electronics firm base

24、d in Michigan), was introduced at the recent annual computer industry show in Las Vegas. It not only offered such desktop-eomputer-like services as e-mail, but allowed a driver to use them without looking away from the road. It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscre

25、en, using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets. Members of the consortium think a real-world network vehicle could be in production in as little as four years. Car-makers have already begun rolling out some of the features found on these prototype net mobiles. If the

26、driver of a General Motors car equipped with its On-Star system locks his key in the car, for example, an emergency centre can transmit a digital signal to unlock the doors. On-star also calls automatically for help if an accident triggers the airbags. Toyota and General Motors are among a growing l

27、ist of firms offering such in-ear navigation systems. And in Europe, BMW and Mercedes-Benz recently introduced navigation hardware that can not only plot out a route, but alert a driver to traffic jams.(分数:10.00)(1).The future car can be defined as the machine which_.(分数:2.00)A.sends and receives e-

28、mails, and surfs the WebB.taps into a regional road system to get directionsC.combines car functions and computer functionsD.tracks the latest sports scores and stock quotes(2).“An electronic showcase on wheels“ probably means_.(分数:2.00)A.a computer industry showB.a network carC.a car that exhibits

29、electronic achievementsD.a computer that has wheels(3).Compared with an ordinary modern car, the network vehicle will have an on-board microcomputer which_.(分数:2.00)A.projects data on the windscreenB.improves fuel economy and reduces emissionsC.operates anti-lock brake systemsD.regulates the firmnes

30、s of the shock absorbers(4).The in-car navigation system has all of the following functions EXCEPT_.(分数:2.00)A.calling for help if an accident triggers the airbagB.transmitting a digital signal to unlock the doorsC.alerting emergency centre if the key is locked in the carD.plotting out route and ale

31、rt one to traffic jams(5).The passage is written probably to_.(分数:2.00)A.promote electronic cultureB.advertise for the motor manufacturersC.attract potential motor consumersD.provide information about the net vehicle七、Text 4(总题数:1,分数:10.00)For health insurance, the United States has taken the road l

32、ess traveled. The United States is the only rich country without universal health insurance. People in the United States spend the most, rely heavily on the private sector, and obtain care from the world“s most complicated delivery system. While some supporters have expressed satisfaction, if not pr

33、ide, in these remarkable qualities, others contend that the United States faces unique limitations in reforming health care. In her exceptional book,Parting at the Crossroads, Antonia Maioni compares the formation of the U.S. and Canadian health-care systems for the years 19301960. The United States

34、 and Canada are often considered the most similar of Western democracies. They share a common border, are wealthy, and have federal government. Their trade unions are only moderately powerful, and their populations are diverse and young. Nevertheless, their heath-insurance systems are nearly opposit

35、e. The United States relies on a mix of government plans. Targeted to the elderly and indigent, and employment based plans, which the government indirectly supports, Canada offers public health insurance to all qualified resident, with the private sector providing supplementary services in some prov

36、inces. Labor organizations became strong advocates for health-insurance reform in both countries. Their impact partially depended on political institutions and how other actors, particularly organized medicine, wielded them. Canada“s governmental and electoral systems allowed labor to cooperate with

37、 a social democratic party in the Saskatchewan province, which established a universal program. The Saskatchewan program demonstrated universal insurance feasibility, spurring the dominant Liberals to introduce a national universal program. In contrast, the U. S. electoral system effectively preclud

38、ed third-party formation, forcing organized labor to dilute its health-insurance goals because it was one of many interests represented by the Democratic Party. Maioni suggests that economic vitality is important for the future of both countries“ systems, but the prognosis is uncertain. Despite rece

39、nt concerns about the Canadian government“s budgetary health, Maioni contends that widespread support protects universal insurance. Conversely, Maioni seems pessimistic about options for U.S. universal health insurance. Despite economic buoyancy, dissension will likely prevent reforms. Although a de

40、vastating econmnic downturn would make health finance difficult in either country, the U.S. system seems especially vulnerable. Employment-based insurance and Medicare both rely on labor market attachment. High, chronic unemployment could result in coverage loss and financial difficulties for employ

41、er insurance and Medicare, swelling the uninsured pool. Such a crisis could provide an opening for universal health insurance. In any case, whether the United States relies on the public or private sector, escalating health expenditures figure into budget of government, corporations, and families, t

42、he U. S. health care system“s future may depend on Americans“ willingness to devote more of their national income to health care.(分数:10.00)(1).From the first sentence we learn that the United States_.(分数:2.00)A.has gone aslray about what it does with health insuranceB.has complicated its heahh insur

43、ance policy and confused its peopleC.has reformed its heahh care to their average people“s satisfactionD.carries out a different health insurance policy home other Western countries(2).Canadian heahh-care systems are dill)rent from those of the U.S. in that_.(分数:2.00)A.the federal government is dire

44、ctly responsible for themB.private sectors in Canada play a more important roleC.the government only indirectly supports the employment-based plansD.the trade unions in both countries are only moderately powerful in such matters(3).The Saskatchewan program in Canada shows that_.(分数:2.00)A.the labor

45、union of a country can play a positive role in heahh-insurance reformB.universal health insurance is practicable in a federal governmentC.a third party is needed to coordinate the efforts of the government and the labor unionD.the electoral system has a direct impact on the insurance plan(4).The vul

46、nerability of the U.S. insurance systems lies in_.(分数:2.00)A.its failure to extend its coverage to the poor and elderlyB.its excessive dependence on the labor marketC.Americans“ willingness to buy insuranceD.the willingness of the government to invest in them(5).The passage is most likely to be_.(分数

47、:2.00)A.a summary of a government-sponsored program in health policy studyB.a review of a book in health-care system studyC.a survey of the influence of economic policies on the health-care systemD.a critical commentary on the U八、Part B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)All modern human originated in sub-Saharan Afric

48、a, according to a new study boasted by its founders as the “final blow“ against an opposing viewpoint. Not so fast, says one anthropologist who finds flaws in the evidence. The new study, published in the July 19 issue of the journal Nature, delivers what the researchers say could be the final verdi

49、ct in support of the single point “Out of Africa“ theory. Manica and colleagues took multiple measurements of more than 4,500 male fossil skulls from 105 populations around the globe. They combined the results with data from studies of global genetic variations in humans, finding that both genetic and skull variability decreased with distance from Africa. So populations in southeastern Africa held the highest variability compared with populations in other countries. The results held even when the scientists account


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