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1、考研英语-57 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Use o(总题数:20,分数:10.00)A.infectB.injectC.saveD.giveA.symptomsB.groansC.goalsD.coughsA.atB.inC.toD.fromA.injectedB.infectedC.injuredD.insertedA.likeableB.likelyC.likingD.likewiseA.fanciedB.flashedC.floppedD.gaspedA.changeB.enterC.loseD.setA.snapB.spoilC.st


3、orB.out ofC.fromD.toA.seldomB.rareC.scarceD.lessA.painB.worryC.terrorD.cry二、BSection Readi(总题数:5,分数:10.00)21.Which statement is NOT true according to para. 2?_.(分数:2.00)A.The black clergy depended on WashingtonB.The black clergy didnt trust ATFC.The number of cases of arson is generally decreased in

4、 U.S.D.There are about 600 churches burnt in U.S. every year22.It can be inferred from the para. 1 that _.(分数:2.00)A.the Clarendon county are connected to other church firesB.the burning of churches may be caused by terroristsC.no one was arrestedD.FBI agents are not involved in the case23.From the

5、context the word “quagmire“ means_.(分数:2.00)A.mudB.poolC.wet fieldD.difficult situation24.What is the attitude of Rev A Baldwin towards the burning of churches?(分数:2.00)A.AngryB.IndifferentC.ForgivenessD.Hate25.Why are many churches called tinder-box?(分数:2.00)A.Because they are like boxesB.For they

6、are made from woodC.Because they are black churchesD.For they are located on country roads三、BText 2/B(总题数:5,分数:10.00)26.From para. 7 we may draw the conclusion that_.(分数:2.00)A.your blood type is not decided by your red cellsB.your blood type is decided by the antigens in your red cellsC.your blood

7、type is decided by the A, B or AB antigensD.your blood type is decided by the different kind of serum27.In this article the author states that blood test has_.(分数:2.00)A.only one functionB.two functionsC.three functionsD.four functions28.In para. 4 the author uses an example to show_.(分数:2.00)A.what

8、 a low concentration of oxygen-carrying red cells will doB.the serious consequence of imbalance of the bloodC.how a low concentration of white cells reduce the body s ability to fight infectionD.how the red cells to carry oxygen to every part of body29.“It carries white blood cells and disease-fight

9、ing chemicals called antibodies to places where foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses are causing infections“ this statement_.(分数:2.00)A.proves how blood fights against invadersB.implies how invaders cause infectionsC.dose not tell how white cells fight against foreign invadersD.explain the

10、functions of the red cells and white cells30.“But the doctor cant use just anyones blood. The donors blood has to be of a type that wont be destroyed by your blood.“ This statement means that_.(分数:2.00)A.the doctor cant use the donors blood because your blood can destroy thisB.the doctor has to choo

11、se a donor whose blood can not be destroyed by your bloodC.the doctor has to choose a certain type of blood from a donor whose blood will not be destroyed by yoursD.the doctor can choose a certain type of blood from any donors四、BText 3/B(总题数:5,分数:10.00)31.The best information para. 5 gives the reade

12、r is that _.(分数:2.00)A.members of these networks developed a plan for translating the words into actionB.representatives of 42 governments adopted a resolution pledging greater support for networks of people living with HIV/AIDSC.the Agency is committed to ensuring that people living with HIV/AIDS a

13、re accepted in full partnership by allD.representatives of the Agency plan to cure the people with HIV/AIDS32.In para. 7, the author_.(分数:2.00)A.states that the Agency will take actions in some cross-border regions to stop HIV/AIDS among the mobile populationsB.implies that the multinational coopera

14、tion is the best way to stop HIV/AIDS from spreading among the mobile populationsC.explains that regional approaches is helpful to stop HIV/AIDS from spreading among the mobile populationsD.suggests that people have confidence to defeat HIV/AIDS33.Para. 6 mainly discusses _.(分数:2.00)A.the connection

15、 between compassionate AIDS care and effective HIV preventionB.the emphasis on HIV/AIDS preventionC.exploring the ways to reduce social impact on AIDSD.stating the plans that international world arranged for curing HIV/AIDS34.From para.4 we may draw the conclusion that_.(分数:2.00)A.people living with

16、 HIV/AIDS are good advocates and communicators and they are very successfulB.the voice of people living with HIV/AIDS is too weak to be heardC.the effective way to deal with HIV/AIDS is the full involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS and all of the communitiesD.people living with HIV/AIDS had on

17、ly one way to go, that is death35.“Since USAID began its first HIV/AIDS prevention efforts eight years ago, the epidemic has changed dramatically“ this statement_.(分数:2.00)A.proves that the epidemic has been spreading very fast over the past eight yearsB.implies that the USAID was not very successfu

18、l in the past eight yearsC.shows that the epidemic has spread too fast to be controlled over the past eight yearsD.explains that the epidemic has been controlled五、BText 4/B(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.According to paragraphs 6 and 7,which is most fundamental in producing hydroelectric power? _.(分数:2.00)A.Adeq

19、uate flow of waterB.A steep fallC.The location of the fiverD.The amount of the water37.In para. 6 the author_.(分数:2.00)A.gives an example of ideal rivers for generating electricityB.explains in detail what a suitable fiver for generating electricity should beC.states that the amount of water in the

20、fiver is very importantD.implies that the water plays an important role in industry38.The best information in para. 5 is that_.(分数:2.00)A.electricity from the energy of rivers can be producedB.oil and coal are expensive to extract and transportC.hydroelectric power has some advantages over coal and

21、oilD.waterfalls can be constructed by engineers39.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.when the steam engine was invented, it soon replaced water as a source of power, so water was useless for a certain periodB.Factories could be built far from coal fields, because coal is

22、 portableC.It was convenient to build a factory in the coal fieldsD.Japan is a country that relies on hydroelectric power40.Which of the following statement can NOT be drawn from the information given in para. 8?_(分数:2.00)A.In regard to hydroelectric power, Japan is lucky to have abundant rainfall a

23、nd dense concentration of population.B.No other countries in the world have developed their resources of hydroelectricity to such an extent as Japan.C.Some other Asian countries have also develop their resources of hydroelectricity.D.Japan developed their resources of hydroelectricity greatly compar

24、ed with America.六、BPart B/B(总题数:5,分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、BPart C/B(总题数:5,分数:10.00)_八、BSection Writi(总题数:1,分数:10.00)51.You ordered some ball pens yesterday. But they didnt meet your requirement. You are asked to write a letter of complaint about it, proposing your solution. You

25、r letter should be no less than 100 words, write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Don t sign your own name or address at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming“ instead. ( 10 points)(分数:10.00)_九、BPart B/B(总题数:1,分数:20.00)52.BOutline:/B 1. Present situation 2. Its advantages and disadvantages 3. Your own vie

26、wpoints.(分数:20.00)_考研英语-57 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection Use o(总题数:20,分数:10.00)A.infectB.injectC.saveD.give 解析:考核知识点 固定搭配 解析 Ainfect 传染 Binject 注射 Csave 挽救,节省 Dgive 给予 短语 give sbtreatment 意为“给治疗”,该句意为“给予她狂犬病治疗”,因此答案为 D。A.symptoms B.groansC.goalsD.coughs解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 Asymptoms 症状 Bgroans 呻吟

27、 Cgoals 目标 Dcoughs 咳嗽 短语“to show the classic symptoms“意为“表现出典型病状”。A.atB.inC.toD.from 解析:考核知识点 介词辨析 解析 Aat Bin Cto Dfrom 文章语句意为“那条咬伤 Andrea的狗从村子里悄然消失”,只有 D合题意。A.injectedB.infected C.injuredD.inserted解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 Ainjected 注射 Binfected 传染、感染 Cinjured 损害、伤害 Dinserted 插入 句意为“被传染的动物”,只有 B符合。A.likeabl

28、e B.likelyC.likingD.likewise解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 A1ikeable adj可爱的 Blikely adj可能的 Cliking n喜爱 Dlikewise adv同样地(ad) 从句意看,那是一条小的可爱的狗,其它均不合题意。A.fancied B.flashedC.floppedD.gasped解析:考核知识点 词汇辨析及上下文理解 解析 Afancied 喜欢,想像 Bflashed 闪光 Cflopped 飘动 Dgasped 喘气 本文从句意可判断出医生开玩笑说那条狗一定是喜欢吃 Andrea的肉,其它选项均不合题意。A.changeB.ent

29、er C.loseD.set解析:考核知识点 上下文句意理解 解析 Achange Benter Close Dset 四个选项均可接 my mind,意思分别为:change ones mind 改变主意;lose ones mind 发狂;set ones mind on. 很想要;enter (into) ones mind 某人想到该句的意思是“那是一条可爱的小狗,我没想到它会有狂犬病”,因此答案为 B。A.snapB.spoil C.strayD.suit解析:考核知识点 词汇辨析 解析 Asnap 猛咬 Bspoil 破坏,宠爱 Cstray 迷路 Dsuit 适合 通过前面讲到

30、Andrea被狗咬伤了腿,而这句又提到 Andrea和她丈夫不想让被狗咬这件事破坏他们度假的兴致。Bspoil 意为“破坏(气氛,兴致),宠爱(孩子)”。A.they B.itC.heD.she解析:考核知识点 上下文指代关系 解析 Athey Bit Che Dshe 该句用 they来代替前面的 symptoms。A.transformedB.transferredC.transmitted D.transported解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 Atransformed 转变,改革 Btransferred 转移,调动 Ctransmitted 传导,传播 Dtransported

31、运输 该句意为“这种病是被感染的动物的咬伤而传播的”,因此只有 C合题意。A.toB.fromC.about D.for解析:考核知识点 介词辨析 解析 Ato Bfrom Cabout Dfor “ no more about the dog“ “不想太多地去想被狗咬伤这件事”“more about”“更多地关于”其它介词语意不通。A.inhaling B.invertingC.inheritingD.initiating解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 Ainhaling 吸入 Binverting 使颠倒 Cinheriting 继承 Dinitiating 创始 该句讲述两位科学家在

32、Texas一个洞里由于吸入了蝙蝠粪便而死亡。A.becauseB.thoughC.ifD.as 解析:考核知识点 上下文逻辑关系 解析 Abecause Bthough Cif Das 从句意看,医生在给Andrea包扎伤口时跟她开玩笑,可见只有 D合题意。A.paidB.gaveC.turnedD.received 解析:考核知识点 动词短语 解析 Apaid Bgave Cturned Dreceived 固定词组sbgive/turn ones attention to 以及 sbpay attention to,而该句主语为 symptoms,因此只有 D合题意。A.nothingB.

33、everythingC.anything D.something解析:考核知识点 固定搭配 解析 Anothing Beverything Canything Dsomething 常见句型“There is something wrong with. 或 Something is wrong with.”,但该句主句为否定句,所以答案为 C。A.outB.down C.upD.off解析:考核知识点 动词短语 解析 Aout Bdown Cup Doff 四个选项中惟有 put it down to hysteria“把归因为癔病”合题意。但 putout“熄灭,制造,出版”;put up

34、张贴,为提供住宿;put off 推迟。A.loafedB.loanedC.loaded D.located解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 Aloafed 游荡 Bloaned 借贷 Cloaded 安放,负荷Dlocated坐落于 根据语意应是把她安放在救护车里,因此只能选 loaded。A.forB.out ofC.fromD.to 解析:考核知识点 动词短语 解析 Afor Bout of Cfrom Dto 该句前面提到“即使把她安放在救护车里,她也会产生幻觉,一见到水就吓得退缩”那么该句意思应是“把她送到附近的精神病院”,故此应是 be directed to .A.seldomB

35、.rare C.scarceD.less解析:考核知识点 同义词辨析 解析 Aseldom Brare Cscarce Dless 根据句意应是“像Andrea 这样的病症是罕见的,很少有的”,所以应选 B,其它用法不当。A.painB.worryC.terror D.cry解析:考核知识点 词语辨析 解析 Apain Bworry Cterror Dcry Recoiling in terror at the sight of water意为“一看到水就吓得退缩”,其它选项语意不通。二、BSection Readi(总题数:5,分数:10.00)21.Which statement is N

36、OT true according to para. 2?_.(分数:2.00)A.The black clergy depended on Washington B.The black clergy didnt trust ATFC.The number of cases of arson is generally decreased in U.S.D.There are about 600 churches burnt in U.S. every year解析:考核题型 正误辨析题 解析 B、C、D 三选项分别从第三段第一句,第二段第四句和第二段第三句中得出同义转述,只有 A选项,文章在第

37、三段首句提到牧师团拜访华盛顿,未提到依靠华盛顿。22.It can be inferred from the para. 1 that _.(分数:2.00)A.the Clarendon county are connected to other church firesB.the burning of churches may be caused by terrorists C.no one was arrestedD.FBI agents are not involved in the case解析:考核题型 推理题 解析 文章句首提到克拉瑞顿县两座黑人教堂失火可能是恐怖分子所为,可见只

38、有 B,其它选项与原文意思相悖。23.From the context the word “quagmire“ means_.(分数:2.00)A.mudB.poolC.wet fieldD.difficult situation 解析:考核题型 词语辨析题 解析 文章在第二段第二句提到纵火案总是难调查的犯罪,可见该句应是对前句 entering a quagmire的同义转述,所以应选 D“困难的处境”。24.What is the attitude of Rev A Baldwin towards the burning of churches?(分数:2.00)A.AngryB.Indi

39、fferentC.Forgiveness D.Hate解析:考核题型 态度题 解析 该题考查文中所提人士态度,并非作者态度,在最后两句话中,我们可推断该人的态度是宽恕,因此答案为 C。25.Why are many churches called tinder-box?(分数:2.00)A.Because they are like boxesB.For they are made from wood C.Because they are black churchesD.For they are located on country roads解析:考核题型 细节题 解析 文章在第二段倒数第二

40、句提到“许多这种教堂都是较老的木质建筑物火绒盒,”可见答案为 B。三、BText 2/B(总题数:5,分数:10.00)26.From para. 7 we may draw the conclusion that_.(分数:2.00)A.your blood type is not decided by your red cellsB.your blood type is decided by the antigens in your red cells C.your blood type is decided by the A, B or AB antigensD.your blood t

41、ype is decided by the different kind of serum解析:考核题型 推理题 解析 该题从第七段最后的两句可推断出答案为 B。27.In this article the author states that blood test has_.(分数:2.00)A.only one functionB.two functionsC.three functions D.four functions解析:考核题型 细节题 解析 作者在第十段第二句提到血检可以用来检测感染的征兆,以及第十二段首句中提到血检可以测出血液里各种化学成分的浓度和血液中循环的血液细胞的变化及

42、类型。可见血检有三个功能。28.In para. 4 the author uses an example to show_.(分数:2.00)A.what a low concentration of oxygen-carrying red cells will doB.the serious consequence of imbalance of the blood C.how a low concentration of white cells reduce the body s ability to fight infectionD.how the red cells to carry

43、 oxygen to every part of body解析:考核题型 细节题 解析 举例一般都是为了说明前面某种情况,在该句前面“so can an imbalance. parts“是一表明前面情况也适合于后者的倒装句,在上段末句提到“因突发事故或疾病而大量失血会导致严重后果”,因此“so canbloods parts“意为“血液各成分之间失调也会引发严重后果”,随后的举例也是为了说明这一点,因此答案为 B。29.“It carries white blood cells and disease-fighting chemicals called antibodies to place

44、s where foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses are causing infections“ this statement_.(分数:2.00)A.proves how blood fights against invadersB.implies how invaders cause infectionsC.dose not tell how white cells fight against foreign invaders D.explain the functions of the red cells and white ce

45、lls解析:考核题型 单句释义题 解析 该句的下句只提到白血球贪婪地吞噬侵入的异物,而抗体则把它们摧毁,可见文中并未提到白血球如何与入侵异物抗争。30.“But the doctor cant use just anyones blood. The donors blood has to be of a type that wont be destroyed by your blood.“ This statement means that_.(分数:2.00)A.the doctor cant use the donors blood because your blood can destroy thisB.the doctor has to choose a donor whose blood can not be destroyed by your bloodC.the doctor has to choose a certain type of blood from a donor whose blood will not be destroyed by yours D.the doctor can choose a certain type of blood from any donors解析:考核题型 单句释义题 解析 通过对题干中


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